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"Oh well that's just not fair," Daemon leaps out of the way before the rock can crush him. "Space rocks," he mutters and gets up, slashing his blade though the air, sending magical blows at Orestes, following up with real close combat blows.
The magic blows deflected off of his Circle while his staff intercepted his swings at Orestes. " Wrath Of MoonDracken!" Orestes shouted. A wolf of pure white crawled from the crater the rock had left behind. It was some 7 feet tall at the shoulder and leapt for Daemon as Orestes prepared another powerful spell. " Well i remember your comrades as sure as i believe you remember mine. I left more than a few or yours on the ground at the last battle with that last spell. I always have specialized in summons and creation magic." Orestes said conversationally as he created a rune.
"yes, well," Daemon slices the wolf creature in half. "The reason you lost is because that one kill made it personal." He glances at Lilly who's sneaking up on Orestes.

"STORM CALL! STRIKE CURSED METAL!" She shouts and jabs her wand at Orestes. Storm clouds block out the darkening sky and lighting flashes. She coughs, the back of her hand to her throat.

(That's all for me tonight. Don't go too far ahead. I'll be on tomorrow around 3:5oPM Pacific time.)
" Well, Well, Well what a spell. Remarkable but ineffective." Orestes mused. He tapped a rune on his chest and he turned into a shade. Nothing more than the shadow at the edge of your eyes. His circle blazed up and burst outwards as a explosion. The air seemed to say " We will finish this later ".
Finishing off that freaky creature he walks back to the group just in time to see the being vanish, he roars in anger and his eyes turn a dark red. "I wasn't finished with you!!!" He looks at his now twisted blade before chucking it at a tree lodging it in. "I will be the one to destroy him." Changing into his original form (<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.34e94169e5b9b97a5f90925df1eddc37.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.34e94169e5b9b97a5f90925df1eddc37.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> )he curls up lets out a puff of smoke



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A cold wind blows, before picking up into a full blown wind storm the sky goes dark and oddly enough snow starts to fall. In the distance a large dark objects flies getting closer by the second. Kai'zen raises his head a spark of recognition in his eyes. He raises his body(which is odd looking cus he only has wings) and roars almost beckoning the frightening shape to him, settling back down he waits. The wait isn't long as the shape flies over the clearing he's in swiftly before landing on front of him it turns out to be another dragon with odd features different than his own. Kai'zen simply lifts his head and says "hello Syphelia"

Syphelia Archeaus


Race: Frost Dragon

Personality: Syphelia is a kind girl to those she knows. She is otherwise a pretty cold and hostile person and has little interest in "making friends" she is determined and incredibly powerful. As a dragon she is stronger than Kai'zen but due to her species she is compelled to obey his commands though she still has a will of her own, and a strong one at that. She has a reputation of being a fierce opponent that has made many of her enemies "regret their decisions." She is very protective of Kai'zen and thinks of him as her closest friend.

History: Syphelia was Kai'zen's childhood friend who grew up right alongside him. They grew up being very close friends and have remained that way ever since. Syphelia was born into one of the six great dragon clans, as their eldest daughter she has a lot expected of her future. she has gone through training in becoming an ice mage, and has an incredible talent for the art due to her being an frost dragon. As the eldest daurghter of her clan she will one day have to stop her adventure. Though frankly she doesn't care and greatly prefers adventuring more than training at home. She has been tagging along with Kai'zen sometimes splitting up to pursue a couple interests, always meeting up with Him eventually. She lives each day to her fullest until she has to return and take up her position along with Kai'zen.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.b9c262cb7a4a68599bff1ec1c4a8a609.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7991" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.b9c262cb7a4a68599bff1ec1c4a8a609.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.6b2b07f7cdec2e2e3ff1f8e485c36112.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7992" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.6b2b07f7cdec2e2e3ff1f8e485c36112.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.67ba43a7c01306ac998a0f3b11600f41.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7993" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.67ba43a7c01306ac998a0f3b11600f41.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon: her water/ice magic



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Orestes shifted his form along the cloud lines. The storm was supposed to strike cursed metal, and strike it would. The man whom had fought in the war had shards on his sword. Orestes shifted his shadow along the clouds manipulating the spells and weather till it was directed to strike the sword.
"I suggest you all go home then. A storm's brewing now. Perhaps just a cave or something." Daemon shifts and looks at the sky.

