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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Riika followed his example and closed her eyes too, just enjoying the light breeze. "A2" she said in a quiet tone not wanting to break the sound of the wind. After a couple of seconds she opened one eye and looked at him. He seems interesting. She smiled and leaned her back of her head against the iron fence, letting her hair wave with the wind.



"Just immortalizing a couple new friends I made I tend to do that." Aaron said quietly. "I'm from America so I'm not from Japan either." He thought about how Leona had managed to just secure her grasp of the last company in England and was a little glad that she didn't recognize his last name. He then smiled softly. "I have some family in England..." He said. "Though I've never been there... I'm so happy to be away from America though." He said stretching his arms high into the sky and staring up at it. His shirt rising up slightly to reveal his thin stomach.

After a few minutes he stopped staring at the sky and dropped his arms and started playing with the grass with his shoe.

I am interacting with:


I am at: Under a tree in the courtyard.

The current time is: Lunch time!


Satsuki had watched the conversation between a boy and a girl. Were they in his class? He shrugged and stood up. He just got to ask. "Hey, are you two in a2?" The boy asked picking a cigaret out of his pocket. "Don't tell kay?" He chuckled and put the thing in his mouth. Blewing out the smoke and inahaling it again. "I am satsuki,"


After putting away his things, Ryuzaki crave another cigarette. Seconds of thinking brought him to the conclusion; the rooftop.

He searched around for a few minutes and finally found his way. The tall boy climbed the stairs and reached the door, opening it he was greeted with a soft brush of wind that caused his hood to fall off.

He didn't take into consideration that there were others relaxing and enjoying the peace. He somewhat slammed the door closed and took a seat beside the door he had just came through and lit up a cigarette.

@Hobbesisalive @whoeverelseisontherooftop

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Gintoki-sakata-gintoki-26203464-550-660.jpg.308e6fbe3c977e8cc46b1fdc5cc1a0d0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58231" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Gintoki-sakata-gintoki-26203464-550-660.jpg.308e6fbe3c977e8cc46b1fdc5cc1a0d0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 190 cm tall



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Riika opened her eyes as the door was slammed open. She stared at the tall guy and started laughing. He looked like someone who was about to beat everyone up. "Whoa sir calm down," the girl said with a grin. She was naturally social and didn't mind meeting new people. He looked okay, like someone who could live with a bit of action. Something that she like.

@Suzumaki Arakai
"huh... me too..." Matoko responded, completely zoned out. A smile started to form on his face, different from his usual one. this one was... weaker, maybe even more pure, to some extend. He now leaned back himself, trusting that the fence would be there to catch him. ...This is going to be an interesting year... definitely, he thought. "...But... well... i arrived pretty late...", Matoko explained. "...Also... lunch is going to end pretty soon...", the Boy said, slowly zoning back in.

Ichigo Shizuka

"Oh, That's cool." She replied to his drawing. She liked drawings for they were expressions of feelings or memoirs.

"Oh you do have have family in England, That's awesome, you should go visit, it's pretty there." She said his thin abdomen, blushing a bit.

She heard someone talking to her, she turned around to see a guy behind her, smoking, "O-Ok...". She replied to him, "My name Ichigo Shizuka, nice to meet you." She added

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Ryuzaki looked over at the girl and stared, taking a puff from his cigarette. He gave her a quick nod and began looking down at his phone.

After a second of silence he stood up, his cigarette held between his lips, and approached the girl. He kneeled down next to her; taking in a lot of smoke, removed the cigarette from between his lips and blew the smoke in her face.

"I'm calm." He said as he stood up, and let out a chuckle before taking a glance at the guy who was leaning against the fence.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
After eating her lunch at the cafeteria, Yumi slowly wandered around the school, allowing her legs to carry her wherever they pleased. The bell signalling lunch had concluded hadn't rang yet, so she wasn't in much rush to get anywhere. In fact, just listening to her own footsteps against the floor was soothing and relaxing, and it made her a lot more content in this new building. She eventually found herself inside her new dorm room. Jethro was already there, snoozing on the couch. It brought the slightest of smiles to her lips, and she grabbed a blanket off the closest bed, throwing it over him. She'd wake him up after lunch was over. @RyanJXavier

She then left the room, not wanting to wake the blonde from his slumber. The petite brunette wandered a little before deciding to head up to the roof, wanting to get a bird's eye view of the school in all its glory. She opened the door, seeing she wasn't alone, "Uhm... I'm not interrupting anything, am I..?" Yumi asked awkwardly, staying by the door. @Hobbesisalive @Suzumaki Arakai @BobbyW
Riika raised her eyebrows when the boy kneeled next to her. She got on her feet and faced the tall guy, taking his cigarettes out of his mouth. "Well good." She grinned and put the thing back in. Her eyes shifted towards Matoko. "I am going back to the class, see ya!" After that she took off towards her class. Lunch time was almost over anyway. On her way she bumped almost into a girl. Riika smiled and recognized her from the class. "Sorry," she mumbled before walking again.

@Suzumaki Arakai @BobbyW

@Leaf Fi
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Juvia left her dorm after dropping off her stuff and looking around. She decided to go to the roof top to read her book.. well tty to fix it anyways. She went through the door and let it shut by itself not caring if it was loud or not. She went to a corner and pulled out her book, investigating the broken spine "a bit of glue can fix it" she mumbled and began glueing the spine back together.

His eyes widen just a bit when she took the cigarette from him and put it back. After watching her disappear he laughed to himself.

That was interesting... he thought. After a second he finished his cigarette and pondered on what to do with it. If it was found on the rooftop he might not be able to smoke there anymore. Instead he decided to put it out on the wall and place it in his jacket pocket as he watched a girl enter through the door and let it slam behind her. They gotta get that door fixed...

