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The Blades clinked from the surface of his armor as he righted. dropping his Ax he grabbed both men by the necks and smashed their head together and threw both in opposite directions. He calmly bent down and grabbed his weapon before they even landed.
Ted laughs as he gets up, "Ow!"

Daemon gets up, cursing, "Im too old for this ****!!"

"Language grandpa!" Ted shouts back to him.

"Shut up Ted!"

Ted thinking about this for a moment, "you know, he can't be in two places at once."

Daemon sighs, "Shut up Ted," this time muttering to himself.

Lilly sneaks up behind The berserker and gabs a stray piece of his own armor through his leg, then quickly backing off.
Kai'zen watched the fight and grabbed Syphelia's arm yanking on it to get her attention he felt her turn and release him giving him the chance to stand on his own two feet. He drew his sword and watched as "Ted" made the whole valley light up nearly blinding him...nearly. Kai'zen watched as they battled the berseker feeling the urge to join them. "He may be outnumbered but he still manages to put up a good fight. What they need to do is pin him then pull him apart. I'm an idiot for not realizing sooner, they are after shards of other warriors, if we can pull them apart and keep them apart our problem is solved." He dashed forward knowing Syphelia would follow him into what seemed was about to be their last battle against these things.

Syphelia had just about given up when she dragged Kai'zen away, it was really her last attempt at getting them both out of there alive. She was lost in her thoughts the whole time she walked oblivious to the newcomer and the new battle that was raging behind them, until she felt Kai'zen's grip on her arm she slowed and turned around giving him her attention before she saw a blinding light, she rubbed the spots out of her eyes and saw the newly started battle. She then heard Kai'zen's words which shook her out of the fog she was in. After hearing the new plan Syphelia felt hope she re-equipped her staff and sword using them as a pair instead of separately, she nodded eventhough Kai'zen couldn't see her and charged in behind him her determination to finish this things once and for all. Just for good measure she shot an ice spike from her staff aiming not at the berserker but at the first monster they encountered as a challenge to face her again.
The Berserker roars his rage as the girl leaps behind him. Smashing his free hand into the ground the ground around him explodes upwards and he turns on the girl that attacked him. Bending over he grabbed her by the neck and lifted.he threw her strait up as hard as he could and grabbed the shard from her as he threw her. it slid into place again as he turned on the younger of his attackers.
"Lilly!" Ted disappears in a shower of stars and suddenly appeared in the air a ways before Lilly hit the side of the mountain. Still the momentum almost made them hit anyway.

"YOU'LL REGRET THAT!!" Daemon's power burns through the sword, the shards hanging from the hilt and embedded in the blade itself, glow as their power reacts to his. He charges the Berserker, burying the blade into its chest-plate and exploding it.
When the blade exploded inside his chest the skulls all spat fire. The only other visible effect was a massive cloud of dust came flying out of his helmet. Looking down at the blade impaled into his chest the Berserker sighted and suddenly vanished. Reappearing some thirty feet away he looked at Daemon. " I regret many things in this life Mortal Yo will not know the pains of such a life. Our curse brings us hate and scorn."
"Maybe that's because you hurt people's grandkids, and you will reget it." Daemon pulls off one of the shards, "If the sun is part of your curse, let it be cleansed," the armor in his hand lots it's sheen and rusted into dust.
" You are not the first to try that. One of our own did the same thing. It reforms in the tower that we are bound to. Hail and Farewell for now, Fool of the vengeful sun." After speaking Koroland vanished in a flash of red light. Those who could see Orestes would have seen him suddenly step into a flaming portal. Black Dragon just seemed to stop existing.
"not this time, it has been reclaimed by the sun," Daemon walks over to Lilly and Ted.

"She's still breathing," Ted says, holding her and supporting her head.

"She's not fated to die yet, so there's no point in fretting over it." Diana says, poking at Daemon. "Mind, if she dies, those two pieces of armor she put in the seperate, alternate, null, universe space, whatever it's called, will never come back down. They'll be perserved forever up . . . well, up in and around here somewhere."
Orestes pulled the shard from the air. Daemon had tried to destroy it. How little he knew of the curse. The curse was inflicted by a Daemon of the suns. This sun was only a shard of the power. The shards, when destroyed, where pulled into reality from a different reality. The curse was originally cast on his organization as a monument to all their sins. The organization had prided themselves on their ability to do anything and their Mortality. Because of what they had done and what they where they where cursed to be immortal. They would never die. they would never forget what they had done. This had caused them all to become corrupt and strange. The other part of the curse was that they had a permanent aura that caused hatred and fighting around them. Where the original group had prided itself on never needed to fight the suits now spent all of their time in hiding or fighting. To many this curse was the worst thing ever as they could not live down what they had done. A few, Orestes and Koroland among them, had taken to this new life as a experience to learn from and explore. Then there where some like Black Dragon. He and some others had taken what they had learned in their old life to extremes in this one.
*So my chosen few are getting involved in this one...pity* The sun thought, looking down at The Cursed. He'd have to speak with the other suns and see what they thought of this new development. So many new additions to the planet, what to throw down there to make it even more interesting.
Kai'zen skidded to a halt after seeing all three of the armors disappear. "Dammit! So close." Kai'zen started walking slowly towards the four that were huddled around Lilly sheathing his sword. "Will she be okay?" he knelt next to Ted, his jaw taught from clenching his teeth. He looked around at the group eyeing the two new additions. He looked down a Lilly "I'm sorry, I said I would protect you." He sat down thinking of a plan for their next encounter with the metal brutes.

