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Syphelia grudgingly let Kai'zen pull her hand down lettig her ice melt, "As he said I am Syphelia." as she spoke her eyes traced the outline of the girl's shield, "Your mage is good, he had this up before I could finish my swing. But his sneaking could use some work" She looked back at Kai'zen "You see him too right?" Kai'zen nodded, "Felt him first" He directed his gaze to the mage and nodded. As a sign of trust Kai'zen pulled down his hood revealing his face. He had bright white hair that looked silver as the sunlight reflected off of it, his eye were pure silver looking slightly metallic in color, his skin tone was a little darker than caramel, which complemented his eyes and hair. He smiled "You can come down now, I may be a dragon but I don't bite....often" he smirked noting Syphelia's stifled laughter. After recollecting herself she followed suit revealing white hair with bright blue edges, one strand that hung over her face was completely blue, her eyes the same electric blue that was just as intense in full sunlight, towards her pupils her eye color turned a more intense shade of blue that was difficult to avert one eye's from. Her skin was a white that reminded people of freshly fallen snow. Her eyes turning to Kai'zen her voice with her usual annoyed tone, "Great now every hunter still living will be after us too." Kai'zen shook his head, "We can handle them." He turned to Lilly "We werent aware of such a festival, I'm sure we can stay at least for a little while." He emphasized that last bit, asserting the fact that he had authority.

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They fit in so easily here with the crazed colored of the townfolks festival clothes and hair. "Inano is sactuary for any and all peoples, you're safe in our walls. The Mage Saints live here and they defend us." It didn't matter that was remaining Mage Saint was gone and only Lilly, his less than impressive granddaughter, was left to defend Inano in a pitiful condition. Hopefully Daemon would come back before any of the towns folk got battered around by hunters. The other Mage Saints had either died or left to enlighten the heathens born into the Exil's Desert.
Orestes only nodded back, but stayed standing on a roof. He withdrew his own hood to reveal the Helmet where his head should be. He did his normal annoying thing and spoke what he read from Lillies mind. " We will stand with you if there is an attack. We may seem to be bodyguards but wecan fight. " He shifted his stance and moved briefly out of sight of the pair to pull out a ancient device. Spinning it rapidly he shifted it outwards to observe the mirrored reflection of the city from the Moon's point of view
"We are being hunted by the remains of a warlord's army, think you guys can handle that, if not it would be best if we kept going or at least fought away from this city to avoid death and damage to it." Syphelia said this looking at lilly then at Kai'zen. He could only nods his head in agreement. He sighed, looking at Syphelia "We'd better meet them outside the city and deal with them." He started walking towards the gates they came from Syphelia close behind she looked back at the girl a surprisingly warm smile on her face, "Dont worth about us we'll be back to enjoy that festival. I may even fix that leg." She turned and kept walking, keeping pace with Kai'zen. They were through the gates, and in the field outside the town in a few minutes. Kai'zen drew a massive sword from under his cloak on his back (his original sword) while Syphelia created her ice staff, her powerful aura swirling around her spreading frost on the grass. They waited, knowing the warriors would appear soon.

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Lilly threw up a minimal barrier around her mind, well it wouldn't make sense for bodyguards to not be able to fight, that just doesn't make sense. She let the barrier drop, she liked to keep her sarcastic comments to herself, especially around her elders. "Wait you two!" She hobbled quickly after them. "I will help you, that's my job you know?" Being a mage, and a good one to boot, she was part of the cities defenses. She wasn't Daemon though, but that shouldn't matter if she learned right. A Russian Blue cat she named Traveler hurries to her side to lend support. That's what it would like to the people anyway. Magic touched her mind and a forceful barrier surrounded it, as it does when magic's around.
Orestes portaled to her side with his staff and blade attached to him. He wordlessly passsed a Amulet and wand to Lilly and then began casting his own spells.
Kai'zen looked back to see the two rushing out of the gates just then He heard the marching of hundreds of boots and the clank of armor. He looked at Syphelia whose eyes were locked on the edges of the forest, as the first fow appeared she held out her hand and ice gathered around her feet then exploded in to a massive wave that shot towards them. The first row froze on contact creating a wall that the rest would have to get through. She looked at Kai'zen, "that should buy us some time." He nodded looking back at the two, before putting his sword on his shoulder. It was much too big for any man to use with one hand but Kai'zen held it with ease. He nodded in appreviation of their help before looking back at the tree line, men were climbing over the ice and others just smashed through wielding assorted weapons. "Here we go."

