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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool



"Oh, I'm in Class A-2, I'm very late. Mainly because it was arranged that way, I only come in the afternoons... Family business and all..." He says rubbing the back of his head trailing off when the subject came to his family. He nervously adjusted his wristband to make sure it covered his brand and smiled at Jean.

Currently At:

Outside the dorms

Currently interacting with:

@Aero and @RyanJXavier

The time of day is:

Lunch Time

Zack bought all of his materials , cleaning out his pocket money , then headed back to Campus
"front row. I spent all my school days at the front row....along with the multyple spit balls thrown at me" When he said that last part he looked at the distance as i he was haveing a flash back. He then realised he said to much and snapped out of it. "Anyway il be more then glad to sit in the front with you just. Dont touch my things. I don't like people touching my things." He said looking at her. He then looked at the floor again as he then continued to wonder. Can she really be nice to him. Or is she just pitying him. He'll ask that at another time. "Anyway...there are a few things about me you need to know about. I like to know if things change anything even a little event. I just don't like change.." He said looking at her. He then wondered if she had any interests "do....do you like anime" He said that in the most quiet tone as possible.

@Leaf Fi
(Sorry I went to sleep, it was 3:00 am -u-')

Jean knew Jethro already by attendance this morning but never had a chance to talk to him. She felt awkward not talking now but they seem to have made a nice conversation already it didn't make sense to interrupt. Alas one thing did stand out to her in the boys conversation. "Oh I'm in Class A-2, I'm very late. Mainly because it was arranged that way, I only come in the afternons...Family business and all..." Aaron had said. Jean notice that he was pretty uncomfortable talking about his family but, she was really curious into what exactly does his family do in order that he has to go to school only in the afternoons?! Jean shaked her head to get rid of the thought and realized he was smiling at her. Jean smiled back. 'It's not right to pry,' she started to think, 'he is your first friend after all and you don't want to mess that up with your curiosity... Besides in due time he'll talk about.' She finished her thought. @True Queen Ashe
Riku steps out of the taxi bowing to the driver out of respect as she hands him the money and runs off towards the principles office, how could she be so late!? She soon arrives and, as expected doesn't get scolded for being late... She sighs 'I guess this is what you get for skipping grades' she thinks to herself after a bit she is handed her stuff and sent out, she wanders over to the dorms in a rush carting only a small suitcase and a singular box. She opens the door stepping inside the room, everyone else was already in class so she set her stuff down and wandered down the halls getting lost more than once "I was in A-2 right?" She asks herself aloud before finding herself standing outside the door "oh, this must be it!" She jumps up and down before taking a deep breath and pushing it open. ((Night I gotta sleep...))

Akari Blanche

Location: Kyoto High School Dormitory

Akari tightened her grip on the suitcase handles nervously, taking deep breaths as she walked inside the dormitory building. She awed at the beauty with wide eyes, slowing her pace to take in everything. "Here we are," she said proudly as she approached the door. She gave the slip of paper that she had wrote the dorm number on one last look before crumbling it up and gently knocking on the door, making sure whoever was in here knew she was about to enter.

No one was in the room which didn't bother her, she didn't need to talk whilst she unpacked. With a small sigh, the girl heaved her suitcases onto her bed with a grunt an unhooked the side latches, revealing her items that were inside. Akari hummed to herself as she unpacked; she neatly placed everything where it needed to be and stood up, nodding her head and sliding her suitcases out of the way. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked it for notifications--there were none. A small laugh escaped her lips as she stuffed her phone back in her shirt pocket and proceeded out of the dormitory building for lunch.

Ryu nodded at the advice, slowly taking it into consideration. "Thanks," he told her. "I'll keep all those things in mind when I get into another fight." He walked behind Haru and his sister, wondering where they're going.


Kaede smiled cheekily and walked alongside him. 'Hey, thanks for not breaking Ryu's arm even though he deserved it Haru-nii.' She typed showing him the message. 'Can I call you that? Haru-nii?' Haru looked like a cool guy and she wanted to get along with him.

@Nenma Takashi
Riika just smiled and followed the little group by walking next to Ryu. She glanced at his sister and back to him. 'Worried about your sis?' She asked with a small smirk hiding beneath her words. She thought it was amazing that the two of them held such a strong connection. Riika didn't have a brother, only an older sister who was turning 24 next week. She loved her sister, and liked to spend time with her, but her bond didn't look as strong as this one. It sort of made her feel happy in a weird way.

