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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Haru gave a thumbs down. "Booooooooo that's lame." He chuckled giving him a light punch to the shoulder. "Come something anything."

Ryu rolled his eyes. "Fine then if you want something then I'll tell you the story of how I got this scar." He pulled his shirt up a bit to show a stitched line across his abdomen. "I was just hiking towards the edge of a cliff and my foot caught onto something.. so I tripped... and fell down the cliff into the water. Somehow, I managed to swim my way to shore and found bears.. wearing jet packs. They chased me for days until I found my way back home. That was how I came back and got a scar and no broken bones. Then End." Ryu had a serious look on his face to try to make the story more believable.

@Nenma Takashi

Keade paused for another deep breath and sighed. 'Sorry I was just freaked out. I'm ok.' She typed and showed him the text. 'So what did you want?' She was curios as to why some random dude would be bothering to come over. Noone ever did it to say hello to her much less acknowledge her existence.. so what did he want? Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Haru went wide eyed as he stood up. "Woah no way that's awesome you were chased by bears with jet packs that's so cool!" Haru had always been a gullible around new people. "Hey can I call you bro!?" He asked smiling wide.

"Nothing much. Just to say hi and check how you're doing...and meet you. That's it" Jethro responded indifferently. It was his honest answer anyway. Why make something up? "I'm Jethro. Sorry about scaring you and all that. Wasn't my intention" He clarified sliding his right hand into his right pocket. This wasn't his best introduction, but it would have to do.

Har felt someome looking at him and turned to see a girl he then sat back down amd fake coughed. "Sorry got a bit over excited." He chuckled.
Jean smiled, "Oh, no problem." She said chuckling a bit. She looked down at her phone to change the song.
This kid... Ryu sweet dropped. Now way could he have believed that story. Any normal person wouldn't. To fall off a cliff and not get a broken bone would be a miracle. And for miracles to happen in his life, THAT would be the end of the world. Haru, it seemed, didn't know what sarcasm was.

"Now hold on a minute kid, you don't actually believe that story do you? Oh please tell me you aren't that stupid.." Ryu mumbled the last part. "I got this scar from a fight with a dude. Apparently that dude had a blade on him," he explained with a scowl on his face. Just thinking about that time already got him pissed enough to throw a desk across the room. He hated people who played dirty.

@Nenma Takashi

Keade looked Jethro up and down before typing on her phone again. It said 'I believe you and I'm Keade. Keade Masayumi. Nice to meet you Jethro' She gave him a bright smile as she said so. 'Sorry for making you worry and thanks for checking up on me. So how's life?' It was the best she could do. Keade had never really been in a conversation with anyone for more than 30 seconds, excluding her brother.

Haru sighed. "Oh really sorry I'm kinda gullible around new people hahaha. But a knife come on that's an easy fix. Just take their arm when they attack and snap it can't hold a knife with a broken arm sis taught me that." He chuckled. "Plus at least yours was with a blade sis manged to cut me with her bare hands." He rubbed his scar remember the moment the utter shock he was in when it happened.
"Nice to meet you too Keade" Jethro said taking the empty seat next to her. He read her message and responded, "No, it's not your fault, and life's okay right now". His thoughts caught up to him causing him to pause for a bit. Why was she kind of texting him? "Are you sick?" Jet questioned slightly raising a brow. He wasn't sure that he could even go through a day just texting like that.

"Well damn your sister must be one heck of a boxer if she could do that," Ryu said fascinated by her. Then a thought occurred to him. Since Haru was able to tell him what defense position to make then maybe he could teach him some moves. "Hey kid, would you mind helping me master what you have learnt?" It was just a thought. Ryu wanted to be able to protect his sister when the time comes and it doing so, he needed a teacher first.

@Nenma Takashi

Keade shook her head at his weird assumption. Why would she be sick? Maybe she should ask him..

'Why do you ask that?' She typed with a dumbfounded face, showing it to Jethro after. 'What makes you say that? Don't worry I'm not going to be offended.' And that part was true. She isn't easily offended by anything anyone says about her.

Haru sighed buy then smiled. "Sure but first stop calling me kid it's Haru also." He chuckled. "If your gonna get in a fight be sure to win." He then remembered. "Hey uh I should warn it my be a bit tough on you." He looked at the guy he didn't seem like a fighter. "Hope you got stamina at least. Cause looking at you strength doesn't seem like your strong suit."

"You're not speaking with your voice" Jethro replied tilting his head to the side a bit. If Keade wasn't sick then she was . . . ? He tried to fill the blanks with his own mind and narrowed the ideas down to three. She was either freaked out by her own voice, saving her voice, or mute. There were probably more ideas that didn't pop up into his mind at the moment, but it didn't matter since she would probably text it to him soon.

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You'd be surprised by what I can do. He thought, thinking about that time when he took on 5 Jocks and landed them all in the hospital. One was probably still in a coma. But, he would never mention that. It was best to bite his tongue and hold back for now if he wanted to learn something useful.

"Alright Haru, I guess you're right. I'm not much of a fighter but I can run pretty fast." It was always easier to run away than be stuck with a couple of wannabes who would always gang up on you. Remember, this is for Keade, he reminded himself.

@Nenma Takashi

'I'm a mute' Keade typed. 'I-Is that a problem for you?' She looked down and her shoes somehow seemed interesting. Stupid Keade she thought, if only you were able to talk again. But after that little incident.. it seemed impossible. See shuddered at the thought. Keade knew she was being weak, but she couldn't help it. This was not something that can be forgotten easily.

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Emiko was glad they beat the storm, her heart racing from all the running. She let go of Kazue's arm when they were sheltered from the rain and put her hands on her sides.