Syphelia followed Kai'zen knowing what he was feeling, this time because she felt it herself, That feeling of being useless when your allies needed you most. She had changed back into her ropes dispelling her sword but keeping her staff handy. She stayed silent and sat next to Kai'zen reinitiating their link and letting the thoughts flow between them having a whole conversations in mere seconds. Meanwhile she worked on weaving a spell that would negate the effects of the anti-magic bombs which was very difficult as she hade to weave more concrete components into the spell such as the earths essence and drawing some cosmic energy into it anchoring it to all realities.
"I told you!" Diana says throwing her hands up, "She's not fated to die yet!" Her arms falls back to her sides and she pouts. "No one ever listens to me. I'm not only a creepy immortal you know."

Ted chuckles, "most immortals are creepy," he stands carefully.

"Since when did you become the moon," Daemon asks, changing the subject.

"Since The Assassin killed him, Death reclaimed her spirit though so she won't be coming back as a demon anytime soon." Ted looks at the dragon. "Don't dragon normally keep their promises?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.
Kai'zen shot Ted loatheful look then looked down at Lilly sadness in his eyes . "You know, there's no reason to make me feel worse." He stood up dusting himself off and looked Ted dead in his eyes. "But where the hell were you, Syphelia and I have been fighting those things by ourselves for hours now and you three just suddenly pop up out of nowhere AFTER we nearly died! So don't patronize me for not being able to defend everyone when you weren't even there!" as Kai'zen's anger rises a vortex forms above him lightning crackling in the center. He takes a deep breath calming down. "I'm sorry,I don't even know you and I just flipped out." He sat down again next to Syphelia closing his eyes and leaning his head back, the storm that was brewing slowly dissipates.

Syphelia was shocked and very afraid of Kai'zen during his outburst, as soon as she felt his anger boil over she cut the link retreating into her own mind, putting even the weaving of her spell on hold as the massive magical force he now possessed nearly caused a storm that would have been catastrophic if he continued. She only took her hands off of her ears after the storm fully dispersed and the magic residue was gone. She slowly returned to work on her spell which had now taken shape as a rune floating in front of her, glowing the same bright blue as her permafrost that now stood in odd places and at naturally impossible angles around the valley.
"I was fighting a different war and only came because I was . . . summoned. This is nothing compaired to the war I was immersed in." Ted glances at Diana, then looks at Daemon. "Seems I should have brought some reinforcements, perhaps the Wizard . . . but that's the Sun's call really. I can't stay for much longer. I'm the general and they need me there." He passes Lilly to Daemon. "Try not to get involved with those metal men. They really do pack a punch."
kai'zen gritted his teeth again annoyed at Ted. "I am well aware of their strength I've faced it personally, and WHY do you insist on speaking to me like I'm a child I may be younger than you but I'm still quite capable." He looks at the rest of the group there. Pointing at Daemon, "You and Ted have fought these guys before, correct me if I'm wrong but if you cut them up and separate the pieces before they can heal wouldn't that at least keep them from continuing their assaults? If so we can lure them to my home. I'll have the court magicians make special cases for the shards that we can put them in and then seal them away." Kai'zen stands up resting his arm on the hilt of his sword. "Either way I really wanna go to the Dragon Palace, It's been ages since I saw my older sister, Quite literally."
"To me, you are a child, and lilly is little more than a baby," Ted says, frowning at Kai'zen. "As for your idea, taking pieces of them lowers their abilities, depending on the piece you take. Lilly has a crest and some other piece floating in space. I'm sure the one the crest is from won't stop until he get's it back. The crest is important to them."

