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Name: Jack-O-Lina

Known As: The Pumpkin King

Gender: Female

Guardian of: Light

Her Holiday: Halloween (SHe calls it Hallow's Eve.)

Height: 5 foot 4 inches

Wieght: 96 pounds

Eye color: Left eye orange, right eye green. The hues change slightly with her emotions.

Hair color: Her hair is curly and looks like candle light. It glows in the dark.

Tattoos: Vines down one arm with Jack-O-Lanterns on them

Piercings: Ears only, normally wears earrings with Halloween theme.

Jewlery: Were's a pumpkin ring.

Pets: Black cats, Sir David Kyra, Lady Galadriel Lina, and their son Lady Mavis Lina.

Other: Uses a wand to direct her powers, it's easier that way.


Personality: She's a nice girl but is touchy about her past. She knows Pitch and sympathizes with him but doesn't join him or the other Guardians. She's also friends with other Halloween figures like the Headless Horseman.

Friends: Headless Horseman

Foes: None yet

Crush: none

Family: Jack Skellington, who helps her with Halloween
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ardetha was walking through the forest, the sound of people attracting her attention. she walked with no sound, the cobweb wisps of her hair floating gently in the light breeze. a noise caught her attention from above, a small chirp coming from her throat as the notes from the boys flute made her curious. she hugged the tree her thick wings fluttered and twitched, her eyes gazing up into the tree. the roots under her feet moved her up higher as she climbed the tree in silence she looked down at the boy, tucking her hair back as they got tangled in her horns she looked down at him his flute still making such strange noise to her yet so exciting that she couldnt help but lean further out to look. she branch under her snapped and as she fell a bit another branch caught her only to almost hit the boy, letting out a small noise that sounded much like a whimper. 
(sorry i never got any notifications! so i didnt know i was accepted haha)
Xy had his eyes closed but he opened them when he heard the branch snap. He looked up and saw the nymph. He set the flute on his lap and said softly, "hello." He was used to seeing nymphs around but he'd never seen one like this. He saw her glancing at his flute and asked, "Do you know how to play?"
ardetha shook his head looking at him wide eyed the silver in her irises sparkling. a couple more soft chirps noises came from her throat before she climbed down and perched next to the boy, she crossed her legs and put her hands in her lap the bangles on her wrist jingling lightly. she fluttered her wings and looked down at his flute.
Orestes touched down in the Desert. The mortals in this area believed it to be cursed and haunted. Shows how little they knew. The berzerker Koroland lived in the center. He had responded to Orestes quickly and even now the pair spoke.A quick conversation in a language few immortals and even fewer mortals knew. Soon the pair was on the move. The one who bore the blade would pay, And the cursed flute would be destroyed.
Xy smiled and started playing the flute again. His head nodded to the music and his eyes closed. He was thinking of making another flute just to play for fun and play this one for special occassions( since it seemed to have a magical ability). He finished the song and set the flute on his lap again.
ardetha giggled and clapped her hands together excitedly sitting up on her knees. she had never heard such pretty noise! she never just approached someone for no reason but she had to see. she looked at the boy and touched his hair, it was curly and soft and felt much different then hers she was intrigued by him not only for being the first person shes come in contact with.
Kai'zen turned away from the hell girl, he felt ok with the fact that she had ignored him especially since he had made the effort to be civil he walked a few paces away from Lilly and the girl putting random rocks in a circle, he draws a rune and as soon as he moves his hand a campfire explodes into life. "Just in case Orestes returns we should stay together, being alone will only make it easy to be surprise attacked" he looks towards Syphelia "Can you summon my spare sword, he really screwed up my dad's."

Nodding towards Kai'zen she quickly opens a rift and pulls out and odd looking broadsword with a simple leather scabbard, when she passes them to him the runes on the sword light up quickly and fade back to their original look. she then widens the rift and steps in, when she returns she is wearing a similar cloak to her original but with armor pieces she has no apparent weapon but doesnt seem to notice, or care. She sits down by Kai'zen and starts playing with snowflakes between her fingers weaving an intrcate web of perfectly fitting flakes.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Carpathian.jpg.4cb477a285563c9b7892cef36bf4bf73.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Carpathian.jpg.4cb477a285563c9b7892cef36bf4bf73.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (kai'zen's new sword)