"Dang, I'm out of shape!" she said and put a hand on her chest. Emiko shook her head at the thought, the main reasoning that she came to the school was to play softball for them. She looked at the school and got a good look at it. It was a pretty nice place.

"C'mon, Kazue. We should get to homeroom. Fae-same would be upset if I was late on the first day of school." she told Kazue. She pulled her phone out and shot Fae-sama a text then put it in her pocket. She remembered they were in room A-2. She soon found the room and entered with Kazue behind her. She looked around at the crowded room.


Kazue followed behind Emiko since she was leading and he had no choice. He smiled when she mentioned Fae-sama, Emiko's mother figure. He knew Fae-sama well, often seeing her wherever Emiko went.

"This is it,huh?" he asked as he looked up and saw the sign for A-2. He followed her inside and took a look, trying to find some empty seats. He saw two left in the back and he smiled. He nudged Emiko and pointed to the seats, walking over to them. Emiko followed him and sat in the seat next to him. Kazue was surprised the place was already this packed. They must of all gotten up early while he and Emiko barely made it in time.
Haru jabbed his shoulder. "Hmm maybe your not a hopeless infact....Alright I'll help but not complaining if you get hurt okay?" He smiled.

"No it's not a problem" Jethro simply responded. He could see her facial expression switch as some thoughts flowed through her mind. Perhaps he reminded her of things she didn't want to remember? "...I mean actions speak louder than words right? Many people can't do what you do" The teen explained trying to make Keade feel better.

Omi watched the two students walk in to the classroom. He picked up two Dorm Forms and walked to the back where they were sitting. "Hi, I'm Gurīn-sensei and I'll be your teacher." He said with a smile. He put the forms on each of their desks. "These are your Dorm Forms, please answer all of the questions provided and at the bottom line have the student you want to be dorm partners with sign there. You can be with opposite sex if you would like. When you're done just set the forms on my desk." Omi said and walked back to his desk. @lonecoyote

Jean looked back at the two students who just walked in. 'They seem close' she thought.
Emiko looked at the teacher and smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you, Gurīn-sensei! I'm Emiko Lanette." she said to him cheerfully before looking at her desk and saw the dorm partner sheet. She then bit her lip and looked around the room.

"Oooh! I knew we should have gotten here sooner! I know no one and I might be stuck with you, Kazue!" she exclaimed and sent daggers his way. Emiko was supposed to get to school early so she could make new friends and find someone to room with her. Thanks to Kazue that was just a dream now.

"I'm Kazue Suoh." he replied with a smile as well. Kazue looked at the paper the teacher put on his desk. Kazue only gave her a sheepish smile and put his hands up.

"Hey, now. Don't be mad at me Emi. I tried." he told her with a sorry expression. Honestly, Kazue wanted to find someone to room with too but didn't think it would be Emiko. Sure the two grew up together but that didn't mean they wanted to actually live together. Emiko then noticed a girl with red hair looking at them, she smiled at the girl and waved.

Ryu smirks. "I guess I signed myself up for it. And what do you mean by hopeless?! I can take care of myself just fine!" To prove it, Ryu stood up from his chair but then hit his knee on the table.

"FFFUU-" He silently screamed looking up to Haru, glaring at him, daring him to do something unnecessary.

"Don't start laughing- this was not what I had in mind..."

@Nenma Takashi

They were just petty words but Keade looked up. Petty words that made her think more positive about her behalf. 'Thanks I guess. For helping.' She gave Jethro another smile and was forced to sit down as her legs got tired from standing. 'Don't you have anything else to do?' It wasn't that she wanted to push him away. Jethro was great company really, she just didn't want to be a bother to him if he had any work that needed to be done.

Omi sat back at his desk and marked Emiko's and Kazue's names showing that they made it.

Jean smiled and waved back at Emiko. 'She's pretty adorable.' Jean thought. Jean looked back in front of her and yawned stretching out her arms and legs. @lonecoyote
Jethro's gaze shifted across the room to see two more late students come in. He slightly smiled at them before looking back at Keade, "Just one thing". Yumi still had her dorm form somewhere in her grasp that he needed to sign. Jet pulled his pen out and walked to Yumi. He stood behind her, put his left hand down onto her desk, slightly tilted her form, and signed his name with his right. After a few seconds, Jet put his form onto Yumi's desk for her to sign. He walked back to his desk and sat down. "Done for now" Jethro said looking back at Keade.

@AceXCrossix @Leaf Fi
Emiko was delighted that the girl waved back. She looked back at her paper and sighed. If she had to live with Kazue she might as well stab herself in the eye. She wanted a roommate who was preferably a female. She then looked around the room. All the other girls were probably taken and probably the guys. She noticed two people talking close to her and she decided to go over to them. She stood up and walked over to them with a smile.

"Uhm...excuse me. I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I was wondering if you have a dorm partner already." she asked the girl by the blonde haired boy. "I'm Emiko by the way. I hope I'm not being rude." she apologized and bowed to them.

@AceXCrossix @RyanJXavier

Kazue watched Emiko as she walked away. He sighed and decided that it was too much hassle to find a dorm partner and decided to let the teacher pick for him instead. He answered the questions and wrote "Please choose for me, Sensei." at the top. He stood up and turned his paper in, returning to his seat.
Jean rested her chin on her hand and stared out the window. She watched the rain droplets drip down the window and traced them with her free finger. 'Maybe I should've asked the girl to be my dorm partner.' Jean thought. She looked over once more at the girl as she asked Kaede and Jethro.
Haru smiled. " Ha....ha.....ha....ha." He crossed his arms. "I believe it's your move Ryu." He stood up to face the boy his smile widing.


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