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Kai'zen smiled at the armor while magic that we must learn is out of our reach around you it is in our nature to be able to shift, and the more basic and destructive magic is embued in our very souls. Essentially we train to get weaker, but only in a sense of having perfect control. You'll find thhat especially true for Me and my companion our bloodlines make us quite powerful even among our peers." He hopped down into the shaft followed quickly by Syphelia who had shot the black armor a look of disgust before sliding after Kai'zen.
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"You might not get it. magic that you use is energy pieces from another dimension. the way I disrupt magic is by grounding our reality in itself." Dragon growled.

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Sayan stumbles at the bottom, but flaps a few paces ahead and to the right. He looked around, hoping to find one of the landmarks Daemon had told him of. There wasn't much light down here, but there was down one of the tunnels. They needed to stay away from those, Daemon told him, "Don't follow the lights," Sayan's voice echoes through the maze.

Diana opens her eyes to focus her gaze on Sinju, "Did you here that? Of course you didn't, we're too far away." she hops off her rock and peers through a tunnel, "We should go say hello, don't you think? Maybe not, maybe so. No, I'll just stay here for now, if they lose their way then we can go say hi."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


@The Incarnate
Black Dragon merely followed suspicious of what the actual dragons were doing. for someone to accomplish magic in his presence that was unprecedented for him. shooting his wrist blades out he walked silently behind the others.

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Sayan pokes his head in a tunnel, hoping to find a crop a crystals. That was the first land mark, but there's none. He tries another but it's not there either. Just out of curiosity, he tries the lighted tunnel, seeing the first land mark near the end. "Guess we have no choice then." he sighs and walks a little ways into the tunnel.
Ki'ze raised an eyebrow, "Didn't you just say NOT to follow the lights, I can already sense danger." He put a hand on his sword thumb wrapped around the handle but his other fingers spread out, partially out of awareness of said danger but also due to the sound of the armor's weapons activating. "I can swing this much faster than you'd think, watch yourself." Sypelia didn't draw her sword but kept walking ever aware of possible treachery, they had seen it before an intended to live through the next occurence as well.
"Yeah, I know I did, but the landmark is down here. I can't believe I'm already turned around." Sayan heads down the hall to the crystals, then tries the find the next landmark. Farther down the lit tunnel as a part head shaped rocks, he knew not to go there, turn the other way, so he took the slight left off of that tunnel. Okay, so now they were following the lights, sadly, they were now in the dark, and Daemon insisted on no lights. Just keep going until you trip on a step up, follow the stairs until it levels out, then find the mother rat. Dead or not, she's always there, but never moves. Just don't touch her, and you'll be fine.
Black Dragon Looked around, his vision sinking through the layers of scoping in his helmet. He suddenly turned and whispered " We are not alone." His arm blades started to spark with anti-energy and bizarre flames that did nothing but seemed to suck energy in. Black Dragon whipped around and tried to get his bearings.
The dragons followed the boy intently their eyes glowing in the darkness, "Ok," Kai'zen said "Maybe lights weren't a bad thing, let's just hope the exit route is easier than this." His grip on his sword was released but he was ready to grab it at any moment that same time Black dragon spoke his wods alarming Kai'zen an causing him to unsheath his sword at a blinding speed. "Where." Kai'zen had a steely tone of command, used to ordering guards an boosting morale it was like second nature to him.
"Ignore it, the sentries, they're only following. Drawing weapons will engage them." Sayan says, "if we keep our weapons sheathed, they won't think anything is wrong. they're only paying attention because we aren't lost yet. No lights, it'll make them restless." h continues forward until he trips on the first step, "Ah, the stairs are here, be careful."
" I cannot tell. The caves distort reality and cause my senses to distort. I can only tell it is here somewhere." When the little one spoke he chuckled darkly. " The weaponsare a part of me and only get longer. I cannot sheath them."
"Then try to look as un-menacing as is possible. Sentinels never leave people alive unless the master of the mountain tells them otherwise, and, as far as I know, it's never happened. I'd rather not die today." Sayan says, and hurries up the stairs. "more will follow as we walk along, try to ignore them."
"Hmm." With a sigh Kai'zen sheathed his blade stepping up with care and following the boy as they ascended, Syphelia followed not saying a word but and odd energy buzzing around her, it seemed her body moved on it's own locked onto Kai'zen's unique magical aura. "Well, let's keep moving." Kai'zen said as if they had any other options.
Sayan smiled at the remark and made sure to run his hand along the way. He felt like he was sloping downwards. What was the point of stairs is there was a slope? A he hand ran out of wall so he looked, seeing the giantest rat he'd ever seen. he leap back, hitting the far wall with sparks. "Mother Rat." The rat didn't move, it's eyes are closed, only it's whiskers twitched.
Kai'zen stopped putting a hand out to stop Syphelia's trance walk which was uneccesary since Sayan's surprise jolted her back to awarness. "That's interesting, where to now, we don't have to fight it do we?" Both dragons eyed the rat addressing the possibility of a fight.
"Uh, no, we're supposed to not touch Mother Rat. As long as we don't touch her, she doesn't move, she doesn't move, no need to fight." Sayan creeps along the wall towards the Black Dragon sized Mother Rat.
"Well sneaking past it is...say if I turn into wind and blow past that doesn't count as touching right?" He followed Sayan's lead inching past. Syphelia, looked back at black dragon then at the rat. An amused, "Huh." was all she said as she inched past.
"I'm not sure, but the ceiling it high enough that you guys could fly over it. I would have if I had wings that worked worth a salt." Sayan says getting around the rat. "I wonder if she really is a mother."
"Let's not find out. But you do know the royal physician's in Isvraiyei are very good at healing. Eventuall we can get you looked at. No dragon should be without it's wings." Kai'zen thought about the ceilings height and jumped, kicing off the wall, over the rat, and landing gracefully on the other side. Syphelia stayed with Sayan "I do think you'll be able to fly...one day."
Sayan shook his head, "Hopeful thinking gets people no where. I believe it until it's staring me in the face." he continues down the hall, dutifully looking for the next landmark. he never expected to fly, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to even if his wings worked like they should. What he really wanted was to know where his parents were.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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Black Dragon activated his anti gravity flip belt. The energy projected allowed him to suddenly walk on on the ceiling. Looking around his senses distorted even more. He growled in a low voice" what is this place? Its energies are playing havoc with my instruments."

