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" Black Dragon is making the trip as we speak to visit this friend of Daemons. And my presence has always frightened you no matter how i appear" He said in his dusty voice. He gazed at the dragons and seemed to peer at their very souls as he evaluated them.

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Syphelia rolled her eyes. "Oh come on you're dealing with two of the most powerful dragons in existence, we can handle it." She ignored the armor'e stare quite used to people staring for various reasons. Kai'zen shot her a look. "Easy on the sass, though I do agree with her Sayan will be fine with us but of course it's your call." He lifted his hands in mock surrender and smiled at Sayan, Ma'am saw slot of potential in the boy and was a natural at defending people. Though Lilly's behavior worried him, after seeing a small bigot their power she still worried that they were out matched, granted they were a bit showy and not as serious as they could have been so it's no wonder she has doubts. All this went through his mind as he sat there.

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(Okay, so did you post that Black Dragon had made it there?)

"Despite that you could try not to set my hair on fire, you've done that before and it's finally the right length again." Lilly rolls her eyes and sighs. She looks at the three dragons, "You can go if you want to, but Sayan, I want you to run if anything life threatening shows up."

"Will do, the last thing i want is to never see you again. I'll be back before you know it." Sayan grins and looks at the other two, "And you two want to come too?"
Kai’zen and Syphelia nodded both ready to go. Syphelia placed some money on the bar in her spot to pay for her drinks, leaving a tip. She moved just fine if not a little more relaxed and even graceful. She summoned her cloak and put it on. “Ready.” Kai’zen followed suit his sword completely hidden under the cloak. “Likewise, don’t worry we’ll keep him safe, nothing’s gonna get through us.”
"I hope not, Daemon's friends aren't all mortal," Lilly says. She tells the the mountain to go to, then, "May Mathias watch over you."

"You too, Lilly," Sayan says brightly. "We'll be back before you know it!"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
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Kai'zen and Syphelia nodded towards the others and followed Sayan, his excitement brought a smile to Syphelia's face. She always did have a soft spot for kids, Kai'zen nudged her and she stuck her elbow in his ribs. "Okay, I got it." He rubbed his ribcage and Kept walking. "So how far is it? Think we can get there quickly on foot or shall we stretch a bit?" Syphelia didn't harm him this time liking the idea of getting into her natural form it had been a very long time since either of them flew and it would be a good way to figure out just how far along Sayan is as a hatchling.

(Sorry, life got in the way.)
I undwrstand. I's on phone.))

Sayan thought about it. "Flying is better and faster. But we should walk to the mountain range first, otherwise we'll be shot at and I wasn't to aviod that. We are not too far from the mountains anyway so it won't be too long of a walk." Sayan didn't mention that he wasn't able to shift into a full dragon, he had tried several times with Lilly standing guard. He knew something had to be wrong with him, but he wouldn't say anything, not yet
Orestes got in touch with Black Dragon. " Dragon says he is at the mountain looking for her. If you go try to find him. His aura may disturb you as it blocks any magic. Whatever for you are in near him you will be stuck in until you move apart. You we will feel it about half a mile away. "

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Sinju-chan settles in the labyrinth like mountain next to Diana. She would acknowledge him when she felt necessary. Still, it frustrated him when she wants to see him and still makes him wait. He wondered if that was because he'd made her wait first while he brought Daemon back from the break. He wondered if she knew that, then again, she knew much of happenings in all the realms, it was hard for him to understand how she managed them all. Her vast knowledge of the happenings startled him most days, because she would be speaking to him and then to someone else in some other realm in some other language completely foreign to this world. He tied to listen and understand as best he could, but he could never decipher what she said. It would be some jumbled thing that didn't make any sense. Like last time she said 'go violence stopped has the now', he could arrange that into a real sentence, sure, bu longer phrases where much harder to understand, since all the words were jumbled into gibberish. Some words he couldn't translate at all, like they were names or titles. It frustrated him more than when she made him wait, and all she had to say when he asked was 'No spoilers'. As if those places were to come, or have already occurred. He kept a journal full of the phrases that he kept on person just in case. Unfortunately, pages tended to disappear, even though he kept it in his jacket at all times and never slept or meditated like Diana did. He knew Diana's pride was flexiable enough that petty thievery wasn't below her, and flat out murder wasn't above her, but stealing from him? it didn't make any sense. They were the same species, or close enough. True she was older, more indestructible, highest nobility . . . he sighed aloud, she was much more than he was, that was a given, but he should still be kept in the loop. Even Lesser Nobility have rights, and they were friends, weren't they? If they weren't he wouldn't be here, Diana never kept counsel with Lesser Nobility if she could help it.
Kai'zen and Syphelia weaved through the crowd clearly used to this and following the boy with ease. Without looking Kai'zen addressed Sayan, "So what The armor just said means that when we're in range of his little friend we won't be able to use magic? Yeahhhh...that sucks." He Slipped out of the crowd coming upon the gate and looking back on the other two. "So to the mountains then." Syphelia nodded staying to the left of Sayan her eyes on him. He was a peculiar hatchling that didn't know what type of dragon he is and Syphelia was sorry for him, but eventually he would learn they all did somehow.
Sayan stops a yard outide town to look at the mountains, "Yeah, the mountains." he claps his hands together and whispers into his hands. He makes a fish with his left hand, the side with his thumb pressing against his right palm. He arcs his fisted hand like he was unsheathing a sword from a sheath, and that's exactly what happened. A silver sword followed his fist out of his palm. He stows the sword, that seems ridiculously large for such a young boy, through a belt loop that appears across his torso. "better safe than sorry." he starts jogging towards the mountains, the sword tip almost dragging in the ground because it was literally as tall as he was.
Orestes looked around before he felt the dragons leave the city. Then in Lilly ' s mind he silently warned her that there could be copies of even themselves.

