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Orestes growled and sent a surge through his weapon. The only magic that was not magic to him. He launched memories of thousands dieing in the great war that had happened. Most of all he sent images of Horus and his daemonic wrath into her mind. He knew she had only seen a small glimmer of the war and did not know the true horribleness of the curse they suffered.


Koroland was truly pissed. His Armour now glowed with the energy again and lightning crackled around him. To be free only to stop again. He crushed the one item that he held in his off hand as he felt the magic start to take effect. The anti- Magic grenade went off in his hand. He had always respected the Dragon for these things. Magic was a cowards way out. He turned and glared at the girl who decided to freeze him and slowly stalked forward, the random shimmering of the Anti-Magic field still crackling around him.


Black Dragons snarled at the girl. The flames of null fields crackled over his armor as residual magic contacted him and his backpack generator exercised its anti magic shield. Both his fire and his body shattered magic as the ground reality together, pinning everything to this plane. As such he was one of the few capable of fighting Mages with no fear of anything. Even summoned creatures where dispatched back to their own dimension in his presence. His pack fired and he flew strait for the girl, his blades extended to impale her while she was trapped in this realm.
"Oh of all the foolish . . ." Diana thinks for a moment, "Ah!" She leaps high, landing on Black Dragon's back.

"Catch," Daemon mutters and throws his sword. Diana catches it easily and hops off the dragon's back, landing in a roll.

"Swell! Thank you!" Diana says and waves to Daemon who grabs Lilly and the others and start pulling them towards a cave.
Dragon growled and threw his backwards. Miliseconds before he hit the ground but close enough to smash someone if they where slow he then fired his Jet Pack. Flying along the ground he tossed a small box of anti Magics to Koroland. Shifting around he flew strait into the air before turning his pack off and falling groundward.


Koroland grabbed the box out of the air. It contained thirty Anti Magics. Screaming a battle cry in a ancient tongue he set one off and charged at the group fleeing the battlefield. He needed to buy time for Dragon to engage. And he would distract the strange timeling. Neither Rage nor centuries would dull the tactical knowledge all Cursed had.
Syphelia heard the scream from the red armor and chanced a look back, she nudged both Daemon and Kai'zen pointing with her staff to the now charging armor. She shot a questioning look to Kai'zen wordlessly asking what they should do. She knows she can't fight him he swallows magic and gets stronger, not to mention those grenades could nearly nullify her magic considerably due to her weakened state. She hoped the others could find a way to at least incapacitate it. meanwhile she did what she could, she lyed a couple ice trap runes behind them seeing as she brought up the rear of the group. "I hope that will at least slow it down.

Meanwhile Kai'zen was taking in the whole battlefield, the timestopping girl seemed to be in deep that black armor knew what it was doing, almost as if it had fought her or someone like her before. He felt a nudge in his back and looked backwards to see a worried Syphelia pointing to The Berserker who was in hot pursuit of the group. He then saw her questioning look and mouthed the words "I don't know" feeling bad that he must've made her worried by the look on her face and Syphelia was NEVER worried. This angered him, these stupidly persistent armors were causing all this stress and destruction he HATED it. At this point Kai'zen became furious and yanked his arm out of Daemon's grip whipping out his sword and racing back towards the red armor in an arc wide enough to avoid Syphelia's crafty little runes. He remembered how this berserker could absorb magic to fuel itself so he reversed the flow of magic in his sword so that it did just what Koroland did aswell. He noticed the change immediately as the air around the blade turned stale and the grass that the tip of the blade touched withered as the magical lifeforce was drained from them. He dashed forwards sweeping his sword in an arch going from his right hip up to his left shoulder. "Leave us alone, dammit!"
Laughting madly as he charged Koroland tossed out a pair of Anti Magics. One hit the iceling strait in the face and detonated. The other hit the Flame Draconic and detonated near his feet. His sword would now be just that, a sword. If Koroland couldn't fight his way he at least liked messing with his enemies way of fighting. Leaping nearly twenty feet in the air he slammed down with the force of a meteor with a murderous downswing onto the Flame Draconic.
Kai'zen's legs stayed firm under the pressure creating a crater under his feet. He pushed back against the berserker sending him back a couple feet. He felt the magic in his sword short out and felt a bit dissappointed, there goes his chace to weaken this guy. But then again at least he couldn't get juiced up. Kai'zen dashed forward slamming his sword against the handle of the massive axe pushing with the force of a eighteen wheeler.
Diana giggles widely, hanging onto the sword. Crushed, ooh, fun. "You're going to have to try a lot harder if you want to throw me off." She drags the sword down as she jumps off, the power of the shards slicing through both sides of the armor.
( working with friends to build a CP. sporadic at best is my log in forcast.)

