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Xy grinned and looked up at Ardetha. "Unless you don't want to leave. But if you stay, I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave. I can't stay here." He dug through his bag to find the sword wrapped up in there. He took it out and swung it around a couple times. He knew it was a hard choice and so he would give her a few moments to think. After growing bored of this, he stuck the sword back into his bag.
Ardetha jumped down off the tree and walked over to xy. "I-i go?" She pointed at herself then at him then grabbed his cloak gently and looked around then at him. She truthfully didn't want to be alone again not after finding someone she could talk especially since she was learning the English language.
Xy held out his arm. "We can be traveling companions!" He said, cheerfully. "If you're sure you want to go" The sadness from earlier had escaped his mind and he wasnt hungry and he felt like, at the moment, he was at his best. He was also happy that he wouldnt have to go alone.
Aretha leaped forward cheerfully and grabbed his arm giggling. She hadn't traveled with anyone before so this was sure to be exciting! Although she would miss her forest, she could almost hear the wind cry in the distance as she walked across the grass. She shed a tear then smiled, now was not the time to be sad. She was going to learn things and learn about xy more.
Kai'zen layed in the pile of rubble straining to reach for his sword, the aegis was no longer responding, and his sword remained just out of his reach, he looked towards the aegis again just in time to see it fizzle out of this realm and back into it's own. He laid there feeling more pain than before, but still refusing to release the link. Figuring that he could weaken him by absorbing back the power he expelled. He kept reaching for his sword, he finally felt the pommel he drew it closer to him and used it to stand. He held the blade up and tapped a couple of the runes deactivating their effect, he seems to reverse the flow of energy so that it draws into him. He watches as the demon flies towards him and raises his swath to block the attack. As the blades connect he instantly jolts with the sheer force that the magic hits him with, he struggles to convert the magic into one that won't tear him apart he redirects the blow from the axe, he feels slightly better with his now somewhat restored magic reserve he hopes to drain alot more energy before mounting a full scale counter attack. He swings at his opponents axe knowing that all he needs is physical contact to continue draining power.
Xy looked over at Ardetha. "I believe there is a place in the west where its said the water looks like glass and is undisturbed and the trees grow so high, you can't see the tops! It sounds exciting!" He took out his flute with one hand and played little melodies as they walked. "There might be other nymphs and elves there too!" He said after he had finished a song. "And other creatures we don't know of yet."
(Holy mother of goats . . . okay, well, I'm sending in a new character I feel need to be this RP's moderator. I'm going to send in the trump card because I feel that this battle has gone on long enough.)

Moderator Character


Name: Diana

Age: How about eternity.

Race: Spirit

Powers: Space/Time/Temporal Rifts.

Other: Her rabbit cn come alive
Syphelia, quickly redirects the magic boltsmaking them fizzle out. she asseses the situation and tries to adapt, she decides to use more than her base magic gathering enough magical energy to create another one of her preffered spell she opened her palms and seemed to cast it, but all that happened was a bright flash of light, but it had sefved its purpose. Syphelia seemed to fade and the platform under her feet started turning black. The shadows mooved towards orestes raising up and taking various forms, they split and reformed in even more numbers. They all rushed at Orestes wrapping him up and clawing away at the armor, some shadows actually taking pieces off and making disappear in their swirling depths.
her eyes widened at his words, "o-others?" she was shocked. ardetha had never met another nymph not at least of her kind, but it was probably likely that they would be a different breed of nymph since hers was common in this land. but elven people she hadnt seen much of, in fact xy was the first elf she had ever met and it made her want to study him and see what he could do. she was sure they weren't to different, just magic and pointy ears (that she wanted to poke very badly of course).
When the shadows hit Orestes they would slam home before they dissipated. He detonated a ward on one of the taken shards and pure light radiated and a whirlwind formed. The shards all flew into their proper places as he drew upon long ago made magic that was deeply rooted in his armor. The spells then started to detonate on his complex wards and he was suddenly the only thing standing in his circle.


Fateweaver concentrated and waved his staff weakly but drew a single rune in the air. Its effect immediately became clear as a large lighting bolt leapt for the Draconics circle.
Diana sits in a tree, watching as the fight gets worse, and worse, and bigger, and then bigger . . . The reek of magic, which, to Diana, smelled distinctly of burning roses. The magic pollution in this area could cause unseen mutations in the surrounding plant and animal life. she didn't like it, it was time for this to end. She hopes down from the tree and walks to the very center of the timing and claps once. Time freezes, and while they would be able to see, they would not be able to move.
Kai'zen doesn't really notice what happens until he finds himself locked in time his sword still raised in a defensive position. He knows he is stuck, his conscious still stuck in the link he has with syphelia, he wonders just what is going on when he feels the presence, it is peaceful yet threatening. Something tells him that it isn't very happy and that he should try to get himself free of this spell, he strains mentally, but his magic energy is still spent and replenishing itself. He mentally sighs in exasperation and waits for whatever is going to happen.

