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Kai'zen stayed as still as possible from within the now normal rank Aegis, trying to avoid feeling even more pain. He steadied himself it the core although a debilitating pain wracked his whole body simultaneously, he focused on maintaining the link being now somewhat aware of Syphelia's actions. He communicated with her sending his thoughts of attacks and other offensive maneuvers she could use against the blue armor. He was content to sit back and watch until he may have to step in.

Even thought the being appeared to be taking a beating it was only somewhat stalled by the torrent of orders flowing from It's masters mind, As soon as it finished receiving it's orders it sprung into action it pulled up it's left arm, slamming it into the flame creatures left flank sending it reeling to the side and eventually falling over , the aegis quickly turned its attention to the red demon slashing at it's ethereal eyes. The beast thought the action laughable and simply grabbed the red demon and slammed it into the ground using it's full force, it picked the demon back up and hurled it into a cliffside for good measure, knowing that the being he just treated like a football would be back soon, it turned its attention to the Magma spiker, once again charging forward and kicking the beast in the abdomen, the Aegis then grabbed the beasts neck and tail swinging it around and slamming it down into the ground, the aegis even though it's outer shell of ice was cracked and fractured continued tearing into the beast taking the blows the beast hit it with the aegis eventually had torn away enough of the monsters chest to simply reach in and grab the beasts heart before crushing it in the monsters chest. The Aegis loved the carnage of battle and relished standing tall over vanquished enemies, it then turned and watched for the demon it had thrown, feeling it's masters male counterpart enter both their minds it received some of the combat information that it's master had gotten.

Syphelia was almost relieved that she was no longer feeling the pain...almost, she knew the depths of Kai'zen's suffering and was eternally grateful to him for all that he was doing, she watched as the Blue armor floated into the sky she saw the projectiles and was instantly more annoyed than before, she closed her eyes focusing her energy, when she reopened them they had an icy blue glow and a mist coming from them, the projectile instantly froze and the sudden addition of weight made them miss their targets by yards. She saw the wolf but concluded that she had enough to deal with without taking on a massive space wolf. The others would have to fight for themselves, which she wasn't worried about they were capable fighters and when the aegis is done she can send it to them. She stepped into the deuling circle and floated up to Orestes, she looked him in the eye and sighed still wondering why these guys didn't even try asking for the shards, but whatever they made the mistake of attacking them, and would now pay.
When the Magma Spiker lost its first heart it was pissed. Rooaring it drove its Horns sideways and neatly sliced one of the ice monsters arms off at the elbow. Its other pair of hearts where beating but it limped back into its own dimension.


The Berzerker took the throw with glee as the immense violence grew him. Standing nearly equal to the Ice creature he held his axe high. Swinging with all of his might he smote the iceling a terrible blow from shoulder to waist.


Orestes focused his energy and drew a collection of strange symbols. His sword flew the edge of the circle and burned its own symbols outside of it. Dozens of symbols appeared around him as magic defenses rose. His Circle complete he rose and held his staff and drew a strange wand. He bowed before drawing a precise symbol.
Kai'zen watch hurry within as the monster loses its arm and then gets an up close look as the axe tears open the front of the aegis he had to do something before text demon tore the aegis and him apart, placing his hands on the walls of the frost aegis' core he pumps his own magic into it, he is barely able to focus on it but manages to try and start healing the beast, his magic flows through it, but something is off, he feels the temperature rise and his surrounding change, he finally finishes, mentally hearing white noise in his ear, and then a guttural roar is emitted from the aegis. It has changed, it now seems more linked to him so he tries giving it a command for sport he has it swing its arm at the demon and from his improvised "cockpit" he sees a massive flaming sword pass by and is stunned, he now realizes just what he has done.

The Aegis, it felt no pain but was angry at how quickly it was losing its ability to fight, it had stumbled b cowards and was ready to accept its fate when it felt a magic flow through it's being, the aegis felt a burning rage and stood up now somehow transformed into a lesser flame aegis, it received a command and followed swinging its sword at its new opponent experimenting with its new form. (<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.a2ae0566f913ec06d8c9b6a6a36d875e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8637" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.a2ae0566f913ec06d8c9b6a6a36d875e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>)

Syphelia saw the magic and stood ready, chanting an offensive spell while channeling some energy for a defensive one, she makes the first move finishing the chant and creating a ice spear that flies towards her opponent. She also finishes her defensive spell ready for anything he throws at her.