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Lilly despised the use of a wand, but didn't let it show. Magic needing wands to direct it and amulets to store energy were stronger than free hand magic and tended to need words of some old forgotten tongue. Mages often used this magic, and she did too, for show, but in times of actual danger, she preferred the magic she didn't need wands or amulets to use. Still, she was too close to town to rely on that magic. Her cat was unhappy but stayed at her side, just in case. She pulled on harder mage spells and forced them out through the wand. The high rank spell set the next row on fire. Spells raced across her mind and magic flicked from the end of her wand with each one, dealing damage to the foes she hit. Traveler growls and winds between her legs, hating the stench mage magic fogged the air with. It often times smelled like something so pure it burnt. Lilly hated it, Traveler hated it.Daemon and the other Saints love it.
Orestes unleashed his first spell, and suddenly the first thirty or so men cumpled in on themselves before howling and turning on comrades, eyes glowing. While he hated possession it was a very effective terror tactic and caused mass panic as some turned on the rest. He then channeled his energy into a small barricade of pure energy that hovered in front of the small group, protecting them from any arrows.
Daemon watches, unamused. he stays out of it for now, but if things start getting out of hand, he'll step in and put an end to it with his reputation. Being a Mage Saint isn't a title they give lightly. Only 5 mage saints have ever been named, His brother is one of them,
His magic was the only thing keeping the animated shells intact as the daemons capered and fought. some had fallen but the Daemons kept the form moving for as long as the possibly could before howling back into a different realm. He stood slightly in front of Lilly so as to deflect any stray weapons with his own body but not interfere with her casting.
Kai'zen slipped thought the barrier preferring close combat, he walked calmly towards the closest trio of warriors, whipping the massive sword in his arm around like it was a twig. "Well? Come at me!" His volume jolted the men into action causing them to rush at him wildly, he parried a spear tip from the first mercenary using the flat of his blade, the tip pointing down Andre hilt pointing upwards, the whole sword was parallel with his body, and Kai'zen only had to bring the wickedly sharp blade upwards to cut the shaft in two, he swatted the man with the flat of the blade, just as the second stabbed at him Kai'zen's brought his sword down hard near the cross guard knocking the sword from the man's hands. He kicked this man in his chest sending him sprawling backwards. The third was a large well-muscled man who used a very large battle axe . Kai'zen's recognized him as the warlords second in command, although he seemed simple this man was very well taught, he swung preemptively testing to see The boy's reaction. By now the boy knew to react accordingly instead of showing off. While he felt killing the mercenaries was unnecessary this man had it coming. He ducked the swipe and stabbed at his opponents abdomen, the brute brought the but of his axe down by simply changing the angle at which he held it, smacking away the blade like one swats a fly. Kai'zen had to roll out of the way as the axe blade came down at a blinding speed. "This is no longer fun." With that he abandoned his mental limitations using more of his natural strength instead of lowering himself to that of a human swordsman, a very skilled swordsman, but weak compared to his capabilities. He leapt at the man striking down with his sword, the man had just enough time to block but the force sent him staggering backwards. He didn't have time to recover as Kai'zen pressed him slashing with consistent force every time. In the next few moments the man was already bleeding from several cuts on his arms and legs. Meanwhile the two mercenaries with him had gotten their weapons (or backups in the pikeman's case) and circled behind Kai'zen the were taking their time then sprung forward weapons raised only to stop in midair, frozen in place by a certain ice Mage.

Syphelia had been multitasking casting dozens of attack spells from a single magic circle in front of her, in such raping succession it was like watching a arrows fly out of one bow (which is appropriate, since some attacks formed arrows) From looking at her no one could tell just what was happening in her mind finding the smirk on her face unsettling. When really she was enjoying Kai'zen's antics as he fought the three men, her smile disappeared though as she noticed the two men rising again, Kai'zen was preoccupied with the commander and hadn't noticed them. While keeping her steady stream of ice lances arrows and other projectiles going, she flicked her right wrist in Kai'zen's direction just as the two men sprung into action a small ice sphere flying towards them before popping between them and freezing them solid.
Daemon watches the activities now with mild amusement. Yes they were fighting, but seeing dragons fight was a rare spectacle. Two mages, two dragons, and the army of a dead tyrant. What a mix. He felt no need to step in yet, so his focused on each of the four in turn. The Armored Mage Orestes seemed to be double tasking, limiting his mobility and dividing his strengths, though he did it well and would be stronger for it. The Wandering Mage Lilly, the many greats granddaughter of the Sun, focused solely on her fighting, using magic that seemed difficult for her, but came out strong. Daemon didn't know what to think about that, strong magic like that should flow freely, he'd look into it later. Then, of course, the dragons, he didn't know their names, but he knew the male had released his limitations and was going flat out, and the female prefers magic and has her partner's back. All in all, a fair fight, the army out-numbers them thousands to four, but the four out matches them in capability, and the fact that none of them are completely, or not at all, human.

