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Xy felt guilt rush over him. If only he hadn't played the flute, nobody would be in this mess. Everybody over there would be back to their normal lives. He stared down at the flute in his hand. If only he knew what notes did what, he could send those giant demons with swords back to where they came from. He grinned at the nymph and said, "I think i have an idea! Oh by the way Im Xy." His elf ears struggled to hear how the battle was going. He swung up higher into the tree. From his place, he had a better look at the camp. He played his flute once more but this time played one note at a time slowly and watched to see if anything happened.
ardetha chirped at the flutes noise and she memorized his name in her mind, she was struggling speaking the language the humans did and she wanted to tell him her name but for now that wasnt possible so of course her appropriate response was chirping. she crawled up the tree to where he was and she looked out, seeing movement out not to far. she watched him play his flute and she felt a rush of electricity float through the air and into her skin. looking at the flute she could feel the magical properties maybe thats why the noise drew her to it.
The Berzerker laughed as the second man joined combat. He swept his Ax in a quick outward rush and lept up nearly 20 feet in the air. He pointed at the ground and in response a massive bolt of the blood red flame shot into the ground. The ground itself exploded upwards and a massive crater started to form. He shifted his stance to a mid-air crouch only to hit a pocket of glowing red air. He was suddenly right behind the first combatant and swinging his Chain-Ax straight down.


Orestes saw the Ice Draconic rise into the air to fight him. " Flamethrower am i now? Well you will discover i much more then fire!" Orestes barked. He threw a trio of midnight black bolts from his hand as his staff orbited him faster and faster. The bolts homed in on the draconic as Orestes started another spell of a different nature.

He drew a trio of runes mid-air and barked out a glottal sounding word. A Crack of shimmering Rainbow color appeared in the sky in between them and was slowly widening.
Xy ran out of breath and stopped playing for a minute. It seemed to be getting chillier and he pulled out a cloak from his bag. "Are you cold?" He asked the nymph. He knew she couldn't respond verbally but it had seemed she could still answer him. As he put the bag down on a branch, the flute slipped from his grasp and fell to the ground. He stared at it for a moment before hopping down, one branch at a time. He dropped to the ground and grabbed the flute quickly.
Aretha shook her head, her body always adapted to the weather she was in which was a good plus. She saw the flute drop and had no time to catch it, she looked down and the spines on her back clicked together when she sat back up. Her new friend claimed down the tree nicely but she just grabbed a stray vine and had it lower her to the ground. She fixed her hair over her shoulders and saw that their breath was showing in the chill air. She touched his cheek and could feel the cold creeping up in him. She looked around then back at him motioning if he was cold.
The explosion caught Kai'zen by surprise but he reacted quickly leaping out of the blast, he sees the red armor disappear then reapper behind the man. He regains his footing thinking quickly of a defensive spell strong enough to block the strike, his hand reaches out and he feels his magical energy flare up. It races forward slamming into the ground right under the red armor, a pillar of earth stands tall quickly slamming into the red armor's chest, even after it makes contact he keeps willing it to grow pushing the being farther into the air. As his gaze follows the armor he notices Syphelia's battle praying for her safety.

