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" I apologize, i mean he IS called the Berzerker for a reason. His pride over combat is immense because that is his chosen path, even if he does not lie. Some of us regret this unlife, some embrace it. And we where mortal once, And set our minds on the future, as you can. " Orestes said as he finished his checks.
Kai'zen puffed smoke and rose a bit letting the guard form ranks around him the dragon on his right eyeing the two on his back, "My lord, forgive me for asking but why are there mortals on your back?" Kai'zen grinned, "Long story I'll update everyone when we are settled, but i short they are honored guests as well as those armors, tend to any and all needs they may have, and Inform my sister of our return." the large gold dragon who was twice the size of Kai'zen nodded and flew forward speeding towards the palace and disappearing. "Lilly, Sayan we'll be circling around and land in the grand mall expect stares." He let out a jet of flame as did his guards as theg approached flying high over even the tallest spire.

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"Oh no, I don't wanna be stared at. i've been stared at my whole life, I thought dragons were different than humans were." Sayan says, keeping his head down. Lilly sighs and takes Sayan's hands.

"Summon your magic, your favorite color, I'm going to help you weave a cloak so they'll only see your magic, not you. Since your powers do resemble that of a dragon, they'll hopefully respect your privacy."

"O-okay," Sayan says and they weave a cloak that looks like a midnight sky. Lilly helps him put it on and it hides his small form completely."I can't even see me, it's perfect."

"Okay then, just stick to me okay? I'll probably get more looks than you. They might just believe you're a sickly dragonling who needed help getting up." Lilly smiles at him and he nods.
"Aye don't worry the last part was more aimed at Lilly, if even I mistook you for a hatchling I doubt anyone else will give you a second look." They began their descent they angled over the great Palace/city and straightened out when they were aligned with a large courtyard that had two massive building on either side, as large as the building were the great mall made them look miniscule as thousands of dragon in either form lined a walkway designated for Kai'zen and the others.

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"Wow! This is super cool!" Sayan says, looking down and around.

"There's probably more people down there than I've ever seen before. I'm used to stares and handling a thousand questions at once, but handling two thousand questions at once, I've never attempted such a thing."

"You've not actually done that, have you?" Sayan asks her.

"I have, and the number is not approximate." Lilly pulls a hood over her head. "I might be in your boat this time, Sayan. You're the one that fits in, the armors and I are not."

"Dont worry, I won't let them pick on you."

" I care not if they stare. Many probably know what we are, i mean we are probably older then most of the creatures alive, much less here. : Orestes said, his cloak flapping around him. His helmet shifted side to side as he looked at the design of the city around them.
The two semi-mortals keep quiet as they take in their surroundings. Lilly wished she could take pictures, but she had left her camera at home.
Kai'zen landed and lowered his neck to let the two off his neck, he then shifted into a human-like form keeping his skin tone, hair color, and other features but they were different. His hair was sort and nearly cut his robes were white, line, and pristine. He looked more like an emperor now instead of a wandering warrior. He Looked to Syphelia who had shifted but wasn't much different and smiled he then looked to everyone. "This way." The dragons all cheered and stared as the group proceeded down the path going up a few stairs and in through massive doors into an even larger hall big enough to fit hundreds of full-sized dragons (which was the point). The whole palace was elegantly decorated and the designs flowed into each other continuing and converging onto a not so empty throne. The woman sitting in it seemed young and was quite attractive, unlike Kai'zen she wore black and red, and had a fearsome gaze that penetrated to one's soul. "Welcome to Isvraiyei, and to you two, welcome home." Kai'zen nodded as well as Syphelia, "Thank you, we have guests as you see and some very important business to discuss. Though I'm sure you already knew that didn't you Azazell." The woman nodded and stood walking towards a giant door waving them over, "Let's begin then."