Lilly felt her grandfather's presence, but didn't react to it. Instead she tried harder to make the icky magic flow smoothly, forcing out more spells that didn't like her as much as they didn't like the enemy she was casting them at. She felt very little drain on her magic, but it was taking its toll. The gross smell made it hard to breath and if she fumbled the amulet or wand, the spell seared her hand as it left. Traveler ducked into the only pocket of safety from Lilly's magic, in the folds of her skirt. only now, the cat stayed still. It didn't want to be hit by any of Lilly's spells.
Syphelia looked back at Lilly, "Do what feels natural forced magic will only harm you. magic is meant to flow free and be liberating. Try free form, it may feel weird but you will get used to it." She froze an archer that was aiming at Kai'zen the arrow that had been fired was also frozen less than a foot in front of the poor man. She held out her right hand palm down and fingers srpead, a stormcload formed lightning crackling, he flexed her fingers around the storm sphere then launched it upwards. It burst and a lung dragon flew out. The spellbeast turned to ice as She waved her hand, it dove at the commander the man swung at it but it served around the swing and slammed into his lower body from behind. It knocked the man off ballance and Kai'zen sprang at him slashing through the man's chest. He knew his enemy was finished. He ran to the tree line where more warriors charged him. He saw true malice in their actions and cut them down swiftly, his blade nothing but a few flashing lines. He was on to the next group before they fell. He started to use his skills using a swing so powerful it cut trees up to ten feet away. As the trees collapsed mercenaries scrambed to get away others were crushed. Kai'zen grimaced, he always tried to differenciate who could be redeemed and who should be punished. As he thought he lowered his guard his reflexed springing back into action as another group circled him he fought them off sparing only one who got the message and ran towards the direction of his home village. Kai'zen smiled hoping that boy had a brighter future. He struck more down before doubling back and slipping back into the forcefield. He looked out at the devastation, men were impaled on spears of ice others frozen in sections or completely. The few remaining lokked like they wete gathering for a final assault. "Finish them quickly?" Kai'zen looked at the others wondering what reaction hed get.

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"i think they've had enough," Daemon says, walking to stand between the four and the remainders. He gives the remainder a look filled with warning, his shadow writhed on the ground like a puppet trying to free itself of its master. The remainder flee before Daemon turns away. He puts on a pleasant smile as he looks at the four. "I hope this doesn't become a regular thing, fighting is frowned upon you know." A demon head seems to appear over his shoulder, formed by his shadow, making Lilly uncomfortable, so she looks away.

"Of course not grandfather, that's rediculous." She says, laughing slightly.

(Pic for reference.
" I stand in fulfillment of my oaths. I will stand as needed." Was Orestes reply. He retrieved the stance of arms crossed and robe and hood closed. Magic shadows hide all but his glowing green eye peices.

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That appeased Daemon somewhat, but he didn't have the dragons' confirmation yet. He hoped dragons didn't like fighting, though they were certainly good at it.
Kai'zen and Syphelia stopped Kai'zen sheathing his sword although he sensed something very odd about this man. Syphelia did the same dispelling her staff and erasing her magic circle She Stepped back and Kai'zen stepped forward, she could see the magic power radiating off him a handy talent but it disturbed her he was quite powerful someone she would have to work hard to defeat. Kai'zen looked at the man an eyebrow raising as the demonic face appeared then was gone. "I should apologize for that. My companion and I were being pursued by those men after toppling their warlord, though without their second in command I doubt they will return." He nodded towards the carcass of the brute. "These two volunteered to help us, which I greatly appreciated. I'm sorry for bringing a personal battle to your city but it seemed we had few options."

(Sorry my cell didn't send the post I made on tapatalk.)
(It's fine)

"I'm not unhappy with you. It is a rare sight seeing dragons fight and I learned quite a bit, which hasn't happened in many years. The only thing I'm worried about is the clean up, I can't leave this lying around and they come from too far away to return." Daemon then looked back at Lilly, "If I'm unhappy at all is because you where fighting with no regard for your state. We'll talk about that later." He returns his attention to the dragons, "Please, go enjoy the festival, it's a wonderful time of year, you should relax and enjoy. If I'm right, you've been traveling for quite a while."

"You could stay with us while you're here," Lilly says, "Our house doubles as an Inn, so it wouldn't be a bother." That seemed to appease Daemon a bit more. it would be a bother to us, Lilly, Traveler spoke into her mind, Remember, we'll be busy. Hush Traveler. Lilly keeps her passive smile intact.
Orestes summoned the Black Dragon to escort Lilly and began burning the bodies one at a time. He slowly began clearing the field, avoiding extra damage and replacing the huge Dryad trees that lay fallen

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The two dragons looked at each other and came to a conclusion, simultaeneously they faced The man and said, "Sure." Syphelia looked around, most of them where frozen. she snapped her fingers and all the ice cracked then blew away on the next wind as snow. "Just to help out"
"Much appreciated," Daemon points at each one in turn laying shrouds on them, and then burning them with the shroud. As was his way. The Sun demanded it of him, but he would do it anyway.
Kai'zen waited, knowing he couldn't do much to help. He looked at Syphelia who was steadily turning the ice sculptures to snow. She was concentrating finally turning the last one of her victims opponents to snow. She looked at the man who was burning the rest, "interesting." She wanted to turn and leave but she didn't want to seem rude to them like Oh yeah I'll drag you into this fight then let you clean my messes. That was neither her or Kai'zen's style so she waited.
Once the bodies were gone, Daemon stowed his hands in his pockets. "Lilly, I think it's time to go back to town." He starts to the city gates and they open up as they had been before the fight, but not during. Civilians didn't need to see the unpleasantness of battle.

"Right behind you," Lilly says but motions for the dragons to go first.
( post 600! )

Orestes stood directly behind Lilly and carefully watched while Black Dragon stared from behind his area in the forest. He would remain in vigil of the forests for now.

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