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Orestes had almost found it. The Worlds where linked in such a way that the they would soon align. He could only guess the damage caused by parallel realities coming close enough to travel in between them. This chaos was what he saw and what was slowly corrupting everything. He guessed that soon the Suits would be called upon to try to defend the world from what would surely bring many worlds to their knees
Syphelia and Kai'zen were both in Kai'zen's room talking about what had transpired they came to an agreement that they would stik around and help out while trying to avoid making things too messy. Both of them came downstairs with Kai'zen in the lead as usual. They went to the bar area and Kai'zen asked if they could help aswell Syphelia had her sleeves rolled up and looked ready to work while Kai'zen looked like he was slightly unprepared.
The bar tender, an intriguing woman with shiny baby blue hair and black horns, turns to look at them. She'd been speaking to the green haired half ent half human chief through the glass-less window that allowed customers to talk to the chief directly. "Naw, we got it hun, we've been doin' this since this town was built." Since the origins of the town were still in confusion by those surrounding it, she could be any number of years old. "Can i getcha anythin'? We make the mead this side of the Legion." (The Legion being the canyon dividing the good lands from the banished lands)

"Yeah, sure, it'll also have you clinging to the ground to keep from falling off the earth after three glasses." The half ent says from in the kitchen, he peeks through the window at Syphelia. "just so you know."

"Well at least it don't have ya seein' dragons like your whiskey does, I ain't ever drinkin' with you 'gain."
Kai'zen and Syphelia both laughed a that last comment a smile on both of their faces from the beginning. Kai'zen got over his laughter and looked at Syphelia in that moment multiple questions were asked and answered. Kai'zen looked towards the bartender smiling, "I'll have the mead and my friend here would like some of that whiskey. Though it won't matter what drink you have you'll be seeing dragons here for a while." He got a solid smack upside the head from Syphelia who wasn’t very pleased with him. He rubbed his head and looked at Syphelia pouting, “Ouch!! come on did it have to be that hard? You really do need a drink.” Syphelia was tempted to smack him again but shrugged it off, a drink would do her some good and lucky for her it was very difficult for dragons to get drunk which means she could enjoy it more. “Ok I’ll let you off for that one but don’t go blabbing.” Kai’zen nodded and let it go observing the bartender and her helpers.
Syphelia paused a little dumbstruck then turned her face down so no one would see the bit of pink appearing on her porcelain-like face. “We’re…we’re not dating I’m not in his class it wouldn’t be permissible.” Kai’zen’s face soured, he hated how she always put herself down when people addressed their relationship. “That’s not entirely true, if I choose I could have a relationship with you, it’s just not common. Honestly as the future Emp-leader, I can do whatever I please that’s kinda why we’re here. But Syphelia and I aren’t dating she’s my….how do you say it in your tongue….guardian. While I antiquate myself with your realm she’s to make sure I don’t end up dead.” He smiled at the end of this making it seem less serious than it is. Syphelia buried her head in her arms, “Oi, now I really need a drink, I wish you wouldn’t tease.” Kai’zen leaned over close to her ear, “Who says I’m teasing.” The look on Syphelia’s face went from surprised to upset and she bopped him again. “OwwwI swear you’re doing more harm to me than anyone else could..” Kai’zen rubbed his head pouting again. Syphelia growled, “Damn right!, If anyone’s gonna hurt you it’s me!!”
The bartender laughs and sets down a couple drinks. "First round is on the house, compliments for bein' a first timer." She winks at Kai'zen and and heads over to a gang of elderly coming in for happy hour. "hey, y'all the usual I presume?"

"Thanks Hayna, we'll be at our normal table." The gang heads to the largest back table.
Kai'zen nods passing Syphelia's drink to her. "Thanks." He taps mugs with Syphelia and takes a drink the warmth spreading through his stomach reminding him of his fire breath. "Whoo, that's intense." Syphelia let out a satisfied sigh snowflakes forming from her breath. "That's good stuff." Kai'zen smiled and nudged Syphelia, "Try not to enjoy it too much remember last time." Syphelia raised her hand to punch him out of habit but he had a point so she let it go shrugging. "No wannabes here so no need to shift."
Hayna loads a tray with the same whiskey Syphelia got and walks over to the table in back. Now that she's out from behind the counter, you could see the spikes coming off the sides of her lower arms. She's not wearing a festive skirt liek the other girls are though, she's wearing colorfully embroidered pants about as skintight as skinny jeans. her strappy high heels have four inch heels, but she has no problem walking in them. "here ya are boys, try not to go out dragon huntin' again. you might not be as lucky this time."

