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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Attendance was being called and Kaede's name was first before her brother. She waved her hand in the air to catch the teacher's attention and then put it down. If he didn't notice her, well, there was nothing she could do about it. The teacher went on with calling roll and Ryu replied in a monotone voice. He was bored out of his wits. Was there nothing else to do? "Man this class is boring.." He said aloud to no one in particular, earning a slap on the head by Kaede. His sister gave him the death glare which told him to shut it. Ryu rolled his eyes and took the paper that was handed to him without as much as a nod of thanks.

As Yumi handed the paper to Kaede, she gave her an apologetic smile for her brother's behavior. She knew he can be a little short tempered and didn't like it when he took it out on others. @Leaf Fi
Omi chuckled at Raiika's sleepy response and Kaede waving at him, finishing up attendance. Once Omi was done with attendance he spoke to the class again. "Alright, once you get your dorm sheet put you name on the top, answer all the questions, write down in the Other box any personal belongings you brought with you other than the usual needs and school supplies, and have the person you want to dorm with sign the bottom line of the form. I'll give you guys fifteen minutes to find a partner, if you don't find a partner in that time then please do so on you free time for these need to be turned in to the office before lunch at 12:30 pm."

Jean looked at her form and then around the room. No has really peaked her intrest as someone to share a room with. So she focused back on the sheet and answered all the questions she could, like age, allergies, etc.
(Wow I got no notifications)

Len noticed nobody was paying attention to him so he looked around and started to hum with a happy expression definitely making him look like a kid, he was glad no one was paying attention to him because it took a lot of stress off him so he didn't have to worry about people picking on him or asking how old he was nothing he just loved it.
Riika took the paper and shove it closer to see what was written. She didn't want to waste any time with searching for a partner so she immidiatley stood up and headed to the closest classmate. He looked young, no he looked very young. The boy was humming to itself and had a happy face. She chuckled and layed down her paper on his desk. 'Hey, want to be my dorm partner?' She asked rather dull but with a friendly face. She knew she was the oldest of the class, do mocking over an age was useless. And he looked like someone to spend time with, so why not?

Yumi didn't really expect much of a reaction from anyone, so she wasn't too surprised when Ryu took the sheet with a deadpan look. However, Kaede's smile did please her. It made her own turn upwards even more, and she had to withhold a giggle. Instead, she made an 'okay' symbol with her fore finger and thumb before continuing the task. 'I like the girl'' she declared internally, nodding in confirmation. @AceXCrossix

With the rest of the papers handed out, Yumi returned to her seat and began to read her own. From the looks of her classmates, she wouldn't mind sharing a dorm with any of them, but, at the moment, she was quite stuck. She placed the end of her pen against her bottom lip, furrowing her brows in thought.
Len looked at the girl that just asked him to be his dorm partner and said "y-you want me to be y-your dorm partner" but he thought he would be forced with someone then making his own decision so he looked at her and said "s-sure, I g-guess" looking at her.

Riika raised her eyebrows as the boy was very shy, or scared? She wiped the thought from her head and smiled. 'Hey you like games?' She asked. Grabbing a empty chair and placing herself on it so she could face the boy. 'You and me then.' Riika said while scribbling some notes on the paper. When she looked closer to him she began to wonder if it actually was a boy. He was dressed up like a girl but his face told her he was a male. Al though he was very cute.
Len looked up at the girl saying "y-yes I like games" as he fidgeted around with his hoodie and looked at her thinking "she doesn't seem that bad" he said and smiled making him look childish and shook his head yes to her proposition saying "I'll play".

Omi sat his desk looking over the Dorm Forms that have been turned in, "Ten minutes." He said chewing on his lollipop.

Jean sighed, she had already filled out the form except for her dorm-mate. She put her chin on her hand and looked at all the other students.
Riika nodded and played with her yellow scarf. "I am Riika by the way.'' She smiled and plopped her head on his desk wanting to sleep a bit more, her scarf covering her head as she made it herself comfortable. She wanted to make use of the 'walk free time' and didn't want the teacher to say they all had to go back to their own seats. Her head was still in vacation mode.

Kaede was glad Yumi had smiled back. It didn't make her feel left out that she didn't go unnoticed by a person. She looked to Ryu to tell him, but he wasn't even looking at her. He was shooting daggers in Yumi's direction. Of course he saw the smile she gave his sister. It could've been a fake one too. He didn't want his sister to go through all that pain again. Curse him out for the over protectiveness but this is his younger sister he was talking about.

Ryu was about to walk over to Yumi to give her a piece of his mind but Keade held him back, holding onto his arms with a pleading look. He frowned and shook her arm off him. She was like their mother, able to read what was on his mind. He didn't like that at all. @Leaf Fi

Quickly, Keade typed on her phone 'Ryu-nii I'm fine. If she tries anything I'll tell you ok?' She showed it to him hoping to calm down his nerves, but deep down, Keade knew Yumi would never do such a thing. She as a sweet girl. And the message seemed to have an effect on him and he sat back down. With that, Keade got to work on finishing up the paper.
Len looked at the girl as she told him her name and he decided to tell her his female name and said "I-I'm kagimine Rin it's nice to meet you Riika" he said shyly as he started playing with his hood taking it off revaluing that his pure blonde hair going down to his shoulders as he smiled saying "I hope we have a good Time Riika." He said smiling.

