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Kai'zen and Syphelia got the hint and proceeded after the man, they were just relieved to have that worry cleared from their minds.

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lilly follows them with Traveler on her heels, imputing little quips and observations into her head. The cat slinks away when Lilly enters the city. Traveler doesn't like the city, Lilly didn't really either, but then Lilly is mostly human, and Traveler is not.

Daemon peels off when the crowd makes it hard to be followed and enters the Temple while Lilly takes over leading the dragons to her, and Daemon's, home, the Drowsy Bear.
Orestes Follows Lilly while Koroland waits for Daemon at the temple. Upon sighting him he saultes him while his cloak shifts in the unnatural gusts that seemed to touch nothing but him. Shifting he turned and followed him into the temple, his fists burning with red flames as he spoke. " The Draconic fools did not need to kill the warlord, his loyalty was to the Inverted Tower!" He barked in his clipped tones of rage.
"Koroland, the dragons play a major part in what is to come. Mathias did not have the spirits warn me of the battle, that's strange, but it also means it was meant to happen." daemon stops when he's about a foot from the alter of the faceless, formless, being that is Mathias. The one that is the embodiment of everything and everyone. "it seems the Warlord was having . . . issues with the nearby Queendom of Seerenda. The two were raising arms, but this will stop the conflict entirely. I think I know why the Dragons went to him instead of Seerenda, I was just there. Things always seem to avoid me, however, that's a minor problem only."
" We serve as your agents in the world of chaos and order. We will reduce those that fight Oder into nothing." Koroland growled. He always was uncomfortable in the presence of Mathias as he began to absorb latent energy. His energy caused some skulls to stir from sleep and growl in displeasure at awakening.
"Older monsters are awakening and stirring up trouble," Daemon quiets the skulls back to sleep. "Beings more Ancient than myself or you have started to stir. That's the problem we need to focus on. Mount Irnkai holds an old friend of mine, if you have the time perhaps you could speak to her.I ask you because she likes people who are fun and I'm not in her eyes. I think one of your order will have more luck. If she agrees to help us we'll have a better standing in what is to come." Daemon closes his eyes for a moment, standing as still as one of the statues of Mathias. "The spirits are calling me, Fair well, Koroland."
The two dragons simply followed three girl even after the man broke off, they just watched the row change. That had arrived at the tavern when Syphelia felt the man energy disappear. She liked at Kai'zen and they both nodded affirming each other thoughts. Kai' sen spoke up breaking the quiet that had overtaken the group. " Nice place but tell me does your uncle teleport like that often??"

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"Teleport? no. His spirit literally leaves his body to speak with the spirits. Without his spirit, his body just sits where he left it, how he left it, so it's not uncommon to see him standing at the alter for days on end without moving." Lilly shows the dragons to their rooms, adjacent ones of course, since it would be improper for them to share a room. "he's gotten into trouble doing that in less than secure places. Unfortunately for the trouble-makers, they didn't know who he was. It's amusing to hear the stories."
Koroland sighted as he felt Daemons presence flee. He would go dormant for now, his oath keeping him here to watch the body. His message rang out thought and soon others more suited for the task would begin the trip to the mountains to locate this friend.
Kai'zen nodded his head thoroughly wowed,"Ok thats a cool ability, I can respect that." Kai'zen frowned when the two different rooms were, ordered then he realized he hadn't explained his relationship with Syphelia, (In this world or the last) though he didn't want to seem ungrateful so he smiled nodded and entered h is room but not before causing a little mischief, befor they split up Lai'zen planted akiss on Syphelia's cheek. The poor girl was so blindsided the normally frigid air around her heated up, and a little red came to her cheeks. They went into their rooms both saying thank you respectfully, and settling into their rooms.

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Reality crackled and seemed to fold in on itself in the hall behind Orestes as Black Dragon appeared. He shifted his head closer and whispered a few words before vanishing into thin air once more. Orestes turned to Lilly and spoke to her mind so that the draconics would not hear. Your grandfather has sent out a request for some of us to try to penetrate to the mountains and speak with some old friend. Do you know who he is talking about?
THe intense light of the spirit realm temporarily blinded Daemon, but soon the spirits of the white expanse became dense enough to see. The pale colors of the spirits that once where vibrant with life, now featureless, waiting for a new body to inhabit, or not, depending on the soul. Daemon traverses the transparent floor towards the Elders that normally called for him, but a tug at his back told him otherwise. He'd not been called by the Elders. He followed the pull, until the floor fell out from beneath his feet and sent him down into pitch black. So the floor wasn't transparent, but the color made to look like only light was under him, not the abyss he found himself in now.

