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As the Heldrakes fell their spirits began to reanimate the strange biomechanical bodies, similar to how Chaos Marines refused to die. The strange creature rose into the sky once again, their searing Spirit Flames tearing into the dragons overhead and Talons matching the dragons claws. A few of the things spat instead intense fireballs that flew faster than arrows ever could.


Koroland dragged himself from the dragons claws and drew himself up. Shifting he took on his aspect of a greater Daemon like creature, His size now close to that of the Dragon. " I will not cower like some fool if the opportunity to wage the long war presents itself! You may have not been alive long enough to know it but i Remember! We were cursed for seeking perfection of our arts! And now our Vengance will not be denied!". His axe blazed out with the strength of the unholy and crashed into the dragons shoulder, Teeth of daemons and dragons whirling and cutting.


Orestes and Black Dragon completed a massive spell, and returned life to the fallen shells of all of those cursed. Orestes's sister suddenly appeared next to him, her innate aura causing reality to thin.


Korolands Daemon form



Orestes's Sister

Kai'zen roared as the demon's axe hit him, biting into his shoulder. He other arm swiped at his opponents head claws raking against the flesh of his face, the blood that came out freezing as a side effect of Kai'zen's current form. Kai'zen slammed the armor with his tail knocking it backwards. As the blade was removed from Kai'zen's shoulder water bubbled up instead of blood freezing the wound shut. "I know that little trick demon, let me show you some of mine." He started almost pumping out water from between his scales, and as they coated his scales they froze glowing with the same magic as Syphelia's permafrost. He dashed forward roaring, ground water coming up from the ground and swirling around him he imagined spears flying at his enemy and the water complied freezing into a spike shape and whipping forward at the demon. Kai'zen's wings unfurled and he grabbed Koroland in his claws giving a powerful wingbeat that pushed them both about twenty feet in the air, then folded his wings coming down hard on Koroland with enough force to smash boulders. He smacked Koroland one more time to his left and watched the armor skid against the dirt. "Enjoy my little trick?"

Kai'zen's forces were briefly surprised by the dragon's reanimation but went at them again with the same ferocity clawing and using their elements ganging up two to one on each drake. They had a system that worked and stuck to it, though an idea popping into some minds that this battle may never end if their enemies kept returning. They would need to launch an attack on the fortress to snuff out their source of power.

Zedrian looked at Syphelia wondering if she felt that ripple as well as he did, but seeing as she was a much more skilled mage than he was he figured she probably got more information than he did. "Syphelia what are you thinking?"

Syphelia looked down to meet Zedrian's eyes, "I'm concerned for our forces those abominations were just reanimated and I know it was that Blue armor Orestes. We need to attack their fortress, if we stay here on the defensive their zombie forces will eventually overtake ours." She looked to Ted addressing him now. "I can call on the elite the elite guard along with Kai'zen's elder sister, but we will need more than that to take that fortress. Do you have any powerful allies that can come to our aid? We'll need as much help as we can get." Syphelia sent a thought to Kai'zen asking him to try and take the battle closer to the fortress, so that the mortal cities would be safer. It was a strategic move in two ways. It gave the humans more time and space to better prepare, while making the dragonic army closer to the fortress to backup any additional forces that could mount an attack.
Koroland skidded across the ground before rising, his own wings snapping out. His wounds sealed with burst of a daemonic flame and the area around him sizzled as flames of a different realm came into being around him." I Have learned every style and move of fighting in 17,000 years! If you seek to surprise me you have already failed!" . Twirling his ax he landed a terrible blow upon his opponent and then kicked him into a village hut, The giants fighting over and amid the melee below.


The general fight was starting to show, for every troop of the Thousand Suns was a inhumannly good fighter and unable to stay down. Meanwhile those they faced, for all their skill, fell eventually, even if trampled to death beneath the treads of the Chaos troops or dragged from the sky by Heldrakes talons and soul-fire. The fortresses themselves began to change, for the air was not even air from this world. The native realm that the Chaos marines beginning to infect the mortal one. The laws of physics seemed to suspend themselves and everything had a malignant sentience. The very air and ground grew a mind and writhed and changed until it looked to be a vision of hell manifested, with strange and deadly creatures stalking the grounds for a few miles around the fortresses.


Orestes looked at his sister for the first time in many thousands of years. She had been one of the first hunted as her presence acted as a beacon for Demons and lost souls. The dead refused to stay dead around her and attacked her enemies. A whole crusade had hunted her across the far south mountains to finally lay her to rest. She spread her angelic wings and flew skywards as Orestes prepared his next summon.
"I have many I can call to my aid, but I believe the Human Titans would do well in this fight." Ted says, thinking of his long allies but was soon distracted by the new enemy. "That cannot be good. Alright, Lilly, I want you to go straight to Wall Sina, do not delay and do not look back, you understand me?"

