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Daemon crosses his hands, so the palm of his right and the back of his left created an X. Sun flames danced across his hands and became a mirror, he watched the ending of the first village fall. Then went ahead to see the second village, Lilly's home. He knew it was his job to defend the villages, how could he have been so careless. "I'll meet you at Lilly's village." And with that, he disappears in a wave of sunlight. An instant late he stood at the edge of the city. "Warriors," his voice echoed, laced with power that smelled of burning roses. "Rise and come to my aid." warriors rise from ashes and the darkness Daemon knew full well was forbidden magic to the follows of the sun. but the sun would understand, as Daemon had done this so few times before, and only in dire circumstances. Warriors filled the surrounding area, gaurding this village and every other village. "Protect the villagers, be they human or not, kill the d@mn3d that mean them harm. Fight until they are all dead."

(The warrior barbarian vampire things.)


Lilly stirs slightly and slides off him, managing to land on her feet. She stumbles slightly before sinking to her knees. Something was broken, she knew, and wanted to go back to sleep so she didn't have to feel the pain. Maybe it was a rib, or an arm? Maybe just a fracture . . .

(Broken ribs, no serious internal damage, hurts like h-e-double hocky sticks though.)
While Orestes raised and dispatched his warriors Koroland and Black Dragon had been traveling. They had gotten into contact with many others who had fallen to the Curse of the Thousand Suns. They reclaimed parts of those who had been dissected and been joined by those who still walked this plane. The parts would rest with Orestes until enough parts to rebuild them where recovered. The living would begin the Long War anew. And by the Gods they would know their vengeance on the world this time. The only city that had denied them before was Terra. The Earth Magic users had managed to hold the walls for 90 days until the sheer amount of magic caused the whole area to explode. Terra had been rebuilt but the Chaos Marines had been scattered to the ends of the earth. Few where around hat had opposed them before. After this Koroland prayed that he would finally claim the skull of the Elemental Magic user who had buried him nearly a mile underground.


The shadow Spartans spotted the Undead and closed ranks. Locking shields the advanced as a wall of spears and swords with their Eagle arcing lightning through anything around them. The strange helmets showed only a ghostly skull beneath every face plate.
The barbarians roar battle cries, the shouts that frightened demons. they advance as one great wave, launching themselves off each other's shoulders and raining down on the spartan's heads. For some barbarian clans, their numbers make up for what they lack in skill, but for these barbarians, their skill matched their numbers, the endless wave as the slain were reborn at the back of the wave to join anew.

(Hmm, Terra . . . haha, I can work with that. *grins evilly* The skull he wants belongs to a name, yes? What is that name?)
Kai'zen steadied Lilly in his arms after quickly transforming into his humanoid form, this time he was dressed in long purple robes that matched the color of the gems circling the spires above, along his wrists and neck was jewlery made of gold and various precious gems. "Easy there, I'll get you patched up." He pointed to some guards and waved them over,but they seemed preoccupied sensing the same thing he was. "Yes I know there is turmoil in the mortal realm, but can we get her some medical attention before we deal with that." With that the guards rushed over, awaiting orders. "Assist this girl to the clinic, whenever she feels ready lead her to me wherever I am, also gather the mages, general, and Princes, we need to have a talk." As they walked away gingerly carrying Lilly he walked towards the palace the officials on either side bowing as he passed, he walked through the large palace doors and into the throne room, going past the throne and up a set of steps until he entered the meeting room. Kai'zen sat in a very ornate chair and settled in waiting for the people he summoned to arrive.

Syphelia nodded after Daemon told her where to go rolling her eyes as he left. "Like I know where it is." she sighed then put her hand in the space Daemon was using her magic to follow his telortation. She appeared right behind him her sword drawn and staff glowing frost spreading around them. She awaited further orders not knowing what's going on in his head.
(My phone notified me of your presence! Yay! i love my phone!)

About half way there, Lilly regains some more of her consciousness. Enough to know a few things. A) She was being led somewhere by two people she didn't know. B) Kai'zen was nowhere in sight. And C) she didn't like it. She pulls her arms away and wraps her arms around herself, simple magic wrapping aruond her as she did so, protecting her from eyes and hands and harm. She looks around, dizzying herself. She had to admit the place was awesome, drawing potential, but . . . where was she?