Whispers taunted his descent, dark hands pushed him down, closer to the pull. he gathered speed until he hit what must be the floor. He heard a surprisingly solid crunch and his legs broke under his weight.

"As long as your soul is damaged, you won't be able to leave my realm, Blessed on the Sun." A harsh voice laughed at Daemon. It sounded almost feminine, but had the depth on a man, and the growling texture of a very ancient dragon. "I didn't expect you to be so easily fooled, but then your soul always leaves your body, doesn't it. You send it on little errands, leaving your body powerless though you still walk. Such a delicate balance, so easy to sever. any warp in your soul will cause you to turn evil, and more damage will make your body deformed. I wouldn't be surprised if your body was already suffering some damage from your fall." The being laughs as a mirror of light reflects Daemon's physical body. It sat on the floor between its heels, the legs didn't seem to be deformed in anyway, but the fact his body had moved meant something was wrong. The being curses in an old language, "You didn't fall hard enough, but that doesn't matter, it just means I'll have to send someone else. Torantua, she'll do just fine, and she's a marvelous actor."

Lilly smiles, "If you need anything, I'll be downstairs in the kitchen." She heads back down the stairs to the kitchen and to the half made dinner. She needed to help the cook prepare more for the new arrivals.

She answers Orestes *Yeah, look for a creepy chick that lurks in the very depths of volcanoes. Daemons calls them mounains but . . . she's exactly like her in the way he thinks volcanoes aren't dangerous and misunderstood.*
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Kai'zen sat on his bed and layed down theexhaustion from the fight kicking in, he could fight much longer but he pteferred keeping them short then napping afterwards. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Syphelia on the other hand wouldn't sleep she created a paper thin screen of frost between her hands while sitting on the bed indian style. She concentrated on Daemon's face intending to spy on him with her scrying. She gasped when his image popped up with him crumpled o the floor. The slammed open her and Kai'zens door dragging him by the collar downstairs to the girl all the while Kai'zen rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Your uncle is in trouble c'mon!"

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Lilly frowned in confusion but burned to the temple anyway. She first saw Orestes then Deamon in front of the alter. She hurried to his side and checked for the pulse she knew wouldnt be there, but there was a pulse. Daemon was back.

Torantua opens her new eyes. Everything was wonderfully sharp amd clear. She looked at the red haired child beside her, worrying about the body she now inhabited. Torantua swiftly scanned the body's memories of friends allies and family. "Lilly, what's wrong? You're pale." Torantua gets up. Bringing the girl along since she would find it hard to rise on her own.

"You fell, you dont normallt fall like that. Are you okay?"

"Tyres I'm fine, just a single in sort world that's all. Nothing I couldn't handle."
Syphelia glared at Daemon not feeling the same aura she did before. He reached out her hand and cast an ice prison spell, instantly putting permafrost shackles and chains the whoever it was in that body. "That's not your uncle child step back."

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(My stupid phone wont let me post more. So ill have to change houses.)Toranua stayed calm and gave the dragoness an indifferent look. "This temple is a place of sanctuary, No one is supposed to wear any restraints here. It is against mortal customs, something you must respect when not in your own city." She extends her wrists slightly, "would you mind?"

Lilly takes one of Daemons hands and called upon the power her familiar held and instantly felt his hand tense. This was indeed not Daemon, he wouldnt have been able to feel that. Only a dark creature would have. She dropped the power, having trouble with it anyway and called on the mage's magic to figure out what had taken over Daemon's body. The power flowed through her hands into Daemon. The creature inside resisted only mentally, creating a crude but effective barrier. Lilly carefullu examined it, then easily broke through into the unfamiliar mind.

"Clever child, I hadn't expected that. You'll make the master proud if you let me be. He has Daemon you know. He could kill him. You wouldn't want that would you?"

*I'll take my chances, thanks though.*
Lilly blasted apart intricate barriers around the center most point of the creature's mind and sorted through memories like reading a book. The creature, named Torantua, seems to actually be a demon of some sort, oldish, but not old enough to to have known Daemon way back when, nor did it truly understand Lilly's intention. *Good bye Torantua, and say hello to my friend madness* Lilly shattered the delicate balance between it's link to the spirit realm and Daemon's body. The mind screams but Daemon's body only shudders before falling back to its knees, soulless again. Lilly releases Daemon's hand. "Great, now I have to go after him." She whistles and Traveler comes to her, purring. She sits and the cat crawls onto her lap and kneads her festive skirt. "Stop that you." Lilly flicks Traveler's paw before following Daemons path into the spirit world, only her body was very protected, and seemingly awake, pupils dilated and staring off into space.

