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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Mori reached the end of his cigerette and exited the roof. He saw a mass of students hanging around a postage board. He walked over as students moved out his way. It was a dorm list, he looked at the list.. Haru Sordie.. he thought back as to who that was.. he didnt remember. he knew hed find out once they both got to the dorm room.. he checked his watch as he walked away from the comotion.
(No don't worry it's okay!)

Jean looked around some more to see if she can find the student she was sharing a room with, but with all the students around it was pretty hard. She shrugged and gave up looking for him, 'I'll catch him in the dorm.' She thought.


[Click the note to listen to the music I find best suited for this scene!]


The alarm woke up a still jet-lagged Aaron, who let out a massive yawn. He stretched and struggled to get out of his large bed and stared at his clock. He was late, it was lunch time at the school but he wasn't meant to arrive on time today anyways. His great auntie had to get all the paperwork sorted out. Naturally, she tried to bribe and seduce a special treatment for Aaron. So again, naturally, Aaron called her and yelled for her to stop and she did. So here he was late on his first day of his new school. He sleepily looked at his phone and sure enough there were several angry texts and voice mails from his great auntie yelling at him for being late. 'It isn't right for a Steele to be late for anything!' 'Education is and always will be the Steele's top priority!' All that jazz.

The sleepy boy moved towards his desk where his bag was already packed for him and his new uniform was ironed and warm ready for him. With a long sigh he dressed and went to the bathroom to get ready. After he had brushed his teeth and organized his untamable hair he stared at his tired figure and let loose another sigh and rubbed his face with water. When he was finished he seemed like a new man, eyes full of life and skin smooth as silk.

Gotta put on my good face for this..." He said with a smile in the mirror and left the bathroom.

He swiftly moved down the steps into the main entrance of his home and was greeted by his butler. "I suppose I won't be coming home for awhile right?" Aaron asked as he was escorted into the his breakfast lay.

Yes sire." The butler responded as he laid a pamphlet with the school's rules and terms were as well as a paper with all the details that Auntie Leona had sorted out. He read over them all noticing that he'd be sharing a room with one, Zackary Alexander James Bolt. "Hell of a name..." Aaron said while drinking some orange juice.

Sire your Great Aunt wished for me to tend to your school life, you are to return here every weekend and continue your studies with your Mother. You know how crucial it is since your baby sister will be due any day now." His butler said as he took away Aaron's dishes.

Yes, yes, I know... Gods that's such a weird rule our family follows, the men are slaves to the women..." He said rolling his eyes and putting his backpack around his shoulder and walking towards the front door where the butler opened the door to the waiting limo.

Once nestled into the backseat he buckled up and stared out the window as the limo pulled away from his estate into the city. He admired all the various buildings, he loved architecture and his room was filled with drawings he had made from several cities around the world developing imaginary cities in his mind. He checked to see and was elated to see that they packed his sketchbook and drawing set. That's all he needed to survive in this new city, his sketchbook and pencils.

The limo turned around a corner and stopped in front of a large gate that opened to reveal his new school. Fascinated by it's design he stepped out of the limo and stood there at its entrance for a few minutes taking out his sketchbook and doing a quick sketch of the buildings, he'd work more on it later. He decided as he tucked the book away and entered his new life.


The first thing he did was speak to the principal, get yelled at for being late, then found a map to the campus. He unfolded the map and slowly made his way to his dorm. Apparently it was lunch time just like he had predicted and decided to meet this Zackary and get comfortable with his new home for the year. He found his dorm room and took a deep breath as he opened the door and was greeted with another person laying on the bed on the left. Quite the person this boy was too, with dark skin the color of ink, shaggy black hair that even had splotches of green in it, fascinating! He had a green shirt with a skull on it.

Naturally and instinctively when something fascinates him he pulls out his sketchbook and pencil again and starts sketching a quick image. 'I'll finish this later.' He said to himself after finishing sketching the boys eyes and storing the book back in his bag. "H-Hello..." Aaron said to his new roommate timidly raising a hand.