Daemon expanded his senses, seeing the battle as it continued. Neither army gained any ground, but that was okay. He wanted the villages safe, and as long as that was being done, he needn't worry. "The battle is this way," he voice was raw from using the magic, but he was still understandable. He starts walking, a path being made through the ranks surrounding Lilly's village. Seems the spartans hadn't gone straight to her village, the town over was being attacked. Should he call The Demon? The new one was only semi known to him, since it was once again a Spirit demon. He liked living in it's hotel on the second continent, but he might come if Daemon asked him to. No, not unless he absolutely had to. Spirit demons liked things no sensible demon would like.
Kai'zen was startled as a guard ran in telling him that Lilly had disappeared, quite literally. Kai'zen ran out to the courtyard the guard at his side he burst through the double doors. Kai'zen was worried and rushing because he knew that if he lost her she may end up getting killed by a guard especially if she was cloaking herself, trespassers were not tolerated by the Royal guard. He ran into the center turning in a full circle slowly watching for the distortion that cloaking magic usually made. Not seeing it he sighed and yelled hoping she heard him. "Lilly if you can hear me uncloak yourself and come to me, I promise it's safe here you don't have to worry." 
Syphelia followed Daemon sometimes blasting a Spartan with ice freezing them in place. "These things are weak, I could summon my aegis and crush them quickly if you want." she walked up next to him still randomly blasting. She looked at Daemon her cold light blue eyes locked on his face wondering what his plan was.
Lilly had gotten herself lost, trying to locate Zai'zen. She'd uncloaked herself so she could move around. The spell she cast was too simple to move around in, and would have fallen apart within several minutes. Somehow, she found a huge room with a cool throne in it. It kind of gave off the feel of the peace between storms. She sits behind the throne, out of sight, and closed her eyes.

Daemon slices through spartans on his way to his barbarian's side. He needed to make sure the villagers were still safely tucked into bed, and no stray spartans had gotten inside to slaughter the residents. he started checking houses, looking for spartan essense or dead villagers. Neither so far.
The surviving. Spartans gathered themselves into a tight ball of shields in the center of the village.. The Eagle jutted out of the center. Suddenly lightning arced out of it into the warriors around them and the fallen Spartans. The energy revived he Armour while acting like lightning strikes from a vengeful god on the enemies.


Images of what the Long War was like.


(I love my phone.)

The barbarians push revived spartans to the knot in the center of town. Daemon starts waking villagers and moving them out of the village. He has the village cleared out in an hour and into the neck village, protected by more the the shadow barbarians.

"Syphelia, if you don't mind, I need you to keep tabs on the armies. I need to move the villagers towards the city. The walls around it will keep them safe." Daemon says. 
This is the city, and it's walls. The wall in the center of Shina = fire 100 feet tall buckypaper (look it up), Shina = water 75 feet tall Wurtzite Boron Nitride, Rose = air 50 foot tall graphene, maria Earth 25 feet tall Lonsdaleite. All walls are ten feet thick. The space between them - 100 leagues. (Leagues are 3.45233834, basically 4 miles. You can see these four materials here http://www.myjewelrybox.com/articles/4_substances_harder_than_diamonds/ . Don't ridicule the Buckypaper.)
Kai'zen sighed after not hearing any response he odered a squad to spread out and search for her using non-lethal force, he turned and walked into the throne room gathering himself, the conflict below had gotten serious and he may have to deploy his own troops. He looked up towards the throne and saw Lilly, he was surprised but quickly walked over kneeling down and gently picking her continued into the meeting hall, where the requested officials had gathered. They looked concerned as he walked in but he shook his head letting them know it was ok. He continued walking through giving orders as he continued heading to the healers. "General send in twelve battalions each to defend a village and be under the command of a man named Daemon. Mages forge some magic nullifying armor cases. Princes, summon your armies we're going into battle." At that Kai'zen walked out of the meeting hall and continued to the infirmary.

Syphelia turned around and got a running jumping into the air and turning into her dragon form in a tornado of ice and snow she flew high enough to see the battles from above attempting to make a mental link with Daemon, she gently nudged his mind to let her know she was there.
Lilly briefly stirred half way through said meeting but went back asleep again as she saw Kai'zen. All safe now.

