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Kai'zen and his troops were nearing the battlefield when they felt a shudder of an ancient and powerful ...dragon? Kai'zen couldn't really tell but it was a very impressive being indeed. he looked back at his troops. "We'll check it out afterwards, right now we must stay focused." the men nodded and tightened their formation, the battle now in sight. Kai'zen lead the warriors in a circle around the battlefield locking on Syphelia and Daemon. H flew low slowing down so that he could land with ease. Again the men did the same but landing in a circle around them the troops filling all the space that was left in the town shoulder to shoulder. even having rows outside the village. "This seems like quite the party, what'd I miss?" He looked from Daemon to Syphelia not knowing who would fill him in.

Syphelia stepped up weakening the link with Daemon to fill Kai'zen in filling his mind with the occurences that took place since he left. She saw him grin as she shared scaring the villagers. She was staring at his armor barely remembering the last time she saw him in it. She figured it was appropriate seeing as the situation was a mass battle instead of one on one combat. She also shared the odd flux of power she felt from a being a moment ago, feeling him reaffirm her belief that it was an ancient dragon-like being. She turned to the men scanning their ranks then turned back to Kai'zen hands on her hips and a disappointed look on her face. "Really, no mages?" They had this conversation countless times and she just shook her head as she turned to the men. "Avoid harming the barbaric forces but otherwise do your thing." The dragon knights surged forward moving as a unit thunder, fire and a whole array of element spewing from the front lines and the different dragons released their natural elements.
Daemon herds the townsfolk out of the town and once they're in the next one, the forces there join the battle. Eventually he gets them and many other towns past Wall Maria.
The doctor that was tending to Lilly returned from a short errand to find the cot empty, he whipped around running down the hall the opposite direction from where he came looking for Lilly he looked down corridors frantically looking for the girl, she clearly wasn't aware she was far above the mortal realm and would probably be unable to get down without a dragons assistance.
Lilly looks over the side then backs away very quickly. Okay, not that way, she heads back inside to ambush someone that looked like an easy target. Someone unarmed, or lightly armed. One or the other, she was sure she could force someone here to take her back to her town. Parhaps even to Wall Terra, the very inside of the giant city.
( Wow my CP is retarded. )

Orestes felt a powerful disruption of the spiritual world. He had not felt this force for some time but knew it. He had been there when the dragon was born and watched its empire fall. His only saving grace was that he had not had all of his pieces at the time or he figured he would have been dragged into the fight. At the moment he called back the spirits from the suits. They would get their vengeance but not now. and not with those bodies.


Koroland and Black Dragon had gathered a mighty army of the ancients. The Impossible Fortress rose into the sky once again and hovered over the volcano that contained the Brass Citadel. The pair of fortresses now had a full garrison of Chaos Marines. The impossible nature of these fortresses weighted down on the world as they regrew. The living building had been the Long Wars last causalities. A pair of full sized castles one grew in a volcano and appeared to be made of Brass. The other was a crystalline, floating fortress that grew eyes and gazed at the land around it.
Xazik revolted back into the mountain, dragging his claws against the stone until he reached his Tombstone. The claws on his hands glowed as a red, as they were placed on a pedestal that rose from his tomb. The pedestal had rock symbols floating above it as if it signified a contract of sorts, or a warning. As he had known what it meant, Xazik immediately placed his left talons in the base of the rock, and the floating symbols refrained into the pedestal, as it then seeped back into the ground itself.

Soon enough, a rumble shook the Earth, and the ceiling caved upward to reveal a large, never-ending room, and at the top lies a floating platform surrounded by the ancient sayings of power, defeat, and the names of rulers all in ancient rock letters as they circled the platform, recycling into the platform's stone base to trade out with other sayings. Xazik, however, glided to the middle of the platform, lifting another pedestal in which it had more symbols. But the symbols would form a triangular prism... Xazik watched as he manipulated the stone symbols into the triangular prism, with something very powerful on the inside. Immediately, the prism and the symbols surrounding the platform glowed a bright red, and the the prism shot a powerful red beam straight up to another, much larger prism held by stone beams using a magnetic force. Rather much larger than Xazik.