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"This place, if La Montaña de la Luna, it's in some old language lost to the ages, but legend says, despite what Daemon might say about it, that the spirit of the moon used to live here. Daemon says that our moon never lived here, but he didn't say anything about other planet's moons, which I think I more accurate. it may also have something to do with the full moon. All these tunnels light up when the full moon appears in the sky. Anyone in here during that time would be a crispy dinner for the rats." Sayan stops in a circle of space with tunnels leading in all directions. "this place really needs an IGS." He goes to each tunnel in turn and puts a hand in. He stops at the tunnel three paces to the right of the tunnel they just came out of. "this one," he steps in and falls through the floor.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
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Syphelia frowned, a hatchling is usually so full of hope and yet here Sayan was giving up. She followed wordlessly, sadness in her silence. Kai'zen looked at Sayan a curious look on his face, how could the moon burn??" He turned the corner and fell behind Syphelia who had been just behind Sayan. "Whoa!"

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Sayan hit a curve in the tunnel and hit his head on the ceiling as it forced him into a roll. The end of the cute curved up and spit him out into a dark oubliette. He groaned stood painfully. "Not fun," he looks around, "Uh, this wasn't part of the instructions . . . I guess I'll have to tell you how to get through the rest of the way." He rubs his head and winces, bleeding, so not good. He wiped it on the wall which suddenly gave way. Sonething pushed him through and the wall slide back behind him, effectively cutting him off from the rest of the group. Not good.

Diana laughs, "What fun! Look at him trying to get back to his group. How will they get to me now?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Kai'zen and Syphelia came tumbling out of the tube and crash landed with Kai'zen's body on top of Syphelia, "Ouch you ok Sy?" A hard smack upside that head told him no as the force caused him to flop over. Syphelia backing away quickly her face bought red and her hand over her heaving chest. "Don't EVER do that again. EVER!!"

Kai'zen put his hands up defensively, " I'm sorry, it's not my fault." Syphelia puffed but let it go looking around. "Where's the watching? Sayan!?"

(Whoo post 700 on page 70)

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