(Kai'zen: http://static.na.aiononline.com/powerbook/aion/33/41/4168ddc6cd19b078b37af5ca.jpg

Azazell: http://static.na.aiononline.com/powerbook/aion/69/59/64d9bd2395f827589bef9b22.jpg she's the on the end in a dress )

Can't apologize enough for the lack or replying. But I'm very sorry anyways :(

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Kai'zen and Syphelia followed Azazell into the room entering into a circular meeting room where the hairs all faced the center, with a large chair on each side. Kai'zen sat in one his movements becoming more fluid and graceful as he seemed more relaxed in his element. Syphelia took her seat next to him and Azazell sat in the other large chair across from Kai'zen. Letting the others come in as more dragons entered all in humanoid form and wearing garments of rank, from military officers, to magicians of all sorts they filed in leaving seats for their guests.
Orestes looked at the gathered officials. Many clearly knew some magic but he could tell from auras almost none of them would be able to stand on his level. Koroland saw only the one they accompanied as a true warrior, the rest clearly only tacticians and commanders. Orestes was a better leader as Koroland was only a Champion, capable in a fight and of inspiring greatness through deeds.
Lilly and Sayan stuck together, their nerves on edge. Sayan looked at everything they passed but kept silent, Lilly was taking mental notes of everything so she could fill Daemon in on the details later. She couldn't write in her journal here, not with so many potential dangers around. They sat in the seats left for them (I assume they're sitting next to each other). Lilly sets her cat's carrier on the floor under her chair, knowing the cat was keeping a mental record as well. Traveler had a perfect memory, and would be able to recite exactly what happened and what was said when she filled out her journal later.

Sayan sat with his arm against hers, keeping his hood over his head and his cloak hiding his wings. He thought coming here would be exciting, meeting other dragons and maybe learning dragon's magic, but now that he was in the same space with them, he felt more than a little intimadated. How could he ever end up like one of these dragons? He was a weakling, tiny, bullied, he wasn't even able to fly. He'd never be able to stand on the same playing field as all of these others. They were at least raised with and by other dragons. He was found by aspiring dragon hunters. So many differences.
Orestes and Koroland looked at the chairs left for them. The chairs where sized for an average human. Pulling his back Orestes kneeled at the table edge, Koroland hesitantly copying. The pair where close enought to Lilly to get to her before nearly anything, even arrows and spells. They would not be the reason for the fall of her.
Azazell scanned the people and armors Kai'zen had brought with him. "Who exactly are these people brother." Her question was more of a statement as she looked directly into his eyes. He smiled, "These are my companions Lilly, Sayan, Orestes, Koroland, and Traveler. They came with me to help build an accurate assement of the current situation." Kai'zen taps the table and it hums to life light reaching up and creating a an image of two orbs that were slowly growing closer a rift opening between them. "It seems the worlds are on course to collide, with catastrophic effects. This seems to be caused by us battling in a parallel world. It has begun shaving slight effects on us as well."

Azazell nodded then looked at the armory, "I assume he means you, either way what information do you all have for us." For some reason Azazell seemed not to really ask question all her sentences came out as statements even with the slight inflections in her voice.
"I guess dragon's don't have the same reunion ritual that humans do," Sayan whispers to Lilly. "Normally there's friendly contact, there's no cantact here or any indication that she's happy he's home or anything."

Lilly shrugs, "Dragon's aren't human, humans are big emotional wrecks, dragon's are more composed than that."

"That's an accurate description of humans."
Orestes merely looked at the Draconic speaking. Dragons had never amused him as they had so many other magic users. His interests had always been Daemonic in nature. That and fire. He had already stopped keeping most of his mind hear, the rest of his energy scanning for breaches in Reality that meant that something other had punched throught. Kororland had spent the entire time looking at the various dragons and feeling disappointed he wasn't allowed to fight any of them.
(She asked you all a question about the information you have, I thought you knew I was waiting for you.

Lilly glances at Kai'zen, then at the other dragoness.

"Diana said that the disturbance is caused by the monsters in the banished realms waking up. We need to go to the Banished lands, kill or make dormant the monsters, and then the disturbance will level out. She also said something about a doctor and a strength tonic for my wings or something. oh and the suits need to stop using them reality thingies, otherwise the worlds will slip into each other. I think that's it, right," he looks to Lilly. She things about it, and then gives him a nod. (Sayan and she are still cloaked and all anyone can see are the cloaks. both cloaks make it so neither of them can be seen even with magic, all there is are the cloaks.)
" We cannot stop using reality weapons. We ARE reality weapons. Thought i do not know how the grenade affect reality as they ground our reality to itself. " Koroland said. His weapon growled at his side, the creature bound inside the ax spinning the teeth to show its discomfort here.

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