Syphelia Easily blocked the lightning with her staff, and stopped flying towards the being as the rainbow shape came into view. when she stopped she folded her wings and simply floated in the air across from her opponent, she had noticed the explosion down below but kept her focus on this armor. she raised her sword towards this thing the wickedly curved tip lining up right between it's.. eyes? despite her obvious disgust at this being she kept her face calm and unreadable, knowing any little sign could give IT an opening. She said one word staring directly into its eyes, "Blizzard". A frigid wind blew across the space between them a sphere of ice gathering at the tip of her sword, ice beginning to form around her creating a cylinder around her. She gathered her energy before letting it burst into the air, a wall of growing ice rushed towards the armor. She watched the sky darken as the full affect of her spell set in, dark clouds gathered above them and snow sleet and hail rained down on them, it didn't affect her and never seemed to stick but it clung the armor collecting rapidly this whole time the ice wall rushes towards him. She looks down briefly seeing the red armor get hit hard with the earth pillar that continues rising. "well you seem to be having an easy time huh Kai'zen." She speaks to herself quietly just waiting to see the gold armors fate.
Xy nodded. "A little bit." He rubbed his hands together and squinted into the distance. "I wonder how it got cold so fast.." he said quietly to himself. He put the hood up on his cloak and smiled. "That's better. I really wish you could speak my tongue or I could speak yours." He mindlessly picked up a branch from the ground and sat with his back against the trunk of the tree and took out his carving knife. He started carving a figure that resembled the nymph slightly. "I don't know what else I can do.." he repeated a couple times.
The Berzerker laughed as the earth struck him. He grabbed the top and stood tall on top of the pillar as it grew. The weather bothered him none as the Ethereal flames melted all of the snow and ice around him for a good 10 feet. The ax growled louder after being denied its strike. Koroland was then just gone. He had vanished in a flash of red light once more. He reappeared directly behind the flying Ice Draconic and swung at her, See through wings had appeared on his back.


Orestes unleashed the spell and a massive rent tore open. The creature that burst forth was as large as a dragon and made of fire. The body changed shape rapidly and was suddenly heating things up. The temperature rose rapidly in its area and its many heads shrieked a challenge. The monstrosity dove for the pair that had been fighting on the ground.Orestes himself began works on a spell in words that sounded like crackling fire.
Kai'zen saw the red armor disappear and reappear behind Syphelia, alarmed he leaped up and opened his wings arching through the sky like lightning. His sword practically exploded as he willed the black flame to come, he had almost reached Syphelia when the flaming creature appeared. For the first time he was truly pissed off at this blue armor, he continued flying but swerved around the creature pointing his at it's back and sending out his magic energy to create a net of pure energy around it. "Dammit how many things is this guy just gonna let me slaughter." He mumbled angrily before pulling the net taught.

Syphelia felt the magic distortion around her and without seeing it knew that it had to be the red armor. "So you must be the berserker, not many can surprise me" she held up her staff blocking his attack. She turned her head slightly, peering at him from the corner of her eyes. She says "blizzeraga" even as her last storm was regaining strength. A whole new one appeared, much faster than the first the wind spiked and started tearing every physical object, snow came down from the sky in torrents quickly covering the immediate area in three feet of snow. Just then she sees Kai'zen take on some beast and decides to make this fight quick. She whips around swinging Frigidus at a terrifying speed, creating a deep gash in Korolands armor. "Do not underestimate me, or you will die."
Aretha crouched in front if xy tilting her head as he carved the stick. She wanted to make something as well, see if she can make this boy smile. The cocoon she kept on her side opened and she started to weave something out of the strange material. It looked like silky spider webs and as she finished weaving it quickly she held it up to the boy. Finishing up she grabbed a feather spine from her shoulder and plucked it, tying it into the material. She threw it over xy's head and it hung around him like a cape. "S-special" she smiled as it changed to match the color of his clothes.
Xy ran his hands along the material that now covered him and looked back up at her. "Th-thank you." He smiled and finished carving the figure and held it out to her. "I don't know if it'll help at all but it kind of looks like you." He felt something cold land on his open palm and looked up to see snow. "Wow... there must be someone powerful nearby." He looked around to see if there was anywhere they could wait the snow out because it was getting heavier. He spotted a small cave and pointed.
Aretha smiled happily and she giggled in excitement. She held the little version of her in her palms and ran her finger around the sides and the smaller parts. Tucking it into her cocoon she sneezed as a snowflake hit her nose. She shivered as the coldness grew, instinctively a warmer coating started yo appear on her skin and fur like nettles grew around her neck, arms and legs. She looked over at the cave and nodded at xy.
Xy got up and started trudging towards it. He folded his arms so his hands would keep warm. It took longer reaching it because of the snow. He sat down in the furthest corner and wrapped everything a little tighter around him. "I think we'll be a little warmer in here." He said, taking out his flute and running his hands over the wood. He started playing a melody and stared out into the snow.
ardetha followed close behind him leaping through the snow like a deer. to her all weather was nice so snow was no problem for her, she walked into the cave and lied on the cave floor looking up at the high ceiling. precipitation from the top dripped down onto her face and she yipped sitting up rubbing her face. her ears perked when she heard the flute and turned around to see him playing it again. she really wish she knew how to speak in the human language better since so far she has only said one word.

