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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Suzumaki shook her hands in the girls face, "No, no, no! Heh heh... only my momma calls me Suzu-chan. Just call me Suzumaki. I'm Japanese but I was born and raised mainly in America! Which is why my first name comes first! My momma was American. Shishishi."

She gives peace signs with both of her hands then quickly takes a thinking stance; her hand holding her chin with the other arm being used for elbow support.

"Wait, maybe they don't care?"

She laughs to herself awkwardly...


He smiled sweetly. "Hey Jean sounds like an American name too." He turned his attention to a girl that just left the dorms and she seemed like she wanted to converse with them as well. 'So many people!' He thought as he smiled at her and waved her over. He was probably going to become popular, but it didn't matter, he had that charm. He fidgeted with his wristband again and held out his hand to the new lady. "Hello! I'm Aaron! Aaron Steele." He turned his attention back to Jean at her initial surprise and nodded. "Yeah I moved here a couple days ago. Our home was being built or we would have moved here a year ago." He said rubbing the back of his head. He was taken aback once again by Suzumaki and how wild her movements and motions were. 'Man they have all sorts here in Japan don't they?' He thought to himself as he tilted his had staring at Suzumaki.

I am interacting with:

@Aero @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai @Haruhi

I am at: In front of the dorms

The current time is: Lunch time!

Jean chuckled. "Yeah my name does sound American, but it's really Scottish." She said smiling proud, she loved her home country and talking about her country. Jean noticed Aaron wave at another girl and smiled at the girl. Until she comes over, Jean started talking to Suzumaki once again. "Wow so you're from America too? I always wanted to vist America to see what it was like." Jean said. She loved the idea of traveling, sadly since she had to take care of her home, her parents were the only ones who got to travel. Remembering the thought of home made her sigh quietly.
Suzumaki looks around adventurously then finally realizes that her shoe is untied.


She quickly crouches down and begins throwing her laces into a very sloppy bow that looks as though it'll come undone the second she takes a step.

Standing back up she begin tightening her sloppy ponytail that she quickly threw together this morning before falling asleep while eating ramen, causing her to be late.

She then turns back to Jean and smiles.

"Yep! America was nice. A lot of rude people though...my pops is still down there. I don't remember too many details though, I moved back to Japan when I was eight."

@Aero @True Queen Ashe


Aaron laughed at Jean's Scottish Pride. "Well I didn't really get to explore much, what with school and learning the family traditions." He said fidgeting slightly, he quickly changed the subject. "Don't get me wrong America is actually quite beautiful, it's just run by idiots mostly." He said rubbing the back of his head again. "But I've always been fascinated by other countries and I really want to visit France it sounds so wonderful, oh and Italy." Aaron loses himself in the wonderful thoughts.

I am interacting with:

@Aero @Suzumaki Arakai @Haruhi @RyanJXavier

I am at: In front of the dorms

The current time is: Lunch time!

Suzumaki tilts her head at the thought of "family traditions" and begins day-dreaming of warriors on a battlefield speaking about their will and how it was their tradition to be where their ancestors once stood.


She looks up at Aaron in question.

"Ahem.." She clears her throat. "Are you a warrior from the edo period? Can you fight with a sword and do magic tricks that make people disappear after you say "abra cadabra" because that'd be really cool."

She shrugs and twirls on her heel.

"Not that I... really care or anything though."
Jean shrugged. "Yeah my dad said the same things. But there's still America beauty to explore." She said smiling with a twinkle in her eye. Jean noticed Aaron's uncomfortableness about his family again but dismissed the thought. "Oooo I want to visit Rio I heard there are many exotic things there and Canada, I want to try their syrup." Jean also is lost in the thought of traveling, she didn't even hear Suzumaki's comment.


Aaron was taken completely off guard by the question Suzumaki asked. His eyes opened wide at her rambling and frantically shook his head. "N-No! We're just... Entrepreneur... like... I don't really like talking about my family." Aaron said timidly growing red and putting two fingers together. When Jean started talking and dreaming too he smiled until he was also caught off guard by her final statement. "The syrup!?" He said snorting and then laughing.

I am interacting with:

@Aero @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai @Haruhi

I am at: In front of the dorms

The current time is: Lunch time!

Haru chuckled as he saw the two run. "Whatever call me what you want." He smiled not his usual cheeky smile or sinister grin he was just happy. "So this is what sis wanted me to have. I hate it when she's right."

Suzumaki was a bit startled and began to feel bad, thinking she made him angry.

She smiled and nervously scratched the back of her head.

"S-sorry..." She says in a hushed whisper.

Then she perks up, thinking that there's no time for feeling bad.

She gives Aaron a rough pat on the back and begins laughing. "Oi, oi! It's all good~"

She lifts his arm in the air as high as she could, it looked like she was the ref in a boxing ring and Aaron has just won the last round... except his hand wasn't as high as it normally would be if an average height person was taking the action.