The large triangular prism then began to hue as a bright red as well. Xazik glided away from the smaller prism, or known as the Mazihik, and towards the larger one, revolving around the powerful, singeing beam. As he reached the large prism, or the Kahalik, Xazik placed his talons on the side of the prism between two of the eight beams. The Kahalik's point then unfolded to an opening that then amplified the red beam even further. Just before it hit the ceiling of the mountain, the top of the mountain transformed into a fork-like opening, and the high-powered beam progressed into the atmosphere, and it stopped once it hit the clouds. But every 30 seconds, the Mazihik would power back up and fire another 5 second long beam.

Xazik went back down to the platform in which the Mazihik was held. Watching the symbols glow as well as the floating prism every 30 seconds. The point of this was to signify his return, and the spirits of the Mazaki Empire. But as the rest of the day fades to night, it will launch one more powerful beam. And it will progress to do that every midnight on every night there is...
Diana feels the earth rumble under her bare feet, then looks up as a beam is fired a few peeks over, "Eh?" She asks herself. She looks up, nothing circling overhead . . . "What in this world?"
Orestes saw the beams in the scrying crystal. The beams had been known to him and a few others who dabbled in Farseering. He know knew that the final piece of the puzzle had risen. Thus did a massive game of chess and bluffs begins. Both Sides had powerful warriors. While the enemies of Chaos had many more troops those under Chaos never truly died. Such would this war be.
Kai'zen saw the sky turn red a couple times and turned to the source, his eyes widened, as he felt something tug at his being. he watched as it flashed and knew he could'nt wait for this to resolve normally, he would have to intervene and get his soldiers to fight harder, He turned to the largest conflict and ran towards it, leaping over rows of his men and crashing down on one unlucky shadow warrior, he quickly dispached it, then rolled forward tearing through the enemy before him, he knew if he saw that, the armors anywhere in this realm would be aware of it he yelled at the top of his voice, "We must finish this quickly then rally to that mountain to defend it from any harm, use whatever magic you know and turn these forsaken shadows into memories!" with that the dragonian warriors let loose a stream of destruction magic shooting from them and mixing making a volatile mass of explosions of flaming ice shards, and stone, violent blades of air cutting down the shades. this method spread down the line until a ring of destructive magic guarded the villages, diminishing the forces of their enemy within minutes. Displaying some of the power dragonian soldiers possess.

Syphelia knew what Kai'zen was thinking, as usual, so she transformed and flew above the battle swooping down and using ice to slow down the shades, destroying them with swipes of her tail. Although she was young for a dragon, she felt like one of her predecessors using their gifts to deal great damage to their foolish opponents.
Lilly hides in the infirmary, waiting for the next person to come in. When someone does finally come in, she ambushes him. He might be a healer of sorts, healers were mostly passive so he wouldn't fight back, right?

Daemon continues to hurry people past wall Maria, then goes to more villages to move them past the wall as well.
The Fortresses manifested the joint power of the magic ad daemons inside them. The area around them mutated and grew other-worldly. The very air suddenly seemed alive and all living creatures took on massive mutations if they did not have magic defenses. Raiding parties of marines spread out and took villages nearby to try to draw the Draconics to the strange and mutated new area.
Barbarian warriors noticed the villages falling to the marines. Confused, half of them go to battle against the marines while the rest stay to fight the spartans.
The Marines shift tactics when the Barbarians approach. drawing a variety of weapons and strange spells a barrage of strange fire and sliced into the charging men. The Marines then charged in, the force of their inhuman strength hitting with the force of a train.
Koroland appeared in a blaze of red light in the midst of the fight. Hefting his ax he waded in, slicing down several who who far too slow for the Chaos Champion. These fools had no right facing a blade master. Summoning his powers he let lose a storm of blood red flames, his magic causing blood red clouds to form that spat screaming skulls at the battlefield below.
From the towers of the fourth and final wall, one stands on the ledge, watching the chaos that rains on the towns. "So they have returned." The seemingly alone figure turns from the scene, "Prepare battlements. Fortify Maria."