The berzerker laughed at the mans strike. He responded in time and lashed out with a brutal croutch kick. Following up with a slash to the head he leapt up and went for a elbow dive.


Black Dragon felt the strike but he regrew quickly. Slashing with his spikes he smashed her into a large rock spire and detonated another anti-magic. He drove her onto the rock and unleashed his own flaming breath. The sparkling flames shorted out reality and left their dimension severed from anything else. It was only them.
Diana had felt death before, nothing new, however, having her physical form burned into Nothing was not fun. She liked people attempting to kill her, she didn't like when people succeeded. She reformed in the suddenly two person dimension. She hovers, completely healed, behind him. She looked up, no stars here, but then again . . . she flicks her fingers at the sky, filling it with stars. That's better. "You know, in a one on one dimension, everything is topsy turvy, real rules no longer matter. This has given me the home field advantage, you where much better off on Earth."
Growling Black Dragon spoke to her in a language known only to the pair. " This world is where i doomed your parents to a death unending." With that he seemed to shatter into a thousand pieces before suddenly reappearing on earth, content to leave her in the realm of madness.
Kai'zen wasn't surprised by the berserkers attacks and dodged them in a nonchalant manner. He was quickly getting used to fighting this monster and felt that the experience was getting him closer to unlocking more of his abilities. He felt joy but was also saddend by the thought of being destroyed and reformed it was getting quite tiresome, but he wondered what his appearance would be next time. Kai'zen quickly snapped out of his thoughts as he saw the Berserkers mean elbow dive. "Well this is new, trying hand to hand?" He sidestepped again now feeling the intgling sensation he got whenever he was about to transform, he jumped back just in time for the familiar black circles of magic to surround him and begin his transformation. He felt himself sort of slip from his body as if he was put under anasthesia. He awoke feeling his whole being change, not only his looks and weapons but his mind aswell it was as if he saw everything much clearer now. He drew his sword "Well, let's continue."

(Kai'zen's new look)

The Berzerker grabbed the new Draconic with both hands and squeezed with inhuman strength. Spinning and tossing him up he grabbed the feet and slammed his body into the ground like a wet noodle. then bending he spun up and threw the Draconic for distance. Turning he glared at the female Draconic


Dragon's laugh seemed to echo everywhere. " Your own senses betray you! You are not in Kansas anymore, Girly!" . The reality around her distorted and she was suddenly facing down a shark underwater. Senses seemed to shift and all sense of spacial reality was lost. Dragon watched from a pocket of Null Space.


Orestes let out a strange cry and a burst of energy spread from his sword. The wave struck a few people. Those struck suddenly saw memories as the Long War invaded them and they relived the war from Orestes's point of view.
Kai'zen's whole body felt oddly numb, he hadn't expected the berserk to go all out as he did. He hit the ground... hard. He quickly popped up and drew his sword again rushing the draw and quickly regretted it. As soon the blade saw the light of day a storm tore from it send struck out towards the Berserkerer with such force the blade itself ripped towards the demon lodging itself through the being's helmet. A whole lot of lightning coursing through the armor.

Syphelia was brimming with rage, this Thing just thrashed her best friend and that is a huge no no. She balled up her fists and her power responded, her robes turned into black leather shorts and a black tank top. Two no-finger-gloves warped around her hands. Her shoes now replaced by combat boots, her whole demeanor changed she stalked towards the demon unfazed when the sword lodged itself through its head she took another step and slammed the berserk.er in the chest with a wicked right straight sending him reeling fifty yards into thick underbrush.
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The Berzerker laughed. Such fighting spirit! Ripping the blade from his helm he spun it expertly before advancing. He detonated another Anti-Magic grenade around himself and advanced through the clouds. He suddenly sprinted forwards and insane speeds and landed a full body kick on the Female Draconic. Spinning he threw the blade at the Male Draconic and drew his Ax from its sheath.
Daemon's sword returns to him and he grips the hilt tightly as he walks out under the open sky. He lifts his arms up, pointing his blade right at the sky. "Oh Father Sun. Hear my prayer. Give me your fire, your light, your strength. Help me destroy those who mean us harm." Sunlight lights the clearing where everyone stands those it was the middle of night. Golden fire, pure as the sun itself, leaps up around the metal giants, melting their armor. The same gold fire leaps up on his blade and he charges the closest one.

