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Fandom Anything, forever accepting

(wait... game-boy.... wut? do those exist in this dimension? guess they do now)

"look at my horse, my horse is amazing" Nate mutters (no sarcasm, not being mean... just maybe like taking over her first person... if that makes any sense.... nvm)
Getting up Kai'zen's draws his sword and points into the air "the heck is that" an odd swarm of black feathered creatures come flying full speed at the group
I pull out my surikens ( which i can throw with surprising speed BTW) and look at lily " has anyone ever tried a mulitperson spell?" he looks at the girl, "Hi my names Nate,"
Xavier dug through his bag and took out what he thought was a weapon but was only his flute. He blew into it and a little toot came out but nothing else. He realized he had forgotten everything... all he had was a small dagger and his flute.
Xavier caught the sword and turned. "I know I just don't think it would be strong enough." He stuck the sword into the ground in front of him and got out the flute again. "I guess we could try..." he played two low notes and a high note and waited for anything to happen.

Name: Orestes

Nickname: (not so much of a nickname as what people refer to him if they are superstitious) The Thousandth Son

Age: 17629



Race: Once Human. Not anymore

Sexuality: He does not have a Sexuality anymore

Birthday: When he was born the Calendars where all mixed up so he does not know

Gender: Male/nothing. He thinks of himself as a He but nothing is actually there

Height: 9'7"

Blood Type: no blood

Favorite Subject(s): Sorcery and its applications to mutagenic Fire

Favorite Food(s): Orestes cannot eat

Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior or Senior? : Orestes did not go to school but was a apprentice for over 50 years before the Curse of the Thousand Sons.

Personality: A ancient entity Orestes finds jokes in the most of hand statements. Few ever truly understand the gravity of his advice as he can catch glimpses of the future and uses this combined with his curse to maintain himself.

Other: Char link
http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?showcase/orestes.69/ . Orestes was cursed when he was about 57 to be eternally bound to his Armor. his body dissolved and his soul now lives in the armor. He can never truly die as the Armor will reanimate if it is taken apart or destroyed. Any destroyed piece appears in the Tower that he lives in. Enought pieces gather and then the armor reassembles and he is suddenly alive where ever the pieces where brought together.
I jumped off Epona and put my bow and arrow on the saddle. I then went into wolf form. "I'm going to move up the hill over there to get a better look. Anyone care to join me?" Epona whinnied.
The music reached him. It was powerful enough to drag him and his staff out of the tower he hit the portal at full speed and came flying out of the other side. Landing on the side of a hill he hit and started rolling down further and further until he hit a tree. Rising he turned to spot a Human and white wolf climbing the hill. The Human look off and somehow his aura was not of a human. The man appeared to have the flute that had called him into this world. He pulled his staff to him and drew his blade. Someone would pay for dragging him into this world.
Lilly feels the strong power and stands suddenly, wrapping her notebook in a water proof wrap and dropping it into the fountain which instantly freezes over. She continues muttering words and sprints towards the source of the power, moving with the speed of a vampire.
Xavier turned to look. His eyes widened and he sheepishly waved. "Well hello there. Did.... did my flute..?" He realized he was shaking a little.
Orestes growled out a word and the word became a small being of endlessly mutating form barely visible. It whispered in his mind and he knew he faced Non-humans. Magic was usable to him. His staff and sword both started to glitter with blue energy and Orbs of light became visible in the crack for vision in his visor.

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