"Oh please, hayna, we've been dragon hunting since before you were born!"

"i highly doubt that," Hayna says, walking back to the bar. "Dragons went into hiding after I was born!" She calls over her shoulder with a laugh.
Kai'zen almost choked when she mentioned dragon hunters and Syphelia shot an icy glare at the group freezing their drinks. She taps the woman's shoulder as she passes by. "What do you mean by lucky, did they get one?" She looked at Kai'zen a worried expression on her face. Kai'zen was looking down into his mug his hair obscuring his face but signs of anger and displeasure could be seen in his body language. "I'll be right back." He went upstairs and strapped his sword to his back then tapped a few runes on the blade turning It into a sash. He came back down and Syphelia eyed him trying to get a read on him but couldn't he was even rejecting her attempts to mentally communicate with him. He sat down and drank some more like nothing happened. "For their sake I pray their hunt was a failure."
"Oh just a baby one," Hayna says, "But no one would let 'em kill the poor little darlin'. He's too sweet, really. He's still round if you know where ta look for 'im. Those old loudmouths haven't caught a dragon since." She leans on the bar. "They say dragons are good for nothin', but Daemon still won't let anythin' come to harm that boy. The whole town finds him endearing. Some humans just don't get that this town is for everythin' and everybody. I mean really, we've got an half ent and a dwarf in the kitchen. Not to mention me. I have no idea what i am." She wave her hand, the spikes on her arms, raising and lying flat in agitation. "Frankly those boys are causin' more trouble than I'd like, but they don't got many years left. Humans live such sort lives it's really quite sad." She walks to the other side of the bar, "No, Junior, if your father wants more rum he's gunna have ta come here hisself. I ain't sellen' to minors."
Kai'zen got off the barstool and went to Hayna one last time, "Thank you Hayna." He put his hand on the bar and the jangling of coins could be heard but it was much heavier than other coins. He lifted his hand and went outside leaving two coins slightly larger than normal currency there were dragonic symbols around the perimeter and one large one in the middle that was known to be translated as "Dragon." As Kai'zen left Syphelia Slid up towards Hayna she stayed there and finished off her mug. "I'll answer any questions you have. Also can I have another?" she held up the empty mug a smile on her face.
Hayna looks at Syphelia and smiles, "Certainly," she refills the mug and then looks at the coins. "Let me guess, he's gone to see little Dragon Sayan?" She puts the coins into a hidden compartment in the cash register, until she could talk to Daemon. "That boy's in for a big surprise."

Sayan sits by Daemon, gently feeling for any damage, like broken bones, or heavy bruising. He could sense things like that now, it helped, he thought. Under Daemon and Lilly's care, he'd learned quite a lot, but he was still missing in dragon lore and fact. Daemon wouldn't tell him any dragon stories, and Lilly often told him he'd meet a grown up dragon one day to ask for answer from. He'd been here for who knows how long, a few summers? Maybe four or five? At least he was doing something helpful. Being a monk was interesting, though the magic the humans 'taught' him, were things that came as naturally to him as breathing. He wanted something harder, but Daemon was always too busy and Lilly said her magic wasn't to be taught, but to be learned when the mind strays to it. He wasn't sure what that meant, but he assumed it required having a magical pet around 24/7. He sighed and stood up. The only time he stood taller than Daemon was when he sat like this. Sayan came a whole head taller, but if Daemon stood up he'd be a head above the man's waist.

