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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jean notice her laptop dying so she turned it off and put it in her bookbag. 'Well, there's no making friends if I keep sitting on my butt.' She thought and walked out of the classroom since there wasn't anything to do there. She stopped by a map of campus and looked at it. "Dorms arrrrrreeee here!" She mumbled to herself and placed a finger where the dorms were. She knew the school prety well already by looking at this map for the fifteenth time and so she headed in the direction of the dorms.


Aaron wandered out of the dorms towards the lunch room hoping to meet more people in his class. He already ate lunch at home so he wasn't hungry. He was about to enter the lunch room when he noticed four people talking, two girls and two guys. The two girls looked like they didn't want to be around who they're currently around. That made him curious though so he slowly made his way over to the group. However on his way to the group he ran smack right into a lady who was heading towards the dorms and he falls down. "Oops! I'm so sorry!" Aaron said scrambling to get up.

His bag had fallen as well and his sketchbook when sliding to the girls feet. He scrambled to pick it up as quickly as he could.


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This kid.. Ryu held back the urge to punch him in the face as he faced Riika. "Please tell me what I did wrong," he said intent on what her answer might be. If he wanted to be well trained then he needed all the critism they would give him to make him better.

Kaede noticed the tense atmosphere around the dude that had beat up her brother. He seems really interesting. She typed something on her phone and tapped his shoulder to get his attention. 'I'm Kaede. Are you ok...?' She put dots at the end waiting for him to say his name.

@Hobbesisalive @Nenma Takashi
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Jean looked down at the guy who bumped into her and fell down, scrambling back up. "Oh gosh, sorry! Are you okay?" Jean asked concern. She held out her hand to help him up. @True Queen Ashe
Zack happily began to unpack , he ended up putting a line of duct tape down the center of the room to seperate there sides , black on Aarons and Green on his own , he then proceeded to storing the little clothes he had in the closet before stuffing it full of his gaming collection , NES , SNES , N64 , GameCube , ect. (you get the idea) afterwards he set up a small 25 inch tv on the desk on his side of the room , with multiple game-systems hooked up to it , scattered on the desk , when he was done hooking all of them up with Splitter cables , he realized...."Im gonna need shelves...." he then proceeded to unpack his also massive manga collection , but ended up putting them back in there boxes , again due to lack of shelves

Matsuo Miharu

Location: Her apartment | Mood: Exited

Matsuo blinks and rubs her eyes with the backs of her hands and yawns, stretching a bit. She gives her eyes a minute to adjust to the darkness of her apartment. Everything she owned was either in boxes or a suitcase. She gropes around for her eye drops in the darkness. "Where are they?" she mumbles. Her hands find, and knock over, a small bottle. Matsuo mutters some not-so-pretty words, picking up the bottle and opening it, squeezing two drops in each eye. Screwing the cap back on, Matsuo swings her feet off of the bed and tries to find her desk. She stubs her pinkie toe on the corner of her desk and curses again. She pulls out the wooden rolley chair and plops down in it, flipping open her laptop. The screen burns her eyes, but she is fairly used to it by now. She has no job, but since her dad owns some big company, not huge, but fairly large, her dad's personal assisstant sends her money every month, about $5,000. Matsuo loves her dad's personal assisstant, Tsutsui Chisuzu, because she reminds her of her mother, but less leniant. After Matsuo's mother died, Tsutsui was always acting as her second mother. Matsuo had run away a few months after her mother's death. Tsutsui acted as a maid, although she wasn't. Matsuo never understood this.

Matsuo checks her e-mails, replying to them, and then starts playing a song from her morning playlist, turning the volume up all the way and plugging her speakers in. Matsuo has been using an online school since she was about nine years old, because she had always moved around a lot. She walks into her kitchen, making herself some hot tea and eating three warm, hard-boiled eggs with white rice. Once she finishes her breakfast, Matsuo walks into the bathroom, now fully awake from the hot tea, food, and music that was playing in the background. She brushes her teeth for the duration of two minutes, then turns the shower on, undressing and stepping in, wincing at the cold water touching her warm skin.

After the shower, Matsuo dries off, squeezing her hair out and then wrapping it up for about a minute. She wraps the towel around herself and walks out of the bathroom and into her bedroom. Picking out her clothes, a loose bright yellow knit sweater with the shoulder part cut out, high-waisted dark blue denim shorts, thin black tights, above-knee black socks, a black beanie, and suede black booties, she dresses in them and applies some make-up, using her laptop' camera as a mirror. Matsuo's daily make-up consists of a medium layer of black mascara, circle lenses the same color as her eyes to make her eyes appear larger ((this isn't really make-up but oh well)), and some natural, slightly-colored, lip balm. Once this is done, she packs up her laptop and a few other things such as make-up, toiletries, etc. in her suitcase. She grabs up the suitcase's handle, rolling it out of her bedroom and by the front door. Her suitcase includes her pillow and pillowcase, fitted sheet, her large plush off-white balnket with green leaves all over it, laptop, toiletries, her backpack with school supplies, clothes, and other miscellaneous things that she could stuff into the medium-sized red leather suitcase.