Suzumaki leaves her house with a mouth full of ramen and races down the street, stumbling as she tries to zip her bag to refrain from losing any necessities.

After a few wrong turns and head-on collisions with a couple street lights she arrives at the dormitory and lets out a deep, ragged sigh.

Adjusting her clothes as she enters the large building she notices that she forgot the piece of paper stating her dorm room. She throws her hands in the air and pulls at her bed-made hair.

"Gaah! Dammit!"

She debates racing home but soon comes to the conclusion that going to the office would be easier.

Making it to the office she gets her slip, talks to the principle for a second and makes dumb jokes then heads to the cafeteria before putting her stuff away.

All that running starved her up; she ate before she left home.

She quickly buys some yakisoba bread after making it to the cafeteria and sits down at a lone table with all her bags.

Her short legs barely reach the floor when she's sitting.

She's wearing:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Kikuchi_Makoto_full_1582707.jpg.89ebb4ef9fbf7a221e80939d5477cad4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58066" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Kikuchi_Makoto_full_1582707.jpg.89ebb4ef9fbf7a221e80939d5477cad4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Kikuchi_Makoto_full_1582707.jpg
    1.5 MB · Views: 32
Ryu was shocked to hear that coming from Riika but it slowly faded into a smile. "Yea I am. I love her. She's the youngest of our household and you can say I'm selfish but I want her all to myself. She's what keeps me going you know?" His smile widened at the thought of her scolding him after they settle down in the dorms. Or lunch. "Hey do you want any food? I totally forgot about lunch and I'm starving!"

Riika's faced softened ans she ruffled his hair while laughing. 'I didn't know that there existed boys with such fighting skills and such words.' She was happy that he sort of invited her to buy food. Immediately she jumped up running ahead of him. 'Foood!' She called while racing towards the cafeteria. 'The slowest pays!' Riika's was always this energetic and some said she was a little weird, but she never got in problems because of that. So she was just being herself, she didn't care about the ones that spread rumours about her anyway. She would just teach them a good lesson and everything was solved.

Suzumaki finishes her bread and slumps down in her chair, letting out a loud belch.

She covers her mouth and looks around, "Oops... excuse me." She says with a nervous grin.

With all of her bags hanging from her small body she stands up and throws away her trash, quickly leaving the cafeteria to put her stuff away in her dorm.

After her stuff is put away she decides to take herself on a short tour around the building.

Hands in pockets, and one of her shoes untied she makes her way to the courtyard.

She grew bored really quickly and began making her way back to the dorms as she pulled a pack of chocolate pocky sticks from her pocket, opened it up and began snacking.

@True Queen Ashe
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Jean looked over at the girl walking over to them. 'Oh my gosh! Pocky!' She thought to herself excited. One thing Jean loved about this country is their snacks, Pocky especially. She didn't want to just run over to the girl and asked for Pocky, that would be rude and weird... So she waved at the girl to get her attention. 'I doubt Aaron would mind adding another person to the conversation.' She thinks to herself.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Suzumaki notices the girl waving and looks around in confusion.

"Is she waving at me?"

She thinks out loud. She slows down her pace and walks in the girls direction just in case the wave was directed at her.

In an attempt to wave back she spills her pocky, forgetting that she had it in her hand.

Her face turns a little red as she lets out a nervous laugh and begins cleaning up her mess.

"My precious pocky..." She quietly mumbles.

Connor said goodbye to his new fraind. For once he made a fraind in his life he walked outside again. He got a peace of papper presenting his new dorm room mate he then tryed to find him. He then saw a person. He looked like the student that was presented on the papper he walked towards him "Um...sir sir..." he said his eyes on the ground he was far away from him, but close enough for him to hear him. He then continued to walk a little closer to him "um sir..." he said looking at the gboy who was his room mate.

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Aaron watched as Jean waved over someone looking really excited and he got curious as to why she was so excited. Still, the more the merrier! He got excited and waved her over as well. The girl had waved back but when she did the box she was holding fell and a bunch of sticks fell on the ground. He was unfamiliar with the treat and was confused as to why she was carrying chocolate flavored sticks. So with a tilt of his head he asked the others. "What are those? She seems a little sad they fell..." He added a confused look to his face with the question.

I am interacting with:

@Aero @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai

I am at: In front of the dorms

The current time is: Lunch time!

