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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Omi nodded, "Well that wasn't such a long story or just a long story short." Omi chuckled and then asked, "So what's you job?" Omi usually doesn't pry so much on students personal lives but this student was very interesting to him. @Rayischo
"I teach Reading and Writing and after school I'm the English Club teacher." Omi said. The office was starting to come into view in front of them.
Emiko walked to the cafeteria with Kazue behind her. The two stood in line to get their food.

"Wanna sit outside with me?" She asked and looked up at him. Kazue smiled and ruffled her hair, grabbing some food and putting it on his tray.

"Sure, why not? The weather's not so bad right now." He said and looked at her tray. She had a little salad, a whole wheat sandwich and a jello cup. He looked at his own tray. He had fries, a cheeseburger, a cookie, and a bottle of water.

"Since wen did you become healthy?" He asked her with a raised brow. Emiko turned to look up at him, taking her wallet out and paying for their lunches.

"I've always been healthy. Gotta watch my figure, ya know?" She laughed lightly and winked. Kazue shook his head and laughed, thanking her for paying and following her out.

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Rayisho turns around to Omi and bows down. "Thank you." He said and holds a hand out to shake. "I'm Rayisho Samaysune."
Omi nodded and entered the office after Rayisho. He then went and turned in the Dorm Forms in the A-2 bin. After turning them in he looked at the clock, 'Crap only fifteen more minutes for lunch.' He thought. Omi left the office and headed back to his room to get his lunch.
Haru sighed they'd have to work on destructive power or something whatever. He grabbed Ryu by the collor of his shirt he gave on quick jab and repeatedly headbutt him in his nose. Then after 4 he let him go and gave him a light tap on the chest to push bim back. "Can ya keep going?"

@AceXCrossix @Hobbesisalive
Rayisho cones out the office and yawns. Than he looked at the clock. "And now? What can I do?" He walks out the building on the courtyard. He looks around.
Omi made it back to his room and grabbed his lunch. He picked up his water and drank it by the window looking out at the courtyard. He saw Ryu and Haru fighting and Riika watching. Emiko and Kazue walking around as well as Rayisho. 'This is going to be a fun year.' He thought smiling to himself.

Jean was typing away on her laptop. She looked at the time realizing that class will be starting up again. She turned of her laptop and put it in her bookbag. She proceeded to finish her lunch.
Rayisho looks at the clock again. "Did I have to go to class today?" He asked himself. He goes in the building and runs up to the class from Omi. "Yo?"
Omi was zoned out in looking outside at the nature. He drank his water.

Jean packed up her things and started walking to the class.
Omi blinked and looked over at Rayisho. "Oh sorry I was a bit out of it. Hi Rayisho." Omi said chuckling, a bit embarrassed. Omi looked at the clock. "You're a bit early Rayisho." Omi said as he walked over to his desk.
"I know, I know, but if I go after the rang, I'd come to late. Why is this school so big. It isn't a school, it is a Monster." He said. "Em... where I have to sit?"
Emiko found a spot for them under the cherry blossom tree. She looked up at the sky and closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of nature. She was getting a feel of how the weather was for later that day when she went to softball practice. Kazue followed her and sat beside her seeing her and smiling. He said a quick thank you for the meal and began to eat, leaning back a bit.

"Are you ready for softball today?"

Emiko opened her eyes and smiled at Kazue, nodding her head as she said a thank you for her food then began to eat.

"Always. I need to work on my rise ball today." She told him and Kazue nodded. Emiko was a great pitcher, one of the fastest to be exact. Her pitching was always on point and accurate. She was a good hitter and a fast runner too. She was a good little ball player all in all. Kazue was a third baseman. He could throw hard and fast as well as hit and run.

"You'll get better. Just give it time." He told her and bit into his burger.

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Omi laughed, "Yeah it's pretty giant." Omi agreed. Omi went to his desk and opened his laptop. He looked at the seating chart on his laptop screen. "There are a few seats in the back and in the front rows." Omi said. He then proceeded to look at his emails. 'Oh cool the Guidance Counselor sent me the Dorm assignment' He thought.@Rayischo

Jean walked in the classroom and sat at her desk, she pulled out her laptop again and turned it on.
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Ryu stepped back a bit and wiped away the blood that has formed on his face. "I can," he said confidently. It's been a few years since he's been in a fight so most of the instincts were gone. But his ability not to give up was still there. Staggering a bit to stand, he got a hold of Haru's shoulder to keep him in place. Then kneed him hard where the sun doesn't shine. A second later, he swung his arms to land a punch to Haru's face. "Was this what you wanted?" Ryu frowned and popped his knuckles.

@Nenma Takashi
Connor walked into the school building his transfer was starting today. He then looked and begun to walk around the lovely cherry blossom tree. Maybe he should unpack his things before trying to introduce himself before class starts. He then walked towards the dorm wondering if people were there if there were he wouldn't know better yet he didn't know who he was shearing a dorm with. He then continued to look around in the dorm. he then spotted some people he didn't know who thay were some of them were hanging out some of them were on there own. Who knows?. He slowly walked towards the group of people "um...hi dose anyone know where the dorm room's are?" he said looking at the ground and back to them. He said it in a thick Scottish accent and of course in his natural language. English.

@anyone who's in the dorm
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Haru was on the ground but he didn't hold his jewels he rubbed his face. "Smart but I'm smarter it's called a cup. I know ever trick in the book." He turned around getting close and spitting into his eye. Then stomped on his foot but kept it there so he could move back and began letting out a flurry of punches. "Come on come on come on you think any street thugs gonna hold back let's see some effort! Let's see some effort!" It was a phrase his sister had burned into his memory when she would beat on him. Normal she said this when Haru was beginning to not put up a fight as a way to egg him on.
Damn, this kid can hit Ryu thought ducking his head to avoid some of the punches thrown at him and managed to grab Haru's wrist. He twisted around so his right knee was visible and brought it up on Haru's stomach. He twisted behind the kid once more, still holding onto his arm and pulled it up behind his back. Ryu was not someone who could lose a fight so easily. No, that was just not him. But he couldn't help wondering what the lesson from this fight was for.

@Nenma Takashi
Haru smiled and chuckled. "That's more like it." He jerked his head back smashing into Ryu's face then grabbed his hair. "Now I wear a cup but someone with almost zero street fighting knowledge. Well wouldn't wear one everyday!" He kneed him in the crotch then took the back of his shirt and pulled it over his face then began to knee him in the face repeatedly.

Yumi nodded to the poor girl, feeling sorry for her. "Of course we will." She replied kindly, glancing over at Jethro. Hopefully he felt the same way. She didn't want to drag him into this for nothing, after all. Yumi rested a finger on the corner of her mouth, humming in thought. Maybe their best chance to find him was outside? After all, it still was their lunch time, and it would be where she'd immediately go.

The brunette headed towards the window of the classroom, glancing out. Her eyes immediately widened in shock at the sight of two students fighting. Who it was, she couldn't tell, but it still made her feel sick to her stomach, more so in anger. This was school, not a fighting ring! "I might have found him, I'm not too sure..." Yumi called to Kaede, frowning. "But you won't like the sight..."

@AceXCrossix @RyanJXavier
Jean heard Yumi talking about a fight and she looked out the window. 'Woah!' She thought as she looked at the two boys fighting.

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