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(Cool, I'll wait a while before I drag his brother into the story. They really don't like each other. Ted's the brother, he's "Moon-Blessed". Sun and moon don't really get along well. xD )
(Yeah, runes, he doesn't really know what they mean but certain runes glow when attacking people who they work best against. Supposedly there's a rune on there for every type of creature the sword encounters, although with a character like orestes the swod will have to experiement with different things like it was made to do. Eventually it'll find something that'll hurt the enemy and create a rune to match the attack. Because of this Daemon rarely uses it unless it's an absolute emergency, or if Lilly is involved, and I'm pretty sure he's noticed her absence by now.)
( what a amusing Char. He might have been around the last time one of the Thousand Sons cursed was discovered. They all are powerful magic users so ya figure he would remember if he ever fought one. Might even know what happened to em in the first place.)
(That would be an interesting story twist, perhaps he has a few shards wrapped in wire hanging from the handle of his sword, giving it more power. Just an idea.)
Turning into his human form Kai'zen lets his guard down but he draws his sword just in case, he glares at this being mapping out where he would attack first if he had to.
Orestes head swore in a language that sounded like crackling flame and shattered into shards of light. Suddenly Orestes had a helmet back on his main body. Righting himself he twisted his head back on strait and looked at the human that he believed to be a shape shiftier. " Remember but one thing. I am far stronger than any human and faster than you would believe. To cross blades with me is to commit to your own death."
Xavier fell off the head with a clunk. He was still in the tunnels. He was disappointed that his idea hadn't worked. He started walking back the way he had come when he heard voices. He peeked around the corner and saw the crab-child creature and somebody covered in shadow. He took long breaths as he pushed himself as close to the wall as possible. How was he supposed to get back?
"Are you lost?" Daemon asks out of the gloom, turning on a flashlight and pointing it at Xavier. "You know this cave has bears in it, right?" The sword at his side jangles with shards of metal (Shards of armor) wrapped with wire and connected to the sword hilt. (Daemon's a new character on my first post just under Lilly's form.)

Lilly senses her dad nearby, "Yeah well we've got someone more powerful than you in these parts. You're in his territory. He's lives on this mountain."
Chuckling he raises his blade to Orestes, "Good thing I'm not human then" looking back at Lilly he reaches out to her mind "I feel him, I'll try to keep him occupied long enough for him to get here, alright?"
"I can defend myself against bears" Xy said, pulling out the borrowed sword. He suddenly felt the power rolling off this man in waves. He squeezed the flute and hoped he was a "good guy".
Summoning his blade and staff to hand Orestes turned to gaze at the creature, whatever it was. He flexed his mind and his blade burst into green flame. His staff arced energy as he planted it in the earth. He took a step forward and said " Know this, I will not take your life but to cross blades with one of those who lurk beneath the sands is to cross blades with ancient evil. I have lived for over 17,000 years and been a warrior for most of that. I will follow the rules of a duel however. Only swords and shields if you need one." He focused and a single line of indented dirt appeared. It formed a complete circle of some 20 feet across.
"Then of course I live in this cave too and will protect those bears because i live with them," Daemon clarifies, "And whatever else you might find in this cave that was naturally there. So my first questions stands, are you lost? most people don't venture into caves near nightfall." 
"We have the best sword fighter ever!" Lilly says, "He's close by too, you won't stand a chance against him!"
Stepping into the circle grinning and getting into a stance with his blade in one hand and sparks lighting up his other, "By the time I'm done we won't need him" looking over his shoulder at Lilly he winks before turning back to the being and readying himself "you may have the first move, may the best warrior win."
Orestes Saluted before leaping forward with blinding speed. He made a quick jab at the knee level while throwing a massive karate chop at his opponents head and also kicking at his ankle. Such was the Sandstorm assault. A pattern this world had not seen for over 2 thousand years.
"Daemon, receive," Lilly says, lacing magic into her words, sending the battle to Daemon as it progresses. she keeps both of them in her sight, whatever she saw, Daemon did. maybe he'll come, hopefully he would.
Xavier stiffened and came out from behind the corner. "Very lost." He replied. He was pleading for help with his eyes but his pride wouldn't let him ask for the help. He could hear the battle even as far down in the tunnel as he was. His elf ears could hear things from far away.
"Follow me then," Daemon says after seeming to space out. "I know where your group is," he turns the flashlight into a lantern by puling down the end and starts off down the cave.
Xavier jogged till he was almost beside him. "So you live in a cave..." he said quietly almost under his breath. He squinted ahead, hoping to see the somewhat light of the cave his "friends" were in. They weren't technically friends because they were brought together by dangerous circumstances but he knew that they all had each others backs.
"I live on the mountain, cities and towns don't agree with me." he walks out into the light and shuts off the flashlight/lantern. "There they are, and one of them seems to be in a fight with an older being." He walks over to the group and stands by Lilly. She looks up at him and smiles. "What trouble have you gotten yourself into now?" He asks, amused as he watches the two fight."

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