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The pair of giants froze and their ally vanished. Orestes was surrounded by a orb of molten air as Wards on his magic circle overloaded and collapsed and various counterspells flew off into the night. Koroland shrunk back to his normal form with the skull all over his body chattering as they absorbed magic energy. His form could not absorb it and the air around him crackled with energy discharge. Elsewhere in the world the others cursed with the Thousand Sun learned of what was happening.

( I am adding a third and final unless they recover the sister. I want some votes on witch artwork to use for him. i make the char around the art thought.

Option 1


Option 2


Option 3


Just do a OOC comment on this post on wich one you like. THANKS!)
Image: The Black Dragon above.

Name: Black Dragon

Height: 10'4"

Bio: a experiment when his armor was made it has the ability to regrow wounds instead of shattering. However shards will still reconnect. He is known for his bone weapons that have drawn the blood of tyrants and Kings. He lives in Mountains anywhere in the world as he flies. His backpack includes a jet-pack that he has developed over thousands of years. His magic is limited to flares of power that control his movement allow him a great deal of mobility. He is known as Kyngslayer for he kills any Royalty he finds. He is the ultimate guerrilla as he will do things like fall from the sky or roof and assassinate people. He has often worked with Orestes and keeps tabs on him.
Black Dragon had felt the monstrously powerful magic and knew that someone had drawn Orestes's wrath. When the fight escalated he began his flight. Now he had hid himself nearby and watched the strange being with Time magic experiment. He had a few anti-magic weapons but he would need to be closer to free one of the others.

Glancing at the others around them he spotted one whom he knew and remembered as the Royal that escaped. Her guards had sacrificed herself when he had ambushed them in a forest long ago. He had managed to get the rest of her family thought and now she was the only one left. Soon he intended there to be none.
Name: Thennexanik

Nickname: Xanik.

Age: 2,476

Race: Shadow Dragon.


Gender: None.

Height: 60-70ft.

Personality: Thennexanik does not like to debate with others. With a belly full of acidic wastes and a shadowy Toxin, Thennexanik kills only who oppose, near, enrage, or attack. The usual victims were people of a royal family, military generals, or people who took the unwise choice to head down death road. Other than immediately snatching them, Xanik uses the ghosts of its territory to get inside their heads and drive them to the pits of hell. Before long, Thennexanik has engulfed them through his jaws.

Other: Loves the smell of death.
Kai'zen was somehow unsurprised at how the girl recovered from being torn apart, considering she had invited it. He watched her movements, finally recovering fully from the fight. He stopped leaning on Syphelia and stood up straight stretching and flexing his muscles loosening himself up after all the fighting. He was exhausted but he would stay awake until the time was right to sleep. He readjusted his sword on his hip and rested his hand on it, he turned to face the rest of the group including the girl who was walking around each person. Kai'zen simply obeserved seeing nothing else he could do.

Syphelia became bored as the girl she tore apart reformed and started going around to the others in the area. She was frankly expecting this girl to reform when she tore her apart, but till enjoyed doing it. Now there was nothing to do but wait,She was biding her time when she felt a menacing prescence in the area, the time magic obscured her senses but she still felt it. It was similar to how one would feel when they are being stared at, she noted it and then pushed it to the back of her mind acting completely natural.
Aretha looked at xy with pleading eyes. Her magic was overwhelming and she was in pain from it. Hopefully her friend would help her because this strange women wasn't helping her in anyway. (Got a new phone so it took me a bit to get back on here D:)
Diana releases the humans and those who look human from her spell, keeping the giants under it. "Now, what to do with these two." She looks at the two giants. She pulls off one of their fingers and pokes the one with it. "Can your armor dent your armor?"
((Sorry! I've been quite busy the past couple days with school work and Nanowrimo!))

Xy went over to Ardetha and poked her. "Are you still frozen?" He asked. That's weird... I was already unfrozen but she wasn't.
Aretha whimpered since free and sat on the ground on her hands and knees. When xy came over to her she chirped sadly and hugged his waist tightly mashing her face into his stomach, her hair stuck itself to his clothes and her wings remained still and quiet.

(I've been pretty busy to so its OK ^^)
Xy froze. "Are you okay?" He asked worridly. He didn't know what he should do and so attempted to brush her hair with his fingers so it wouldn't be so wild.
Aretha couldnt explain well why others magic made her magic go crazy. She chirped quietly and sat back on the ground looking up at xy. "S-sorry" she could still feel the electric current of hers and the other women's magic colliding.
Xy smiled. "Its alright. I was worried you were hurt." He wished he hadnt broken the flue,he but it was too late now. He looked around for a nice tree so he could cut off a branch and make a new one.
Aretha re called he broke his wand and so she grabbed a handful of dirt and focused hard on it. I little bloom rose out of the dirt and within its petals a peice of wood sprouted within nothing special but a good sized branch none the less. She held her palms out to xy in anticipation. "Bl-blessed earth, better wood..better for you".
Xy accepted it with a wide grin. "Thank you!" He said. He took his knife out and started to carve it, praying it wouldn't happen to have some giant demons sisters armor in it. Before long, he was finished and put the blade back in his bag. He tried out the new flute and was content with its sound. It was more a more pure sound than the other flute.
Aretha smiled happily that xy liked it, she had never made another being smile with her powers and it made those darker thoughts fades farther into the back of her memory. When she had the chance she held a finger tip to the flute and scorched his name on the side. "Ardetha is happy..as you care about this"
Black Dragon fired his jets and flew airborne. He tossed Psyc-out grenades, a invention of his. On contact with heavy magic the magic shorted out and a pulse spread through the nearby area destroying nearly all magic.nearly a dozen of the things slapped out and one stuck both of his brethren, freeing them from the chrono bonds.

Landing his bone spike moved in blur raining blows unto any nearby to him as he delayed for time for his brethren to recover.


Orestes fell to one knee, shaking his head. he had sensed the dragon nearby but forgot how fast he moved. He called his blade to him and the daemon weakly struggled. Growling he grabbed his blade as the anti-magic field disrupted his weapons. he still had strength past any mortal man. he rose quickly and blitzed the man who had fought in the war, all those year ago.


The berszerker growled as he collapsed. His body was crackling with energy as the magic he absorbed ran through him. He grabbed his ax, now only a giant, metal ax with wicked sharp blades, and charged the draconics, determined to finish what had started.
(Sorry for not being here. Internet blacked out.)

Daemon easily dodged the attack, but Diana got in the way. Orestes' weapon lodges in Diana's suddenly very solid side. "Ah-ah-ah," she says, waving a finger at him. "I didn't say you could move, now did I?" She claps and time around him freezes again. "You two, hush!" The Berszerker freezes as well. "Now who's he monkey messing with my spells. I don't like that." She dislodges the wepon in her side and goes to confront the Black Dragon.

Daemon, completely and utterly surprised by Diana's sudden apearance, stands stunned in his place.

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