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(Neither are the suits, they're basically armor held together by magic. Anyway, just to fill you in on the happenings, the "main" universe with our characters is about to collide with other universes with a parallel character. At one point there were three of the same character in the same place from completely different universes. A good character might be evil in a different universe and such like that. The banished realm is a place were people who wish to start wars, monsters, and other such evil beings are put to keep the peace in the Magi Realm where all of us currently are. Firelava, kai'zen, and my characters are currently in the floating city that belongs to the dragons. Starting a quest to go to the banished realms, defeat waking ancient monsters and hopefully put the universes to rights.)

.(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira that could work, he could just show up at the palace where all they are.)



Sayan conjured up a little tornado of dark shimmering multicolored sand or dust. He thought about making it into a glove and it responded, seeming to weave itself into a silk like fabric that covered his hand and part of his wrist. It looked like the cloak he had on earlier, but it had more or less colors.
(The suit is magic? I was referencing to starcraft, there are special psi warriors called ghosts which make excellent snipers. They also have a range of psi abilities and are used as officers.)

He looks around and sees a barren land, with explosions in the distance, and the piles of bodies, growing higher and higher.
(The Suits, a group of Sun Curst ex-men who's souls are trapped in magical armor for the rest of eternity for some crime I can't remember. They can use magic and half magic/half machine devices and they're very hard to kill, however the ancient monsters of the Banished Realm will try their best.)
(Oh I know, none of them would want to be a sniper, they like being on the front lines. but the ruins of the BR should offer great hiding spots for sniper-ing.)
(Here is a description for a ghost-A psionic warrior that has been trained ever since they were kids. Their suits can cloak and they can use their abilities like hyper-charging a bullet for better range. They are used for recon, sabotage, and others. Also, They are trained in hand to hand combat.)
(Nice, sounds like something I made up a while ago for a different rp. Kids were kidnapped from homes and trained as assassins. Fun stuff, especially when these kids find their way to modern times cities.)
Dreya gasped at Sayan's power and Kai'zen hurried over and knelt in front of him. "Sayan can you do that again please...try any shape that feels natural." Syphelia even watched intently aware of what this could mean.
Sayan blinked and unwove the glove thinking of a dragon in flight so a palm sized dragon made of the sand flew around over his palm in a circle. Lilly watches, her mind flipping through pages of numerous books pertaining to powers, abilities, and powerful beings to see if she could pinpiont what sort of power Sayan had.
( Yeah the suits are based on the Thousand Sons legion from warhammer 40k. They are nearly unkillable, and even if killed the suit will slowly regenerate a ways off. They have no mental signature and no anatomy. Snipers would be next to useless. Also, they are HUGE compared to a human. )

Orestes shuddered. He felt a disturbance in the barrier and channeled his energy. He warned the others, both his fellows and the Draconics. " My lady i have detected a breach. It seems to be human sized. I intend to pull it to out location. Be prepared, i do not quite know what i summon. " He said as he dragged reality apart. His sword and staff began floating in a circle around him. Koroland drew his ax, the teeth growling. Neovrel reached for air and a huge 13 foot long two handed mace appeared in his hand. A strange portal began to tear open, directly under the feet of the intruder.
Diana, who is with the group currently, freaks out at the sudden rip in reality. "I thought told you to stop doing that it's making everything worse!!" Diana covers her head with both arms like she expected the roof to cave in. Which it doesnt
( HOi i am gonna shower. )

" CALM YOUR LITTLE ARSE!!!! It is simply directing what was happening anyways. I can manipulate where it tears a hole in our world. " He said as he worked his magic harder. It would do almost nothing more then change the poor travelers exit point, but the trip would not be pleasant.
Kai'zen's rolled his eyes at the others and turned to Syphelia, "go get Azzazell." Syphelia nodded and hurried off going bkck through their meeting room and into the throne room. Understanding the full scope of the situation she came up quietly to the throne and whispered in Azzazell's ear. The empress's eyes widened and she rose from the throne bidding the envoys from a neighboring kingdom farewell telling them that they will resume their conference the next day. She followed Syphelia back to the apothecary's lab the presence if a portal alarming her enough to make her use some magic her fists bursting into intense black flames they rounded the corner and froze at the door Dreya having a bow made of light drawn with an arrow of the same attribute. Syphelia creating a makeshift staff of permafrost as Kai'zen's drew a sleeker sword than his own pointing it at the portal. With everyone in edge Azzazell realized that they wouldn't need her power, instead she walked in front of the portal arms folded across her chest and an annoyed look on her face. Whoever or whatever was coming through was going to have hell to pay for their trespass

@Solomon the Prophet @Firelava @John Abraus
( WOn't be able to reply tonight, and waiting for response. Going to go hang from a ceiling and scare people )
Diana calmed herself and slapped the side of her fist to the palm of her other hand, taking out a long wicked curved dagger. A dagger from the same family as the bow and sword from earlier. seems like every Diana had a weapon like that. She joined the kill circle, now completely at ease. Sayan looks up at Lilly who takes his hand in a reassuring kind of way. Sayan looks to the portal, curiously.
(Thank you)

Out of the portal came a clawed metal hand followed by a larger metallic creature who dragged a monstrous sword behind it, as soon as it stepped out Azzazell became a blur spinning around and planting her heel in its chest kicking it past the portal and through the doorway out of Dreya's lab. Kai'zen followed his sisters lead and moved swiftly dashing out into the hall and delivering a sharp punch to its abdomen cracking some of the metal on it's hide. Syphelia looked to the armors, "An abyss beast it seems the Steelwalkers are no longer dormant, which means they will be making more trips to our world." He walked out into the hall to see Kai'zen dodging multiple strikes from the beasts sword, but the large blade left deep scratches along the wall. Concentrating on her palm she weaved a permafrost net spell and launched it at the steel walker. It wrapped around it holding it down.

Azzazell looked to Koroland "Would you mind finishing it off, a good beheading strike will do. Kai'zen is limited to hand to hand combat anywhere besides the training grounds or arena.....long story but it's also our custom."

The Steel walker strained against the net shattering it and charging the dragons before him. It was about half a foot taller than Koroland but Azzazell could tell the blood red armor could handle itself against the walker.

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(You can join but you need to post, we are a fairly fast moving rp and if you join and disappear then if stops the story from progressing.)
((Well. I'm not available from early morning to evening. 10 hours to be exact. If that is not long enough time to be on rpnation then tell me. :D ))

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