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Xy woke up and immediately felt a lot better. He stretched and and stood up, feeling quite energetic. It was starting to feel warmer and he took off his cape, leaving on the one the nymph had made for him. He took the flute of his bag and played a couple notes. He was still curious if it still had affect on the giant demon or if maybe the magic had worn off from playing it so much. "I'm going to collect firewood. Would you like to come with me?" He said pointing out of the cave. "Or stay here." He continued, gesturing to the floor.
She had started to daze off with the sounds of nature calming her. She snapped out of it when xy started to move, he seemed better after some rest and that made her smile. She got up to follow him out but her legs gave in under her since she had been sitting on them for so long. She chirped and massaged her thigh to get rid of the prickly sensation.
Xy turned around and crouched beside her. "A little sore, he?" He said with a small smile. He helped her up and let her lean on him until she could feel her legs again. "Firewood.... firewood... how are we going to get firewood?" He grumbled something after that about just being a weak little elf with only a flute and then gave up on that topic. "Do you think we need a fire? It seems to be warming up." He said, looking up at the sky. "What we need is food."
Ardetha was thankful for his help and she held his arm as they walked through the forest, indeed it was warming up. Her winter coat shrunk away and she looked around at the forest. Food was everywhere if only he looked closely enough. The bushes were full of berries and she knew a Grove of trees that had many apples. She tugged on him gently and led him in the direction of the Grove. It was beautiful with lights glinting through leaves and a light breeze making the grass swish together.
The Berzerker saw the Creature transform and laughed. His rage was apparently infectious. He charged and swung a barrage of Ax attacks mixed with ever strike of opportunity with hands, feet, and talon wings. His own flames burn ethereally and did not seem to react with the other creatures flames. Nor did they hurt the Berzerker.


Orestes did not bother with the small spear and his blade moved on its own and swept it out of the arena. His chant complete he let loose a barrage of minor spells designed to strip defenses and find any weak points in Warding. He slipped a single bolt of Change into the mix of spells. If it hit she would mutate where ever she was hit the same way the Fire he used caused growth and mutation.
Name: Mitchell Glass

Age: 209 Years

Gender: Male

Birthdate: November 10th 1804

Species: Vampire


Mitchell is of average height around five foot ten and is very slender, he does have a muscular build but is't not too exaggerated, he often struggles to put on weight as he doesn't enjoy feeding. He isn't underweight however, he manages to keep himself at a good weight despite that. His skin is caucasian although Mitchell is British. His lips are a pinky colour and they almost always look cold although they are not.

His hair is black, wavy and goes down under his ears but doesn't reach his shoulders. It often looks scruffy even though it is brushed. He is able to tie his hair back in a pony tail, just, but never does, he hates his hair tied back. His hair never grows any longer and he never cuts his hair although if you ask him he will say that his hair is a pain to keep at the same length because he has to cover up the fact he is a vampire. He also has a clean shaven facial hair which never grows along with hair on his arms like every other human being which isn't very thick. His eyebrows start out thick and get slightly thinner towards the end with an bump in the middle making him look a bit more of a darker character, his eyes are a dark hazel brown colour.

Mitchell normally lives in denim jeans, often black skinny jeans are his favorite. He barely ever wears other colours than black to be honest, he even wears black leather boots that stop half way up the bottom of his leg and are laced all the way to the top. His black leather jacket is a prized possession of his, he loves that jacket and wears it everywhere, he only takes it off inside. Mitchell may even wear a pair of black sun shades out when the sun is too bright for his eyes. But he doesn't just wear all black, he will often wear a shirt which isn't black but looks smart and he also lives in his green fingerless gloves that he never removes, they hide some scars he has on his hands from when he was trapped in the fire but thats not the main reason he wears them, Mitchell is a reserved character and so the gloves are basically asking for people to leave him alone.