Daemon let the link connect so they could keep tabs on each other. Though, he kept some parts of his mind completely blocked. He continues to heard villagers towards the wall Maria. As the villages are cleared out, the shadow barbarians guarding them go to where the battle was taking place. That specific village, now only ruins.
Kai'zen turned a couple corners before entering the infirmary he placed Lilly in the cot closest to the doctors desk. "She has a couple broken ribs so with your care she should heal fairly quickly, have the mages contact me when she has healed, there's a lot of commotion in the mortal realm and I will be down there helping to clear it up. If anything I will be in the armory I need to prepare." Kai'zen looked at Lilly hoping he had covered everything. Before turning and heading to the exit at the threshold he paused and looked back. "Take good care of her I made a promise." Her turned and continued down the hall his clothes changing from his robes to light armor and his eyes turning bright yellow.

Syphelia transferred images of the battle that she'd seen to Daemon before sending current sights to him she mentally asked him if she needed her to fight but otherwise continued circling .
Lilly stays out for a long while, unaware.

Daemon answered that she should step in if things got bad, but otherwise just let them hash it out. one of them would win out eventually. When he got to Lilly's town he had a harder time getting everything to leave. They insisted on packing.
When The Stalker located Syphelia it dropped a Runic Bomb inside the watch tower, His 13 senses penetrating all barriers to view her unobstructed. The Marine the vanished in a blaze of light before the tower of the city exploded. While it had been a challenge for him to infiltrate the Dragon city his ability to penetrate dimensions making him a near perfect scout. He had traced her spore o the city but had lost her in its endless minds. ( just a amazing picture and character that is in for like one post. )

Syphelia sent Daemon a feeling of understanding which while obscure in verbal language, is the best way to communicate mentally. She circled a little lower to get more details from the battle she noticed a thin patch of Daemon's warriors and sent him a feeling of alarm along with her vision to inform him. She circled again before locating and landing next to Daemon. "I'm sorry but circling is taxing on my wings, the constant strain weakens them."
"true but they seem to be taking too long and getting cut down faster, I fear they may widen the breach. I haven't felt anything from Kai'zen and I can't sense anything from Isvaiyer." she looked at Daemon waitingn for his response, atthis point she's weakened the link to conserve energy. She turns back to the direction of the weakned forces then looks towards Isvaiyer, seeing what appears to be a storm brewing.
Daemon thought for a moment, debating the pros and cons of summoning more of the shades. "if I can get this fool town to exacuate the barbarians here can make up the difference. Only they won't listen to me about impending danger and are wasting time to pack. Perhaps if someone they don't know . . . frightens them, they might move a bit faster, I don't know. Stupid people." He seems frustrated and his hair is loose now and looks like he's been running his fingers through it, or pulling on it. A rich woman comes out of a house with a trail of servants behind her, along with a family. "Just because your wizards does not mean you're impervious to attack!!" he shouts at them as more of the rich folk leave their houses. They give him no notice.
Syphelia gives a wicked grin that only a dragon could manage. "I think I could fix that problem." she steps forward slowly at first before quickening her pace, she roars ferociously shaking the ground beneath them and making even the closest warriors pause a moment, the people jumped dropping a few things but otherwise bolting upright and rushing through their homes. she turned somewhat satisfied and walked to Daemon, realigning herself with his position. "Does that work, or should I try a little harder."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea79845c_Royalarmor.jpg.041ab700338d0e963f48e48e241a2684.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12306" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea79845c_Royalarmor.jpg.041ab700338d0e963f48e48e241a2684.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Kai'zen worked his way to the armory having the guards open the doors and let him in, the large decorated room was full of weapon racks lined with hundreds of thousands of weapons, he made his way up stepping on a levitation rune that took him up to his personal weaponry. He hastened to the back strapping on his plate armor, it was more than he preferred but it was his average military armor. Kai'zen made his way to his weapons rack which mainly consisted of swords but had a few other weapons on it, he grabbed his matching sword he strapped the sword to his belt before lazily reaching out his arm and making the matching sheild fly onto his arm. he turned and leaped over the edge to make sure he had everything right and stil kept his mobility, he landed on the ground floor with a clang and rolled out of it popping up before the guards saw him. he hastily walked out to the courtyard taking a shortcut instead of backtracking through the throne room, he came out and was greeted by the sight of all the men he requested waiting, for him. He stood in front of them all smiling, he would give a speech but they all knew how he felt and just how dangerous this was, they were incredibly skilled and with their armor and magic very hard to injure but they all knew there was still danger. Kai'zen turned and ran towards the edge jumping off and falling for a bit before spreading his wings and taking flight in his humanoid form, he was followed by the mass of warriors following suit but with loud whoops and yells. The men were excited to finally be able to fight alongside their future emperor for the first time. They flew towards the towns that were in the midst of combat with high spirits a storm brewing under their flight. 
Syphelia Turned again the storm getting closer, she returned to her human form smiling knowing what it was "The storm." She said their nickname with a chuckle walking towards them looking back at Daemon "Kai'zen's returned, and he's brought some friends."

