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Fandom Anything, forever accepting

Drawing his massive sword from it's wrappings, Kai'zen whirls around getting into a defensive position. "What was that?!
* clearly strained* ( he has a lot of willpower apparently) "me..... Lily's... *pauses* acquaintance.... I've been told to kill her, I can't tell you who wants me to... not because I don't know.... just for the protection of both of you.... why.... I don't know.... but I need you to take her somewhere away from here and keep her safe until I regain control over myself... I don't want to hurt her... or you, good sir!... Now GO!!!"
Xavier sat in the tree branches. He was carving a flute for himself. He slipped when he heard people below him and cut his hand. Blood starting forming at the cut, and he searched his bag for extra cloth. He found an old scarf and wrapped it tightly. Then He climbed higher up into the tree so he wouldn't be seen.
Nodding towards the boy in the water, Kai'zen sheathed his sword, the wrappings automatically finding their place, he followed the girl but looked back at the boy a little concerned.
Xavier gave in to curiosity and followed slashes he had heard nearby. When he got to the lake, he couldn't see anything but water. "Hm mm... strange" he said quietly to himself.
"He'll be fine I'm sure," Lilly says, "He's unable to die." She hurries back to town, letting go of his arm when she reached the road into the town where the dirt turns into cobblestone.
Kai'zen slows down taking a moment to take in his surroundings quickly, he them proceeds forward matching the girls pace.
(I know, but Lily doesn't want Zai to freak.)

Lilly mutters,what seems to be, nonesense words under her breath. She stops at the fountain in town square and taps a stick on the marble rim. She puts the stick away and sits on the rim. "So, My name is Lilly, what's yours?"
Looking at the girl thoughtfully Kai'zen sits next to her and in a warm voice say "my name in Kai'zen"
(HAHAHAHA, one of the character in my story has the eye color changing ability, but he's a demon and his name is Temper.)

"I wish I could do that," Lilly says.
"You kinda have to be a dra-uhh, yeah it is pretty cool" Kaizen looks away starting to fiddle with his swords hilt

(Temper sounds like an awesome name)
(His name is Temper Lanne and he's a famous writer. Even, like, 500 years later his books are still at their highest price. Replicating his stories is going to be hard, but I'm going to try my best. Even if Temper himself isn't know, I want his books to be.)

"A dra-uhh? I've never heard of that species before, are they related to druids or something?" Lilly asks curiously. "or is it a name you made up for yourself because you don't know what you are?"
"I know what I am I didn't want anyone knowing I was a dragon"

At the last part his voice trails off and his eyes turn back to red As he continues to fiddle with his sword eventually unwrapping it all the way (To see his sword look in the character gallery in his image section)
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(Dinner, will post after.) 
(I saw the sword already.)

"But . . . dragons are beautiful intelligent creatures," Lilly says. "Their wisdom is passed down through generations if one is lucky enough to hear some." She flips through her sketchbook and shows him a picture of a dragon sitting by a stream, fishing. "I was lucky enough to see one, this picture is my most prized one. It took be forever to get the color of sun glancing of the scales just right though. I'd draw dragons all day if I were able to, and if they were willing to let me draw them."

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