(hooray im home! now my posting wont be sparatic!)
The Berzerker howled and swung with the strength to crack a mountain. The shards that had taken a hit flew back to his armor and several of the skulls on his armor blew flames of a blood red. He only swung harder for each wound. The flame aura around him was growing in power the longer he fought and a second form was starting to be visible. It looked like a giant in red armor. It had a daemonic visage and large wings. The thing was close to 20 feet tall and mirrored what Koroland did. " See the true power of Combat. You mages cannot appreciate the true thrill of a ax kill! Orestes can only because he is a warlock! I will not fall if the shards of a generation are at stake!" With this the form became more and more real. The magic of ice was trying to reach him but could not even touch the Daemonic shape.


Orestes saw what his creature was going through and was amused. One with knowledge of his creatures would see that Energy only empowered the creature. The one way to kill it involved its polar opposite, a water elemental. It was changing the patterns of the blizzard. The hot aura around it and the cold aura of the magic was starting to cause a tornado. Orestes knew it would and was manipulating the weather alongside the Ice draconic. His staff interceded between him and the energy blast. It absorbed the magic and fired a lighting bolt back. The energy of Orestes was now flowing through the blizzard. It started to not only snow and hail but tiny balls of Mutagenic flame fell from the clouds.
Xy finished the song and put his flute down with a sigh. His thoughts wondered to when he was back in some other mountains caught in snow. Back then he had a fire and food and water. He wasn't feeling hungry but a fire would be nice. For now though, he was starting to feel drowsy. He could build a fire later, after he got some sleep. And maybe find some food. "I'm getting a little tired.." he said, laying down and making little snoring noises. He tilted his head to the nymph and asked, "are you tired?"
ardetha tilted her head and flopped onto her side looking at his face, things were occurring outside things that werent to far away. she decided it would be safer if she stayed awake and watched out for things. so she shook her head to xy and patted his head for reassurance, she wasnt quite tired anyways.

(note: do not watch clannad amv's unless you want to cry)
Kai'zen felt the beast absorb the energy and seeing the fight Syphelia was having with this "berserker" he decided it was time for some equal fights to start. He called out to Syphelia "switch" he flew towards the berserker with surprising speed, and providing a barrage of sword strikes giving Syphelia time to regain her footing. He knew that she had obviously taken a beating and though she is strong he has always been better at swordplay than her. he kept a close eye on her as she in turn flew and quickly engaged the beast. "Hey berserker, I think you will be glad to know that I am no mage and no pushover" saying this he put a little more force into his swing purposely slamming it against his axe with enough force to make him lose some ...(ground?)