He pulled another cigarette from his pack and lit it up. Afterwards he approached the girl, standing above her.

"What's that you're reading?"

@LunaCrosby @BobbyW
"A book, and I'm not reading it im fixing it" she said plainly and pointed at the broken spine as she continued to glue it together, a bit later she pressed the spine together and held it there so it would glue together correctly.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Matoko needed a few seconds to realize what was actually going on. there was... a person? and Riika was... gone? the Boy rubbed his head. "Uhm... hi there!" he exclaimed, with his usual Expression painted on. ...Well, that's a surprise, who is that guy? and what's his deal? Matoko thought, when suddenly, a Girl walked in.

"Oh, uhmm hello!", Takao exclaimed, waving at the Girl. "...And uhmm, no, not really. we-..." and that was all Matoko managed to say, before one more Person entered the rooftop, letting the door slam shut behind her. "Oh.. uhmm hi!.." ....what the hell just happened? how did all These People get here! Matoko rubbed his forehead.

@LunaCrosby @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi

Ryuzaki laughed, "Excuse me then." He tilted his head back and blew a large smoke cloud into the sky then looked over at the confused fellow, giving him a nod. "You know him?" He asks the girl with the book.

@LunaCrosby @BobbyW

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Gintoki-sakata-gintoki-26203464-550-660.jpg.09359ad1a3fb52cd79a74cea00943700.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58253" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Gintoki-sakata-gintoki-26203464-550-660.jpg.09359ad1a3fb52cd79a74cea00943700.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Riika entered the class room and got back to her seat back in the class. She plopped down on the chair and stretched her legs leaning her head over the chair. She didn't want the bell to go. Dozing off like this was just fine. She chuckled to her self and placed her head on her scarf that was laying on her desk. Just a little more minutes... of course she wasn't able to sleep now. She wasn't able to do anything on school except meeting people and picking fights everywhere. Yeah, she lived the exiting life.
Yumi couldn't help but giggle at Matoko reaction. His tone just got more shocked and shocked as more people came on to the roof. Poor guy sounded so confused. Yumi felt like walking right over to talk to him and get to know him a little better, the same with the girl fixing her book, but her eyes locked with the one smoking. Her nails curled into her fists and her expression hardened. Yumi was a stickler for rules, and this wasn't going down with her. Not at all.

She walked over to Ryuzaki and stopped beside him, clearing her throat. "You do realise smoking is against the rules, right? You'll get expelled if you're caught." She frowned, crossing her arms beneath her chest. @Suzumaki Arakai @LunaCrosby @BobbyW

Ryuzaki was just about to say something to the girl with book right as another girl approached him with a sour expression.

He stared down at her for a second, his cigarette loosely dangling from his mouth.

"You do realize," he pokes the girl in the middle of the forehead "that if I cared, I wouldn't be smoking now would I?"

He says this in a soft manner with a sarcastic smirk planted on his face.

@Leaf Fi @LunaCrosby @BobbyW
Haru walked into class burping. "Oh man that was good." He saw Riika and waved the paused. "Did I just openly want to socialize with a girl am I crazy!" He whispered to himself.

Riika opened her eyes smiling back at him. He looked scared? Surprised? She raised her head and had to blink twice before seeing well. "What are you lookijg weird for, I am not going to bite you." She smiled and adeed with a smirk. "I promise,"

@Nenma Takashi
Yumi blinked several times, a little stunned by the poke, before frowning deeply once more. Her brows followed her mouth and furrowed downwards. This guy had to be kidding... "You're gonna get caught sooner or later," she repeated, now holding a habd in front of her, "So I'm doing this for your own good. Give me the cigarettes, and this won't be reported to any of the teachers." @Suzumaki Arakai
...She seems to be taking School pretty seriously... or maybe she just doesn't like Smoking. Matoko thought, observing the coversation between the tall guy, and the girl who happened to enter the rooftop right after him. She seemed to be a tough one considering her actions, even though she might not look like it.

Matoko thought about maybe trying to Change the subject, since the tall guy was obviously going to provoke the girl, but the teen couldn't think of any way to do so unnoticed.

@Leaf Fi @LunaCrosby @Suzumaki Arakai
Jean walked to her dorm and set her bookbag down on the bed. She pulled out her laptop and charger out setting them on the nearest desk with an outlit. She plugged up her chager and laptop. After finally doing the task she's has been wanting to do for a while she sat on the bed. She took this time to look at her new dorm and awed about the amazing size of the dorm. 'This looks amazing!' She thought. She then looks at the other empty bed in front of her, 'I hope me and Raysho (@Rayischo ) will be friends, or at least have a relationship were we don't want to kill each other.' She chuckled at her thought. Next thing she knew, the bell rang! Jean gasped and grabbed her bag zipped it up fast and put it on. She jogged her way out of the dorms and to the school.

Omi closed his laptop after working on some teacher stuff. Lunch had finally ended and his classroom is going to be much bigger now. The principal had just sent him an email listing all of the A-2 students who just came in. 'Hehe looks like I was right, this is going to be one heck of a school year...' He thought smiling to himself.
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Ryuzaki laughed quietly, he took one last draw from his cigarette, put it out on the wall, placed it back in the carton and gently put the pack in the girls hand.

As he was placing it in her hand he grasped her wrist and got really close to her face, giving a smirk. "I like you." Of course this could cause misunderstandings.

Ryuzaki turned and left the rooftop without another word, the door slamming behind him.

@BobbyW @Leaf Fi @LunaCrosby

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Gintoki-sakata-gintoki-26203464-550-660.jpg.88c8826766e8c53d76723098516ac66f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Gintoki-sakata-gintoki-26203464-550-660.jpg.88c8826766e8c53d76723098516ac66f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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