"I was just pushing your buttons. I wont meddle! Shishishi.."
Jean snapped out of her daydream when she heard Aaron laugh at her statement. "Hey!" She said smiling, gently punching him in the arm. "I heard they had good Maple syrup so it was the first thing that came to mind." Jean said rubbing the back of her head with a slight blush. Now that she thought about it, it was pretty werid to think about. She then watched Suzumaki put his arm up in the air and giggled at that.
Akari Blanche

Location: Kyoto High-outside of the dormitory

Akari smiled when she noticed that a boy had waved her over to their small chat group. She walked over (well, it was more of a skip) and looked around, noticing everyone's features and actions as they talked. There was a conversation going so she didn't speak until she was standing beside a girl, being that they were already talking about something. Once they were finished, she smiled and cheerfully piped, "hello!"

"REALLY?!" Ryu's eyes lit up and he began to scavenge for food. "I want this, this, this, this, this, and that." He began placing food on the tray and showed it to her. Yep, he was definitely hungry. "You getting anything Riika?" he asks with a childish smile of his face. And this was just all for the food.


Kaede's eyes lit up happily. 'Do you want any food?' She typed on her phone and showed it to him. 'Food's on me' Before entering Kyoto, Kaede had stored a bunch of money working part time at an animal shelter, but noone knew. Not even Ryu. And she wanted to keep it that way.

@Nenma Takashi
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Haru's stomach growled at the metion of food. He turned around he eyes shining with joy. "I woukd love nothing more!"


Rinshara Yoshida

Location: School Entrance

So here it was. Kyoto High. He was to be teaching here for quite a while. So I'd better get comfortable. The facilities look great. Fancy, but not overbearingly so. Ririn could appreciate that.

He had already finished his business with the school administration and he won't really be on duty till tomorrow, so now he was just sauntering about the grounds, trying to find someone, perhaps one of his future pupils, he could strike a conversation with. If only to finf out more about the school from another's perspective.


Aaron got dizzy and sore from everyone hitting him and he groaned slightly he wasn't much for physical labor or activities so he was actually pretty weak. "Yeah.. That's going to bruise." He said rubbing the spot where Suzumaki was pounding his back. He adjusted his bag and wristband noticing that some of his brand had been revealed from the shaking. He flinched slightly as the pain in his elbow grew slightly. "So you know my name Miss. What's yours?" He said acting tough and facing Akari with his head tilted slightly.

I am interacting with:

@Aero @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai @Haruhi

I am at: In front of the dorms

The current time is: Lunch time!

Suzumaki grows quiet but continues to smile; she just watches as everyone talks.

After second her stomach lets out a loud growl and she cups her stomach, crouching to the ground.

"Oh!! So hungry!"

She pats her pockets but finds no food so she decides to stop overreacting and stands back up, acting like nothing ever happened.

She also still wonders who her dorm partner is...

@True Queen Ashe @Aero @Haruhi @RyanJXavier
Zack came back onto campus , carrying multiple hard-ware materials "well then ," he was suprised that lunch was still going , he continued towards the dorms , walking past Aarons little chat group "Sup Roomie" he stated as he walked past @True Queen Ashe
Akari Blanche

Location: Kyoto High-Outside of the Dormitory
Akari smiled, holding the ends of her skirt and doing a small curtsy. "I'm Akari, Akari Blanche," she held back a laugh at her stupid (and sloppy) curtsy and stood up straight, "nice to meet you Aaron;" her gaze travelled around the group and she dipped her head, "nice to meet all of you."

Suzumaki was just about to say, "Nice to meet you too." when all of a sudden she noticed a pitch black person walk by and her jaw dropped.

She just stared and watched him walk but before he got far she jogged in place for a second, lower her head, then BAM! She jumped into the air and began running towards him.


She begins bouncing around him, studying his clothes and appearance.

"Oh wow, oh wow! Look at that!"

Quickly she grabs some things out of his hand and helps him to carry them with a large grin. She doesn't even give him a say in the matter.

"I'll help! Lead the way!"



Aaron smiled and looked curiously at all the things that Zackary was carrying. But Before he could say something about it, Suzumaki's desperation to help his roommate and then her sudden motions made Aaron jump slightly and look in awestruck horror. "U-Uh, w-what?! Um... I take it you all ate?" Aaron asked the others. "If not, I can take you all out for lunch..."

I am interacting with:

@Aero @RyanJXavier @Haruhi

I am at: In front of the dorms

The current time is: Lunch time!

Suzumaki tilts her head to the side; confused.

"No help?"

She gently places the stuff back in his arms but doesn't leave; instead she decides to follow him.

"What's your name?" She giggles, "Shishishi."

"My name is Jean Arkesandaa." Jean introducing herself to Akari smiling. She turned to Aaron, "I ate already, but thank you for offering. " Jean said rubbing the back of her neck. @Haruhi
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