(Kai'zen's armor just make the angel wings, dragon like and picture a circular shield with dragon insignia on the front.)



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Name: Xazik


Race: Known as the Stone Dragon of the Cave. Legend has it, Xazik is the last of his wise kind, and enhabits a system of caves in the Kalatajian Mountains, somewhat 20 miles from the nearest town.


(He's a big dragon, but not the size of a damn mountain. x3)

Birthday: 200 BC, the Mazaki Empire's Desolation.

Gender: Male

Height: 25ft.

Blood Type: He's made of a magic stone, no blood here.

Favorite Subjects: Xazik watches and guards his caves only, and speaks to those with curious and isolated minds. In other words, people that he trusts.

Favorite Foods: No such meals and digestive system exists.

Personality: He can be cold, frightening, knowledgeable, and somewhat caring over his lost people's origins. Due to watching his empire burn, he was to have no effect, since stone is nothing but a rock.

Other: Can blend in with his natural surroundings easily, and is nearly impossible to navigate through his caves and find Xazik himself.
(Accepted, would you like a summary of what's happened so far?)

"Oh good," Daemon pauses for a moment, "Uh, would you like to fill them in? I wouldn't know the proper way to." He felt the mass of numbers, the condensation of power signatures each unique and different with their own strengths and flaws, but he knew they were all, if not mostly, dragons and he knew very little of them to know how to act. He picks through the power signatures, not examining their signatures like he would his foes, but searching for Lilly. "Lilly isn't with them," he murmurs to himself. "I hope she doesn't . . . oh what am i saying, she's going to do something stupid."

When Lilly is all better, casts and all, she starts to get a grip on her surroundings and he complete lack of people and Kai'zen. Getting up is not a smart move, but she does and magic fills her palms. She had very limited mobility, but she was a high level sorcerer, damage could be done even in a frail state. She summons the piece of the crest from space and uses it to strengthen her magic. It glows in reaction her the magic touching it, ready. She leaves the infirmary, half armed and dangerous.
(I'm alright)

The echoes of wind plummeted throughout the caves of darkness. Swarms of bats and spirits loomed, the broken, worn sign outside the first cave entrance slowly dissolved. Xazik, however, let out a loud, spiritual moan. His deep, booming voice summoned the spirits to their home: the Spirit world. As Xazik's 'Burial Chamber' Shifted rocks to reveal his red tinted magics, he let out a devastating roar to announce his birth. Or, the memory of a birth.

The Bats and Spirits moaned with him. The broken sign fell over, showing as just a branch and a wooden plank. Today was the blorious day of Xazik's awakening-- for the 4,005'th time. His snake-like body pierced through the cave walls, rocks revolving or, absorbing his structure. Gemstones glittered in the darkness majestically before the rumbles of the legend of Mazaki Empire made way to the opening of the Kasai Caves, to view his environment. So far it was well... And he could sense the very lifeforms teeming with questions.

"What was that?"
Diana, having gotten lost in time thanks to her flying universe horse, returns back to the Earthen realm, lost like the child she is. "Great! Stuck on a mountain again," she gets off her horse, "Go on, getting me lost again, good job." Needless to say she gave him a carrot of gold and he takes off. "So, where am I?" She flies to the top of the mountain and looks out. "Ooh, good view, but . . . ah! All the way over there, perfect!" She starts to make her way down the mountain, but getting waylaid by plants she'd never seen before.

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