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Kai'zen's eyes turn to that of a dragons and he catches the movement, swiping at the tip of the beings sword he parries his attack, he then whirls around planting his sword into the ground and using it to block the physical attacks. "Not bad but you are way off balance" pushing forward he barrels into his opponent swiping at the leg that keeps him standing and twisting sword so that the blade is pointed at Orestes.
Xavier watched the fight. He was still tired since being woken up before he could actually get a good nights sleep. He stuffed the sword into his bag, sat down, and put the flute to his lips. Then he began to play a song that was usually accompanied by vocals but the music without was beautiful. The song was well known through the elvin world and he had learned it quickly as a child. Playing the flute relaxed him and he just hoped the battle would end soon.
Seeing Xy he relaxes a little but continues to fight his opponent, he sees the man that he reappeared with and tries his best to get a good look at him still continuing his attack.
"These two, are unevenly matched," Daemon notes, "This is going to be very interesting. An ancient up against a dragon, I can't wait to see what happens next."

"The dragon's name is Kai'zen and he's my friend. We need to be rooting for Kai." lilly says.

"Yes, I know, but still, interesting."
Jumping back after his attack he turns his head slightly back so he can see both the being and the man. "So now that you are here should I make it quick?" Letting go of the sword hilt with his left hand he raises it to his right the runes on his sword flare up and a crackling energy engulfs it before, seemingly being absorbed by the blade.
(can i join? ^^) 
Name: ardetha (no last name)

Nickname: none

Age: 18 in human years 1800 in nymph years

Appearance: in the form she usually take shes pale with dark spines running down her spine and feathery moth wings coming from her back. she has two sets of horns and long elf like ears, her hair looks and feels as if it was made of cobweb. protruding form her shoulders are feather like spines and she has embedded jewels in her forehead. her eyes are the same no matter what form shes in, they are all black with white silver irises.


Race: forest nymph

Sexuality: heterosexual

Birthday: oct.31

Gender: Female

Height: 5 ft 4 in

Blood Type: unknown

Favorite Subject(s): nature science, english

Favorite Food(s): any type of berry and something she recently discovered called cookies

Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior or Senior? : senior

Personality: ardetha is a very viably happy girl whenever she meets new people, she is kind and strange in her own ways and hates to see people in sour or bad moods. shes sad in the summer though because everything dries out and she find it uncomfortable to be outside, when she lived in the forest she would simply take her water form and live in the local lakes, rivers or swamps. she cries easily over many things especially when someone or something is hurt. she will only ever act aggressive is she feels threatened or if you mistreat her friends or nature itself.

Other: She has many different forms depending on the situation or weather

(natural form)


(water form)


(fire form)

( My CP had died. i spent a very long time fixxing it i know but it lives now! )

Orestes did not even budge when the Draconic man kicked his leg, his weight making it nearly impossible to trip him. In response he whirled into a barrage of quick slashing attacks moving faster than almost any human. As he moved he spoke in a language not heard for many thousands of years " Aeternitatis sum arena ira ( for those who may know it it means I am The Wrath of the Sands of Time )". He also swung out with hands and feet several times at bizarre moments to try to throw the Draconic off balance.
Matching Orestes speed he blocks several of The beings attacks and dodged the rest. Kai'zen then leaped over his opponent and using just his right hand he swings his sword three runes light up, one in fire, another in lightning, and the third in wind. The wind served to speed up his strike, the fire enveloped the blade and as he swung lightning arced towards his target. He inhales deeply feeling his chest heat up he lets out a roar that spewed blue flames engulfing the immediate area in front of him.
As the flames swam around him Orestes laughed. Fire and lightning swam over his Armour before grounding without even slowing him down. His armor now burned with the same blue flame that had covered his blade and started to spread along the lighting bolt that was sourced from his opponents blade. " I am a master of elemental magic, the most basic of Sorcerers forms. As a Dragon i thought you would do better. Also you have freed me from the Constraints of a standard blade duel with your use of the magic of you. " . With that Oresteses staff flew to his hand and he began a whirling assault of Blue fire and lighting. He style was entirely unique and used momentum of both combatants to deliver punishing blows with a strength that was not human.
Chuckling he blocks the attacks and even starts meeting them halfway, pushing back he slams his blade into his opponents, his face becoming more serious, he takes a step back dodging a slash from the being before taking a quick step forward thirsting his sword hard at the very centre of the beings chestplate. "I prefer to work my way up so that I can fully gauge my opponents strength rather than using too much force. And I am no ordinary dragon, I am a silver dragon and the heir to the dragon equivalent of an emperor. So believe me when I say, this is only the tip of the iceberg."
Orestes left his staff hanging in the air and grabbed the blade with his hand. Charging his hand with mutating energy he channeled it into the blade and it started to come to life. Faces formed in the blade for a second and screamed before fading into the blade as it turned into a blade of flesh and bone.
"HaHaHa, wow.....Big mistake, this sword was given to me by my father and you have twisted it, I will crush you for that." Breathing in quickly he breathes a green flame before jumping back and transforming. (<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.648fd063f15901dff7e08a1a830cca58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7713" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.648fd063f15901dff7e08a1a830cca58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>) "this is my family's main combat style, we take on a more human form and wield weapons forged from our own flame. These weapons are just as useful as my talons, teeth, and flame. Prepare yourself." Dashing forward Kai'zen strikes with an intense speed using both swords to to hammer his blade creating. Small fractures within the blade. "Tetrva ma crenui" (I will be your end)