Riika opened one eye to look at his soft blond hair. 'Of course you are gonna have good time, you are under one roof with me after all.' She grinned and got on her two feet. 'See ya,' She said as she walked back to her place in the corner of the class. There where she could sleep unnoticed. The girl shove her chair with maybe a little too much strength what caused a horrible creaking sound. Her face turned red and she sat down quickly acting like it wasn't her who had caused the sound. 'Not me,' She whispered while she shrugged
After a few minutes of wandering around, Jethro arrived at the rooftop. It seemed like a relaxed place for him to hang around in. He would have to do that later though. The light drizzle suddenly turned to rain and the teen made his way back inside. Jethro was a bit wet, but it didn’t really matter. The bell rang as he made his way down the stairs and into the hallway. He noted to himself that he probably wasn’t the only late one. A few movements toward the side of the hall caught Jethro's attention proving his assumption. A few people were rushing around the halls and blushing after entering the wrong rooms. We're already late. No need to run. Jethro thought to himself before walking into his assigned classroom and shifting his gaze to the teacher. “Apologies, sir” He said slightly bowing his head then taking his seat near the door.
Omi looked at the blonde boy, "No worries, it is the first day. Just make sure to be here on time in the future." Omi said smiling. He handed Jethro a Dorm Form, "I've given the class fifteen minutes to fill out this form, writing any personal belongings other than the usual needs and school supplies in the Other box and find a dorm partner. Your partner can be the opposite sex if you want, but just make sure she or he signs the bottom of the paper." Omi explained and then went back to his desk. "Oh and I'm Gurīn-sensei, no sir business please." he said. @RyanJXavier

Jean looked over at the blonde student who just walked in. She shrugged and went back to finding a dorm partner knowing that some people were going to be late.
Haru walked to the school a cut on his lip and bandages on his hands he was ambushed by a group of thugs. Honestly you should see the other guys his sister did say to him before he left. "When you get into a fight you better be the winner!" And what Naomi says goes he got to the class and walked in. Looking around he noticed the girl in the back. "Not happening." He took a seat without looking sitting near a boy? Or maybe it was a girl no no definitely a boy. "It's okay they just look girly be cool your fine." He whispered to himself.
Yumi couldn't help but frown as two students walked in late. It felt like they didn't even care, at the moment. Her eyes stayed trained on the first boy, watching him as he made his way up to their new teacher. It made her a little happier, knowing he at least had some sense in his head to apologise to the teacher, so she'd cut him some slack. @RyanJXavier

But the other student had just walked on by and took a seat. Yumi's brows furrowed, and her frown deepened. The cheek... It took all of her strength not to scold him there and then. Instead, she stood up and made her way over to the new boy with her dorm sheet. Gently, she tapped his shoulder with one hand, the other resting on her hip. "Excuse me, you didn't get one of these yet, have you?" She questioned in her kindest tone, holding up the piece of paper, her neat handwriting standing out against the white of the paper. @Nenma Takashi
"It's a form you need to sign. You choose your dorm mate, and just answer the few questions on the back," she explained and lowered the paper. Yumi then moved the hand on her hip and pointed at the teacher's desk at the front of the room. "You can get one there. Or would you like me to get one for you?" Her head cocked to the side in question.
Yumi blinked, studying him with careful eyes. From the lack of eye contact, she could tell something was wrong... Was there something on her face or on her hair? She suddenly became more conscious. "Uhm, no problem. Just, uh, call me if you're having any bother." She turned to walk away, but paused for a moment. "My name is Yumi, by the way. Yumi Narusaki." With that, she nodded and headed back to her chair, rubbing her cheeks to try and clean any dirt that may be on them.
He looked back for a moment. "Haru Sodie nice to meet you." He felt somewhat bad it seemed he caused her to think there was something wrong with her. He had to make her feel better somehow. "Uhh hey uhh you uh you got it the dirt on your cheek you got it off."
Jethro nodded at Omi, "Thanks". His hand placed the dorm form down onto his desk before reaching into his pocket and taking a pen out. He filled out the form most of the way through then glanced around him. Another late guy entered the room a bit after he did. Jethro faced back forward and thought for a bit. He was unsure about who had a dorm mate already and who didn't.

His gaze then shifted to a girl who suddenly stood up and made her way to the white haired guy. Jethro observed the exchange between the two of them. The guy gave off confusion and tension, while the girl gave off sass. His green eyes shifted back to the front of the room and stayed there for a bit causing him to zone out. He didn't care who his dorm mate would be. As long as he or she wasn't boring, they would be okay. "Hey do you know anyone who doesn't have a dorm mate?" He asked looking at Yumi since she seemed to know more about the class than the teacher did. Jethro was hoping she would present him with a few people so that he would be able to keep his options open for the few minutes they had left. He already knew that the white haired guy didn't have a dorm mate, but he might as well double check the possibilities since he would be sharing space with his dorm mate for a full year.

@Leaf Fi
Omi finished his lollipop. When he threw it away he looked at the clock again, "Five more minutes to find a dorm partner." He said and sat back down at his desk.

Jean shrugged, 'I guess I'll have the teacher pick me a partner, no biggie.' She thought and stood up to turn in her form.
Forest green eyes widened. "Eh!? I actually had dirt!?" Yumi gasped, a pink hue rising to the said area. She groaned, hiding her face in her hands. "Ughhh!" Oh, this was so embarrassing! Everyone saw and never said a word! Well, apart from Haru. She turned back to face him, giving him a shy smile. "Thanks... It would've been horrible to walk around all day with." She forced out a laugh. @Nenma Takashi

"Hmm?" The girl twisted in her seat in the direction of the new voice, locking eyes with the green eyed male. A happier, more cheerful smile replaced the other, and she nodded. "Well," she began, grabbing her pen from the table. "Haru, I assume, hasn't, seeing he never asked anyone yet," she used her pen as a pointer, indicating to the other boy. "I haven't either, and... Lemme see..." Her eyes flickered around the room, a hum passing her lips. Yumi spotted Jean standing up, "Hey! ... Jean?" She was pretty sure that was her name, remembering the teacher calling it out, "Do you have a dorm mate yet?"

@RyanJXavier @Aero
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