(Now I'm done! finally got the internet back. *celebrates*)
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Orestes and Koroland stood over the fallen man and watched the body crumple. They had known that the man was attacked but where prevented from doing anything other then preventing physical attacks. The magic that animated them was sort of grey when aliment came into being. Their souls had screamed against the bonds on them as they did what they could. When they where made it was a punishment for the pride of man, but those where bound to the lines of power in the world. Orestes was close to breaking through the chains but needed to hide his studies for just a little longer.
"I really can't believe you were able to enter my domain without injuring yourself. Only evil can do that." The voice's name was a forgotten one in a forgotten tongue, but Lilly knew it the moment her heard the creature's name. This one truly was a creature, no gender, nothing but a beast that could take whatever form it wanted. Today it chose to take the body of a young body, her age, vaguely resembling her new dragon friends. "Have you been perfected?"

"Hand over Daemon and I'll let you keep the face," Lilly had no patience for it's games.

"He's currently out of order."

"Gimme, you know how I can get."

"You still can't hurt me without hurting yourself first."

"Yeah, but I don't need to hurt you in order to harm you. Torantua wasn't your favorite but she's purer than a crystal now so why don't you hand over my granddad before one of your favorites does that cleansed." Lilly drew on Traveler's powers, ready for an attack.

"I'll get her back eventually, it's you who'll be my prized jewel once you die."

"Not bloody likely, now gimme."

"Oh fine! But you owe me something in return." He holds out his hand, palm up, thumb curving into a sharp blade almost as thin as air. Lilly palms her hand on his, palm up. "So ready too, you know how much this harms your soul don't you?"

"Just do it so I can get out of here, I'm tired of your idiocy." Sometimes Lilly wondered if she got angry because of his aura, then thought it was most likely the aura of the place that made her hateful. It always brought out the worst in people. He cut a deep line through her palm and let the spirit blood dip onto the floor for whatever beasts might come to devour it.

"He'll return to the light side as you've requested, but it'll take time for him to heal."

"You sound gorged, you're disgusting." Lilly takes her hand away and leaves the realm of evil spirits.

Imaging waking up from a nightmare, not multiply it by ten and you'll have a good idea of what Lilly when through during reentry. She was freezing, her throat couldn't make sound and breathing seemed to be a Mathias-given miracle. Lilly sat on the floor for a while, allowing her muscles to relax enough to move again. She instantly picked up Traveler with her wounded left hand and stood. Black clouds covered her vision for a moment, reminding her that blood loss what no joke. She checked on Daemon's body, which seemed much more relaxed now, and swiftly left to go back home to repair her hand and clean Traveler of the black blood only just beginning to flow.
Name: Sinju-chan Markey

Age: Eternity of course

Gender: Male

Race: Spirit (A Star Child as Diana is)

Powers: The Elements of everything

Looks: Silver white hair as long as his waist, eyes are sharp icy blue, only certain people can look directly into them. He's got really pale skin but he never burns and never tans. Air seems to swirl around him all the time so he looks more mystical than Diana, but he's younger.
Sinju-Chan paces around the hole in the light space. He mutters unceasingly, slowly closing the hole with spells. He growled in anger when the hole was broken open, but it's cut short when Daemon is pushed threw. He sighs, "Of course." He escorts Daemon back to the city of light and send someone to go fix the hole.
Syphelia and Kai'zen followed the girl Syphelia making the temperature drop a little as she struggled to understand Lilly's powers. Kai'zen did his best to counteract her power, but it was difficult for him to raise the temperature again without summoning flames. "Syphelia, calm down your messing with the seasons again." She looked at him confused then noticed the conflicting gusts of wind and occasional dust devil's popping up around them. "Sorry, it's just....it seems we've encountered more than we bargained for here. Seems it'll be better if we stuck around, there's something brewing and I want to help." Kai'zen nodded knowing better than to cross Syphelia.

(Sorry life's been hectic and it took me while to figure out what I wanted to do.)
(That's okay. I was afraid it had died so young. :) )

Lilly enters the house and walks into her personal room to clean Traveler and her hand of blood. The black blade the creature had used was already infecting her skin. It stung, but with the right ointments it would be right as rain again in a day, and she had all the right ointments. This cat washed and hand bandaged, she was ready to go back into the real world. She had to hide the bandage though, so she put on festive finger-less gloves before going back out. Traveler would sulk in her room until she was dry enough to look poofy. now back to helping with dinner.

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