Personality: An overall nice guy, Mitchell is friendly towards almost every human however he is not so welcome towards non-human species including vampires. He isn't a fan of his own species, he doesn't like the way they feed, in-fact he doesn't even like himself as a vampire. He won't open anyone with open arms, it takes Mitchell some times to develop trust between people, he isn't the type of person to meet some-one and be best friends in seconds. That being said he also doesn't approach others without reason, especially not strangers, he finds it weird if a stranger comes up to him in the street to say hi, probably because he is British.

He is your typical teenager still, he likes to party and drink alcohol then have a good time with his close friends. He may also drink if he is feeling a bit down. Because Mitchell is a vampire he constantly has the instincts to kill people but Mitchell doesn't like being a vampire, he would give anything to be a human again, and so he hates to be a murderer. It's not uncommon for Mitchell to be extremely depressed and not want to do anything, especially if he has just killed some-one. At the time he would love every second of it but it haunts him after. It's because of this that Mitchell is actually a very sensitive person who is controlled by his emotions. He is scared to get to know some-one incase they turn him bad or he ends up hurting them.

Mitchell doesn't do relationships and dating, he prefers to keep to himself. After his ex-girlfriend Vikki abandoned him, he has lost trust in people, not only that but the fear he would kill them or they would lead him to be evil again. He isn't much into flirting, flirting girls irritate him as used to prey upon girls who fancied him and so it's like people are teasing him and calling him onto the bad side. Friendship he is more open to however it may take a while to become friends with him. Mitchell keeps his friends close and would protect them with his life but thats not to say he trusts them with his life. He takes things very slow.

Mitchell doesn't tend to joke around about him being a vampire, often he is rather bubbly and will be content to laugh about must things but making jokes about vampires and him being a vampire really upsets him. He doesn't enjoy his life too much although you probably wouldn't guess as he hides it so well. It's only if you break him down you will see that he is crushed inside. He never discusses his past with anyone, he doesn't want people to know what haunts him and doesn't want anyone to worry about what he has done.

Background: Mitchell was born and raised in the nineteenth century. His family were lower classed and so he lived in a small house in the city. His home was pretty terrible, the roof leaked and they could only afford two beds in the house which meant that his parents had one bed and him and his siblings shared another. Mitchell was one one of two brothers and had a sister. At the age of ten Mitchell was sent to work in a factory, it was a dangerous environment for a ten year old boy to work and he often came home with a number of bruises and cuts from working the heavy machinery. His sister lost a finger working at a wool factory after she got it caught in a machine, she was lucky.

At the age of fifteen Mitchell's family fell to their worst time and they lost all of their money. Mitchell was forced into stealing food for the family to survive but it soon became more of a habit until he was caught. Mitchell's punishment at sixteen was to be sent to a workhouse as it was believed his family was bringing hum up poorly. The workhouse was the worst place in the world. He was worked from six in the morning through to six at night with no break, he was to go back to the workhouse and be fed on porridge or bread then sent straight to bed. There were no days off.

At the age of seventeen he met a girl named Vikki. She was in the upper class and was unemployed. She was beautiful but more importantly to Mitchell she was so down to earth and so kind. Mitchell was nervous to approach her at first but she had seen him looking at her and she approached him. They got along straight away, she said she was in the lower class but it turned out she was related to some-one in the upper class who gave her money when he discovered they were related. Mitchell fell in love with her, she was his first true love.

It didn't take long for Mitchell to learn that she wasn't who she claimed to be, Vikki was a forty nine year old vampire who was turned at the age of seventeen. She told him that she wanted to spend forever with him but because he was human she was scared of loosing him. At nineteen Mitchell pleaded with her to change him into a vampire so he could be with her forever and so Vikki finally agreed.

Shortly after Mitchell learnt of the brutality of his new partner, he understood the hunger to kill very fast but she was brutal. But Mitchell loved Vikki and he didn't care how cruel she was, he was under his spell. Him and Vikki went on a killing spree for many years, they killed for more than just food, they enjoyed it, every moment. The pair became like Bonnie and Clyde except worst. Even the vampires wanted them dead.