Syphelia heard Kai'zen yell and quickly pulled back just in time to see him slam into the red armor with a force that made even her flinch. She will always wonder how he got his body that durable. Turning her attention to the flame beast that after devouring Kai'zen's energy-net was still rushing at the man. She flew down and passed the beast landing in front of the man the wind blowing the snow away from the both of them, she had noticed the twisted magic polluting her spell and cut off the energy to it knowing she had done enough to use her final spell if needed. She slammed her hand to the ground and as she pulled it back up a large rune made of her "permafrost" she presses her magic into it muttering a single sentence. "you are not the only summoner fool. Lesser Aegis" as the said the last two words the rune exploded and recollected as a towering behemoth hade of "black ice" a powerful variety that is virtually indestructible it wielded a massive sword and readied itself to combat this beast. Syphelia feeling a wave of fatigue stumbled a little bit and went into a crouch gathering energy within herself, she waved her hand urging her aegis to attack. it responded to its masters request and slammed its sword down on the beast, waiting for a sign of life. (lesser AEGIS:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be4ec0aed_AlsoAEGIS.jpg.c9f466e04776f837b1f5b0bec9ffecd3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8416" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be4ec0aed_AlsoAEGIS.jpg.c9f466e04776f837b1f5b0bec9ffecd3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> )



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The Berzerker took the hits from the foolish Draconic with almost nothing to show for it. He pushed his Ax back and the Daemon contained within growled as its spinning diamond teeth started to do damage. The other blade was finely made but Daemon weapons where in a class of their own. He broke the blade lock and lashed out with a brutal kick. His wings beat the air again and the silhouette of the giant creature started to become real. Suddenly Light seemed to fade for a moment and The Berzerkers true form was real. His Ax was now over 8 feet in length and had massive teeth whirling. He swung the weapon with much of his previous speed but with three times the strength.




Orestes saw the form enter reality and identified it. Such a creature was difficult but not impossible to kill. He shifted his tactics and let the storm continue with the small rain of fire. he started to build a new creature, one that would be capable of fighting such a behemoth and winning. The energy caused him to burst into flames and he channeled the feeling into his work. He drove the smaller Flame creature into combat where its entire energy was being used to burn the cracks of the rock and try to burn into the armor.
Kai'zen felt Syphelia's power dip and then steady, he was full of fear but not that she seemed to weaken but of whats usually happens next. he had become so engrossed in what was happening with Syphelia that he had lowered his guard and even turned his body slightly towards her. He barely realized when he was kicked except that the force had driven him back about five feet in the air. The wound throbbed but soon faded to a dull ache. He was having flashbacks of the last time Syphelia had done this and was determined to stop it this time. as the demon thing came at him he whipped his sword up with his wrist stopping the axe cold in it's tracks, his eyes were all silver, showing that his physical ability has reached it's peak, he says nothing, his eyes locked on those of his opponent. He advances and slams his sword into the cut Syphelia made already, deepening and lengthening it. He then spreads wings and flies up above the clouds motioning the red demon to do the same. showing his full intention of facing the red armor where there will be no distractions for either warrior.

Lesser Aegis: (Syphelia is still resting, she can give it orders by telepathy) The Aegis senses it's masters wishes to strike the beast again, the strong black ice that constitutes it's current form barely scratched by the beasts attempts to attack it. The aegis reacts quickly moving fluidly and with deadly precision, it grabs a couple of the beast necks and kicks the legs from under it, it then swings the sword down chopping off multiple heads. before the heads fall to the ground they turn to ice and shatter, the aegis continues it's onslaught slamming it's sword on the beast and creating a large gash in it's side. It steps on the neck of the beast sword poised to deliver the finals blow. Syphelia says nothing but the aegis still receives her command, bringing the sword back a magic circle appears at the tip of the blade, as soon as the circle is complete the Aegis plunges it's sword through and as it reemerges it appears to be a highly ornamented blade. the sword pierces the creature and as it settles the creature turn to ice and shatters. The aegis the turns it's head up to it's next opponent a small blue armor that has an odd magical aura around it. The Aegis finally speaks the deep rumbling voice within the helmet echoes through the woods. "master, what is your command?"
The Berzerker was in full force now. The slice was nothing to him and regrew even as he fought. He was glowing now and his energy increased from the fighting an violence going on around them. Rising into the sky he grabbed the Draconics foot and threw him downwards. Diving he threw over ten tons of body weight into the strike along with the immense strength his new form possessed.