He wanders back to his room to see if he had any festive clothes to wear. Answer, not really. All he had was a beaded and embroidered shirt, that would have to do. He pulls off his robe and pulls on black loose pants and the shirt. It's a little to big for him. Lilly must have made it, or maybe it was a hand-me down. Though, that wasn't like Daemon or Lilly. They liked to make things. Lilly must have gotten the measurements wrong. Oh well. He pushes the sleeves up to his shoulders and grabbed his sandals before hurrying to the front door. He was told that those who could take off their shoes, should, while in the temple at least. That may no dirt gets inside. He sits on the steps and slides the sandals on and ties them. He looks around, looking for the kids, but at this time of year, everyone was a kid. Adults lets their hair down and played four square with their teens and tiny kids. The only thing, he didn't know who to play with. All the kids his age avoided him, and the older kids picked on him, and some of the adults downright wanted his head. Best to go find Lilly, none of that stuff happened around her.

Sayan pops up from the steps and hurries for her house/inn. If Lilly wasn't there, she'd be in the festival center, but she was normally at home.
Kai'zen looked around standing a few feet away from the threshold of the tavern's looked around, he didn't smell much over the scent of mortals but something was coming and quickly. He turned and stepped toward it and was soon knocked over by a silver-haired boy but stopped himself by causing a small whirlwind under the both of them so neither would get hurt or dirty. "Oh sorry you oka-." He stopped when he saw the boy, even in his human form Kai'zen recognized the child as a dragon and smiled. "That was easy you wouldn't happen to be the young dragon I've heard about?" Syphelia smiled at Hayna, yeah but I don't think it's anything he won't be able to handle. As the next Dragon emperor he's dealt with alot and will deal with much more in his future." She looked the woman in the eye seeing fit to explain why she said that. "You see the fact that he paid in our currency is a sign that he trusts you and therefore a sign that I should aswell, there's no longer need to hold information back from you as long as you don't spread it around even to those wannabes over there." She nodded towards the would-be dragon hunters. "Not that it matters I could freeze them in a heartbeat if it came to that. Speaking of which." She turned and waved her hand liquifying the whiskey she froze, "Since they haven't hurt us I'll let them enjoy that."
Sayan blushed and quickly backed off, "I . . ." the blush fled and his gaze became guarded. "Sorry for knocking you over." He jumped through an open window into the building and raced to the kitchen to find Lilly. "Lilly!!" he finds her and pulls on her skirt, "There's a guy here that smells weird!"

"That's not a nice thing to say."

"Not bad weird! Familiar weird!"

"You must have met the dragons in town," Lilly says, "Kai'zen and Syphelia, you should probably get to know them. I told you you'd meet one someday. Now there are two."

"Yeah but . . . he's scary looking," Sayan says softly, "And someone already told him about me. I bet it was Hayna."

"it probably was," Lilly cleans off her hand and takes Sayan's hand with her good hand, leading him out of the kitchen. "Where'd you leave him?"

"Front door."

"I can't believe you jumped in through the window again. I told you, it won't always be open for you. You need to learn how to use the door."

"But he was by the door, he could have stopped me."

"You're paranoid."

"I don't know what that is. All I know is he's bigger, and he stronger, and he's intimidating," Sayan whispers hurriedly.

"Scaredy cat."

"Am not!"

"Oh, I see, but I wasn't talking about . . . I was talking about Sayan. That boy seems to suspect everyone of hating him. I don't blame him, but the only place people don't seem to avoid him is in the Inn. It's frustrating. The humans know nothing of him and they distrust him." Hayne here's a loud voice from from the kitchen and peek in. "Speak of the dragon," she shakes her head and turns back around. "Seems they've just met."
Syphelia's face became serious with a hint of sadness, "Then he knows how the rest of us feel, there are very few that accept us and less that welcome us." She set down the mug and sat up straight. Kai'zen's coming in.

Kai'zen was perplexed but shrugged it off, he came inside and saw an expectant Syphelia along with Hayna. "He's an interesting little hatchling not very old and I could feel that magic buzzing around him. Though his scent was weird it was probably from being around so many different races all the time. Overall, he's alright. I'm excited to get to know him." Kai'zen smiled and Syphelia grinned. "It's refreshing to see another dragon down here. We've only encountered.... nevermind that." He smiled a little wider and sat down. "Starting a tab are we Syphelia." She nudged him and he chuckled looking back towards where he guessed the boy was.
Hayna nods sadly, and pokes her head though the order window, "Lilly, they're at the bar!" She turns back around, "She's bringing him. Lilly and Daemon and those of us who work here are really the only ones who treat him like he's just another kid. Lilly's like his older sister. If anything goes wrong he goes to her first, because she's less likely to scold him." She smiles as Lilly brings Sayan around the corner.