Forty nine years later Mitchell and Vikki got into a sticky situation. The pair had taken up refuge in an abandoned old barn for a while however the vampires had located them and blocked the entrances then torched the barn. Vikki had been outside when they were blocking the doorways and so knew what was going on however Mitchell had fallen asleep. Vikki abandoned Mitchell as they torched the barn so she didn't get caught, Mitchell woke up and started to panic. He managed to break down the door and escape but ran into the arms of the vampires. He pleaded for freedom and was so lucky that they agreed but ordered him to stop his mass murders, they told him that Vikki had ran off and they were tracking her, he tried to stop them but they disagreed. Mitchell is unsure what happened to Vikki.

Mitchell tried to stop killing and he cut down a lot but he was unable to stop. Without Vikki he felt lost and abandoned, it gave him a lot of time to think through what he wanted. Shortly after he met Clair, well it wasn't much of a meeting, he was going to feed from Clair and kill her but she was different. She seemed lonely too, her family had all passed on in a house fire and she had no friends. Mitchell took pity on her and instead of killing her they became good friends. Their relationship flowered over time and they turned into lovers.

Clair helped Mitchell with going clean and he helped her with her medical problems. Clair was born disabled and spent her life in a wheelchair. Shortly after they fell in love Clair got some bad results, she had come down with cancer which meant she was only going to live for a few more months. Mitchell pleaded with her to allow him to change her but Clair didn't want to be a vampire because she didn't want to have to live that way, she had already accepted her fate but Mitchell was persistent and she eventually agreed.

Mitchell turned Clair into a vampire but Clair was unhappy. She tried to be strong for Mitchell but it was difficult. She announced her feelings a month later and explained that inside she had changed and the thoughts in her head was scaring her, she didn't feel like herself anymore. She pleased with Mitchell to end her life because she didn't want to live as a vampire. Mitchell understood her pain and apologised, he was riddled with guilt reluctantly he agreed. She decided when and Mitchell had the hard job of staking her through the heart, it was the worst killing he had done.

Mitchell remained good after Clair was gone, he missed her and regretted what he had done but he knew that was what she wanted. Mitchell decided it would be best to continue isolating himself from the monsters of the world and so he got a job and rented a house on his own and doesn't spend much time with anyone. He tries to shut the world out and control his hunger. He decided that he would not have another relationship with anyone.

Other: (I'm not able to link to his character profile but that has more info.)


Name: Kayleigh Sadies Belle

Age: 17 Years

Gender: Female

Birthdate: August 8th 1995

Species: Werewolf

Looks: Kayleigh is a short, standing only just at five foot tall. Her build is straight, she isn't exactly curvey or underweight but nor is she overweight, she is just in the middle. She has light peachy skin which rarely tans and pinky red lips. Kayleigh never wears make-up.

Her hair is long and black, over her shoulders and she never ties it back. The parting is in the center and that never changes, she doesn't really cut her hair so it constantly grows but she manages it by simply brushing and washing it. She isn't very girly and so she never changes her hair style or experiments with ways she could have her hair.

She lives in hoodies and blue denim jeans, you will never see her in a dress or leggings or any other clothes unless it is work clothes or she is at home. At home she lives in pajamas and her dressing gown. Her shoes are normally trainers or a pair of converse daps, once again nothing to fancy, she can't walk in heels and dolly shoes are a no go, especially without socks. She has a long button up coat which is the same coat as the coat Sherlock in the television series BBC Sherlock, evidently Kayleigh is quite the fan. She always wears a silver necklace with a silver wolf head on it around her neck, most of the time it's hidden under her clothes.

Personality: Quiet, shy and keeps to herself. She doesn't talk much and doesn't really have many friends. It's not that she doesn't want friends it's that she's too scared to talk to anyone because she is worried about what they will think of her. She likes to be alone and will often spend time out in the middle of no-where walking or relaxing, it makes her feel at home knowing that she is safe. She struggles to make friends because she is so reserved, communicating with others can be stressful for her but if she had a good friend then she will happily except their company and be a lot more friendly, in-fact she may completely change and open up to them and be much more confident around them. She is very loyal and so would do almost anything for anyone.