The nervous boy moved to the right side of the room and placed his bag on his bed as the limo driver came with a suitcase and handed it to Aaron. "
Good luck sir." The limo driver said nodding to Zack and leaving. Aaron growled, he hated it when something about his wealthy lifestyle showed up in front of others. People tended to hate him for it. He threw the suitcase on his bed and sat down next to it.

So you must be Zack my new roommate?" Aaron asked pulling out his sketchbook and working on the sketch of the school. He noticed some Sakura trees in the front and wanted to draw them blooming. Adding petals flying along the front of it. He didn't want to seem rude so he would look up on occasion.

" Yep , Im Zack , im the oddly colored flesh " he chuckled slightly " And your Aaron Correct?" he rotated himself so he was now sitting on the edge of the bed facing Aaron

"Y-Yes I'm Aaron, Aaron Steele." The shy boy answered as he tucked his sketchbook away. He didn't feel like it was appropriate to finish the sketch of his roommate when his roommate was trying to talk to him. "I-I'm going to unpack now." He said as he began to unpack his uniforms in the closet on his side. He placed his laptop on his desk as well as several sketchbooks, all of them looked dirty and worn. Next he placed his art case down on top of the books. With his side organized for now he felt a little more calm and less nervous. So he turned to his roommate.

So I missed the first half of school what did I miss?" He asked with his nerve back.

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"Honestly , I don't know , I was waiti,g for class to start , pulled out my sketch book. Next thing I knew it was lunch and the dorms were posted" he shrugged slightly before falling back onto the bed

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"I see..." Aaron said as he looked for his schedule. "A-2" He says as he returns the schedule to his bag and observing his map and memorizing the path to his class he'd arrive on time. He then pulled out his I-phone and began to use it as he also hides his suitcase at the bottom of his closet. Once he got done making sure he had everything he put the phone down. "Sketchbook? So you're an artist too?" Aaron asked with a tone of elation. He loved to talk about art.

"Uh, to never give up..?" It came out more of a question than Ryu intended, which earned him a slap on the arm by Kaede. He feigned hurt and clutch his heart dramatically wailing, "But I love you!" She just rolled her eyes before eyeing Haru. 'Why were you both fighting?' was the first question she typed. Ryu was not the one to get into a fight without getting provoked. 'And what do you mean by "lesson"'? At this point she was so confused. Kaede would give anything to know what happened. She, like Ryu, didn't like to pry into other people's business but if it involved a lot of unnecessary blood she'd with her brother, then it was her responsibility to know.

@Nenma Takashi
"Yep , fairly good if I do say so myself! though I cant draws hands , feet , or cleavage....." he let out a semi-depressed sigh " But Im better with landscapes , or other non-human things...I mean I can draw pokemon fine , but cant draw people very well"
Haru put his hand up looking away from Ryu's sister. "I just give me a second your brother just my head can't take it. Never give up I should punch you in the throat no that wasn't the lesson!" He sighed and poked his face. "It was so that you learned that no matter what your opponent want to win to. Sometimes more then you and this want to win causes them to cheat. Let me make it simple think of the guy who pulled a knife on you. To you that's cheating to him it's making the fight equal. Now let's say you have a knife as well then of course you'd take out your knife and make it fair. Cheating is just another way people even the odds. I was teaching you that and how to see how you faired against some dirty tactics." He shook his head. "Never give up really?"
Ryu put his hands up defensivly. "Hey! I'm not that bright and that fight had nothing to do with knives! Plus I tried so you can cut me some slack, riiiight?" He did his best puppy eyes and feigned innocence.

@Nenma Takashi

Kaede rolled her eyes at her brother's childish-ness. He and the other guy seemed to be on good terms so she left it at that. She didn't really expect them to fight to learn something but they showed her different. It was rare for her to see him this happy and dramatic with another person, and it gave her hope. Maybe he could make friends after all..



"I can help you!" Aaron said cheerfully as he handed one of his worn sketchbooks to Zack. It was filled with many different pictures of buildings and another section filled with people in various activities. All the pictures were made in pencil and the shading was perfect. While Zack observes the sketchbook Aaron continues the sketch that he was making of Zack.