Diana sits in the null space, trying to remember what he father had taught her about these spaces. Each null space had a noise, a certain pitch that if she could be discordant with, would break apart the space. The problem being, she couldn't hear the pitch and note the null space had. She sighed and started with the bass notes, starts up the line of notes, hitting sharps and flats and everything in between to find the discordant note.
The Berzerker only laughed at this latest assault. They where Cursed BY the Sun. The Curse was Called the Curse of a Thousand Sons. Heat would only melt the paint that they used to help other identify them. The materiel that they where made of was the exact opponent of all elements. Transferring almost zero heat and not having a know melting point or shatter stress point it made them the inkillable monstrosities they where. He landed a viscous kick on the male and slammed him to the ground. Raiseing his ax he moved for a beheading stroke.


Shifting his stance Orestes charged the female Draconic before she even hit the ground. The second she landed he tapped her on the forehead with the broad side of the blade. Suddenly her mind was not her own. It was reliving every war and moment of violence that Orestes had ever experienced.


Dragon watched what she was doing. If she succeeded in finding the tone it would gain her no ground. For the realm was not a true realm or even magic. It was a war of minds. He was changing how her mind saw the world around her as she sat on the ground somewhere on earth. Her singing was not even from her own body. It was all truly in her head.
Lilly pulls Daemon out of the way using her magic, displacing the ground around him so he was suddenly in front of her. he gets up. "Where is Ted when I need him?!" He says violently.

Lilly sighs, "You're in this fight, Ted won't come within a thousand miles of here. You know that."

Diana stopped, bored of trying to figure it out. So she got up and started hovering up, wondering if there was an end to the space, then stopped. Her head hurt, why did her head hurt? That's not normal. She frowned and relaxed her mind. The space melted back to normal earth space. "Hey!" She glares at Dragon. "That's not fair! No mind tricks!"
-Syphelia's mind buzzed with all information flooding through her head, it honestly wasn't much different than when she and Kai'zen shared their thoughts with each other. Even with the rush she managed to force herself to think getting enough control to pull herself away from the blade making the rest of her mind hers alone. She glared coldly at the blue armor.- "while I sympathize with you for having to fight all those battles there are two things I'm gonna say. 1. If you ever do that again I'll tear you to shreds 2. fighting us is not going to help you get what you want so stop wasting everyone's time." -Standing Syphelia turned and simply walked away dragging Kai'zen with her by the back of his collar.-

-Kai'zen rolled out of the way before the demon could behead him and popped up out of the roll, he dashed forward grabbing the arm the the berserker had his sword in and twisted it off. Kai'zen pried the blade out of the demon's grip, holding on tightly to the piece of armor. Just as Kai'zen was about to strike back he felt a strong tug on the back of his collar and realized that Syphelia was dragging him. Turning his head to look at her he noticed her change of outfit and the forming bruises on her body. He would ask if she was ok but her intense aura of rage told him it was a stupid question.-
Orestes laughed as the girl walked away. She clearly did not know psyconics. He would track her for now. Black Dragon Needed the most help. He had recovered enough to use basic magic and summoned his Disc and flew over the battlefield to where Dragon was hidden The Berserker could manage the fight.


Berserker watched the Draconics flee the fight. Only the old one remained. Despite his appearance he remembered him from the Long War. Even now it was still fought. maybe not on the scale of Horus's attack but still the war raged. The wars all had been horrible. If this Daemon was all that was left of one of their enemies then he must have been rotting ever since. The magic and warriors that fought had been on scale to contend with the Cursed one on one.


The Attack of Horus.

"If he comes now I'll praise him." Daemon mutters and hefts his sword. So many wars, so many long years of battle, and here he was being saved by his mortal Granddaughter. His brother would laugh if he saw that.

"I expect that praise, brother," Ted says, draping an arm across Daemon's shoulders. "What have we got here? Relics from Horus, we'll defeat them lickety split!" His right arm transforms into a runed blade. "Greetings Berserker! The moon has arrived." He charges the Berserker, runes glowing, Followed slightly after by Daemon.
The Berzerker looked at the pair. One claimed to be the Moon. The Moon never had any feud with the Sons but the Sun did. He sighed and held his palm up towards the pair. Suddenly his hand spewed a massive column of blood red fire. He sprayed them before charging and grabbing his Ax with both Hands. He leapt some thirty feet in the air and slammed down into the earth, His ax descending towards the newcomer with lightning speed.
Ted glows fiercely, white silver light filling the mountain valley, and blinding everyone, including the giants. he easily dodges the lava and sinks his blade into the giant's metal back, as Daemon got its front. Since when was Ted the moon, Daemon thought to himself, he was only moon-blessed, wasn't he?

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