Orestes finished his spell and summoned and creature. The creature sprinted out of the portal to smash its horns into the creature Ice form. The lava on its horns only glowed hotter at the touch of its hated enemy. The rock of its skin was scorching to the touch and it left burning footprints in its wake. Orestes was tired but drew himself up and drew the symbol of his sister from his pouches. Holding it up her specialty spell cast. The target rune appeared on the sword of the Ice creature.


Kai'zen looked into the eyes of the demon his face stone cold, he reads his opponents moves and reacts accordingly. He spreads his wings and flies down wards getting more speed before quickly angling himself to fly back up to the demon using his speed and strength to match the demons, he locks his sword with the demons and exerts a great amount of will to summon more black flame he generates so much that it engulfs him entirely his voice comes through the crackling flame and says, "Rage of the black sun." The flame erupts and explodes driving the demon back, it forms around Kai'zen creating a visage of the black sun. Kai'zen's sword shines but oddly only half the runes are lit, the magic that the sword contains has stained streaks of his hair black matching his eyes and his now all black clothing, he opens his wings and the fire radiates from them a his eyes still frozen on the creature in front of him. He points the tip of the sword at the demon and a rush of black fire bolts towards him splitting into three beams and coming at him from left right and center.

Syphelia willed the Aegis to fight back realizing the creature that was newly summoned is not to e trifled with, she urges it on and feels it obey with all haste, she sighs relieved that her aegis is quite proficient at killing and is one of the best. The aegis moves grabbing a horn of the creature and holding the things head up, the aegis twists the beasts' head then throws it to the ground bringing it's sword up and swinging down hard, it notices the circle on the blade as soon as it's master does but continues to swing downwards with crushing force eager to end this monsters miserable life, "At my masters command all shall fall!"
The Berzerker was surprised such a small creature could match the strength of a twenty foot tall monster but was still going. When the flames hit he he only laughed. " YOU SEEM TO THINK YOU FIGHT MY BROTHER!" he bellowed, " MAGIC AND FLAME WILL NEVER HURT ME IN THIS FORM! IT ONLY EMPOWERS ME!". He lashed out and smashed the growling teeth of the Daemon Ax at his opponent. His form was starting to grow larger as the energy from the fight infused him. It had been a long time since he had fought something capable of swinging with his without shattering its arms.


The stony skin of the monster withheld against the blade that smashed into it and the creature kicked viciously at the creature that held it. Twisting its head it threw the Iceling over 40 feet and whipped upright. Growling it spat a stream of lava and flames straight at the monstrosity of Ice. It charged straight for the creature while keeping the stream of flaming Earthblood on it.


Orestes heard the words of his sister as he held her sister whisper " Come, Husk of the Dead Moon. " The Target rune glowed and the flaming rock was the size of a small house. Smashing into the distracted monstrosities head he heard his sisters light musical laugh as she spread chaos even when not truly in the world. He shifted his focus to the weaken Draconic. He would deal with her the old fashioned way. Grabbing his staff from the air he walked forward staff and sword glowing slightly.
Kai'zen knew the demon could eat away at his power and was in fact counting on this ability, he pumping out more and more magic, all the while keeping tabs on Syphelia, he checked on her again reaching out with his energy and touched her aura. He was instantly shocked as he felt the pain she was in, even though the pain started to transfer to him he knew it would relieve her. She always felt such pain before a power spike and it seemed to be rushing closer like a rampaging dragon, he braced himself ready to take her pain and allow her to fight at her fullest potential. He blocked his opponents vicious attacks seeing the joy and surprise on his face, Kai'zen smirked and said "At full size I am a colossus, did you not think that all that muscle fused and compacted together wouldn't at the very least allow me to match you." He blocked the attacks then feeling the final rush of Syphelia's magic he slashed back at his opponent then flew to her side, he kept his blade poised and his eyes sharp, it was only now that he noticed the mass destruction this little sortie had caused, and the Blue armor walking steadily towards Syphelia. He knew they were in deep, and with the pain increasing he wouldn't be able to fight, but Syphelia will. Now knowing Koroland's ability he hope that Syphelia's Aegis would defeat this newer beast. He knelt down beside Syphelia securing their link, and taking on all of her pain, it hit him in a wave and he cried out but maintained the link sucking it up. He left the rest to Syphelia.