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The pair of giant Armored figures where suddenly skydiving. The Berzerker screamed about a " Damned Flute " and Orestes was forced to agree. The flute had caused them to appear some hundred feet in the air and suddenly learn to fly. Orestes stopped himself and hovered. He would need to prep if he was to fight this soon after the last spectacle. let the Berzerker take their attention. The blood red armor of the Berzerker was covered in skulls that screamed their rage and many had daemons trapped in them. Crashing into the ground the Monstrosity shattered into thousands of pieces that flew in every direction before a vortex formed. With the impact point as the center the shard all flew back into place until the 9 foot giant stood with his weapon in hand. Roaring with rage he spun around looking for the creature that dared to summon him. Ghostly flame raced along his form in red hues as he searched before spotting a small group outside of a cave. He had crashed into the top area of its roof. He leap down and stalked forwards his ax's blades whirling to life.
Daemon eyes widen and he races toward the mouth of the cave where the kids had set up camp. He took out his sword and skidded to a stop at the entrance of the cave. "Kids, stay here for now." He jumps over the fire and takes off towards a clearing on the other side of the valley, the shards on the end of the sword glowing. "HEY! METAL HEAD!!" He shouts , waving his sword. "I'VE GOT YOUR SIBLINGS!" The shards clink together.
The Berzerker roared and threw his hand up. Flame, of a different kind then the stuff Orestes used flew across the valley in the blink of an eye. The stuff was blood red and instead of crackling it seemed to scream as it flew, as if in agony. The ax was whirling full speed when the Berzerker leapt forward. His blade descended like a meteor and was swung downward with the force to shatter a wall.


Orestes Focused on the tip of his sword to be able to rekindle the spirits it contained. He focused the energy until the blade burst into mutating fire and the he pointed at the group gathered at the other end of the valley. When the beam of fire flew forth he finally wondered if they had another good magic user to stop it.
( the kids over at the camp. he would probably hit the Berzerker cause of how big he is if he aimed for the combat. )
Daemon curses and charges, his blade stopping the giant's. He was surprised his sword didn't break from the impact since it practically numbed his arm, but it managed to get away without too much damage. He blocks the giant from the campsite. "Hello, mind not killing the ones off guard?"
The Berzerker screamed in the mans face. His voice was insanely loud and deep. " THEN SURRENDER THE SHARDS AND YOUR LIFE!" He made a trio of hammering slashes that had the force of the first behind them. He was screaming in rage as well as he threw in a series of kick and punches to go with the slashes. The skulls all over his armor screamed and bit at Daemon whenever he was anywhere near the skulls.


Orestes laughed at the mans request. He knew at least one of the others had to know magic. None of them had the normal brown aura around them of a strait up human. He fired another beam as he spoke. " None here will stop the Berzerker human. I would suggest getting your act together to fight him at that range." He observed the fight while focusing on trying to hit one of the others with the mutating fire.
Syphelia obeserved the chaos and as the bolts of flame flew towards them she simply let out an annoyed sigh. holding up her hands she says in her silk-like voice "permafrost" a giant wal of ice forms but instead of normal ice it has an electric blue aura. as the fire smashes into it there is an explosion but the wall holds fast not even a scorch mark marring the pristine blue. she nods at Kai'zen urging him to move. She says "I know you think you will be in the way but if you are as serious as I know you can be you will be just fine. I'll handle the flamethrower up there." Leaping towards the blue and gold armor she holds out her hand a cold energy wrapping around her hand a sword appears. She holds out her other hands and her ice staff appears. before gravity grabs her she unfolds her wings and flies up to meet the gold armor. "You will regret maiming Kai'zen's sword, I promise you that"

Kai'zen already knows the situation that the man was in but didn't know if he should intervene, but trusting in Syphelia's words he whips out his sword the runes flaring to life letting out a black flame. He nods back at Syphelia before dashing towards the man. he watches the red armors moves and tries to measure the strength he has, deciding on being careful he get a grim look on his face and his eyes turn a deep scarlet almost matching the armors hue. He swings his sword towards the armor letting out a wave of black fire that swirls and races towards the crimson armor. "We can take him down if we work together so lets get him."<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Frigidus.jpg.1032fdeb375e20ed74b51f0031452cbf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8361" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Frigidus.jpg.1032fdeb375e20ed74b51f0031452cbf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Syphelia's sword Frigidus, it channels her energy and lets her release as much ice magic as she can handle, it has no limit except hers being effective yet dangerous to her.)



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(Sorry I was busy for a bit!)

Xy jumped up and nearly fell out of the tree as the giants slammed into the ground and he could hear battle meaning they were fighting the other group. "I'm not much of a fighter but I wish I could help..." he said out loud. He glanced at the nymph. "People don't normally hang around me so its okay if you wanna leave."
ardetha gripped the tree branch and looked out standing up and staring over shorter trees to see if she could catch a glimpse. her mouth hung open slightly and she looked at him with a face the showed confusion and sadness. she sat back down holding tightly to the tree, the area in which the noises were coming from had some of her favorite trees and she could hear them being snapped and broken. at his words she shook her head, she wasnt sure what he meant by people not being around him but he seemed nice so why wouldnt they?

(its ok! happens to the lot of us)

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