Daemon takes the long climb up to the top of wall Maria, looking out over towns. "That's not good."
A Hell Dragon flew from the fortress, its mechanical body bleeding demonic fire into the night. The creatures screams echoed into the night and is cries brought more forth from the portal in the center of the Impossible Fortress. The creatures where mechanical dragon with the spirit of a corrupted dragon possessing it. Their breath was a stream of daemonic flames that scoured the very soul. They descended upon the battlefield below and spewed flames over the village.

Kai'zen very being trembled with disgust as the cries rang out from the twisted dragons, he and his troops loked towards the sky, their reason receeding from the front of their minds, and their instinct to preserve order taking it's place.

There was a whirlwind of elements and a feeling of raw power washing over the villages as each and every dragonic soldier turned into their natural forms, The first three zipping into the air and attacking the first mechanical dragon, ripping into it with their claws and using their elements to batter it, an ice dragon froze the abominations wings and watched it plummet as the fire and earth dragon with it slammed it into the ground.

Normally this is much too brutal to be dragon tactics, but when creatures that had such....unnatural wrongness emanating from them came into the realm there was no mercy. Kai'zen himself flew into the air the rest of his forces fell in behind him, even with their instincts on overdrive they kept themselves in check, forming three large triangles in the sky. two flying in formation around the battle. One striking at the mechanical dragons above the other splitting up and reforming quickly as they shredded lesser armors in their claws or used a hand or other appendage to smack the tin cans sending them flying. Last triangle of dragons. made up of dragons with brilliantly colored scales and wings flew towards the battling armors and barbarians not forgetting their allies.

Led by Kai'zen himself the first group of dragons to break off Angled to the center o the fight while the other group struck at the surrounding area. Kai'zen personally aimed for Koroland, using a skill unique to silver dragons, he turned from storm dragon to a water dragon, a specific breed that was closely related to frost dragons He swooped down coming in for a very quick landing aswell they excelled in speed and power giving him a better chance against koroland's axe.Kai'zen swooped down and dove directly towards Koroland taking the opportunity to strike first. He aimed his front legs at the Berserkers chest one clawed hand puncturing the chestplate, the other pinning his arms above his head, centering the force on the handle of the Berserkers weapon. Kai'zens tail batted at armors who had come too close some being greatly dented on impact.

When Kai'zen limited himself to the fighting style of humans and other humanoid beings he was not even close to the strength he now had, but being in his more natural forms gave him a great boost. His magic flowed better and his strength made the red tin can he was looking at seem frail. He glared down at his opponent speaking in a deep slightly gruff voice, it had a smooth sound but was laced with a tone that was a signal of his authority. "You should have stayed behind the walls of that horrid fortress demon."(
Kai'zen's form) (P.S Sorry I stopped getting alerts.)
Lilly soon figured out that ambushing a dragon in their own home was . . . stupid, perhaps very stupid, but she made it to the outside with her dragon hostage. She feared that the man was only pretending to do as she said because she was injured or perhaps Kai had said something to his people. Still, he wasn't protesting for the moment, and that's all that really mattered right now. She needed to get down there without too much fuss, and while she might be able to cast a lowering charm, she was way too high up for it to keep her safe. She was too weak for that. Just looking over the sedge made her ill. "Alright, uh, you," she said to her captured dragon, "You're going to take me down there to wall Maria where all those people are, got it?" ((Kai, I don't know what one of your dragons would do in this situation. perhaps you could play this secondary character?))

