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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jean blinked, she stopped walking and looked at Yumi with a surprised expression. "Um no, not yet but I was just going to let the teacher pick..." Jean said scratching the back of her neck. @Leaf Fi
"That's okay! Thank you for your help!" Yumi chirped to Jean before turning back to Jethro. "There you go. I'm not too sure about the others so far, but if you're stuck, let the teacher decide. He might know best." She offered the other a shrug.
Jethro looked off to the side and thought for a moment. It was a good idea, but he already walked in late. To give the teacher extra work even if it was just light would lightly shove him to the more iffy side. If there was anything Jet knew about authoritative figures, it was to stay on their good side. He eyed Yumi for a bit. Exactly, she seemed like a goody goody student. She had a pretty outgoing personality too. Maybe she could even help set him back on track, though he would never admit it. "...Would you like to be my dorm mate?" He asked Yumi before beginning to regret his question. Jethro didn't even know her name. Ah whatever, at least he could say that he's spoken to her. The teen hadn't even spoken to anyone else yet. "I'm Jethro by the way" He said putting his hand out toward her.

@Leaf Fi
Yumi stared for a moment, looking down at the hand outstretched to her before looking up to the blond's face. She did this a few times, unsure of how to respond at that precise moment. To be quite honest, the question had taken her by complete surprise. They had only exchanged a few words so far, and now they could be staying with each other for the full year if she answered with a yes. It was bizarre, yet it somehow felt normal. With a nod in confirmation, Yumi took Jethro's hand, squeezing lightly. "Yumi." She replied, giving him a grin. "Looks like we're dorm mates."

Jethro smiled and shook Yumi's hand, "Awesome". After releasing her hand, Jet placed his dorm form onto Yumi's desk and took out his pen. "I'll keep my area clean, and stay out of your personal space. You got nothing to worry about" He mentioned attempting to let Yumi know that she made the right decision. The question was pretty sudden for the both of them. He couldn't imagine her thought process when deciding whether to agree or disagree with it.

@Leaf Fi
As soon as the shake had finished, Yumi had already started to fill out the rest of the details in the form. A new found confidence had filled her being, and everything didn't feel as scary now. Not that she was panicking or anxious beforehand, she just felt a lot more calmer now. "Alright. Got it." The brunette nodded once more, and her eyes brightened the slightest at the mention of her own little space. Nothing too big to notice, but it was still there. "Same with you. I'll be there for anything you need too. Goodness knowd that whatever your worry, I'll probably have a book for it." The joke came out of her mouth before she could even think it through, and she winced. "Oh God, that made me sound super lame." The heel of her palm slapped against her forehead as she groaned. Well, no more 'jokes' for the rest of the year.
Jethro moved his form a bit closer to Yumi's, "Please sign". His gaze shifted back from the form to her wincing face as she finished telling him her joke. It wasn't something that made him laugh until he was in pain, but Yumi's reaction after her attempted joke made Jethro smile a bit. As of that moment, he was sure that Yumi would actually be a pretty interesting dorm mate.
Keade finished jotting down what was required onto the paper and handed it to the teacher. She sat back down and placed her headphones on. There was nothing else to do for the next couple of school hours so why not? After a while she noticed two guys walking into the class, late. The blonde apologized while the other guy just sat down. To her, he looked kind of scary. Was that blood on his lips? Trying not to think too much of it, she looked back down on her phone hoping none of them would notice she was looking.

Ryu looked out the window in boredom but turned around as someone walked in. Blondie looked like a normal being so he didn't even bother but the other guy? With his cut up face and bandaged hands, that was a sight to see. Without thinking, Ryu walked over to him with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Maybe he could try to make friends with this kid so that his sister would stop nagging at him. Maybe.

"Yo," Ryu waved in greeting. @Nenma Takashi
Jean wrote 'Teacher's choice' on the drom partner line. She turned the paper in with the rest of them. She returned to her desk and pulled out her phone and ear phones from her bookbag. She started searching things on YouTube.

Omi took the papers just turned in and put them with the rest. "Two more minutes." He said.
Haru looked at the guy. "What the hell do you want?" He then remembered something his sister said. "You better make friends you hear me or I'll hit you so hard you'll bleed out of places you didn't know you could bleed out of!" He shook his head. "I mean uh hey what's up?"

Ryu chuckled. This kid was more interesting by the second. The rude outburst at the beginning was what Ryu needed to confront that. He looked the boy up and down, taking in his features before doing anything else, then outstretched his hands. "Not much. I'm Ryu. Ryu Masayumi. And you kiddo?"