"I'm not a little girl, Ted."


"Fine," Lilly grabs one of the armory's staves (magic healing staff basically) and heads down the stairs, using it as a crutch.

"Syphelia, would you mind alerting my brother to the fact I'll be calling in favors with less than desirables? it is of the utmost importance they aren't attacked by his shadow fighters." Ted
Tifft, as was her name, Drew her powers swirling in around herself. The wrath of her magic soon had the very dead rising to strike at their former allies and brothers. Her sword burned with a blinding light and her Armour and helm where pristine. Broadcasting a command in the heads of all nearby she spoke dread words that would cause mental agony to the holy or undecided.
Daemon felt the magic and heard her speak, but her words didn't seem to effect him. The evil of his current magic must have shielded him from the words, for his barbarians seemed to come alive more readily. More formed and pulsed forward like a black wave. In the back of his mind, something nagged at him. The language was strange to him, so much so that he could only guess their meaning. All he really knew was if this is had been normal circumstance with him battling with the sun's power, he wouldn't be able to stand. He would have fallen from the roof or at least landed on an outstretched balcony. he wondered how the Sun would feel if he knew, or how he felt if he already did.

Meanwhile, on wall Maria, Ted was suddenly aware of foreign magic and instantaneous pain. He dropped, gripping the sides of his head. His ears rang and his brain felt like it was melting, but he'd suffered no physical damage. In the city, those caught in the magic wave fell where they stood, most unconscious, the unlucky ones screaming. Ted's new abilities as the personification of the moon warded off a blackout and kept him conscious of everything around him, as it must be. Everything sharpened, deafening him, dizzying him with constant motion, his nerves burned.

Lilly saw the humans dropping around her. She knew may of them were holy, at least half had no say in either matter, what people were left believed in nothing but what they held in hand. She noticed the pattern instantly, yet she was too stunned to react accordingly. All she could do was put up a shield and hobble run as fast as her feet could carry her, hoping no one would notice.
Tifft cast out a ancient rune that was old when the world was young. The souls of the berserkers started to separate. Their Bodies had a visible dark silhouette that seemed to be dragged from the bodies by unseen hands. Some fell. The closest went down first but the effect started to spread. She descended to the field of combat and her burning blade scythed through the soldiers that dared face her. She advanced towards the man that she remembered the name Daemon.
Syphelia nodded and leaped off the wall spreading her wings wide and gliding on the wind she flew in the direction of Daemon, before a wave of pain slamed into her. She dipped mid-flight but leveled out not feeling as bad as the others due to a high pain tolerance developed after multiple powerful spikes in her magic.

She glided down knowing better than to try and exert herself in a state such as this. She landed next to Daemon givig him Ted's messge. She noticed a woman approaching not like the other opponents but with flesh and blood. She looked furious, and Syphelia quickly noticed that magic radiated off her and it seemed to be linked to th pain she was feeling. She turned into her humanoid form, her ice staff in her hand and her left hand already having a miniature snow-storm around it ice at the very core. She glared coldly from under her blue-tipped hair the white of her hair glowing with her power. She started walking towards this woman in the same manner that she was approaching them. He shot her hand out a swirl of ice and snow racing to the woman the air around it droppin considerably in temperature frost covering the ground below. It was a move she hadn't used but radiated with more power then she used even on Orestes. "You are the cause of this discord." State your name and purpose woman."

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" I Am Tifft! The original Warlock! Flee Draconic, For i may seem to be flesh but am still Ceramite and Adamantium!". The Blade she bore burned brighter and she cast of bolt of Death Magic, pure and strong out. Slashing the air she landed softly and held up the draconic by her neck, slowly draining her life force.
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Syphelia gritted her teeth, he left hand flying to the womans wrist, she gripped with enough strength to break any other creatures bones, but only seemed to crack the armor. She raised her staff and a torrential blast of ice blew the woman back. Syhpelia fell from the womans grip, but picked herself up a shpere of ice swirling wildy in her palm. She slammed it on the ground shattering the shpere and releasing the magic runes popped up around her creating her magical defense. She reached forward and a massive claw made of ice formed and slammed the woman into the ground. "I dont care what you are, you're still going to die!!"