Riika had remained silent the whole time,but had followed the boys back in. Giving a little smile as she faced the sister. "Don't worry, they were having fun. Or at least learning things through harfship." The white haired female chuckled and pulled a chair her way. "You two didn't take it lightly." She said as she watched the fresh blood dripping. "But it was fun to watch." She added with a smile before shifting her gaze to the sister. "I am Riika by the way."

@AceXCrossix @Nenma Takashi
Zack sat looking through it "first , your an amazing artist....but 2 , my issue isn't not knowing the body shape...unless I directly copy it I just cant get the angle and size's right...." he sat semi frustrated , though still observing the art
Haru shook his head. "Nope I can't fogive a lame answer like that 15 push ups now!" He glanced at the girl he had watch. "Hey come real quick and you to Ryu's sister I want both of you to sit on his back as he does these." He smiled at Ryu. "And before you beg remember I warned you it'd be hard or you could quit right now?"

@AceXCrossix @Hobbesisalive
Riika laughed and rolled her eyes. Was this guy sadistic or what? "I think you gave hem enough. You gotta know when a fight is over." She smiled to the boy called Haru. "You are very talented though." She continued facing Haru. Riika felt sorrt for the sister though. Seeing her brother beaten up by a classmate...for fun? Her glanced at the brunette and back to Ryu. You could see really well that they were family.


@Nenma Takashi



"It takes practice but that's what I meant by helping I can teach you." Aaron said as he pulled out a sheet of paper from his notebook and put it on the back of his sketchbook and handed a pencil to Zack. "Okay so you need to realize that hands aren't angular, they're curved." He began drawing a hand in several positions. Next he pushed the sheet towards Zack. "Here your turn, keep in mind hands are strange, have you seen the Simpsons? They have four fingers so if you have wonky fingers, who cares?" He smiled as he watched Zack draw.

Ryu's eyes widen and his face pales. "You can't be serious kid.." He muttered under his breath. Was this kid a sadist or what? This was insane!

Kaede rolled her eyes again and turned to Riika, typing something on her phone. 'Kaede' it said as the girl gave her a soft smile. It was nice to have someone acknowledge your presence.

Just as she finished introducing herself, the white haired boy demanded 15 push ups from Ryu while they sat on his back. Well this could be interesting.. But her thought was interrupted as Riika bailed him out.

Ryu gave Riika a thankful smile and breathe a sigh of relief that someone was at least on his side. He honestly can't even do one push up with a person sitting on him, much less fifteen.

@Nenma Takashi @Hobbesisalive

(You guys post too fast. I had to rewrite a whole paragraph OwO)
Haru could only curse the fact she was a girl if she wasn't he would had just told her to mind her own business but sadly he couldn't do that with her. "Tch it's your lucky day be sure to thank your angel." He lightly punched his chest. "Oh and don't worry about your injuries I held back so they weren't serious. I mean I wouldn't really break your arms." His smile got a but more sinister. "If they didn't break easy that is." He chuckled. "I'm joking I'm joking....Alittle kinda just a bit." He went quiet for a second. "R-Riika was it uhhh well uh g-go ahead and tell him some stuff he did wrong and how he can fix them." He sighed talking to girls even without looking at them was hard.

@AceXCrossix @Hobbesisalive
Zack slowly began to sketch a hand with its palm facing up "hmmm....proportions on wrong...."



"Just adjust it here and here." He said erasing a few lines and replacing them with correct lines. He felt more relaxed now that he found something in common. "And that's how you draw a hand." He said smiling as he stood up. "You're welcome to look at my other sketchbooks, but not this one." He said putting his current sketchbook away in his bag. He was getting tired of handing out in his dorm room and he stretched, his shirt coming up slightly to reveal his thin chest. "I'm going to head out and explore." He said with a smile and moved his way towards the door.

"Alright , Ima un-pack and decorate My Side of the Room until class resumes , and Ill finish when it ends" he gave a warm smile to his new friend before standing up and opening his bag

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