@Nenma Takashi
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Haru stood up. "Kiddo who the hell!" He stopped taking his outstretched hand. "Haru Haru Sodie." This guy he didn't know what to make of him he seemed normal for the most part. He seemed like a good candidate for his first friend here.
Surprised, Ryu jerked back a little as Haru shook his hand with a lot of force. "Hey man, what happened to you this morning?" he asked with a raised brow. It wasn't like him to pry on about what people did but at the moment, curiosity got the best of him. And when Ryu's curious, there's no stopping what type of conclusions he'll jump to. "Wait let me guess, you got to show off your fighting skills?"

@Nenma Takashi
Haru smiled. "In a way I guess couple of jerks who thought they'd try their hand at taking on the Bloody knuckles. But as you can guess didn't go so well. Seriously my wounds are paper cuts compared to what I did to them." He enjoyed bragging about his victories and it was rare to find someone who would listen.
"But paper cuts still hurt, no?" Ryu smirked and ruffled Haru's hair. He was already seeing him as his younger brother. "Care to tell me more of your adventures kid? If those bruises barely hurt then you I would take a guess that you had to undergo some serious training." Ryu pulled up a chair and sat down, giving Haru his full attention. He had a lot of time on his hands. Might as well do something productive.

@Nenma Takashi
Haru put up a hand. "First off don't ruffle my hair like that. Second not trainning trainning means I had a choice. But I did not have a choice my sister is a professional boxer. And she needed a punching bag that didn't break when she hit it. So from the age 4-17 I've been her personal punching bag." He sighed. "She did teach me some stuff but being her punching bag it was mostly counters and dodges. Everything else I had to either make up or learn on my own."

Ryu eyes widen but he managed to compose himself a second later, hiding his surprise. He would never have guessed he of all people would be a punching bag for his sister but Haru surprised him. "Geez kid, rough life you got there," he commented since that was the only thing he could do in the situation.

@Nenma Takashi
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Haru shook his head. "You don't even know half of it. She even gave me a scar at one point." He pointed to the scar on his temple. "Not to metion a phobia uhh nevermind!" He shut his mouth he didn't need anyone finding out about that secret.

Jethro shifted his gaze around the area as he waited for Yumi to sign the dorm form. Might as well meet another person. He thought to himself before seeing a girl with some headphones on. It would be a challenge to interact with her since she probably wouldn't hear him. The teen glanced back at Yumi who continued to fill out her form. His green eyes then focused back on headphone girl and the area around her as he challenged himself to figure out a way to meet her.

Ryu gave Haru a questioning look but doesn't push it. If the kid wanted to tell him then it was his choice. He respects other people's privacy. There was nothing else to say so Ryu just kept quiet until something interesting happens. It couldn't be that long of a wait.

@Nenma Takashi

An uneasiness filled Kaede as she was playing on her phone. It felt like someone was burning holes into her back. After a while of feeling like she was being watched, she turned around to see the blonde staring at her. What? Was there something wrong? Had she struck a nerve on him or anything? Did he notice her looking at him as he entered? What was he going to do to her?! Her mind filled with all the possible different scenarios that could happen. For a fact Keade knew she hadn't provoked him.. or did she? She turned back around and tried to shrink back into her chair. Oh how I wish the chair could swallow me up right now. She thought.

Jean stared at the clock while she listen to her Vocaloid playlist on YouTube. 'Man this first day is a really boring. It was more exciting in Scotland, my teacher was so drunk that day.' She though to herself. She giggles at the memory and then sighed, 'I sort of miss Scotland...' She thought and frowned a bit.
Jethro kept his gaze on the girl while thoughts ran through his mind about how to meet her. His eyes slightly widened when she turned around and saw him looking at her, but relaxed when she turned back around. He noticed her mix of facial expressions though while she looked at him. Hm awkward. Jet thought to himself. I'd rather get rid of it now than never. He continued in his head while making his way over to her, "Yo, you okay?"

Ryu, again, was shocked. "Uh well there's really nothing to say. Nice family. Awesome sister. I guess that's all," he shrugged. "What do you want to know? My life isn't that interesting."

@Nenma Takashi

Kaede squeaked in surprise and jumped out of her chair, making a clatter. She clutched her beating heart and took deep breathes to level her breathing. After what seemed like a while, she calmed down and glared at the blonde. 'W-What do you want?' she furiously typed on her phone and showed him the text, still pissed. Keade was surprised she didn't get a heart attack from the scare yet. She knew it wasn't the blonde's fault but it annoyed her that she wasn't on guard.

Jethro took a few steps back once Kaede suddenly jumped out of her seat. He read the text then looked back at her face. "I was just asking if you were okay. If it was because you caught me looking at the back of your head then I'm sorry" The teen replied in a calm manner. Maybe the girl lost her voice? Well, there were ups and downs of her losing her voice that day. One of the ups was her not matching her voice to her expression. He sensed that it would have had a furious ring to it.


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