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"Can I have this colt?"S Sayan asks Shypil. "He'll die if we leave him here." He pets the colt.

' The colt is yours youngling' a sentinel says in semi perfect modern. (The language had no name yet)

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


@The Incarnate
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Syphelia smiled, "I don't see why not given they're okay with it." She gestured to the shade. "Let's go during here is done." She curled her wings looking around for an exit. Kai'zen struggled to find any son of an exit.

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Orestes sighted. Either he or Koroland would have to journey out with the group monster hunting. Might be better to send both and leave Black Dragon to guard. The reality distortion might bring one of the other Curst through from another world. That would probably be bad as the memories that he got where extremely violent and destructive.
Kai'zen eventually came across a tunnel that smelled of the outdoors and went down it instinctively. Both Kai'zen and Syphelia's eyes shifted giving them better sight in the dark as they forged forward.

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Sayan followed them out, seeing that the tunnel they came down was the one they first saw at the base of the moutnain. Cool, anyway, "I'm going to go tell Lilly that she's coming with us!" He hurries to the city, "Common Colt, follow me, food is this way!" Colt follows Sayan a a reasonable trot for such a skinny mammal.
Black Dragon reached the surface and recieved the messages from Orestes. Without a backward glance he fired his jetpack and flew off at massive speed and was soon close to arriving at the city.
Sayan runs into the kitchen with Colt and immediately finds Lilly. "I found a pet, can I keep him, the Sentinels of the mountain gave him to me, hes a bit skinny but we can fix it can't we?"

"Sure, all we need is milk with the right nutrients. Go ask cookie if she has any horse milk."

"Okay!" Sayan hurries off. Colt stays with Lilly.
Kai'zen and Syphelia both walked out of the tunnel and walked back to the city watching the black armor fly off and Satan run home they're sure to move fast enough to keep him in sight until he reached the gates of the town. Kai'zen stopped and looked at Syphelia. "We will need to alert my sister she won't want to miss this and her strength will be valuable." Syphelia nodded in agreement then pointed towards the town, "We should let them know before we go so they don't think we were hurt or killed on the way back." Kai'zen smirked and kept walking only to be rewarded by a smack upside the the head. "Ouch! what was that for?" She walked past him a small smile on her face, I'm in your head I know what your thinking." Kai'zen groaned, "Can't I have some privacy in my own mind?" "Nope." she said with a smile, theg continued this until they found themselves entering the tavern. "Oh come on it couldn't of hurt that bad for you to complain even now." Syphelia chided, "Oh whatever." with a huff Ma'am sat at the bar joined soon by Syphelia who asked the barkeep, "Where are Lilly and the others now?"

(sorry forgot her name)

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"Lilly is in the kitchen with Colt, Sayan went off to get milk for his colt." Hayna says, glancing into the kitchen. "So, how did the meeting go? Sayan seems to be abnormally happy."
"Smoothly enough." Kai'zen said though he was still confused by that woman on her mountain. "Could you just let them know that we're leaving on an....warren and should return soon."

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"Warren? What's that?" Hayna asks, mixing a drink for a heavily shrouded man at the end of the bar. He looked huge, and his heavy black cloak covered all of him.

Sayan comes out of the back with Colt and grins at Kai'zen. "Lilly agreed to come! She's great isn't she! She's packing right now, but she'll be down in a bit." He looks at Colt, who does look a bit healthier, "Colt looks better now doesn't he? At least a little."

"You'll have a fine horse there in a few months, keep feeding him like that." Hayna says with a quick smile at Sayan before returning her attention to the dragons.
Orestes had gathered the Curst and explained that a copy of them might appear or one of them could be drawn to the other worlds. He left Dragon as a guard to Daemon. He and Koroland would guard Lilly for this. They both donned the cloaks and hoods to hide their appearance from a distance and went to find Lilly.
"Errands, my bad we need to go to Isvraiyei the Imperial city." Kai'zen said in his normal voice trusting Hayna. Syphelia glanced at the cloaked figure warily a cool wind flowing around her hands.

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"Oh, and you're taking Sayan and Lilly with you?" Hayna asks, seeming to sound like a skeptical mother. "Does Daemon know about this? Would he approve?"

"Oh come on Hayna," Sayan says, "I could meet a parent there! Maybe someone will smell right! Daemon isn't awake so we can't tell him, and even if we could, he wouldn't be able to reply. Come on! When has Lilly ever let something bad happen to me?"