Matsuo props open her door and carries the boxes outside and sets them in the trunk of her car. Once that's done, Matsuo checks the apartment for anyhting else, and the things she forgot, she grabs them up and crams them in her suitcase.
Okay...Tsutsui will keep the apartment well kept and vacant for when I come back. Not to worry, Matsuo, not to worry. She puffs out a breath and grabs her wallet and walks out the door, locking it behind her, and puts the key back around her neck. She walks to her car and puts the suitcase in the trunk. She drives to her new school, scared and exited all at once. I wonder who my dorm partner will be....?






Aaron was too busy trying to recover his sketchbook to accept her offer. He put his sketchbook away and stood up. "I guess I wasn't paying attention." He said rubbing a spot that hit the pavement hard, cringing slightly from some pain. He gave a sheepish smile towards the girl. "I'm new, just got in a few minutes ago." He said holding out a hand. "My name is Aaron, Aaron Steele." He said hoping she too, like his roommate, didn't know of his family's name and legacy.

Zack began to get frustrated , realizing he needed many shelves and a few other things , he finally snapped and let out a sigh "Looks like Im not gonna be there for the rest of class...Ill have Aaron fill me in..." he said stepping out of the dorm room without his school bag as he was planning to leave Campus , he left the dorm building and started heading for the campus exit
Riika turned to face the two. It seemed Haru wasn't happy with what she said. Well that was a lesson for him then. The girl couhged and spoke. "Well Ryu is your name huh?" She didn't wait for his confirmation but moved right to the point. "I think that you are skilled and bold. Perhaps a little too bold. By rushing things you can lose your balance. It is okay to take your time with fighting, just make sure to avoid the attacks of your opponment. But by what I've seen youre quite good at that. Have patience, strike when you see a chance." She ended with a smile. "Kay?" This class was quite interesting, she could live with this.

Jean shook her head, "No no, it's my fault I should've watched were I was going." She said looking at her feet embarrassed. She then looked up at Aaron and smiled. "Hiya Aaron, I'm Jean! Jean Arkeasandaa." Jean said and shaked his hand. Her smile was then replaced with a concern look. "Are you sure you're okay Aaron? You took a pretty hard fall on the floor." She asked.
Zack eventually got off campus and started heading towards a hardware store he'd seen on his way here on the City Bus , it wasnt to far , but still a long enough walk

"hmm....thought Security would've been tighter the first day"
Haru glaced at the words then his feet. "H-Haru Sodie nice to meet you." She didn't seem to speak but hey that was her business not his. The fact she didn't talk made it easier to talk to her since Haru was a speed reader.




"Y-Yeah I'm okay. So what were you doing Miss Jean?" Aaron asked donning a sweet smile and tilting his head slightly. "I was just looking to make friends so I started wandering around the campus."

"It's cool Emiko, you weren't interrupting much" Jethro explained glancing at Keade. "I'm Jethro" He said rubbing the back of his neck as he looked back at Emiko. The teen listened to their discussion about roommates for a bit before looking over at Yumi and seeing her smile at him."Thanks for turning the forms in" He said to Yumi nodding at her from afar. Yumi then made her way over to Keade and him and asked about where Keade's friend was. This caused Keade's eyes to widen.

Jethro nodded in response to Keade's question about finding her brother just as Yumi orally answered for both Jet and herself. He just listened to the girls continue to talk then eventually made his way to the window to watch two guys fight. His gaze followed Keade out the door then shifted back to the window. The teen observed the sibling interaction for a few moments before walking out of the room and toward the dorms. The bell rang anyway and he didn't need to stay in that classroom any longer.

@AceXCrossix @Leaf Fi
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Jean smiled happily, relieved that Aaron was okay. "Aw, it's always nice to make new friends. I too was going to make new friends but, after I made it to my dorm and charged up my laptop." She said patting her bookbag where her laptop was.


Aaron nodded happily. "I plan to stick around here would you like to meet up after you've plugged in your laptop?" He said looking at a person heading their direction. "Hey look someone else is coming this way."


