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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

"Aaa, really? That's no fun! Cap'n sounds cool. You should really read it, they're not your average pirates! It's amazing~!"

Suzumaki bounces up and down on the bed; observing Zack's actions.

"What're you doing?" She asks with a random laugh.

"I filled most of the closet with my Video Game Collection , but I have to put up shelves to have enough rooms for all my consoles , as well as shelves for all my manga" he kept cutting away at the packaging "Actually I should paint my side first...."

@Suzumaki Arakai
Suzumaki raises her hand and shakes it around.

"Ooh! Ooh! I wanna help!" She jumps up and crouches down in front of Zack; probably a little too close for comfort.

"Can I help!?" Her voice was loud.


Suzumaki's Height = 140 centimeters
He looked at her "I like you " he chuckled Slightly "your alot like me before I have my coffee in the morning...THATS ANOTHER THING I HAVE TO SET UP" that came to his mind "Well if you wanna help , Im gonna be painting this half of the Room black , then using green paint to splatter all over it , make a cool pattern "as he said that he started moving as much of his stuff into his closet as he could , not wanting to get any paint on his things

@Suzumaki Arakai
Suzumaki laughed and stood up, giving a peace sign in the process "Shishi," and began helping move some things into the closet.

"Black with green?" She looks up at Zack's hair. "Nihaha, do you like those colors?"

"My Hair is All Natural....." he said , seeing where she was looking "So shush" , after everything was in the closet he shut the door and began dragging the bed to the otherside of the room temporarily @Suzumaki Arakai
Riika watched Kaede's phone and chuckled at her comments about their eating style. "Neh they would probably throw food at us if we tried." She looked at the two and face palmed herself. "They are helpless." The girl turned her head towards the brunnete and grinnen. "I am Riika" she introduced herself.
"Really!?" She asked in amazement. "Oh neat-o!" She jumps around the room and throws herself down on another person's bed.

"Hmm?" She studies the bed and begins looking around. "Who's your dorm partner?" She stands up and fixes the bed back.

"Aaron....uhhhh....not sure of his last name , he didnt tell me , " Zack began to unfold the small thin sheet of plastic that came with the paint "I should've bought some better plastic...."

@Suzumaki Arakai
Suzumaki thinks for a moment, "Aaron? Sounds familiar..." She walks over to the cans of paint and looks around.

"How many paint brushes did ya get?" She stares at Zack, "Did you get rollers?"

Suzumaki walks over to the said bag and pulls out a roller and paint tray; opens them and places the plastic back in the bag.

"Alrighty! Gimme some paint!" She walks over and sets the paint tray down beside Zack, motioning for him to pour some paint in.

She bounces on her toes, "Do you like to paint?"

(im not talking to a person in perticuler im just saying wait a little since some people may be flooded since i live in a different time zone evry morning i have to read pages upon pages of replys)
(So do I , I pulled an all nighter which is the only reason Im up right now dude, just make do with it , dont read any replies that dont deal with you ) @drummerboi
Riika smiled at the girl. It was nice to have a girl around her sometimes too. Boys were fun, a girl friend could be really relieving. The white haired gurl looked at the two boys. 'Want to join me towards the roof?' Riika liked the roof the most of all the places she could be. It made her mind clear, seeing the clouds drive by or the rain pouring. The roof was just perfect.

"Oh okay then, that works." Suzumaki picks up the roller and lets some of the paint drip from it so as not to get too much on the floor. She looks around, debating on where she wanted to start painting at. Eventually she gives up and begins painting a random part of the wall.

"Right here?" she asks even though she already began painting.

As Zack was letting his roller drip he used his other hand to motion to the entire wall "Right thereeee"

'I can cook today dad,' He said before closing the door behind him. His dad insisted that he would cook today, because it was his first school day, but Satsuki knew he was going to get home late. His dad had it not that easy, and doing chores was one way to help the man. The teen whistled a tune as he walked down the road towards the massive building. He didn't even bother with taking anything with him. He was already late, but that was usual for him on the first schooldays.

Still whisteling he entered the old building and walked straight to his class. Placing his jacket over a seat in front of the room. He didn't mind sitting so close by the teacher, he was eager to learn and liked studying. It got him of his mind. Now that he had claimed a seat he walked outside of the building again enjoying the warmth of the sun. He wasn't going to spend all day inside, the Courtyard would do just fine.

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