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( Ah thanks. i missed that one) The disk formed and he stepped onto it. It slowly hovered into the air before beginning to move forward at a decent speed.
"I would hold on if I were you." He says to Lilly, a slight smile coming to his lips. He played a couple notes on his flute again, hoping the portal would take this thing back to where it came from.
Screaming as he portalled inside of a tree ahead of them he disintegrated into a massive pile of armored parts lying in the grass. Dust went everywhere but there was no evidence of any body having ever existed. The helmet seemed to glare at them as the smallest pieces started to rebuild themselves.
Running at a slightly slower pace he holds Lilly in a firm but gentle grip and runs over to the pile of parts and kicks them as hard as he can sending the pieces about ten yards apart from each other "that should buy us some time, where to?"
"Uh, mountain!" Lilly says, managing to scoop up another piece of his armor, holding it with the sharp edges against the bottom of her flip flop, the rounder part against the bridge of her foot. "Nowhere near humans."
"hold tight...." Nate says, grabbing Kai and Lily, he begins to sing... " move these two to safety, do what you must, pay no mind for me, do what you will" then smashes his hands together. the wind begins to rush and circle around Kai and Lily, " Kai!!! take care of here, Lily,..... I'll find you... no matter where I go.... I'll find a way to find you again...... (sorry if op ;( ) then he raises his head to the sky and yells.. then flashes and disperses (literally) .. then there is a flash and Kai and Lily disappear. (god modding maybe... did i go to far?) and reappear on the mountain.
TheShadowRisen said:
"hold tight...." Nate says, grabbing Kai and Lily, he begins to sing... " move these two to safety, do what you must, pay no mind for me, do what you will" then smashes his hands together. the wind begins to rush and circle around Kai and Lily, " Kai!!! take care of here, Lily,..... I'll find you... no matter where I go.... I'll find a way to find you again...... (sorry if op ;( ) then he raises his head to the sky and yells.. then flashes and disperses (literally) .. then there is a flash and Kai and Lily disappear. (god modding maybe... did i go to far?) and reappear on the mountain.
(No objections here as long as they aren't too frequent ) suddenly appearing on the mountain Kai'zen looks down at Lilly "we're here, but what do you intend to do with the armor?" He looks around "where's Xy?"
Lilly claps while muttering something and a shoulder bag appears on her shoulder. She puts the armor in it. "It's shiny and I want to see if it has any magical properties." She claps again and the bag disappears. "Do you know where things Mages turn invisible go? To a seperate existance made up of only the things mages turn invisible. That bag cant be called back, and no one can get into the seperate plain. Anything else that should be poofed away?" She asks. "It'll be totally safe."
(Haha its ok) Xy looked down at the flute in his hands. "I think I still need this." He said. He hopped off of Zai's back and shoved the flute into his bag.
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"We'll he was and interesting character, how should we take him down?" Turning into his normal form he sits down looking up at the others
Lilly shrugs, "no clue." She takes a handkerchief out of her back pocket, wrapping it around her palm. "I suggest we take pieces of his armor away each time we can manage it without getting hurt and put them in seperate places. Perhaps only leaving certain parts so when he's fully disabled we can talk."
Xavier sat in silence. He looked around and fiddled with his thumbs. He'd glance behind him just to check that a giant powerful daemon wasn't there. He felt guilty. He was the one who had brought him here. It was him that had played those notes. It was him that had made the flute in the first place.
"I didn't take us anywhere I was caught in the spell jake cast to get us to the mountain." Looking at Xy he smiles "don't fret there's no harm done we'll figure this out." Looking at Lilly "what about that swarm we left it and it was heading to town"
"Oh no," Lilly says then brightens. "No worries, I cast a protective spell, nothing dangerous can pass through. If it's dangerous it'll be repelled, like it's hitting a glass dome. Just so long as the fountain is intact it should be fine."
Xavier sighed and sat down on the ground. "I think maybe we all need some rest." He said and yawned. If he was tired, they too were probably tired after a long, stressful day... it was night wasn't it???
(Yeah) looking over to Xy he smiles warmly " good idea let me get a fire going" turning into his lesser dragon form (<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.6b11b6661644d871059e4d484e47a2e4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7227" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.6b11b6661644d871059e4d484e47a2e4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ) he paws out a ditch that will safely hold a fire , he then takes a feather from his neck plume and sets it in the ditch. Whispering a couple words he turns the feather into a pile of wood then lights it with his blue flame "good enough right?"



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Orestes swore. He had managed to reassemble his upper body but his legs had appeared inside the tree. He floated his body upright on a ghostly set of legs that matched how he looked complete and grabbed his sword and staff. He slashed the tree once and it fell and his legs fell out.they flew into place and he stood upon true ground once more. He drew incorporeal energy around himself to try to trace his missing Armour pieces and only could find the signs of the girl who had taken it. She must be a mage. This meant either the Magi where trying to pt him to rest for all time like his brothers or trying to figure out the Curse of the Thousand Sons. He needed to find her. He re-summoned his energy disk and began trying to trace the girl.
Lilly mutters the cleansing spell and all the magic hovering around her vanishes. "No remains, I feel much better now," she sits down and starts weaving flowers into a crown.

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