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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Suzumaki gives a salute; forgetting she had the paint roller in her hand she ended up painting the side of her forehead and her hair.

"Uwaah!" She jumps back. "Kusooo~!" She slides her jacket off and wipes the paint off with the under side of it then lays it in the floor after folding it up.

"Alrighty, good enough." She then returns to painting where she was before, she wasn't covering much though due to her height.

Kaede's eyes lit up. 'Sure!' She typed and got up. 'But you'll have to lead the way.. I'm not good with navigating..' She rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly with an embarrassed blush on her face.


She chuckled and shook her head. 'Sure just follow moi.' Pointing her finger at herself before she started to walk in a fast pace towards the stairs that would led them to the roof eventually. She opened the door and was greeted by a wind host that almost blew her back on the stairs. 'Windy,' She mumbled while she set foot on the tiles. It was a simple roof, but enough for her. Riika sat down against the fence and grabbed her bento out of her bag. She had already bought food by the cafetaria, but her bento was like a grand prize. Nothing was more delicious then home made meals.

Suzumaki continued to paint as best as she could, taking a break to roll the roller back through the paint every now and then. She would probably have to throw her clothes away when she's done.

"So why black and green again? What about your dorm pal? What'll he have...or she...have to say about it?" She continues to paint.


((Gonna take a shower, brb))
Suzumaki looks to where he's pointing and nods repetitively. "Un, I see." Then continues to paint.

After a minute her stomach growls once again and she pauses for a second, looks at Zack and gives a goofy grin.

Before he can say anything she darts out of the room after setting the roller back in the paint tray and races to her room.

Once she makes it she grabs one of her bags that were laying on her bed and rips it open, grabs a bunch of stuff and sprints backs to Zack's room with a large smile glued to her face.

Once she returns she laughs, "Lookie, look!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_ne52imO0Oj1sb6vlwo3_500.jpg.6d64effdf0ce345699a9f671b79aa1db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58207" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_ne52imO0Oj1sb6vlwo3_500.jpg.6d64effdf0ce345699a9f671b79aa1db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((She's carrying three boxes of those))



  • tumblr_ne52imO0Oj1sb6vlwo3_500.jpg
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Emiko and Kazue find Emiko's room and see the other side already decorated. Emiko smiles softly and puts her things on the other side of the room.

"I'm going to get my stuff, Emi." Kazue said and ruffled her hair before walking back to the lobby to get his things.

Emiko put her things away, putting her Ferret's cage on her desk. She smiled as she looked into the cage, her ferret, Shota, looking at her curiously. She kissed his cage and looked at her clothes, many of them not fitting in her closet. She sighed and kept them in the suitcase, shoving the luggage under her bed.

"Well, that's it for now. Maybe I should get my things for softball." she said and grabbed a sports bra, nike shorts, a tank top and socks in her backpack. She decided that she wasn't in a rush and decided to look around the room, leaving the door open just in case.
Suzumaki bounced on her toes and did a quick twirl, holding the box out for Zack to grab one. "They're really good, I bought them on my way down here; the urge was absolute!"



Aaron nearly jumped out of his skin. He was completely in his 'zone' when the girl had spoken to him. He swiftly turned around to see that the girl was standing behind him while he was drawing. He blushed a bright red and put his sketchbook and pencil kit away. "Th-Thanks." He said standing up and brushing the dirt off of his pants then standing proper, like he was taught. "Have we met before? I'm Aaron, Aaron Steele." He said holding a hand out to be shaken.

I am interacting with:


I am at: Under a tree near the courtyard.

The current time is: Lunch time!

(Sorry my phone was having charging problems and I flipped out)

Juvia nods "yeah thanks... are there any idiots that run around the school?" She asks plainly.

