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((I don't know the name of the world? Is it just earth? Or some other place? I'm sooo confused!))
( Make one up. Where are you from this time? Also note, the suits are massive, at 11 feet tall and around 4 feet across the shoulders. )
Vlad spoke proudly of his home world. "I am from Cydonia. The greatest if all the lands." He looke at the suits up and down. "And I think I can break through that suit of yours." He laughed and really loved how these people knew what he was but not what he was capable of.
Orestes sighed and walked forward. " Son, we are all around 17,500 years old. Even if you could tear our bodies limb from limb, we wouldn't die, but float back together, even more angry. This armor is our body, there is nothing inside but a ghost of our old forms and dust. We are superhuman in every physical aspect, strength and speed to intelligence. We all can do terrible things if roused to full war. Koroland turns into a daemon prince. Neoverl gets larger and faster each time he is destroyed. I can channel magic that would crack the world open." he said with an edge of sadness. His voice was hollow, and echoed in his suit. Reaching up he pulled his helmet off of its place, revealing a ghostly face with arcane sigils glowing in the skin. Instead of eyes a pair of burning orbs where visible, both a deep blue right now.
Vlad laughed. "If you could refrain from calling me 'son' i would appreciate that. You see I am quite aged as well. Not aside as you but still I can fid my way around it. There hasn't been one being in the worlds that I have seen that I was not able to destroy. I don't always do it but I always know how in case their judgment has been flawed and they are slowly being corrupt. Fortunately for me I always find a way." He smiled showing some of his vampire teeth and then he laughed a little bit. "Shall we move on from this topic? It is quite a dreary one if you ask me." He bowed and asked, "Forgive me if you think I was being rude."
" It is not that, but the fact that you stand with the best this world can offer. Draconic leaders, the Champions of the Curst, and a human of insane magics. If you want, we can always try to spar. You will need a sword in this realm soon, for there is no way to create the slugs that weapon will use. " Orestes said as he looked upon the vampire. His Helmet joined the collection of objects now floating behind him. His blade and staff floated behind him. His helmet was sticking on the corner of the staff.
Vlad sighed. "I can manage with ammunition for my gun." He raised the gun and showed it off. "I can make my own." He was planning on just making his blood or someone else's blood crystallize and use that as ammo but in case that didnt work he could use a sword. "I have never hard a sword before so I guess I should train with it anyways." He paused and said, "We shall spar some time. It would be to my liking to know how you work exactly." He smiled maniacally once more.
"Oh would you people stop it," Lilly said very loudly and very irritated. "We get it already. You're both old, you're both powerful, now shut the h311 up!" She glared at the suits, "You're old it, set an example, or maybe the both of you should just put it on a table and measure for Mathias' sake. We've got bigger problems than which of you is the bigger dog." She turns her glare to Alucard, "You're new, I can't make you shut up, but if you don't I'm going to complain to the High Priest of Mathias, and no matter how bad you think you are, you came here with Mathias, and the High Priest is his favorite, so get along and play nicely like Mathias said to, or go away." She stops there, but still looks very irritated and unhappy. She looks at the herb dragon lady, "Do you have any asprin, I've got a headache."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Neoverl moved to say something and raised his hand, only to take a small bolt of red flame to the facemask. Turning he returned with a bolt of neon green fire. Orestes contained both and did the equivalent of a bitch smack with bright blue flames on both other suits before turning to Lilly. " I did give an example. 17.5 thousand years! "
"I said shush, or I'll bring Daemon down on your head too," Lilly says, shooting him another glare.

"You're scary when you're mad," Sayan says to her.

"I grew up around crazy people, one learns to be scary sometimes," Lilly mutters.
Vlad yawned and asked, "So what is your quest if I may ask? And everything I should know would be great." He grabbed his pistol from his coat pocket and examined it before putting it away.
" If need be i can call upon the eldest and most powerful things we use. Tifft can be awoken from slumber if it comes to that, and the Warlord project has been completed. " Orestes said as he pondered it. He thought of Daemon as realitivly weak at the moment, he had not spared magically or blade to blade in over 10 years. His human apprentices had been working on it with the unnatural life span the Orestes had given them. It looked like the weapons that the Vampire used where along their line of weapons.
Vlad sighed. "Since we te still dwelling on this topic... I can't die. It's a curse really. Only one way to kill me and I am not telling you. Now can we move on?" He remembered. "Right. When would you like to spar?"
Dreya cocks her head...."Aspirin....oh I know try this." She waved her hand and another vial though much smaller levitated to Diana. "Aspirin.....liquid form, absorbs faster that way." Azzazell was thoroughly pissed and she stomped towards Alucard, "Listen to my words VERY well you overgrown fruitbat. "One screw up and I'll be returning you to Mathis in pieces, IF you're lucky."

Kai'zen blinked and then grinned his canines showing much like Alucard's, he nudged Sayan "Your mom is very intimidating when she wants to be. Scary thing is she could do it too."

Syphelia kicked Kai'zen's behind, "That information was for her to tell him...if she knew.?" Syphelia's statement turned into a question as she observed Azzazell's reaction. The pitch haired woman turned towards Kai'zen's staring at him in disbelief she knelt in front of Sayan and gently moved his hair out of his face. "You .........found him." She cupped his cheeks in her palms her face breaking into a beautiful smile tears welling up in her eyes.
Alucard smiled. "Ahhh. Mathias. So are we going to get started on our quest or talk about how much you all hate me?" He asked them slightly annoyed.
" When we are in less confining areas I will have Neoverl activate the Reaver Project to give us a better fighter. " Orestes said as he fiddled with a floating rune.
Kai'zen's patience was wearing thin and the dominance aspect of his nature broke out, "We're walking to the armory now, keep up or be blasted from this palace in the most PAINFUL WAY POSSIBLE!" Kai'zen left the apothecary's office and proceeded towards the armory Syphelia right behind him. Dreya jumped when he roared and even Azzazell looked stunned. "He's in a mood to make good on that promise.....let's go." She said looking at Sayan.
"Okay," Sayan says,

"We're all right here he could have used a normal voice," Lilly muttered and picked up the cat carryer, following after Kai'zen.
Orestes sighed and sent Koroland with them. He and Neoverl walked into a courtyard and stood together. Orestes drew out a stone and drew a circle on the ground with a magic rope. Channeling energy he tossed the stone to Neoverl to draw energy into his form. He suddenly grew until he was around around 30 feet tall and massive in form, looking very different. His right arm bore a Gravity Cannon, His left a massive claw weapon.

( The reaver project, Mk. I )


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