Kai'zen was caught off guard by the pain but attributed it more to crashing theough a hut than magic, well that is til he stood up and still felt awful. He looked at the approaching armor and swung his tail at him with wicked speed slamming the armor in the side knocking it of it's feet and into a hut. Kai'zen moved quickly towards the rubble but was much slower, holding back the urge to cringe at every step. He breathed ice at the rubble then focused on collecting water in the air a above it. He mafe it form multiple barbed spears sending them to the ground kicking up a large plume of dust, obscuring the result

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Daemon charged after Syphelia, black magic he learned from ancient Queens of the universe. Indeed, the universe is a Queendom, though it seemed the last of that line had came down to Diana, the one always testing her immortality. He spoke words that burned as they rolled off his tongue and gave off the smell of burnt roses. Black swirls pulsed from shadows to attack Tifft but each swirl avoided his allies. The moon watched them now, or would be if the moon wasn't standing on the wall.

Ted forced himself up, the world span out of control, making him fall several more times before he could stay upright. He blinked, muscles screaming as he held himself upright. He could sense Daemon, but not quite as he remembered him. Ted falls back into his own shadow and then finds himself in the calm of his element. He looked down at the battle, Daemon has shielded himself in dark magic, he thought. That's one way to offset dark magic. He sat by the window of the moon's surface and watched as the spell wore off.
Tifft took the hits like nothing had happened, her armour not even starting to crack from the claw. Grabbing the tip the ice suddenly turned black and shattered before rising as a black twin of the Ice Draconic, laughing at her in her own voice.Directly mirroring every move the draconic made the ice thing advanced. Tifft turned back to Daemon. His assault only strengthened her magic as she was the true master of dark magic. She tossed a bolt of pure death energy strait for him and spoke another Unword, its effects rippling out into the night to devastate more minds with its power.


Koroland felt the attacks hit him but do almost nothing, for he was truly a full monster of war now. He spread his wyngs wide, causing the dusty air to swirl around him and took to the air before unleashing a humongous gout of blood red fire to scour he dragon that dared to stand on the field of combat. Rising higher he drew immense amount of energy in from the conflict, growing with each little act of violence.


Orestes unleashed a massive spell, the very force of the final word reverberating through the earth as its energy gathered. The walls of the Dragon city suddenly came under attack from massive balls of mutagenic flame and colossal creatures that seemed to grow from the very earth and air as the grew into hateful and unnatural life. Rocks fell from the sky and slammed into the walls like the hammer of the gods. Orestes slumped, as did his cabal of sorcerers, their energy spent for now unleashing the very world of a daemon realm upon a fortress.
Daemon swore under his breath and shifted to lighter magics, keeping his dark separate from the light so he felt only bits of pain in the back of his mind. Sun fire curled it's way up and around Tifft, sparking off her armor before cracking lines through it. Magical defenses rose around wall maria, blocking he effects of Tifft's magic.

(Eventually, we'll have to call this a draw.)
( Yea. She is the aspect of death. Figured Daemon was light so the pair would be opposites. )
(He's technically both, born light, learned dark to even things out. Too much light is bad for a person. At least for my kind of Demons, Blessed, and Personifications.)
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( I have come up with a possible solution. The Gods above scrap the world. The play chess across the Galaxies and when one side or the other wins the world disovles back into nothing, only for a new one to become real. The same players, but with no memory. What ya'l think) 
( also, more awesome art)

The restart of the RP is now. New world, same characters (even if they're slightly different.) I've made up specific rules for this world that can be bent or broken (for plot twist only) The ones with *s are not allowed to be broken/preferred them not be broken.

*1: There is no war. (There have been wars in the past, but we've entered a time of peace.)

2: Black magic is strictly prohibited (If local authorities [played by me] catch you [publicly] practicing black magic, you will be exiled into the dessert. [from which your character must roll to escape from, or be granted leave by an authority character])

*3: Authority characters include Kai'zen and Diana. (New Authority characters will be chosen each renewal of the universe.)

4: Priests are not to be harmed and can offer Sanctuary to anyone they deem worthy. (For example if your character is in trouble, you can go to the Temple for a Get Away Free card. For now, I will play the NPC priests of the Mathias Temples. [This planet's natives all worship the god they named Mathias.)

5: Respect nature, if you tear down a tree, plant a new one or the nymphs will get mad at you.

6: Don't litter, the nymphs will get mad at you.

7: Respect your elders, they're wiser than you.

8: Don't negotiate! Jk, if something doesn't seem fair to you, bargain with the unfair person.

*9: THis rule will be added to the main rules. Your characters can be as rude and condescending as you want them to be, but out of character you need to respect the other players. Characters are the ones arguing, not you two. If you do have an issue with someone, take it to PM, we do not want to know. :) Now let's rp!

Please PM me all your characters so I can make a list of the people rping here, and all their peoples. If you want to add new character their character sheets *must* be PMed to me. Thank you for your cooperation.

THis is the world we live in now.


THis is where the exiles live.