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Lilly tried not to think about that. Their collective knowledge should get them through anything,besides, Sayan was her grandfather's most brilliant student, he should be able to hold his own if things got bad.. Knowing him, he'd probably still peek around corners anyway, being picked on all the time had that effect.
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Kai'zen raised an eyebrow intrigued by Sayan's sword and where he sheathed it. He laughed as Sayan jogged but made sure to keep pace. "You know for a sword about the same size as you the easier way to hold it is on your back, like mine. Not saying you have to new like me or anything whatever works best for you is alright too." Syphelia rolled her eyes although she supposedly wouldn't be able to use her magic around black dragon she still thought of what spells she would use intil she remembered her weapons frigidus and frostmere. He held out her hands and in one a large broadsword that looked to be made of ice appeared the substance that formed the blade really wasn't ice but something much more powerful stronger even than Syphelia's permafrost. In the other a staff formed with similar features, these items were gifts to her from an ice god that had seen Syphelia at her most powerful and had thought to reward her they could ne be r felt and could never shatter a fact that most opponents overlooked. As they jogged along Kai'zen watched as the mountains grew larger immediately scanning for easy passage tthay wouldn't require flying.
(Teh weapons sword is frigidus and staff is frostmere)

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Sayan saw a few tunnels leading into the mountains, but those were for humans to get lost in. That part of the maze only had one true route, all the others where dead ends, but the true route was so hard to find that people often perished in there. Sayan had seen the mouse colonies, they were about the size of small dogs now. The cave never smelled bad though, like someone regularly cleaned it.
Black Dragon heard and felt the dragons enter the area near him. He had been told to expect them to come and thus he fell from the sky near them rather then on them. Walking up he spoke quietly. " I was told one of you knows how to find this girl? she has managed to hide from me so far. I do not even know what i am searching for in these abandoned mountains." He turned around and stared at the mountains that he had spent a few weeks exploring.
Sayan nods, "It's not that I know where she is, only how to find her. Father knew the secret to these tunnels." he halted in his tracks, that slipped out, father. He hadn't meant to say that. But no one had to know who he was talking about. He picked up his pace again, "He taught me, so we'll find her in at least a day. Max is two."
Kai'zen processed this it seemed that Sayan had some experiences he hadn't mentioned but hey so did he, if Sayan ever trusted them enough to share it was fine with him of he didn't that's okay too. "Well, let's get started the sooner we start the sooner we're done." Syphelia nodded her agreement but had her eyes on Black dragon, his name alone made her feel an odd mix of emotions and though it was said she'd lose her magic around him she still felt the same....odd.

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Sayan stops on the incline and looks around, "This is a lot harder without magic, oh well I guess." he hurries up the incline until he was climbing up on mountain. "This way," he used his wings to keep him steady. They weren't strong enough to carry him, despite how they looked, but they could certainly help him jump higher. "We have to get to the top of this one and slide down!" It was only a quarter mile high, but that was a quarter mile of loose rocks and crumbling handholds. His wings stopped him from falling many times until he reached the top.
Black Dragon Looked at the slope before activating his Jump Pack and soaring to the top. It took him maybe half a second to cover the distance and look around. Hovering he glanced downwards at the slope and the dragons climbing it. He seemed to hover before landing and helping the others up.
Sayan saw and snagged a ride up on Black Dragon's boot. He used his wings to keep steady and flapped like a wounded bird to land easily. He reached over his shoulder and rubbed the muscles. He really shouldn't do things like that, but it was fun while it lasted.
Kai'zen spread his wings and crouched low flapping with his wings and jumping at the same time flying up the length of the mountain with immense speed, his wings becoming a blur until he stopped on a dime in front of Sayan and Black dragon. His wings were odd because thhey were feathers but behaved like bat wings, the feathers covered the fleshy membrane that caught the wind the purpose of the feathers being to control flight on a level only dragons could. Kai'zen folded his wings returning to his more human form, he knelt in front of Sayan looking him in his eye. "By the way you work your wings it appears they're damaged have they ever been broken and were they properly reset?" Syphelia decided to go the quicker route spreaqding her wings but gathering some cold wind under them when she pumped her wings it was like being shot out of a cannon a small streamline of snow following her up. she stopped herself as Kai'zen did landing and going into her human form. "Where to next?"
Sayan shake his head, "Not that I recall. Daemon said I was found wandering outside the town like this. From what they say they freaked me out so I ran into town where Lilly lead me to Daemon. I don't really remember much, you'd have to ask them. All I know is I'll never be able to fly." He shrugged and shifted his sword around, in front of him. "Doesn't really matter to me, they're good for balance." he hops down the hole in the center of the mountain, sliding down a slide maybe from the tunnel of the rock. "Down here!" It's a long slide.
Black Dragon shifted his focus to the pair of older dragons that had changed. "Are you hiding your wings like the little one? Because the anti - magic generator that runs my devices is going strong."

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