"Why don't you like storms?"

"Reasons," Daemon waves his hand above his head and an umbrella top appears as it starts to rain. Lilly stands with Daemon under the cover.

"Alright, let's get to a cave or something. Maybe your home cave." Lilly says.
(Accepted. So far the group is on the mountain near a small-ish town that rests near a large-ish lake. They've just semi-defeated Orestes though I think he's just waiting for a chance to attack again. Daemon and Lilly are under a tree, Daemon being Lilly's grandfather of sorts. He and Orestes have history. There are two dragons in the pack now, one was there the one time and the other just showed up. That is the gist of what has happened so far.)
(Hmm... Alright.)

Seiva stretched her pale arms, looking around at the new area, her eyes still adjusting. She didn't pay much mind to her surroundings though, as she turned to Nadia, "Are you alright?" Nadia nodded, and Seiva smiled. She never went anywhere without the girl. Nadia was like a sister to Seiva, and nearly the only person she had ever let so close. She looked around more in depth this time, looking for people and such. Seiva jumped a little in surprise and frowned. They had appeared around what looked like two dragons, and two other people. "Lovely..." she muttered under her breath, and went towards the two under the tree instead of the dragons.

"Dragons tend to be more trouble than they are worth unless you can tame it," she explained to Nadia, who was frowning and following close behind Seiva. Seiva looked like a normal, but pale, human at the moment, save for her deep red eyes. She looked at the two, and spoke up, arms folding, "Hello. I just arrived here. Do tell, what realm did we come into? Have there been any odd occurrences recently?" Seiva of course meant something odd, other than the portal she had just come through.

Nadia was quiet, but looked over everyone, her beautiful blue eyes and fragile figure betraying a feeling of innocence. She looked sweet and kind, and in stark contrast to the hardened, but sexy look of Seiva. Nadia seemed happy enough with her position though.
Daemon startles and looks at the two. he pales at the sight of Seiva. "Ah, that's my cue, be good lilly." he hurries into a nearby cave and disappears, leaving his magical umbrella behind.

"Um, you're on Earth, the mortal realm I suppose," Lilly says, glancing at Zai and his new dragon friend. They both looked human at the moment, thankfully, their dragon forms would freak out the humans. Dragon hunters didn't need to be awoken again. She looks back at Seiva. "I'm Lilly Sune, what's your name?" 
I'm off for the night, good night. I'll be on tomorrow around 4:00 pm California pacific time.)
"My name is Seiva Kerona Meldain. Pleased to meet you..." she said, looking towards where the other one had gone off to. Seiva looked at Nadia, and she nodded politely, then disappeared quickly. Seiva paid attention to Lilly again, "Earth? Again?" She looked upset and cursed in a foreign language, "Again! I knew we were getting pulled. We must have taken a wrong turn again damn it! This is the third time! Now we are stuck on this godforsaken rock until we can portal out again."

Seiva shook her head, and looked over the girl, "Are you a magic user? The other times I have popped into this realm, they seemed unaccustomed to magic. It was rather pitiful." She yawned and sat next to the girl suddenly, glancing towards where Nadia had followed the other person, "So. Was that your brother or boyfriend walking away so swiftly? My maid, Nadia, went after him. Just to talk, so no worries."