Jean nodded, "I would love to meet back here and continue to talk!" She agreed happily. Jean then followed his gaze to the person.
Jethro's eyes wandered around the area as he continued to make his way to the dorms. His gaze stopped at two people staring at him from a short distance away. Are...they looking at me? He thought to himself as he looked over his shoulder to check if they were really looking at him or someone around him. Yeah, they seemed to be looking at him. Jet gave a slight wave at the two as he approached them.

@True Queen Ashe @Aero
Emiko and Kazue explored the dorms, pointing out things to one another. Emiko's phone buzzed and she looked at it, seeing an email from the principal about her roommate.

Your roommate: Matsuo Miharu

Room Number: 304

Please enjoy yourselves and hopefully become close friends with your roommate!

- Principal

Emiko smiled and slipped her phone back into her pocket. She finally had a roommate and it wasn't Kazue! She looked up at Kazue.

"I got a roomie!" she told him and Kazue looked down at her with a grin.

His phone buzzed and he pulled it out, looking at the screen

Your roommate: Conner Gray

Room Number: 221

Please enjoy yourselves and hopefully become close friends with your roommate!


Kazue smiled and slipped his phone back in his pocket. He was kinda glad he got a roommate who was a guy. Not that there was anything wrong with Emiko, he just wanted to mak enew friends is all.

"See? You got mad at me for no reason. Now, c'mon. Let's go back to the school." he told her and they made their way back to class. It didn't take long for them to get back to the school building since they were only on the first floor of the dorm rooms.

They let go of each other and Kazue put his hands in his pocket while Emkio put one in her pocket and one on the back of her neck.

"I really want to make new friends, Kazue. It's been awhile since I have." she told him and he looked over at her.

"Be patient, Emi. It'll happen, I promise."



Aaron smiled and waved with great enthusiasm. "Hello! We noticed you heading to the dorms and she was on her way there too so I thought I'd say hi!" Now that he thought about what he said and how he acted he suddenly got embarrassed as that could be taken as creepy. "A-Anyways I'm Aaron, Aaron Steele." He said holding our a hand for the traditional American handshake greeting that he uses since he's from America.

"Jethro Sato" The teen replied shaking Aaron's hand. Just then, Jet's phone began vibrate in his pocket. He decided to dismiss it though since it was just a text. "Were you going to the dorms too or just hanging around?" He questioned slightly tilting his head a bit. Steele had a familiar ring to it. Jethro knew he heard the name before, but just couldn't remember from where.

@True Queen Ashe



"Well I just got done meeting my roommate so I've been to the dorm but as I said Jean," Aaron replied moving a hand to beacon to Jean, "was headed back to her dorm to charge her laptop." He said with a smile and adjusting his bag.


Matsuo Miharu

Location: Kyoto High | Mood: Scared and exited

Matsuo exits the car and locks it behind her, stuffing the keys into her back pocket. She walks into the principal's office and gets scolded for being so late. She bows her head in apology, "I am very sorry sir, I promise it won't happen again." The principal sighs and excuses her, giving her directions to the dorm. Seeing as it's lunch, Matsuo decides to use this time to unpack and maybe catch her dorm partner. She gets back into her car and drives to the dorm building. Checking the sheet of paper with the dorm partners, Matsuo finds the dorm she's staying in and props open the door, carrying in boxes and setting them near a bed. After the last box, she rolls her suitcase in and begins unpacking the suitcase, shutting the door. She decide that she should probably unpack her school things first, so she pulls out her bag and some school supplies. Once she organizes everything and labels things, she decides to unpack her boxes and the rest of her suitcase. The bed she was sitting on is now her bed, seeing as she put her things all over the place around the bed. She puts the fitted sheet on, then the blanket, and then the pillow. She gets her laptop out and sets it on her bed, continuing to unpack the boxes.

After everything is set up, Matsuo decides to finally eat something. She drives to the mall in search of lunch. After surveying the food court, she spots an Italian pizza store, and orders a medium cheese pizza. Once they serve her, she sits down at a table and proceeds to devour the pizza. She finishes half of the pizza and asks for a to-go box, then is off to shop for some school clothes. She only has about three days worth of clothes. She buys about $300 worth of clothing, and then finally decides on going back to the dorm to wait for her dorm partner.

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Jethro nodded at Aaron in response to his remark, "Got it". He slid his hand into his pocket and grasped his phone. "What class are you in?" The teen asked noticing that he hadn't seen Aaron in their room. His hand pulled his phone out and unlocked the screen with one swift swipe. Jet's green eyes didn't shift away from Aaron though. He kept his gaze in order to retain some manners.

@True Queen Ashe
Zack at this point got to said hardware store and went in , planning to buy tools , shelves , possibly some paint

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