Lilly stands in the Temple in Inano City, the border city outside the captial Baheem. She came to find Daemon, but he wasn't here. He as most likely in another city in another Temple speaking to foreign Priests. She sighed, so much for that. She hobbled her way back to her home, trying to be careful of others. Her cast wouldn't hold if she had to run from someone.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-23_15-15-31.jpeg.e2c7c4fa6f644e3b9f0164edc8e8f843.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15025" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-23_15-15-31.jpeg.e2c7c4fa6f644e3b9f0164edc8e8f843.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Two hooded figures walked through the market place, the one in the lead glancing around his hood shaking slightly while still shadowing his face. He walked just a step ahead of his companion who had a long and thin item wrapped up and strapped to her back. They were just passing through hoping to avoid trouble though by the looks of the people around them there may be trouble anyway. The man continued walking around clumps of people his companions stayed close behind matching his movements like a shadow. After toppling a powerful warlord a few days back the two were wary of every person, knowing that those loyal to him could attack at any minute. They were unsure as to whether or not this city had heard of their battle, athough it's effects were hard to miss, after a freak snowstorm and multiple massive explosions the news should have spread like wildfire. Thouguh after the dragons retreat from the affairs of man the two that walked among them now most likely would not be pinned as the culprits. it would most likely be credited to a local mage with great power or some warrior group that went around seeking evil warlords to defeat. There seemed to be alot of those popping up these days. all this in their minds, the two passed through silently pleading to get though this town without incident.
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Lilly felt the disturbance in the crowd. THe festival was coming soon, and someone shadowed had entered like a frog in still water. She sighed and asked a Dedicate what was going on. He filled her in easily, two people, cloaked. Seems the city folk are avoiding them like the plague. Daemon normally took care of the greeting of strangers. Looks like she was going to have to fill in, casts and all.

Mind made up, start started for where the Dedicate had said they were. THe market side of town, the busiest place and the easiest to enter if you were dressed to the city seasons. She found them easily enough, everyone was talking about them, but now she was also being mentioned. Lilly the Wanderer filling in for the Great and Wise Daemon who led worship when he was actually there. She tries to ignore them and approaches the strangers with her back straight and every limb protesting the use of elegant posture. of course, the casts on her left leg and arm didn't help with the elegance, but at least the leg was hidden under her festival dress and the arm under her half cloak. "Welcome to Inano City, I am Lilly the Wanderer."

(Her dress
and what other towns folk may be wearing. Similar stuff.
Get the idea?)
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Orestes was distracted from his study by a single guardian entering his chambers. He spoke quickly and quietly but soon Orestes rose and summoned his blade and staff. attaching them to hip and back he pulled on a Salamander scale cloak to cover his weapons and too disguise which Ancient bestrode the streets to investigate and watch the strange newcomers. Slipping out of the ground level entrance he slid through the crowd, many used to the presence of the large armored things. He leapt to the roof of a building and watched as the pair was approached by Lilly.
The second hooded figure, whirled around in surpise a hand encased in ice that formed a sharp blade at the girls neck before another sound could come out of her throat, Just as quickly the first person's hand whipped forward grabbing his companions hand that action being the only thing that kept the girl from being decapitated. The ice user turned her head in an annoyed manner speaking to, him in an ancient language unheard by human ears in centuries. Especially after the dragon's reluctance to rejoin the world after being hunted as sport, it was ironic that their ultimate monarch would be the first to rejoin the realm of man and beast. The male replied in a surprisingly soothing voice actually using the human language, "Now Syphelia, killing everyone that startles you isn't going to help us now is it." He looked to the girl that addressed them, "Pleasure to meet you Lilly, I'm Kai'zen, and my friend that almost killed beheaded you is Syphelia." he smiled nervously, "Oh yeah sorry about that." He offered his hand to shake, hearing that it was a human sign of peace between two parties. Syphelia rolled her electric blue eyes, that seemed luminescent in the shadow's of her hood, she knew that by revealing their names he might have well screamed to all in the area that they were dragons.
Lilly's smile didn't falter despite the fact her heart hammered fearfully in her chest. No wonder the towns folk had avoided them.She shakes Kai'zen's hand firmly. "It's quite alright, travelers are often nervous over new towns. I'm here to help you find your way around if you need it." Lilly was grateful that her voice didn't waver much at all. Her training with Daemon must actually be doing her some good. "Are you here to enjoy the Spring Festival?"
When the Ice whipped out Orestes had summoned a invisible shield around Lilly, and had prepared a restraining spell. She was clearly a Dragon and he guessed the other was as well. He quiet calmly spoke directly to Lilly's mind and told her " You have a shield around you. I will summon help if they engage you, M'lady." . His mental tones calm did not betray the fact that he had prepared himself should anything go awry.

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