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Looking at what stood before him Orestes pulled a symbol from his belt pouches.

" Under the Gaze of my sister i will not fall. You will not end me as sure as everyone else that has tried. " Orestes barked. He channeled the energy of the nether realms through himself and suddenly a massive form pushed itself into reality. The monstrosity was the size of a large Dragon and had a nest of heads and was possessed of 8 legs. As it climbed up to face the Draconic Orestes turned and began advancing on the girl who bore a shard of him. He would then try to free his sister.
Looking blankly at the hydra-like creature, he snorts "shri ac me viri" (don't insult me) taking in a deep breath he exhale and blue fire swallows the beast. Not caring if the beast has fully burned or not Kai'zen darted in front of his opponent, swinging his swords directly at the beings neck he states in English this time."I am still your opponent."
Orestes laughed as the flame hit the creature. " Another Time Mortal. I would take a look at the monster trying to kill you before you look at my. Less of a threat to you. I promised not to kill you. I will keep that promise for now." He used the circle in the top of his staff to super-electrify the blades and embed them halfway into a tree and continue on to his prize.
Gripping his swords he rips them out of the tree looking back at the creature he sees three of its heads coming in to attack, "dammit, hey you there you better protect them, or once I take this thing down you will be next" saying this he points at the man who is standing next to Lilly. He whips around quickly cutting off two of the heads he uses some magic to freeze the third rapidly, before shattering it with his swords, hilt. He looks back again before shouting, "hey what mountain is this?" Sidestepping another head it smashes into a tree and I cut the head off at the neck.
Xy had dozed off and woke up, hoping he and everyone else wasn't dead. It seemed the fight had intensified and his flute was still in his hand. Sighing, he put it into his bag and studied the giant he had brought into this world. He was big to say the least but also strong and powerful. Xy was afraid of him. Afraid of dying at the hands of this giant demon thing.
Lilly almost screamed but Daemon stepped in front of her and pulled out his sword, the shards of metal hanging from thick cords off the end of the hilt glow as he channels his energy. "My words are a shield," the simple spell wove tightly, making a barrier reinforced by his sword. "You will not lay a hand on her, deformed monstrosity."
Orestes looked at the one in his path. He laughed at the mans magic until he saw what was hanging from his blade. " YOU WARE THE ONE OF THE WAR! You have claimed shards from over a dozen of us! FALL NOW!" Orestes barked at the man. He threw energy bolts and mutating beams as he strode forwards, His blade and staff charged with energy not of this world.
"Ah, indeed, and I have yet to count my trophies at home, old foe," Daemon grins and weaves a tighter barrier as the bolts spread their charge against it, sendind static sparks into the air, charging it. "Sad to say this is not a proper battle ground and I have allies to protect. I'm not standing with my own warriors this time." The shards glow sharply and make the barrier stronger tenfold.
With his lighter attacks shattering the edges of the shield Orestes kept a lightning bolt focused with his sword before throwing a massive fire spell with his staff. Tracing a circle on the ground he let his staff float the rim of the circle while he held his sister symbol up and used it to channel the energy of a massive spell into the air around him.
"Well that's not very nice," Daemon mutters, remembering the same spell had been used to kill his second in command. He flips the sword blade inward and turn with his arm out, from the direction everyone behind him is shunted out of the way. He stabs backward and fixes the shield, the shards now like tiny suns mushed together to make a big lumpy one.
Finishing his spell Orestes Barked out the words " Come, Husk of the Dead Moon." A rock the size of a small house appeared in the sky and started to fall on the combat below. At the same Time Orestes Shifted himself to drop a small rune onto the shield. The rune glowed before vanishing. The rock speed towards where the rune had vanished and picked up speed.

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