Kayleigh sticks to the rules, she rarely breaks the rules as she doesn't like to get into trouble. She is always paranoid that people are watching her and talking about her behind her back, it often makes her feel like she doesn't belong anywhere which is why she shuts herself away. She doesn't smile much, if she smiles then she is probably faking it because Kayleigh rarely smiles, she never really feels content with her life. Her core belief is that she is a puzzle piece which needs to fit in and change to suit everyone else because she doesn't feel as though she is worth anything more and she has given up trying, this means she will rarely argue and she will sit back and accept any insults thrown at her. She doesn't have much aggression in her and gets along well with everyone because she is so flexible.

Her home life is far from perfect but she keeps it to herself, she doesn't really talk about it. If some-one asks she may just shrug it off as some-thing unimportant however she is likely to share more if she is closer to that person. She doesn't like to dawn on her problems but it doesn't matter how hard she tries they seem to circle in her mind anyway. Her head is rather messed up, a complicated web of confusion and pain.

Background: Kayleigh was born into a family and had a happy childhood. She believed everything was rainbows and unicorns through her childhood as she believed everything was perfect but she soon learnt that life wasn't like that when her farther left. Her life wasn't bad but it was different and it surely wasn't perfect.

At the age of six her new step dad arrived in her life. He was a horrible man who who abuse her. She grew up learning that she was worth nothing and that she wasn't what she was supposed to be, she wasn't pretty enough, wasn't smart enough and wasn't normal enough. She lost all confidence in herself and developed depression.

At the age of fourteen she discovered there was a little more magic in the world than she thought, or more like a curse. She got scared one day after her step dad tried to hurt her and ran up to her room where she transformed into a wolf. It terrified her more than anything in the world but it gave her an escape from the world and it made her feel a little more secure.

She keeps the secret as hidden as possible but she was unable to keep it hidden from her family after her step dad attacked her and the wolf thought back. He doesn't touch her anymore however he still scares her and lets her know that she is a freak all the time. He uses the wolf against her by threatening to lock her away for being a freak.

Other: (I'm not able to link to his character profile but that has more info.)
Xy followed her lead and looked around I awe. "Whoa..." he grabbed an apple and took a bite. The juices filled his mouth and he smiled as he chewed. When he had swallowed, he grabbed another one and put it in his bag. "You really know this part of the forest, huh? I'm from the eastern parts." He grinned taking another bite.
Aretha let his arm go and leaned on the tree hugging it (literal tree hugger) smiling happily. She reached up and grabbed an apple taking in its sweet crisp scent and the burst of flavor she got when she bit in. She nodded to xy and thought hard his language starting to process better. "Y-yes...been in forest for..m-many..centuries."
Xy's eyes widened when he heard her speak. He closed them after a minute and continued eating. "Wow." He said and then went silent. He was enjoying the apple a lot. He suddenly wished he had something to call her. He finished the apple and asked quietly, barely above a whisper," Can you say your name?"
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Aretha thought long and hard on how to pronounce it. Going through vowels And words that sounded right and well to say her name in the human language. "A-ah.." she frowned at the sound and thought longer taking a bite out of her apple and sat in the tall plush grass. "A-ardetha" that time it sounded right, she had never had a reason to say her name much with no people around.
Xy smiled and clapped his hands in excitement. "You did it!" He exclaimed. He finished off the apple he was eating and piled more into his bag. "I don't know what we're supposed to do after this. I can't help fight and I'm far from home." The realization struck him then and sat down on the ground with his head in his hands. "I'm far from home." He repeated and it felt like a part of his soul had been ripped out.
Aretha blushed when she was praised and it made her smile happily, her wings fluttering. She finished her apple and she dug a hole in the soft dirt and buried it. When she looked up from the hole she saw xy with his head in his hands, she crawled over to him and tilted her head to look at him. Her face saddened and she chirped softly as she hugged him. "H-home.." she didn't know what else to say but his sadness pierced her heart.
Xy paused for a minute and then raised his head. "I'll be fine.... I'm just homesick." He smiled despite the pain in his chest. "Thank you for being so kind to me." He knew it sounded sappy but he just needed to say it before they went their seperate ways... if they ever did. He didn't know if he liked the feeling of being alone again but he would deal with that when it happened.
She chirped and Nuzzled his knee affectionately wanting to make his pain to go away. She could feel his sadness radiate off him and it made a tear slip from her eye. The tear hit the ground and a little flower grew in its spot, she hugged him tightly her wings fluttering slowly.
Kai'zen almost seemed to use the Flame aegis as a weapon reacting to the demons attacks quickly, he blocked attacks and managed to stay on his feet. He was beginning to weaken when he got and idea, he manuevered the aegis under the axe swing of the demon, it dashed forwaerd reacting to Kai'zen's commands, he swiped the demonds feet from beneath him and then slammed it to the ground, kai'zen took the opportunity to have the aegis plant him on the demons forehead, however unwise it may be, he planted his palms firmly against, the demons hot skin. He then concentrated on the pain he was feeling it was always present and always making him want to curl up, he focused on all the sensations and then pumped them into the demon, not knowing what affect it will have but he hoped the pain would be as terrible for the demon as it was for himself.