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Jean smiled when the tried to wave back and then frown slightly when she dropped the Pocky. 'Aw... will still get to meet a new friend.' She thought. She stopped thinking when Aaron asked what the Pocky was. "It's Pocky. They're like these bread type sticks that have a shell on them. They come in different flavors and are really popular in Japan." Jean explained smiling, starting to remember when she was first introduced to Pocky. She sighed a little, "I would be sad to if I dropped Pocky..." Jean said this in English hoping nobody in the group spoke English. She then walked over to the girl, "Need some help there?" She asked. @True Queen Ashe @Suzumaki Arakai
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Suzumaki had picked up most of the pocky when the girl appeared out of nowhere; well that's how it seemed in her mind, she jumped back causing a few broken pieces of pocky to fall again. She then hung her head dejectedly and let out a sigh.

Once again realizing the girl had approached her she shot her head back up gave a little salute/wave.

"Ossu! I'm Suzumaki."

She had a large grin plastered on her face, her snaggle tooth standing out from all the others.

"Oh! One second."

Suzumaki swiftly finishes cleaning her mess, throws the pocky away in the nearest trash can then returns to the girl.

Still smiling.


Aaron giggled slightly at the dejected look on her face. It didn't seem nice but it was such a funny scene, this Pocky items must be important and really good if she had to sigh and just the they broke made her sad. "You're not going to eat them since they fell on the floor right?" Aaron asked and stuck his tongue out in disgust. The girl seemed like a real klutz so there was bound to be some funny moments. When she finally greeted the three he was a little taken aback by the 'Snaggle Tooth' she had. Though his rich upbringing prevented him from being rude and pointing it out. After she had finished cleaning the mess he held out a hand. "Hello I'm Aaron, Aaron Steele." He said putting on a smile.

I am interacting with:

@Aero @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai

I am at: In front of the dorms

The current time is: Lunch time!

Suzumaki didn't know what he was doing when he put his hand out for a second but then it occurred to her that he was waiting to shake her hand; she grabs his hand with both of hers and giggles.

"Nice to meetcha Aaron Steele!"

She lets go of his hand and grasps the hand of the girl who had first approached her.

"Nice to meetcha... I don't know your name? I probably forgot if you told me.."

Once again she lets out a small giggle.

(Suzumaki is 140 cm tall; exactly. And her little laugh sounds like Luffy's from One Piece if you've seen it.)

@Aero @True Queen Ashe
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"WHAT! Wait! HEY!" Ryu sprinted after her and easily caught up to her thanks to the hard training in his track class. He raced ahead hoping she wouldn't catch up. Who knows how much Riika was going to buy? If it was a lot then he would definitely be broke.



Aaron was taken aback slightly by how she had shaken his hand and her giggle. "Oh... I forgot to say to you Jean that I'm from America and I think I've heard of Pocky but never thought of having it myself." He says sheepishly.

I am interacting with:

@Aero @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai

I am at: In front of the dorms

The current time is: Lunch time!

Riika's jaw dropped when she saw that the boy had already catched up with her. She frowned and ran at full speed through the hall, avoiding the other students. With small steps she got closer ending next to him they reached the cafetaria. The white haired girl laughed and she took part in the waiting line. "I'll pay. Don't worry." The job in her mother's book store paid really well. So she didn't really mind it for this one time.

Jean smiled at Suzumaki. "Hi Suzu-chan, can I call you that? My name is Jean Arkesandaa." She said rubbing the back of her neck. Jean then looked at Aaron with a suprised look on her face. "I didn't know you were from America, Aaron." Jean said with a surprised tone. "Well then again your name isn't exactly Japanese so it makes sense." She said thinking about it. 'Does that mean he speaks English? Well just in case I'll just keep my thoughts in my head and not say them in English.' She thought. @True Queen Ashe @Suzumaki Arakai
Akari Blanche

Location: Kyoto High School Dormitory

Akari waved at the people she passed as she pushed the two doors that lead the way out of the building. The sun blazed her skin and she blinked at the brightness, trying to get her eyes adjusted to the light. She brushed her ginger hair off of her face in one quick movement, cursing at the wind under her breath.

She wanted to meet people. She wanted friends. Her fingers fumbled at her skirt as she tried to smooth it down, she didn't want to attract unwanted attention. Akari noticed three people chatting and looking like they were having a nice time; a small smile showed as she watched them.
'What are you doing Akari? Don't stare that's weird!' She scolded herself for staring (it's not polite) and turned her head quickly, looking in another direction.

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