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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

"Tch whatever Haru," Ryu stood up once again and was glad to find himself not humiliated in front of his friend. "One more thing before we start.." He walked up to Haru and smacked his head. "Now I'm ready." Ryu smiled in triumph.

@Nenma Takashi

Kaede watched as Jethro walked over to Yumi with a piece of paper and back. She nodded to him as he told her he was "done for now".

Moments later, a girl walked up to them and bowed her head in apology. She's pretty Kaede thought before typing on her phone. 'Oh no you're fine and yes I do have a partner and I've already turned in my form. Sorry if I wasn't much help'.

Kaede rubbed the back of her neck hoping to give herself some more strength in the tight situation.

Haru chuckled. "You got some brass one don't ya. But I hope you know you have to face price for hitting me." Haru punched Ryu in the gut. "First lesson never celebrate before your sure the other guy is down." Haru smiled looking at his guard up.
Ryu doubled over as he got punched but quickly regained composure. "Wait a minute, shouldn't we go outside for this? I don't want anyone to get hurt in the process if we're going to fight." His eyes scanned the room and landed on Kaede. People were flocking around her and she seemed to enjoy their company, so he didn't mind them. He just didn't want her to see what he was doing.

@Nenma Takashi
Haru patted his back. "Good point lets go." He turned around and walked out of class heading for the courtyard. "Hmm maybe I'm crazy but I got a feeling this this gonna be fun." He chuckled.
Ryu left for the courtyard following Haru. He was so tempted to trip the male and bring him down just to tell him never to turn his back on the opponent, but held back. He knew he would get the chance some day but now was not the time. Even if it was tempting.

"We're here..so now what?" he asks.

@Nenma Takashi
Riika had silently dozed of in the back, but the appearance of the boy with bruises and bandages had drawn her attention. Before she could even try to speak with him, was there already an other guy asking his name and such. Riika lifted her head from her desk and listenend closely to what the boys said. It looked like they both enjoyed fighting quite a bit. Her guess was confirmed when the two actually started to 'fight' and she was suprised no one noticed it. The second they were talking about going outside, she stood up walking towards the two. Following them to the courtyard. "Mind if I watch?" She said while a smirk appeared on het face.

@AceXCrossix @Nenma Takashi
Haru didn't look at the girl he'd freeze if he did he just smiled. "Yes in fact make sure to tell him any mistakes he makes..oh and stop me if you feel I'm going to far." He put up a Peek-a-boo style guard up. "Now come at me!"

@AceXCrossix @Hobbesisalive
Rayisho walks over the street, on the way to the school. "Kyoto High... " He wanted to sign up for this school. After a few minutes, he enters the school building. "Ok... where I have to go..."
(Sorry, I fell asleep (>:<))

As she was signing the forum, Yumi gradually got lost in her thoughts. A mixture of things ran through her head, from forming her first friendship to her parents back home. No doubt that if she told them who her dorm mate was, they'd have a heart attack. Not that Jethro was a bad person or anything, he was quite nice, but the fact he was a boy would probably set them off.

Yeah, perhaps she wouldn't mention that part in her letter.

Yumi was only snapped back into reality when her form was moved sideways by a huge hand, causing her to jump in her chair. The brunette quickly glanced up and immediately relaxed when it was only Jethro. He placed his own sheet in front of her before leaving. "Oh right..." A cherry red colour painted her cheeks and she nibbled on her bottom lip, quickly signing her name. The brunette then slid her chair back and stood up, flashing Jethro an apologetic smile before handing the papers to the teacher. Yumi glanced around the classroom on the trip to her desk and noticed that Keade was alone. She might as well make a new friend. "Hello again," she waved before stopping at the desk. "Where's your friend?" She questioned, looking around for Ryu. @AceXCrossix
Riika grinned and showed her thumb to him. 'Alrighty boys, ready?' You could hear well that she was enjoying this. In her previous class were only kids who enjoyed reading or studying. When she had asked them if they liked a little bit of action, they would all gaze to her with a surprised face. That was one of the reasons why she never had friends on school. And oh no, she didn't care because she had lots of good friends outside school. People she met while she worked at the book store of her mother, the last place where she expected to meet people with an interest for action and games. Life could be quite surprising.

@AceXCrossix @Nenma Takashi
Omi watched three students walk out of his class. He was about to say something until he looked at the time, 'Oh wow only one more minute till lunch.' He thought. Sure enough the bell for lunch rang and students started to leave. "Before you go, make sure you all turned in your Dorm Forms! If not turn it in to the office before lunch is out."

