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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Akari smiled at Jean then turned her attention towards Aaron, "I'm not that hungry," she said in an assuring tone. She knew she would regret it later but Akari just shrugged and smiled, giving that 'oh well' aura as she did so. She felt a little awkward standing there in silence and out of that, she shifted uncomfortably.

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Suzumaki continued to follow with a grin. Looking over at him every now and then she finally can't hold it in anymore.

"Can you do magic tricks that make people disappear when you say "abra cadabra!"

She accidentally spoke a little louder than intended due to the excitement that had been dwelling inside.

She quickly clears her throat and repeats herself; this time more calmly.

Jean looked at Akari noticing that she was uncomfortable. "So Akari have you traveled or something?" Jean asked her. She knew it wasn't the best question but she was trying to make it less awkward. @Haruhi


"I thought so!" He said smiling. "Well I wonder when lunch is going to end its been so long..." He said looking at his watch. He looked up when Jean tried to ease Akiri. "I'm from America and are you FROM Scotland or just Scottish?" Aaron asked Jean looking around.

I am interacting with:

@Aero @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai @Haruhi

I am at: In front of the dorms

The current time is: Lunch time!

Jean chuckled. "Yes I'm from Scotland, born and raised." Jean said proudly holding up a thumbs up.
Akari scratched the back of her neck and shook her head, "well I was born and raised at the beach, so I suppose I have." She looked at Aaron then Jean, "America? Scotland? Oh wow what's it like?!" The thought of the two unknown lands excited her as she watched them.
Jean smiled excitingly. "Scotland is amazing! Well in my point of view. We speak English in Scotland and most of the time in school are teachers were pretty drunk. You can visit a castle, gardens, and go to Lake Loch Ness to see if you can see Nessie!" Jean said and babbled on about Scotland and its wonders.
Akari was so happy that someone loved their home country enough to get excited as Jean was. She listened to every bit of it with a small grin, it pleased her when someone talked about something they love. "That's amazing," she said as she continued to listen.

Akari looked over and tilted her head, "stuck at home? Aren't you a Steele? I would've thought you were the traveller." She caught how rude she was being and she shook her head, "I'm sorry."


"Woooow!" Aaron said smiling and imagining it. He instinctively pulled out his sketchbook and began to draw what he imagined...

He added a large field of grass making sure to add as much detail to the land. Next he erased away parts and developed a vast ocean sketching in various waves even having some of the waves crash onto the beach he created among the rolling grass. He added in details of a storm raging in the distance out at the sea. He slowly sketched a ruined castle one home to ancient warriors and kings and covered them with moss.

The whole process took awhile and he found himself sitting on the floor, a tongue stuck in between his teeth. He kept changing out his pencils to get the shading right and finally he flipped his pencil case around and pulled out colored pencils with he used to color the whole seen in Beautiful hues of green and blue and gray. He huffed as he observed his beautiful version of the Loch Ness lake.

He smiled as he slowly placed a special sheet to protect the design and the other pages from the colors. He then slowly closed the book and stood up. "Whoops... Gues I got carried away..." He said blushing slightly and rubbing the back of his head again.

However when she mentioned his family name a shiver ran down his spine and he looked away holding a hand over his wrist. "No... At least, not the males. We're forced to stay home and learn about our heritage and ways of business..." He said solemnly.

I am interacting with:

@Aero @RyanJXavier [uSER=33150]@Haruhi

I am at: In front of the dorms

The current time is: Lunch time!


Jean stopped talking and looked at Akari's happy look and then Aaron. Jean watched Aaron start to draw everything she said in his own artistic way. "Wow..." She whispered not taking her eyes off his drawing until he put it away. She blinked and shaked her head getting out of her trance. Jean chuckled at his blush for getting carried away. Then she had a concern look when he talked about his family. "That's pretty harsh dude." She finally said after the awkward silence.
Emiko felt her phone buzz again and she sighed, pulling it out and looking at it. It was a text from Fae-sama that said that she had dropped off her and Kazue's luggage. Emiko showed the text to Kazue who sighed. They just came from the dorms and now they were going back. Emiko saw her things and looked at Kazue with a grin.

"Fine, c'mon." he said and picked some of her things up, some of her many suitcases were still in the lobby but Emiko grabbed them.
Suzumaki sighs and drops her head.

"Aww, nevermind. It's okay...I can't either."

She looks around aimlessly until her eyes land on the items he's carrying.

"So...Zach? What's all that stuff for?"


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Ichigo Shizuka

Ichigo walked through the gates, embarrassed that she would enter the school like a transfer student. Of course, there was a mix up of schools so she ended up here. "Hmm...Nice School." She walked into the courtyard, she wasn't tired even though she did not eating breakfast and it being a long day of switching classes and schools. Her stomach didn't growl, but she didn't care. She walked to a seat and sat while she took out her phone, not trying to look awkward.
Juvia read a book as she walked down the wall "why did they have to kill the dog" she mumbled and sighed. As she was walking she was too late to realise she stepped on her untied shoeless and began falling, she simply waited for the crash without a care.
"Its Zack , not Zach , your pronouncing it wrong , and its for my dorms , to hold my game consoles and manga collection and a few other things "
"...BEEP BOOP BEEP BOOP", Makoto jumped by the sound of his smart phone's alarm clock, suddenly being pulled out of his dream. Christ!... I should' ve turned down the volume... He thought to himself, while rubbing his forehead. The boy reached over to his phone to turn off the alarm, and took a look at the time while he was at it. Damn... I am LATE. Makoto thought, falling back into his bed, letting out a deep sigh.