Nadia, as Seiva had said, teleported near to the man. Her voice was soft, but audible as she called out, "Hello..? We are just traveling. No need to be uncomfortable around us. She can be a bit touchy sometimes, but I keep her in check usually. Why did you walk off?"
Syphelia overheard this woman's statement about dragons and shot her a look that could curdle milk. Creating an ice spike in her hand she halfhearted lay considered not loading it in that woman's heart. And hand on her shoulder tells her not to as she turns to see Kai'zen's slightly irritated but calm face. Leading her over to Lilly he listens as the woman swears, over something. He walks up to her with a hand extended and a warm look on his face. "My name is Kai'zen, and she is Syphelia" after saying this he pointed behind him at the very unhappy frost Mage. Syphelia looks over towards them and walks up to, Kai'zen her soothing voice being heard for the first time. "Kai'zen, who are all these people, and why are you with them?"
Nate watched from the sidelines... Having made it back to the mortal realm.... he sent a thought to lily and Kia, " Kia, Lily, I'm here... watching... Don't come looking for me as I wish to remain in the shadows at this time.... "
"I am a witch from a long line of witches." Lilly says, "Though I'm still learning the more powerful magics." Lilly looks at Zai, "Who's your friend? She seems rather cold."

Daemon starts and looks at her. "I don't get along well with those that belong in the underworld. I tend to kill them."
Orestes sighted when Daemon walked off. Instead he was content to strike the lightning bolt into the umbrella. See if he couldn't keep them on edge. He noted one that glowed with the powers of hell. She would be a true magic user. He would be interested to see if she would align with those who where of hell by Curse and service.

He had fought for the forces of Hell. Never as a main liner but he had made a few pacts to be able to summon the creatures he could. He threw his essence from the area, trying to get into contact with one of the Berserkers. They could help him greatly here.
Xy was slower so he was left behind. It was okay for him though because he spent a lot of time alone and enjoyed being alone. He simply took out his flute and played simple little melodies as he walked. He found a nice tree and climbed up into it. He could see pretty far off in every direction and spotted the others. But he decided to spend a little more time alone before he rejoined them. He had a hard time talking to strangers.

(my character is like obsessed with his flute....)
Kai'zen looked over at Lilly and chuckled, "her name is Syphelia and the reason she cold is cus she's an ice Mage/ dragon so yeah it's her thing" he ducks an ice spike still laughing as he moved.

Syphelia was at this point annoyed by Kai'zen but knew she would be over it soon. As she stood there she watched everyone closely always aware of the prescence within the clouds. She looks up and mouths the words."I know you are there."
"Cute, a little witch," Seiva said, a smile creeping onto her face, "I was worried I would be surrounded by non-magic folks. They can be.... hard.... to get along with. Even harder to not kill." She stuffed hands in her pockets. She wore a long black trench-coat that draped to the floor, and a dress underneath. It was all in stark contrast to her pale skin and reddish eyes. The strike of lightening didn't even make her jump, Seiva looked directly at Orestes, but didn't say anything, instead turning back to Lilly, "Tell me more about your lineage?"

Nadia nodded slowly at Daemon, a little fearful, "I see..." She pouted and furrowed her brow, "Seiva isn't perfect, but she's getting a lot better. I am from hell too. Half-human, half-banshee. I am Seiva's maid." Nadia sighed, "She won't try to kill people at random like most hell denizens. Only if you seriously piss her off. Please do not attempt to kill us. I won't do anything to you really, and Seiva tries to make nice with people."
"Oh, well," Lilly thinks back along her line. Many powerful witches which started when her great-great-a lot of greats grandmother Lillian became a demon specifically aligned with the sun. Then her daughter Safire who had been human who had a Sorcerer husband. "I suppose the first of my line was the Sorcerer Severus and Safire. They were many, many, generations ago though."

"I won't attack her unless the Sun says so, or if she hurts Lilly for any reason. That's all, still, Sun Demons and Sun-Blessed don't get along well with Underworld beings." Daemon says, I've slayed one too many of them to make friends with one so close to Hades.
Name: Koroland The Berzerker


Abilities: at almost 9 feet tall and stronger and faster than humans Koroland is dangerous. When combined with his giant Daemon weapon and the abilities to throw flaming bolts he is truly deadly.

History: Brother to Orestes Koroland is known as the Berzerker for his fits or rage and preferred style of combat. The Daemon weapon he carries has a rapidly spinning line of teeth that are just as hard as the substance the the Armour he is made of. He shares the Curse of the Thousand Suns.

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