"I heard you two had a little run in, literally," Lilly says with a grin.

"It's hard to see where I'm going when I have to push past people to get anywhere." Sayan says with a pout, "You know they want to keep me in the Temple all the time."

"He gets very suspicious when people are even the least bit kind to him," Lilly says and lifts Sayan onto the barstool. Sayan sees Syphelia and smiles shyly. Traveler hops onto the bar and then down onto Sayan's lap. He hugs her and she purs. "So i think you two should start over, right, Sayan?"

"Okay, uh, I'm Sayan Ridwin."
Syphelia smiled back at the boy and gave a small wave Kai'zen smiled as well. "I'm Kai'zen Makaira and that's Syphelia Arkaeus, I'm a silver dragon and she's an Ice dragon, well not exactly an ice dragon but I'll let her explain that. Do you know what type of dragon you are?" He held out his hand to shake.
Sayan recoils at the hand out of habit, but hesitantly takes after he realizes it's a nonviolent gesture. "Um . . . red," Sayan says, his wings twitching. "I think, I don't know."

Lilly's eyes sharpen at the recoil, had someone started hitting him? She lays a hand on Sayan's shoulder gently. A little touch of magic and she could tell someone had been. She forced a calm and looked at Traveler who mewed, licked Sayan's face, and lept off to find the guilty one(s).
Kai'zen noticed something about Lilly's behavior that changed but chose to ignore it seeing as her familiar seemed to be on it already. "Maybe a fire dragon? What's the easiest type of magic for you to use?" He shook the boys hand and released him before making a small storm of different elements swirl in his palm. "Hold out your hand and let your mind go blank, if any of these are your element it'll naturally come to you."

Syphelia watched wondering just how this would turn out. She sipped her whiskey again and watched the elements do their little dance, though she was disappointed his ice formation was sloppy and would shatter easily. "We have some training to do." she thought.
Orestes suddenly appeared behind Lilly with the flames that where his eyes dancing between many colors. He spoke quickly and explained what he knew of the distortion that would soon occur. According to what he found the worlds would soon align and creatures could slip between the alternate realities. This meant that daemons would probably appear soon. He seemed panicked with the knowledge

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Sayan held out his hand and tried to follow the instructions but he flinched when Orestes flamed in. Lilly jumped and nearly knocked over a couple barstools.

"Orestes for Mathias sake you should know better than to pop in without warning!" Lilly said, a bit panicked herself, but she was more worried about how the other guests and the dragons would take the news, since he wasn't being quite about it. "I'll talk to Daemon about it, he might have a clue what to do, but didn't he send someone to his friend in the mountains? Was that ever done?"

Sayan shied away from Orestes and decidedly hid behind Lilly's skirt, having hopped off the stool. Lilly takes Sayan's hand gently and holds it, giving him some comfort, but sending a spark of pain up her arm since she'd used her bad hand. Oh well.
Kai'zen glanced at Orestes as he popped in, he tried not to listen but still got a few bits of key information. "Sounds like a bit of a problem." He closed his hand and the elements dissipated. "How can we help." He looked at Syphelia to make sure it was ok with her. At her nod Kai'zen tapped his sash turning it back into his sword. "When and where are we going?"

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Lilly sighs, "You'd have to ask Daemon. I don't know where his friend is or even who she is, and he's going to be stationary for a while." She keeps her gaze on Orestes.

"I know where she is, I'll go," Sayan offers.

"That's a bad idea."

"So? I could take these two with me. I could show them there."

"Also a bad idea, we don't know how she'll react."

"Neither do I, but Daemon wouldn't have sent one of the Armored Men (cus that's what Sayan calls them) to her."

Lilly looks at him, "He might have sent one of the Armored Men because they can't die. What if she attacks first and asks questions later?" Sayan shrugs.

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