Syphelia, felt the lock but couldn't avoid it, though she found that the link between her and Kai'zen was sill flowing strong she thought that, if she could wrap herself in her own magical energy she could move through this temporal lock, she gets to work building up her magic but it is unresponsive, it seems that the most she can do is wrap her upper body which is enough. She twisted around looking directly at the being responsible not wishing to speak to her... not that it mattered.
Xy felt frozen and tried to move but it was impossible. His mind wondered to the fight and he thought maybe another powerful person had joined. He hated the feeling of being stuck in time.
Ardethas body froze in place and her heart raced with adrenaline and tingled with magic. It was making her panic this foreign magic, she hasn't come in contact with someone else magic in decades. She could feel her hear beat faster and her own magic strained and pulled around her.
Diana makes her way around the battlefield, looking each combatants over once before moving on. "Look at the mess you've made. All that magical build up." She hops up onto the shoulder of one of the giants and taps her foot on the metal. "I expect trouble from you two, but I also expect that you know when to stop."
Kai'zen now worked even harder so that he could speak to the person employing Syphelia's tactics he channeled some of her energy releasing his whole body, he walked towards the...girl? "I only want.... to protect" He nearly collapsed when Syphelia caught him. He always appreciated her ability to detect his moments of weaknesd he leaned on Syphelia and watched the lady.

Syphelia held on to Kai'zen tightly glaring at the girl. She was still upset with the girl for freezing her. "Freezing's my thing" she thought bitterly. She could understand the girls anger but she still disliked being frozen. "Hey, if you didn't notice those two armored freaks attacked us first.
"That's true, it seems time has made their brains a bit rusty," Diana sits on one of the giant's shoulders. She seems perfectly at ease. "I suppose I ca unfreeze you two. You're no harm to me." She waves her hand at them so they can move freely. "Lets see, him," she unfreezes Xy. "That girl is panicking, she may need some time to calm down." Diana smiles at them.
Xy was still struggling. As soon as he was unfrozen, his arm had been jerking back and so he fell. He looked over and realized Ardetha was still frozen. Slowly, he stood up and climbed the tallest nearby tree. Thankfully, he could see the others from here. He wondered if he and Ardetha should join them or continue their journey. For now though, he waited for his new companion to unfreeze.
( Marching Band has been Nuts for the last few days. i took a few minutes before bed to work on something but could not finish and will not be able to get to it till sunday D=. Figured i should let you know )
Kai'zen feels the release and dispels the layer of magic around him, he knows its important to show this lady that they are trustworthy, Syphelia follows but he knows she REALLY doesn't like this lady. he keeps a hand on her shoulder to remind her not to snap at the girl. he looks back at the lady. "I would rephrase what you said if I were you, see were are no threat to you unless you attempt to harm us in any way. At that point we'd make a way to tear you apart." as Kai'zen says the last part his face becomes utterly serious, but a second later it's cheery again as e says "But so far you haven't harmed us, though you have severely annoyed Syphelia." Kai'zen realizes that he still has his sword in hand and quickly sheathes it looking around at the time frozen world, "So what's next, just stay in the time rift or..." He paused not liking the thought that came to his head, for some reason he thought she may try and kill them and even though she wanted to stop the fighting. If she did decide to attack them though Kai'zen knew he would be toast, he is too weak to walk by himself. That reminded him to sever the link between him and Syphelia, her dangerous power spike has receded and she won't feel much pain, plus Kai'zen would return to about 75% strength immediately due to the fact that that percent of strength is what the link spell blocks off. He cut the link and stood up straight as his energy returned to him, healing his wounds and washing away the pain, he stretched and looked to Syphelia who looked stable as well which made him smile. He returned his attention to the girl awaiting her answer to his question.

Syphelia really didn't do much she held Kai'zen firmly and watched the woman carefully, a million and one thoughts rushed through her head mainly if she should trust this woman or not, She wanted to keep her guard up but Kai'zen had obviously given the woman his trust, and much as Syphelia thought it was a bad idea she let down her defenses too. She was watching and listening to the conversation, smirking a little bit when he mentioned tearing her apart. Syphelia felt the link cut and was glad tha Kai'zen didn't have to feel that much pain anymore, it made her relax a little which s what made Kai'zen smile.
Diana giggles, "You may go ahead and tear me apart if you wish," she says and hopes down to stand in front of him. (Seriously, go ahead. xD )
Kai'zen merely looks towards Syphelia and nods. He looks at the girl and says "I hope you dont feel pain."

Syphelia smiled she was going to enjoy this, she balled up her fists and let her anger do the work magic swirled around her fists and she slammed her hand against the floor and ice shot up from below the girl. The spikes tore the girkss body to shreds and kept rising stopping about fifteen feet above the group holding the chunks of person up like trophies. Syphelia smiled glad to let some aggresion out.
Diana's incorporeal voice giggles on the wind as the parts melt and then reform as whole. She sits up, putting her hands on her knees, bandages wrapped around where she was split apart, "That was fun!"
Aretha notices that xy was able to move freely and a small whimper escaped her throat as her magic surged and pulsed around her. Never before has she wanted so badly to release her magic and its potential bit she vowed never to again. (Sorry I wasnt getting any notifications and I'm on my honeymoon so I haven't had my phone on me :( )

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