"Absolutely never," Lilly says, coming down with a backpack on her back and a cat carrier in her uninjured hand. "I have to bring Traveler otherwise he'll tear up the furniture, in case you were wondering," she says to the dragons. Traveler never touched the furniture, or shoes, or the bar, or anything. If he wanted to scratch something, he'd go attack some poor unsuspecting animal. Saying he would ruin the furiture was a readily used lie when people asked why she brought her cat on long journeys. The real reason, she couldn't be without her familiar, well, she could, but she didn't like it, and she'd be forced to use the hard to use priest and mage magic that she hated.
Orestes felt it. Somewhere out there something had punched borders. While it could simply be a deer it could also be a monster or even a Curst. His thoughts slipped into Lillies mind as he told her that he had detected the planes breach. He prayed it was something small as he alerted the Curst base of the breach.
As much as Lilly hated the Suits for just popping in and out of her mind like a train station, she had to admit the things they told her were on the need to know basis, and she needed to know. She quickly added that to her list of things she needed to check while they were out, or even send Traveler to go see what was going on. She sighed mentally and told Orestes to keep her informed on breaches and what not, then told him to gauge the disturbance in the planes. non-magical animals would only be a 1 or a 2 if they were large. A 3 or 4 would be a magical animal like a unicorn or dragon or griffon. A 5 would be a person, a 6 a magical person, 7 if that person was very magical. 8 for the Suits/Curst. 9 for small dangerous monsters, 10 for large dangerous monsters, or sometimes a very old very magical very powerful magical being like Daemon, or the Moon, or maybe a dragon or unicorn. She told Orestes to use this gauge to measure the amount of flux between the worlds.
the thoughts I cannot tell what this one was. I need time to figure our how heavy the disruption is. Orestes had been in touch with contacts everywhere but nothing was showing up. " If we are going to do this let us get it done. Mortal life is short enough without standing around gawking. "
"Uuuhhhhh yeah that sounds right." Kai'zen said initially only thinking to go with Syphelia he looked at the others and spoke, "We're going to have to fly you know and you'll have to ride on ours backs as a sign that you're trusted." Syphelia piped up,"I'm only carrying Sayan there's no way in hell that heavy armors sitting on my baa- oh wait I'll have to won't I?" Kai'zen shook his head, they all know your a special case. Anyway let's get going aand we should take off here, go outside the walls and I'm likely to get shot down by hunters." Kai'zen started progressively dropping hints as he spoke becoming more trusting of Daemon's rule over the city even when incapacitated. "Well let's go." A mishevious grin lit up his face. "Who wants to see a dragon!" He exclaimed loudly like a performer before hurrying outside and parting people creating a thirty foot space between crowds but it would still be cramped when they shifted. Syphelia groaned "Kai'zen emperor or not I'm goind to flay you alive!" She followed him out a scowl on her face, and stood next to him as the crowd began myrmuring questions. "So...what now?" Kai'zen only smiled in response to Syphelia's question before beginning his transformation, wind whipped up swirling ariund him and obscuring his form before expanding rapidly Syphelia's hurried steps to get away from the whirlwind being the only thing visible until the dust stopped abruptly and settled revealing a large silver dragon whose scales shimmered like platinum and whose eyes seemed to pierce everything they landed on. Syphelia smiled not having seen Kai'zen in his natural form in ages. He looked at the crowd his lips curling into a grin, "It's good to be back."

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Sayan follows them out and grins broadly at the sight of dragon Kai'zen. "Wow, I wish I could do that." Lilly follows Sayan out.

"Really, right in the middle of town, it's like he wants to be shot at." The crowd spots Lilly and converges on her, rapidly asking questions, mostly from fright. "It's an amazing piece of magic isn't it? That costume looks and feels so real!" As soon as she said that, the crowd's tension settled as the whole thing became just a festival act. "I do believe there will be one more, so don't be frightened, remember, magic is harmless to the innocent."
Orestes looked at the dragon. Such creatures he had studied before. He and Koroland would take simpler means for people of their size. Extending his hand towards the ground he pulled out a pair of Discs of Change. Strange magic loving creatures the Curst used them as flying steeds to help them move around quickly without teleporting. Stepping onto his disc Koroland did the same. Both took a medatative seated repose and waited.
( hello)

Wow found Orestes's big brother
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[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui](Hey, I'd like to join, my character is in the character gallery if you'd like to take a look at it)

(umm i have a character i want to submit for a role play , can you please tell me where the character gallary is? thanks)

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