Daemon double checks the villages before joining the fight, or rather, examining how everyone was doing. he'd never seen so many dragons in one place, nor had he seen draconic demon machines before. The evil in the air was thick enough to be a light fog, he could reach out and feel it swirl about his fingers. It gave off an awful stench too. He wasn't sure what was worse? The smell, the feel, or the stickiness in his lungs that came from breathing the foul air.
Zedrian, was a little upset at how the girl had attacked him, but he complied knowing orders were given to protect this mortal. He simply turned hie face to hers. "You know you could have just asked, I'm not allowed to harm you. I'll fly you down but you'll have to alert my lord that you have left the Palace." He slipped out of her grip easily showing off to emphasize the point that he could have killed her a hundred times over by now. he took a couple steps away, before bursting into his dragon form. Plants instantly began to spring up under and he had to concentrate to get them to recede. His brown layered scales looked almost like tree bark but was much stronger, his wings a vibrant green and his head having a regal look. He turned to Lilly and lowered his head, offering her a seat. "My apologies but we will have to fly over the fray, We may attract some unwanted attention, and go into battle. But I'll keep it brief." One look at his wickedly curved ivory colored talons and teeth would support his claim.
"Yeah, okay," Lilly knew for a fact she wouldn't be able to get on without removing the cast from her leg. Well, no need to dwell. She crosses the feet between them and stops by his claw. "i'll need help getting up. broken things are not mobile."
Zedrian huffed, smoke curling from his nostrils. He stood and used his claws to pick her up by the back of her cloak, He set her down on his neck. "Hold on mortal." With that he leaped over the edge, he angled himself towards the fray even from this far away they could see dragons fighting in the air. Zedrian shuddered as they approached looking perturbed. "This isn't good we'll defintely get caught in that storm, I'll try to fly higher, but I can't guarantee anything though." Zedrian flew higher getting into the clouds, He felw faster almost as if the wind was pushing him. In a few minutes they were above the battlefield. Zedrian knew he couldn't help much, but he tried anyway. Jerking his head upwards vines under the soil of the battelfield sprung up wrapping around some armors and squeezing, one area had grown thorns and were wrapped around the spartans, pinning them. "That is all I can do." His voice sounded weaker, and his wingbeats faltered they dipped quickly before leveling out and floating down in a controlled descent. "At this angle, We'll land on the wall. Is that okay?"

Kai'zen noticed the vines, knowing only one dragon in the area capable of this, he glanced upwards, a very toothy grin on his face. "Zedrian." He returned his attention to the red armor tightening his grip.

Syphelia had been laying back so far, finishing off any stragglers. At this time she reverted to her dragon form and flew to Kai'zen, also noticing the vines. She looked questioningly at Kai'zen "You brought Zedrian?" Information passed between her and Kai'zen mainly orders for her to track him and keep him safe. she nodded an flew off Spotting the bright-winged dragon quickly. She came up next to him slowing herself to match his speed, From aways behind him she could see something on his back. When she came up she was surprised to see Lilly on his back. "Weren't you supposed to be Healing?" She didn't really pry just followed her orders. "Doesn't matter I'm supposed to keep you safe Zed, Looks like I'll protect her too."
Lilly spots Ted standing at ease on the wall. he's watching the battle with mild amusement, but she sees his gaze turn towards her. She smiles and points, "Aim for him! Standing on the wall. I can hop off over him and he'll catch me. it's easier to fight without a passenger."
Zedrian snorted, "Me? Fight? Child I'm a healer not a warrior. I'll stay with you you're bound to need some healing, I can even speed up the healing process. That's the whole reason I came in." He slowed his massive wings tilting upwards and catching the wind. Zedrian flew over the man tilting a bit to make Lilly getting off easier. He spun and landed next to Daemon as he caught Lilly. "You know instead hopping off, you could have gotten off now." He snickered, his body shaking from the laughter.

Syphelia landed next to Zedrian looking over him at Daemon. She turned into a hurricane of ice snow and frigid wind, before reappearing in a human form. "I'm on guard duty for Zedrian. Which means I'll be with you aswell, since he seems to have no intention of leaving." Her head turned back to the battlefield watching the armors and dragons battle. it was something she highly disliked seeing but had too.
(Ted not Daemon. Daemon is standing on a roof in the battle field.)

Lilly slides off her new dragon friend, being caught by Ted. He lowers her feet to the ground but keeps a steady hand on her shoulder. "You're as head strong as the beginning of your line, Lilly," He says. "But you should know better than to leave safety for a war zone. This wall will not stand if that fight gets much closer. I pity whoever you end up marrying. It'll be him that stays home worrying with the children."

"What makes you think i'll have children?" Lilly asks, crossing . . . putting her hand on her hip.

Ted Laughs, "I know when your line ends, child, and it won't end with you. Your pride won't allow it."

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