"I think his plan is worth a shot, and I'm exactly as old as you are, Ted, and I don't treat him like a child. Anyone who can manage to hold off an attack like that is a good warrior no matter what their age. He's no child." Daemon looks at Kai'zen, "if we are to go, we need to go now."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/IMG_0208.JPG.c31673dd0e56a0b8bbc1e097a379084d.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11788" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/IMG_0208.JPG.c31673dd0e56a0b8bbc1e097a379084d.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>)) Kai'zen nods to Daemon appreciative of his support he looks to the immortal girl, "I assume you will be with us as well. doesn't matter I can carry all of you." Kai'zen walked about twenty feet away then began to transform from his new humanoid form to a new dragon form. The azure feathers crackled with lightning and matching scales ran all along his body making a strong hide harder than most others dragons. His arms elongated but he kept all his digits. Along his spine soft yellows hairs grew yellow circles popping up in the blue of his body in random places. Kai'zen's head changed as well it lengthened into a snout yellow runes blazing to life on his cheek long antennae grew from the crown of his head. When the transformation was complete he shook throwing off sparks in all directions. Kai'zen spoke his voice a lot deeper than before rumbling like thunder."It appears I have unlocked the storm dragon blood in me, well hop on we'll have to fly to the dragon palace, being a floating city it's pretty hard for most to get up there." He walked on all fours towards them offering a spot on his back.



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( AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANnd i stopped getting Notifs. course)

Orestes shifted. He hated to do this but it was needed. He was missing a arm of the chaos star on his chest. He drew upon the powers of the neatherworld to summon creatures. He would need to draw them to him if they where to win this. He unleashed a hundred suits of armour that where the souls of the departed. Their spartan armour rose from the dust plains around his underground tower and advanced outwards. Dozens of villages would soon know war. ( the shadow spartans )

Daemon sets Lilly on his back, making sure she wouldn't fall off. "I have my own means of transportation, besides, there are a few things i need to do here. I sense danger and I don't like the idea of leaving the towns to peril."

"Besides, one unconscious girl shouldn't be too hard to protect." Ted says, grinning, "I've got to go." He disappears in a shower of starlight.

Diana summons a pegsus made of what looks like the night sky filled with multicolord stars and hopes on. "Universe denizens, they come in all shapes and sizes." She smiles, giving this one what looks to be a ingot of gold.
Kai'zen nods,"Be careful the guards are very protective and will attack anyone they think is trouble, Syphelia stick with him so he isn't attacked when he joins us. If it gets crazy alert me and I will come." Kai'zen spread his wings and took off with a roll of thunder bomming from his wings, a side effect of being just turned into a storm dragon, he soars up making sure to keep Lilly balanced and secure, he levels out and rockets towards the coast and sunset, his speed was ludicrous as his wing kicked up enough static to leave a bright blue trail of lightning He soon saw a city that at first looked like it was on a cliff but as he appraoched they saw the truth, below him was a wide river leading into a bay mortal cities, based on the cliffs. and before them hovering over the entrance to the bay was the dragon city of Raneir one of the four guardian cities that was full of dragonic warriors always ready to defend the dragonic capital city, known to dragon's as Iysvaiyer or to mortals as the Dragon Palace. Raneir was low to the mortal realm as far as dragon cities go. Dragon cities are infamouse for hovering over a fixed spot moving only if attacked by Mortals or other, more dangerous enemies. Kai'zen angled himself up flying above the clouds revealing a much more lavish and highly decorated city Important looking humanoid figures walking around in long flowy cloaks that are colored in all colors of the rainbow. Kai'zen circles around slowing down and leveling out going in for a landing in a central location guards and officals taking note and scurrying to either side lining both sides of the massive courtyard that lead to a palace with a huge spire rising from the middle. He hovered at the end landing gingerly turning his head back and speaking to Lilly trying to wake her up "Lilly wake up we're here." Kai'zen knew he wasn't allowed even as future emperor to walk to the palace in his dragon form, but he didn't want to dump Lilly on the ground. He continued attemping to wake Lilly up nudging her with his chin. "Seriously if you can wake up if they notice you rode me I'll never hear the end of it from the Princes."

Syphelia Nodded as Kai'zen told her to stay here with Daemon even though she wished to go with him and see the grand city she knew he must sense something important that Daemon was sensing aswell. She waved to Kai'zen as he took off knowing he'd probably be home in about twenty minutes. She turned to Daemon speaking in her surprisingly sing-songy voice. "Lead the way Daemon, I am to assist you now, until Kai'zen calls me or returns." She recreates her staff and stood next to him facing forward with near perfect posture as her years in training at the academy taught her.

(Ranier () Iysvaiyer())
As the shadow warriors moved out a pair of villages that where loyal to him armed them with greater weapons and sent them onwards to villages that had long ago condemned the Sorcerer. The warriors where faster then any human and moved tirelessly. The first village fell silent within hours. Across the world the Chaos Marines under the Curse of the Thousand Suns rearmed and revived the fallen. The Long War might start anew.

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