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Fandom Anything, forever accepting

" The magic i know enhances and empowers a body part, making it stronger then even a fully grown version. The only cost is pain and the tooth of a Shrike, witch i have. " He said a she studied him. The balls of flame shifted from the normal blue to a gold color as he switched the spectrum he views things.
( Going to create a flying character to replace Dragon, mostly because of epic new art. That and reality altering is bad, )

Kai'zen looked to Sayan and then to Orestes, "Let the hatchling do what he is comfortable with, the royal apothecary is next to the armory she should have the tonic you need, she has everything. Seriously she invented the most commonly used potions and such, quite a magnificent sorceress. If either of you would like to learn from her this palace is open to you." He turned and exited the room stopping on the other side of the door yet out of sight he waited. Syphelia stood by holding the door for the others. "Let us hurry we don't have time to waste."
Seeing Sayan and Lilly come through the door Kai'zen's began walking once again knowing the armors wouldn't be far behind. They walked down a hall whose right side had a railing overlooking a courtyard full of training soldiers male and female. They fought hard but with great skill and restraint knowing that they are not to harm one another, one of the generals called them all to attention and they swiftly formed up bowing in the groups direction before returning to their practice. "Personally I hate when they do that, they are all just as important as we are." He nodded to them before reaching the doors to the apothecary's and opening them wide and stepping in.
"Wow!" Lilly and Sayan said together as they entered. Lilly took off to look at all the things on shelves, like a kid in a candy store. Sayan giggles as Traveler meows indignantly from his carrier.

"Something tells me she's going to be talking a lot with the apothecary," Sayan says, grinning.
The sky light up in the courtyard as Orestes passed through. Neoverl had arrived and did so in fashion, as was his preference. Crunching down he looked at the group and followed in. He spoke quietly to Orestes about his " Project " that had been finished and awaited him to need to use the weapon.
Sayan goes over to Lilly and frees the cat from the carrier. Traveler climbs up Sayan's arm and sits on his shoulder, tail swishing unhappily as Lilly continued to browse the stuff.
Kai'zen's face filled with a smile as he saw the reactions of Lilly and Sayan, he turned to the counter as a woman with milky white hair and creamy skin passed through a doorway her eyes as white as snow. She gazed over the group a smile forming on her face as well. "Welcome, my name is Dreya, how can I help you all today. She noticed the bottle in Lilly's hand and a look of alarm appeared on her face. "Be careful with that miss, if it is shaken too much....well all I can say is boom, so what do you alleged?"
Dreya looked at the youngling, "Don't be shy, I don't bite." Her smile was bright and genuine, one of the reason she was allowed in the palace. Her trustworthiness had won over Kai'zen's father when he was Kai'zen's age which was very long ago. Even by dragon a dragons standard of time.
Dreya looked to the youngling and walked to a shelf that was towards the front of the lab picking out a glass vile filled with black liquid taking it to Sayan. "Try this it is a growth tonic, it will effectively make your wings larger aaand." She walked over and grabbed a white filled vial the liquid seeming to shine a bit "There is a strength potion, with your muscles they way they are now your body wouldn't be able to manage your proper wing size take the white one a moment before the black one leave no more time than it takes to take a breath in between consumption or the process will be very painful. If you just take a breath and then drink the black potion they will work together properly growing and strengthening your wings. And don't worry the section I pulled the vials from only pertain to wings. If you don't believe me ask Lord Kai'zen, he needed these same two vials before he could fly properly and now he's faster than most wind dragons." Kai'zen's face turned a bit pinkish and both Dreya and Syphelia laughed. "It's true." he said nodding.

Whoa didn't get the notice my bad)
(it's all good)

Sayan did as instructed, not too wild about the taste though. When he was done he looked at her, "You wouldn't happen to know what kind of dragon i am, would you?"
Name: Unknown

Nickname: Unknown

Age: Unkniwn

Race: Unknown


Birthday: Unknown

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10

Blood Type: Unknown

Favorite Subject(s): Engineering

Favorite Food(s): Does not eat

Personality: Very shy, tends to stay away.

Other: Can cloak and simple psi powers

weapon, C-10 Canitster rifle
(That's a lot of unknowns, but accepted, we'll have to work out some way for you to join our group. perhaps on the way to the Banished Realms. Although you might be able to fit in with the Suits, Firelava plays them.)
[QUOTE="Solomon the Prophet](That's a lot of unknowns, but accepted, we'll have to work out some way for you to join our group. perhaps on the way to the Banished Realms. Although you might be able to fit in with the Suits, Firelava plays them.)

I am not mechanic... I am something, but you guys have to find out
Dreya couldn't help but scratch her chin, "Actually I wouldn't know until I saw your wings, best description would be your primary element and your scale color but.... oh your wings the scales on your wings stems should tell me that....now what magic do you use? Can you use much or any?"
"What the... Where am I..." He gets up, with the rifle in his hand, and begins to walk, scanning for any entities.
(I was going to say, with all the random portals he could just get shot into the world if not the palace.)

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