Makoto awoke due to the sound of his cell phone. Uh?... a message?, He questioned himself. The boy pulled out his phone, and took a look at the message he seemed to have gotten. Tagadashi... Akima... He repeated in his mind, while reading through the message. It was the principal who messaged him, sending him the details on his new room-mate. Hmm... I wonder what she looks like. The boy thought, imagining what kind of person this 'Akima' could be, when he suddenly heared his stomach rumbling. Uhh, i guess i haven't eaten anything yet. Makoto thought to himself, looking in his Wallet. Yup... unfortunatly my money didn't magially duplicate itself... "Damn you Hiroyuki!", Matoko exclaimed. The boy lost most of his Money a few days ago, in a bet, with his Little brother. The conditions were, that the winner of that... weird Video game they were playing, had the right to order the loser to a single Task... and, well, Hiroyuki decided to order Makoto to give him the contents of his wallet. Makoto sighed deeply, and decided to Exit his dorm, wandering around the Campus for a little. He wandered through the schoolbuilding, past the Courtyard, even got a glimps of the school's infirmary, but finally, finished his walk on the rooftop, where he seemed to have spotted two students, hanging out. both of them were Girls, one with very bright hair, and the other one with dark, it really had an interesting look to it. the brighter one was about to eat a... a bento! He was able to smell the scent of the home-made meal, making him even more hungry. Uhh... i should probably introduce myself before starting Operation Delta... also known as 'Scrounging a random strangers food', Makoto thought. "Oh, hi there!" he said, a bright smile painted across his face. He waved his Hand a Little, greeting both of them.

@AceXCrossix @Hobbesisalive
Kaede followed Riika up the rooftop and let the wind hit her face. It was such a nice breeze. The dark clouds were still forming but it would be a while until the rain comes. She sat criss-crossed across Riika as she opened her bento box. To say it looked nice would be an understatement. Her bento looked mouthwatering, but Kaede concealed that thought when a guy walked up to them. She nodded her head as if to say hi to him.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW

(Sorry guys I may be AFK a lot)

Riika was just about to get a onigiri in her mouth when the door opened. A boy stepped on the roof and stared at..her bento? Her gaze shifted to her bento as well and back to the boy as he greeted them. The girl excanged eyecontact with Kaede . 'Want some?' She asked with a neutral expression on her face. It was not hard to see that the boy was hungry. 'I mean, I can't blame you...my cooking skills are just too much.' She chuckled while she took out another onigiri. 'Here you can have this one, it had fish in it. You'll probably like it.' Riika looked at Kaede again and smiled. 'Want a octopus sausage?' She asked with a grin spread over her face


Suzumaki nods, "Of course! Take any one that ya want. Just not the strawberry one! I love the strawberry ones. Well...actually I've never tried them but just look at'em!" Suzumaki sets the boxes of sweets in the floor, taking the cupcake with strawberries on top. She lets out a giggle before taking a large bite. "Oh wow! It's so good!" Her mouth was full as she talked. After finishing the cupcake she closes the box and continues to paint the wall; half of it anyways.

Makoto's already bright smile grew even bigger when the girl offered him some of her bento."Gadly!" He responded, rushing to the female, grabbing the Onigiri she was Holding in her Hand.Wow... that really IS good! he thought while chewing on the onigiri. "Wow... that's good!" he responded. "My Name is Makoto, by the way, it's nice to meet you!"Operation Delta... a full success!

@AceXCrossix @Hobbesisalive
Would I ever! She thought taking a piece of octopus sausage and gulped it down. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she did so. 'THIS IS AMAZING RII-CHAN!' Kaede typed on her phone, showing it to Riika. The wonders of having a girl friend. Unlike Kaede, who couldn't even cook to save her life, Riika was so much better. The food tasted like her mother's cooking and that brought back warm memories. She made a mental note to ask Riika to show her how to cook. She looked up as Riika handed the boy an onigiri. Her head cocked to the side, wondering who he was. She hasn't seem him around here so he must have came in late. As if reading her mind, he told them.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW

Riika laughed when the boy gulped the onigiri down. She knew she could cook, but still she was surprised when Kaede showed her the message. Riika smiled and was filled with excitement. 'I am glad you like it!' She anwsered her with a big grin. Her attention going towards the boy again. 'Hay Makoto, I am Riika, the pleasure is mine..nice to see you like my cooking.' reffering to the scrumbs around his mouth. Her first schoolday couldn't start off any better then this.


Suzumaki smiles and give a peace sign, twirling on her heel in the process. "I will! They're not far from here."

She continues to paint; stopping after a minute to take a look at the progress.

"We're getting close!"

Crossing her arms, she stares at the floor in thought; she doesn't realize that she just painted her arm.

"I've gotta figure out who my dorm pal is..." She mentions, unfolding her arms to continue painting.

"Gah! My arm!" Suzumaki sighs and face palms. "I've gotta shower after this."


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