Syphelia, responded quickly to the multiple spells, she held up her hand and put up a defensive negation ward that absorbed most of the magic, she then put up two more defensive wards, with a flick of her wrist they absorbed the magic including the Change spell. Syphelia then turned the individual spells into pure magical energy and shot it back at Orestes the pure magic rucshing towards him and taking the shape flying daggers, they flew towards their target.
Berzerker laughed and enjoyed his first true pain for thousands of years. Grabbing the Fire Draconic he started to crush it while he stood up. Shifting he threw it with all of might strait at a cliff. Laughing even harder he spoke " I thank you for my first true pain in thousands of years! My new body does not feel it and i have missed it like a old friend!". Hefting his Ax he moved to finish what he started.


Orestes saw the energy coming and simply shifted his wall of wards. The energy shattered on the warding and threw a counterspell. The energy turned into blindingly bright fire that flew out and into a shape that charged at the girl. Orestes himself finished a spell and a rift opened next to him and the third of the eight circles was occupied by a new creature. The thing was humanoid but had large wings and a pair of vulture like heads. Its entire body was covered in blue feathers and its beaks where a bright red. It bore a staff that was the same shape as Orestes's but made of mutating flesh. It tapped its circle and wards flared into life around it as its defenses rose.
Xy chuckled. "What a sight we are. A nymph and an elf." He wasnt going to let the sadness overtake him. He was going to remain strong and ignore his emotions for the time being. He patted her back a couple times and stood up, stretching. He observed their surroundings. "Where to from here?"
Aretha rolled onto her back and looked up at the sky, she wasn't sure what yo do now. "W-walk?" She sat up and adjusted her jingling skirt and cocoon on her hip. Straightening her wispy hair with her hands she plays with little strands of it.
Xy nodded. "I suppose we could walk..." he helped her up and turned around a couple times. "Which way?" He wondered if he should go back to the old group but he didn't remember how far they went away. And he was tired of the demon. It didn't seem to bother him anymore so he'd just stay away. "I suppose we could head east.... towards my home..." he shrugged. Maybe it was good for him to leave home, have an adventure. "Or we could head west or north or south. Wherever! Doesn't really matter to me."
"L-leave the..forest? This one has not..d-done such a thing." She looked at home with wide eyes and they were filled with curiosities and fears. Her feathers bristled with excitement and she jumped grabbing onto a tree branch and swinging herself up.
( Well the sh*t hit the fan, hard. Orestes found the berzerker but the Flute called them back. Orestes is dueling the Ice dragon in magic. Koroland turned into a gigantic daemon like monstrosity and with the help of Orestes summoning a giant fire creature beat down both the Fire dragon and a massive ice creature the Ice girl summoned. The Fire Dragon took control of the Ice creature and turned it into a massive fire creature. In the processes it sent Oresteses Fire monster to its own dimension to heal and now Koroland and the Fire Dragon inside of its creature thing are beating the crap out of each-other. In short Daemon is surrounded by a massive scale fight where the combatants either use deadly magic or are some 50 feet tall. It was briefly raining mutagenic fire and the area was pretty smashed up by the giants fighting. The magic duel is taking place on a floating blue disc with eight circles, four on four. Orestes has summoned some type of daemonic aid and has been pounding the other girls defenses.)

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