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Resting his head on his warms he spreads his wings over his new companions for extra warmth. Enjoying the fact that he now has people he believes he can call friends, the loneliness he's had throughout his time adventuring alone seems to fade away. As he lays there he watche's the fire.
Xy yawned again before laying his head in his arms and slowly drifting off into sleep, clutching his bag so he wouldn't lose the flute.
Orestes had it. The flute gave off enough magic for him to trace them. He had discovered its power to hurt him. It contained a shard of the ultra-dense material that his Armour was forged from. And to add insult to injury it contained a shard of one of his Sisters. She had been trapped in her own suit but they pieces of her where scattered to the winds. He had her chest symbol in his left pouch but could not find pieces of her except her helmet. The head of the Mages had it. He also had shards of over thirty of the others whom the curse had hit. As far as he knew he was the only on who had managed to stay complete. Now he was not and needed that Shard of the symbol back. He was moving towards the group now. His march was unstopable but slow, like death itself.
Lilly feels the strong power again, "Uh, guys?" She sees him and stands up. "D-don't come any closer!" She says, sharply. She puts a spell on the crown of flowers. "You'll regret it!"
Waking up Kai'zen snaps into consciousness seeing the being. He leaps up in from of Lilly spreading his wings wide and letting out a puff of blue fire "VERY, sorry!"
" SURRENDER THE SHARDS!!!" The booming, Hollow voice of Orestes barked. He halted at about 10 feet from the dragon. " Do not think you can stop me dragon! I have lived 17 thousand years in this world and the next! I WILL RECLAIM MYSELF AND SISTER!"
Raises his head in a an angry manner bringing my face directly to his. "You will have to tear me apart before I let you harm my friends"
Xavier took the flute out of the bag and stared at it for a moment. "All because of this..." he whispered under his breath. He looked to his left and found a tunnel leading further into the mountain. Hoping it might at least slow the daemon down, he starting running through. He found a couple splits and always took the left one. He started slowing down after the fifth left.
" YET YOU ARE THE ONE BEARING A PIECE OF MY SOUL! AND A PIECE OF MY SISTER! RETURN IT!!!" Orestes bellowed. The orbs of fire that served as his eyes where suddenly crimson and glowing brightly. When the one bearing the flute with his sisters shard in it fled into the ground he started walking implacably forwards. Soon with that shard and the one he bore he might be able to find her chest plate. With that he could return her to what passed for life to them.
Xavier heard the thundering steps coming closer and let out a wild cry as he began to run forward again. He felt bad for leaving his companions behind but he hoped they had the sense to escape. He also hoped he could hide deep in the earth with the flute. After all, his people had lived in the earth for a while until the humans dug them out. Maybe he could hide the flute where nobody would find it.
"Wait, what's this about you and your sister?" Flying slightly ahead of him just in case Kai'zen looks back at whatever is supposed to be his eyes
In the distance a sharp ringing noise can be faintly heard- Something has been released. Something ancient. Something sealed away thousands of years ago.

Albeit alarming, the ring has a sort of homeliness to it- It's not dangerous. It's not evil. It almost makes you feel... happy.

More investigation would be required to know more.
Orestes turned to look at the Dragon. " My sister and i are permanently like this. The Flute holds power over us because it holds one of the few pieces i am missing. It also contains a shard of my sisters Armour. I seek to awaken her. i need only a few more pieces." While he spoke he had not halted his endless march towards the tunnel. He stopped at the entrance and summoned a seeker. Looking like a human with crab claws this one was a small boy. It sprinted into the cave, determined to complete its goal and return to its own plane.
Lilly stays close to Zai. "That's fascinating." 
(You're welcome to join but you have to post a forum here anyway for the other player's sakes.)
Xavier noticed the sound of claws echoing through the tunnels and turned to find the strange thing coming towards him. He screamed with fright and run forward, putting the flute to his lips. He played a series of notes and almost tripped over a rock in the process.
Orestes felt the familiar pulse and heard music. His Helmet was suddenly bouncing along the cave about 20 feet ahead of the fleeing man. His body suddenly had a ghostly face where his head was and he could see from both locations. He turned and spoke to the dragon once more. " Now do you see why i want the flute? I do not particularly like my head vanishing." . In the cave his other head started to spit a chain of words that would sent it back to the main body.
Xavier stopped. He was afraid he had lost himself in the tunnels. When he saw the head in front of him, he made a wild choice. He jumped onto the helmet and prayed it would send him back to the others. He didn't know what he would do once he got there, but he wanted to go back.
Wynn wakes up in a dark room, slowly trying to grasp the nature of the situation she is in. The room is pitch black, she can't even see her hands in front of her face.

She sits still for a moment to listen, observing her situation, systematically analyzing her options. She can hear distant echoes of water droplets hitting the floor, when a noise catches her attention: Footsteps. By the spacing of the steps, probably bipedal.

Wynn stands up cautiously, fully realizing that the evidence points towards her location being in a chasm or cave, so she is mindful of her head.

The footsteps get louder, and Wynn begins to see the glimmer of a light reflecting off of the wet surfaces of the cave. It's not a natural light, like fire instead it has a greenish tone... Magic.

As the footsteps near Wynn, she ducks behind a corner to inspect the source of the light.

It was a small boy, yet... Something was off about him. He had a mysterious green glow that seemed to absorb him.

The boy immediately looked at the corner Wynn was hiding in as if he somehow knew she was there.

"Reveal yourself!" Said the boy with a tone like a hardened warrior, a voice not fitting for his body. It was as if the boy wasn't actually a boy- he was something... Else.

Feeling intimidated by the potential threat, Wynn instinctively reaches for her staff, only to find it wasn't there. Someone must have taken it, she thought. The same person who put me in here...

"I said reveal yourself!" The boy commands with a authoritative tone, interrupting Wynn's thoughts.

Wynn rises with her hands held high. She decides that this boy may have answers to the questions she has.

"Where is this? Do you know why I--"

She is taken aback. While scanning the boy for signs of aggression, she sees that he doesn't have human hands.

In fact they aren't hands at all- they are claws, like that of a lobster or a crab.

"Y-you... Your hands... What happened to them?" Wynn asks, not knowing what to expect as a response.

As soon as she asks this she realizes that this boy- or thing- isn't human at all. The green glow and the crab claws, not to mention the obvious question of why a little kid would be in a cave alone, this thing was summoned by a powerful Mage.

"Maybe you can help me" Wynn says, momentarily willing away her astonishment.

"I will help you", says the boy, "However you must help me first."
Kaizen chuckled a little bit at the sight of the beings head flying off randomly, still wary of him he curls his body around Lilly, allowing her to see but making sure he can still defend himself and her he says "we'll that's no excuse to send rabid demons after the boy call it back and let us find Xy" 
(Think the flute could give Orestes a body even an ethereal one?) 
( the curse is based off of a book. any major part of them that is missing as long as about a third of them is there appears as a phantomish version of what they looked like in life. The flute has power cause it has a chunk of the armor material and a chunk of his sister in it. It affects the armor he is bound to. least how i figured it )
Firelava said:
( the curse is based off of a book. any major part of them that is missing as long as about a third of them is there appears as a phantomish version of what they looked like in life. The flute has power cause it has a chunk of the armor material and a chunk of his sister in it. It affects the armor he is bound to. least how i figured it )
(Ok that makes sense)
(I'm back and I'm thinking about bringing in a new character. Daemon, Lilly's great-great-great-great . . . grandfather . . . but he looks like he's 20 because he's "Sun-blessed" a term from a book of mine. Lilly is mortal, but Daemon is kind of impossible to kill unless the sun allows it. What do you guy's think?)

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