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Fandom Anything, forever accepting

(Well a post every day or two is good since life does get in the way and stuff, whenever you can is good. Go ahead and post a character.)
Ok. Thank you!

Name: Vlad Tepes

Nickname: Alucard/Dracula.

Race: Full blood vampire of the dark.

Powers: teleportation. Control of darkness. Massive regeneration factor. Enhanced physical conditions. Able to restore himself by drinking blood and can control blood.

Weakness: anything that has to do with holy or light can make him disappear for a long while. He is not a strong in daytime.

Appearance: Procile pic

Personality: very proper and polite. Much like a butler. He is a reckless fighter, contesting with his personality. He usually lets the enemy attack him first and then he kills them.

Bio: "My dear. People's pasts are people's weaknesses."
" Fools" Orestes barked. "I had it bound. I wished to interogate it about its world". He sighted in disgust before looking at the other Curst. Neoverl shruged and tossed his mace into thin air. Koroland holstrred his weapons, but if a faceless mask could look annoyed, he pulled it off
Kai'zen growled as he deflected another blow hitting the flat of the Steelwalkers sword and knocking it off balance, "Oh we're the fools, anyone with experience would know Steelwalkers have to intelligence." He ducked another strike and delivered three punches to it's chest a loud screeching of metal grinding on metal could be heard as his punches bent the metal inwards. "They run on a desire for destruction, and were once controlled by a powerful mage...but we don't have to worry about her."
Orestes sighted and gestured. Neoverl leapt forward and grabbed the creature before bodily smashing it into the ground. Walking to the portal that gaped open, but was closing, he held its head in the lip while portal slowly cut its head apart.
Vlad was wandering the streets to find his next victim for his late night snack. He wandered for a good hour before he saw someone getting mugged in an alley. Vlad teleported behind the mugger an tapped his shoulder. "My dear. That's not right. Now. Let me fill myself on your blood, if you don't mind." He showed his vampiric teeth and bit the muggers neck while the victim of the mugging was screaming and running. Vlad let go of the mugger and me him drop. He wiped his mouth from the blood with a crimskn colored handkerchief from his coat pocket. He started to hear a banging if metal and wondered were it was coming from. He had no idea where and he started to wander the streets once more.
Kai'zen sighed, "Thank you now...where were we?" he said while waving his hand in the direction of the damage done from the fight.

Azzazell looked to Sayan, "You seemed like you were going to show me something?"

Syphelia walked back in following Kai'zen after turning the Steelwalker to ice and shattering it's remains.
(ooh, right, Kiotaro, I need to fill you in on the world so far. There's the regular lands hat's very fantasy and very medivally, meaning swords and cross bows and dragons. Then their's the Banished Lands where all the warmongers and destroyers end up, they basically live in a desert wasteland. After that there is the floating city of dragons where the bulk of our characters are now. Since your character "magically" appeared, and your character wields guns if I'm not mistaken, then we can have your character be from a different universe in a futaristic time. Just because I'm curious, does your character have an evil alignment, if so are you chaotic neutral or lawful.)

(If you don't know the alignments common for these things I'l just give pic.)


(The Good aligned from this world tend to follow Mathias the Father. THe Evil follow the Master in the Spirit Realm. The neutral follow the Diana, since she is true neutral. Since you've changed worlds you'll feel the presence of one of these three depending on your alignment.)

Sayan blinks, "I was?" No, yes? What was going on again? They were talking and then everyone was fighting, but was he going o show her something? He didn't have anything to show her.
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((My character would be the lawful good or the judge. He keeps justice throughout the lands. :D . And he he does wield a gun. So how would he get to te floating city?))
Vlad turns around and hisses, "How do you know my name? Who are you?" He covered his teeth with his coat and made sure his gun was hidden but reachable by Vlad.
"Who do you think I am? In this world I am all that is good, I am the Father," Mathias stands up right and pets the cat at his shoulder. "THis world needs your help, or else all that is good and just in this world will be no more. Are you up to it? You'll get to meet some interesting people and creatures."
Vlad bows to Mathias. "I apologize Father Mathias. Please excuse my behavior. I will do anything as long as it is the righteous thing. I accept your offer. What shall I do?" He stands up straight and let his hands drop to his sides, releasing his pistol.
"You will need to travel with an . . . interesting," Mathias says interesting carefully, "They are a decent group anyway, you'll need to travel with them to the banished lands to put the ancient monsters back to sleep before the universes collide. Keep an eye on the red haired one, if the universes collide she may become unmanageable." mathias walks over to Vlad and lays a hand on his shoulder. "Time to go, be careful of the dragons, and of diana, she's unpredictable." They teleport and appear in behind lilly and Sayan. "There you go, play nicely." Mathias disappears as Diana peers in.

"Mathias reshuffled, darn it," she mutters and disappears too.

Lilly (the red haired one) looks over her shoulder. he radiates good, she thinks to herself.

Sayan peeks at him, then he disappears from view in front of Lilly.
Vlad nods his head as his closes his eyes. He wasn't sure what he was expecting. He opened his eyes and saw three people. "Are you three the three I'm suppose to be traveling with? Mathias sent me. Where am I?"
(You see, Lilly the red head, you breifly saw Sayan the half dragonling, a male dragon and three female dragons in human form, and three suits of red metal. Oh and a cat cage holding a very freaked out cat that seems to be a black version of mathias's)
( one metal suit is red and brass, one blue and bronze, the third black and electric lime green )
Orestes only sighted at the God's presence. The difference between a God and Daemon merely depended on where one stood. The Suits where all stripes of neutrality, thought they followed none of the so called Gods of this realm. He turned and gestured at Neoverl. Dropping the remnants of the dead outsider he approached and his left eye lit up with a painful unlight that seemed to penetrate the creature in front of him. He declared in a voice like broken glass " Vampiric creature, absorbs blood of humanoids. Ballistic black-powder weapon, similar to Black Dragons inventions. Recent consumption of a human type creature in evidence. Danger to suits: minimal. Danger to those under our guard: moderate-high". Orestes glared at the creature and awaited an explanation.
Vlad bowed to the suit. "Hmm interesting. Very well done. But one thing is incorrect. I am very dangerous to anything." He smiled maniacally. "The name is Alucard. Pleasure to meet all of your acquaintance." His smile went back to normal. He stood up straight and said, "Oh and I am a vampire. Not a vampiric creature. Similar but not the same." He showed off his teeth.
Neoverl cocked his helmet sideways. " Vampire is a sub-type of Vampiric. Also: Being Alucard, Suit materiel is to hard for fangs or ballistic weapon to cause permanent damage. Adimantium and Ceramite and bonded at a sub-molecular level to form the armor surface, and no biological remnants inside.". Koroland sighed and blasted Neoverl with a wisp of red flames. " Quiet brother. We have no time for your unending logics here. You there, Vampire. What world are you from, For many years ago I wiped your kind from the face of this planet for trying to take over it." Koroland said. His voice sounded like crackling flames and suppressed yelling.

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