Jean zoned out looking out the window. She didn't notice the students leaving or heard the bell.
Omi looked up at Rayisho, "Hi, it's no problem. What do you need help with?" Omi asked with a calm smile. 'He's pretty late, lunch just started.' Omi thought. @Rayischo
Omi nodded, "Oh well that's no problem, all you need to do is go down to the office and they'll give you a Registration form. Since you're in high school you'll be able to answer most questions, but for medical records and such you'll need a guardian to sign that, and a guardian to sign that you'll be going to school here." Omi said, while handing him a Dorm Form, "Also you will need to sign this out for a dorm room and partner. Fill out the questions and have your Dorm partner sign at the bottom or just put teachers choice and I'll choose you a partner. The partner can be of the opposite sex if you like." Omi said and stood up about to head to the office. @Rayischo

Jean blinked coming back to reality and saw her teacher had stood up and was talking to someone. She looked around the room seeing that most of the class left! 'Oh gosh is it lunch time or something.'
Rayisho looks a bit sad. "I think, I have no guardian! My parents died and I lived alone for a while, so it will be a problem." He said and than smiled a bit. Than he looks over to Jean. "Em... I won't bother you but the bell ringed and it is lunch time... so... won't you go out or something?" He asked with a friendly sound in his voice.
Emiko sighed and smiled to the girl. "It's alright. I'm sorry for bothering you two." She apologized again and walked back defeated to her seat. She filled out her paper and signed the top, asking for the teacher to find a partner for her. She got up to turn her paper in, sitting back down with a sigh.

"I still don't have a roommate." She groaned out and flattened herself on her desk and arms sprawled out.

Kazue watched the events and laughed, reaching over and patting her on the back. He felt bad for her. She just wanted a roommate and now she wouldn't know who the other person was.

"Aw, it's alright, Emi." With that he heard the bell ring and stood up. Emiko stayed in her desk, still upset over the predicament she found herself in. Kazue sighed and picked her up out of her desk, setting her down and getting behind her to gently push her to go.
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Omi blinked and looked at Jean. Jean nodded at Rayisho and Omi, "Oh yeah sorry, I didn't hear anything or whatever..." She said and walked out of the class. 'Wonder what they were talking about.' Jean thought as she walked toward the courtyard. She always liked eating her food outside and feeling the spring breeze, but she stopped in her tracks. 'Idiot it's raining outside!' She thought and smacked her forehead in irritation.

Omi brought his attention back onto Rayisho. "I apoligize, but there's still away to sign up to the school." Omi said smiling a bit trying to give the student some hope. "If you are eighteen you can sign it yourself or since this school is very generous, if you have a good job in which you can pay for yourself they will let you in." Omi said. He hoped this would give the kid some kind of hope. @Rayischo
Ryu raised a brow at Haru. Was that all? Just fight? No nothing? He was completely confused by the boy but didn't bother to ask. If this was how he was going to learn then well, that's what he's going to do. A girl suddenly walked up to them and asked if she could watch the fight unfold. She seemed pretty interesting herself so Ryu didn't mind if she did, letting Haru do most of the talking, then he took his chance, though he knew full well he was going to lose anyway. The brunette ran straight towards Haru full speed and as he got close, flanked to the left side and uppercutted Haru in the ribs. Ugh that was so weak, he thought to himself.

@Nenma Takashi @Hobbesisalive

Kaede cocked her head in confusion. Her friend? She looked between Jethro and Yumi with a dumbfounded face when it hit her. RYU! she thought, eyes widening. Oh god.. She frantically looked around the room for him just as the bell rang but couldn't find him. Who knows what trouble her brother could get into? Pushing buttons on her phone, she showed the message to the two. 'Will you guys help me find my brother? I mean, if you're not busy..' She didn't want to interrupt their lunch period, but she really needed to find Ryu. The more hel she can get, the better.

@Leaf Fi @RyanJXavier
"Puh... I'm lucky. Thanks for the informations!" Rayisho said and looks very glad. "So, can you show me where the office is, please? I needed 15 minutes to find a classroom..." Rayisho said and smiles nervous
Omi chuckled and smiled happy Rayisho was glad. "Everyone gets lost on the first day so don't worry about it! You can just follow me because I'm heading over there as well to turn in these Dorm Forms." Omi said picking up the forms off his desk. He then proceeded to walk toward and out the door, he stood in the hallway to wait for Rayisho. @Rayischo

Jean headed to the cafeteria and sat down at an empty table. She took out her lunch from her bookbag and set it on the table, then she took out her laptop. She moved her lunch to the side and placed her laptop in front of her. She opened it and turned it on. 'This is a perfect time to check my blog! She thought to herself happily. As her laptop loaded up she pulled out a turkey sandwich.
Omi started walking. "So if you don't mind me asking, why were you so late in registering for school?" Omi asked looking at Rayisho. @Rayischo
Riika observed the first dash attack from the boy who's name she had not heard yet, but he looked like a cool guy. One with action in his life. The boy hit the other with full strength and Riika found herself very curious on the next move. She predicted that the Brown boy lost a bit of balance after he hit the white haired boy and that he was going to take advance of it, but she could be extremely wrong of course. That was the fun side of fighting, you could never know how a fight developed itself.

@AceXCrossix @Nenma Takashi
"That's a long story: I had to find a job, and flew from my other school. First I worked a bit and than heared from this school. So I want to sign up." He explained Omi.

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