Syphelia feared for her Aegis knowing that it is not something one can use then discard, she greatly hated this blue armor for his callous disregard for the lives he wastes. She feels Kai'zen link with her and then sees him land next to her, she feels some relief but until the link is full she cannot fight, instead she looks to her opponent his determined walk only annoying her instead of feeling fear, she feels Kai'zen complete the link and transfer the pain from her to him. She then feels the magic well up within her, she feels it fuse her with her strongest magic she closes her eyes and focuses on the source funneling it into her aegis, as she does so tattoo style runes appear on its body she olidifies her focus and says "Aegis" the runes glow and then swarm of the Aegis, the shape of it growing to 50 feet in height, the runes dissipate leaving the newly released aegis appear.(<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.d0ec35d77c022125a250b095e7b370cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8609" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.d0ec35d77c022125a250b095e7b370cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>) She starts to give the beast more instructions, standing steady on her feet now and grabbing her staff she regains her strength and walks to meet Orestes readying her weapons, she looks over to see how her aegis is doing.

The beast could fight, in the aegis' mind this beast was more than just a mindless being, but it held it's ground. The aegis soon felt the transformation runes it's master put around it and openly accepted it. The Aegis after the transformation was complete charged into battle with renewed vigor using it's talons and now more natural weapons instead of the sword. It grabbed the flaming beast and hefted it up tossing it into a close cliff, it then charged planting both knees into the creatures side, this was the way it was meant to fight tearing into it's enemy with its spikes and sharp protrusions. It tore away the monsters hide and ripped away at its life being as damaging as possible before leaving it shortly to scoop up its masters ally and placing him in its core, it then turned to face it's now standing enemy watching it's every move.



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The Magma Spiker roared at the pain of being torn into but kicked back hard. He Spat lava high into the air and felt it land of its back. The Berzerker would teleport and the creature knew it. When the Lava touched ruptured skin and stone it closed wounds. The Rocky hide regrew over the wounds as the lava dried. While the monstrosity had managed to harm it it had failed to kill it. And it would pay for its mistake. Charging it let loose yet more lava and rammed into the larger monster full speed. Taking its legs out from under it it slashed at the body and trampled at it.


The Berzerker was unhappy and let the creature know it. He slashed at the creatures hand and sliced into the rock and ice of its outer body easily. Right when he would have been shoved into the creature he vanished. The red glow suffused the sky as he appeared some 300 feet up. He flew into a dive and picked up massive speed. When the Ice thing fell he hammered down onto its neck and slashed at the creatures eyes with his massive ax.


Orestes saw the first draconic fall and knew he must have taken the pain of such a cast from her. Pointing his staff he threw a storm of small separating projectiles that scattered before coming from all angles. At the same time he roared " WRATH OF MOONDRACKEN! " . The large white wolf clawed out of the remains of the fallen moon and howled. It ran at the rest of the group that had seemed content to stay hidden for the duration of the fight. He briefly glanced around and saw the valley was now a wreck. Dozens of trees had fallen and there where small fires and frozen patches from the monsters. Mutagenic flame from the storm ad warped some areas beyond recognition as being a part of the mortal realm. The pair of moons he had dragged down where laying, partially shattered. The bodies of multiple summoned monsters lay dead or dying around them. It reminded him of the Long War. He created a small Duel area that floated about half a foot above the ground and stepped into one of the two circles.He tapped the circle with his staff and it flared to life and he waited for his opponent to either rise or flee.

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