He took a moment to plan what he was going to do next. Alright then... First of all. i'm going to need a shower... And i can brush my teeth while taking one, to save some time... And with that, the boy jumped out of his bed, headed straight for the bathroom, and quickly undressing himself. He then grabbed his toothbrush, and jumped right into the shower. After a couple of minutes, Makoto exited the shower and dried himself off, wrapping the now soaked towel around himself.

The boy quickly went back into his room, thinking about what to wear for today. He really wasn't picky regarding that, a normal pair of trousers, and a pullover, would be more than enough for him. Scrambling through his closet, Makoto pulled out a simple pair of blue colored jeans, and a beige/orange colored sweater. That'll do it. He thought to himself, while sliping into both of them.

After taking one last look into his mirror, Makoto decided to check on the others, they weren't going to see each other for quite a while, after all. Makoto entered the livingroom, to discover that his little brother was currently watching some kind of TV show. "Morning Hero!" Takao said, while ruffling through Hiroyuki's hair.

"You know that i don't like that nickname...", Hiro mumbled. "Hey come on now! That's a totally awesome nickname!"

He stated, brightly smiling at Hiroyuki. "...Uhm.. By the way, Hiroyuki, you know i'm going to leave for Kyoto high today, right? How do you feel about it? Makoto asked, his voice changing into a caring, serious tone.

Hiro just shrugged, his eyes focused on the TV, but he wasn't even paying attention to it, he was doing it to avoid eye contact with Makoto, and Makoto knew that. The teen knew that Hiroyuki was actually struggling with the whole situation, but Hiro he didn't want to show any kind of weakness to his older brother. "You know... I'm going to miss you..." Makoto told his brother, who's eyes obviously started to tear up. "A-Are you a-at least going to visit us?..." The younger one stated, his voice breaking near the end of the sentence. The teen hugged his younger brother tightly, and claimed"....Of course i am, Hero... I'll visit you guys as soon, and as much as i can." "D-Do you promise!", Makoto chuckled " Yup! I promise!"

He now released his brother from the hug, moving towards the house's entrance, where his already prepared luggage Was standing. Good thing he did that yesterday, huh? "Guys! I'm leaving!" Makoto yelled, his voice echo-ing through the house, when suddenly, his family rushed towards him to say their good bye's. "Honey, don't forget to call us once you've settled in!" His mom stated. "Kiddo, we're going to miss you like hell!" His dad said. The teen smiled at his parents, and hugged them one last time. "Alright guys.. That's it, Take care!" Nathan stated, glaring at his parents and his little brother , then turning towards the door, and exiting the house. "Bye Makoto! And don't forget your promise!" Hiroyuki yelled after him, while Makoto wandered off into the distance.

Once at the school, Makoto headed straight for the principals office, to get his class schedule, let them know that he arrived, and possibly get to know who his room-mate would be. The principal yelled at him for being late, mentioning that he wasn't the only one. He handed him the schedule and a form, regarding the decision who his room-mate would be, but told him to just answer the questions on it, and disregard the last part, since he wouldn't have enough time to even find a room-mate himself, at that point. He filled out everything he needed, grabbed his schedule, and rushed to the dorms. He really hasn't eaten anything yet, but he was not willing to attend any classes with the luggage he's carrying around. Alright, that should be it. He thought to himself, entering the building containing the dorms with his luggage, spotting a group of.... Maybe 4-5 people standing in the hallway. He smiled at the group while walking past them, towards his dorm.
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Aaron's head tilted as he looked around itching to change the subject and noticed a girl falling. "I think that girl just fell..." Aaron said pointing to her as yet a new face walks past them. "Gods there's so many new people in our dorm." He said frowning slightly...

I am interacting with:

@Aero @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai @Haruhi

I am at: In front of the dorms

The current time is: Lunch time!

Jean looked over at the girl and walked over to help her. She held out her hand to the purple haired girl. "You need some help?" Jean asked with a concerned look. @LunaCrosby
Juvia looked up and nodded, taking the girls hand and getting up "I guess I forgot to tie my shoe" she said and looked down at her shows.
Riika looked with terrified look on her face what Ryu was grabbing. It was alot. Thr girl chuckled and grabbed two things for herself, she had the money. "You are gonna get fat." She said while a grin split her lips. "Huehue," now her face turned in a more smirk way. With that she walked to a table where no one was sitting. In her the corner of her eyes she saw Haru and Kaede too. "Hey guys this table is empty you cab join!" It had exactly four spaces so it would fit perfectly. Looked like she was able to make friends this year. In her previous class she didnt even try.

Jean put her hands in her pockets. "I hate when that happens." Jean said smiling a bit to make the girl feel comfortable. "I'm Jean Arkeasandaa by the way, and yours?" She asked the girl.
Makoto noticed how the expression of the people he was just about to pass changed, when he finally saw a girl, lying on the ground from the corner of his eye. Did she fall to the ground? Makoto questioned himself. Not knowing how to react, The boy just stood there, observing the interaction between the girl that just tripped, and the group of people.

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