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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

Asaolle smiled to himself as he transferred his body back into his brother's shadow just as his Malias was about to pound him and began to retreat from him. His shadow could be seen running for a side of a wall and it first it seem Asaolle was running away. Asaolle jumped out from his shadow, but his hands seemed to be pulling something out of it. When the boy fully materialized he was holding a short bow and a quiver of arrows that both fumed darkness from them. The demon knocked in arrow into the boy and pulled it back as he aimed at his brother. He was about to use a technique that he had been working on for quite a bit when he got the idea. So when he was ready to launch the arrow, he jumped inside of it, and the arrow was luanched by the force of the bow string sending the arrow and the demon inside of it at his brother. When the boy noticed he was two feet away from his target he jumped out from the arrow and was heading to the ground. The arrow itself shattered and Asaolle had vanished back into his own and when he leaped out of it and was heading for his brother with his fist out.

Before he could get in range however fumes could be noticed coming out from his sleeves and the collar of his shirt. As his feint came close to the other demon princes body he vanished and reappeared behind the other demon prince. With his elbow heading for the temple of his brother an easy shot to dodge for someone as skilled as him, but in the next few mili seconds his brother would feel fear creeping into his mind as Asoalle's fear inducment worked its way in to his brain.

Ayrabelle Mariana Kurtsy

Ayrabelle stood up slowly then instructed Sera to get some fruit, preferably some apples because they were her favourite. She left the dining room and head to her room to grab the shoulder bag that she use when she's like to go out to do some exploring. She was worried about A'Merie, but she knew that Light can protect her, so if her sister doesn't come home for hours then she'll have to send a message or do to Earth herself. One of the best thing for being the youngest is having a little bit more freedom than her siblings. She had been to Earth only once, but it was very difficult to her due to the size of her wings. Now they are bigger, much bigger than before, so she wanted to try again to get to Earth. She had practice flying with Sera, who is much older than her, and she had improved since she first arrived here. When the door to her room came into view she smiled then opened the door once she reached it. After entering the room she looked for the bag. It took her a few minutes to find it because of her lack of adventures for the past few days she had forgotten where she had put the bag.

"Princess," Sera stood in the open doorway with two blood red apples in her hand, "I've brought the apples."

"Oh thank you Sera," Ayrabelle smiled then opened the bag so Sera can put the apples inside. "I'm going into the forest to read, I need a change of scenery. If you are busy with kitchen work then I'll let you go to attend to that," Ayrabelle smiled then grabbed her brown hooded cloak and carried it with her. She walked over to her night table and picked up her favourite book then put it in the shoulder bag before closing it. Sera looked worried for a moment then replied, "but Princess-" Ayrabelle cut her off, knowing exactly what Sera was going to say. She had often gone out by herself before, but Sera being Sera, she still worries about her getting kidnapped or something. "I'll be fine Sera," She gave her a reassuring smile, "I promise not to go anywhere other than the forest and the village on the other side of it."

As usual, Sera was unable to stop her from going out by herself. She felt guilty for asking Sera to come with her later, but she knew that if Sera came she'll have more servant work to do when she gets back. Ayrabelle put the strap of the bag over her shoulder then she walked over to her balcony. The soft breeze touched her face gently as she spread her wings out wide. She took a deep breath in then looked back at Sera.
"I'll be back by sunset," she told Sera before taking off into the bright sky.

Ayrabelle head towards the green forest outside the palace wall. She held onto her cloak as she increase the speed and the wind felt nicer as it brushed against her hair. Less than ten minutes later she reached the forest and landed gracefully at the edge of the forest. She hid her wings then put her cloak on, covering everything that was below her neck. She looked at the forest for a moment, taken in what had changed since she last came here, before she started walking into the forest. She could hear the birds singing their beautiful song through out the forest. The deep she goes, the louder the birds' singing seems to get. Ayrabelle squealed a little when she saw what was in front of her. A big area on her left was covered with white flowers. Unfortunately, she was unable to give a name to the flower. She remember seeing it somewhere in the book, but she couldn't remember the name. She bent down to admire the beautiful white flowers on the ground of the forest.

{If you want to interact ^^~}

Asaolle was certainly inventive and used his shadow ability effectively. Retreat wasn't cowardly, it was smart to avoid taking too much damage, but the way his brother was using his ability would sap his strength, even the greatest of demons couldn't keep going on forever. He was genuinely surprised to see Asaolle create a bow and arrow out of shadow. For a second, he had trouble following the next few events as his brother appeared and vanished rapidly.

As he twisted to avoid Asaolle's attack, he felt the fear flow through his mind. He grinned and, for just a second, everything paused. Then he burst into blue flames. It scorched the earth around him, the light scattered the shadows away, and the flames reached for Asaolle. He tempered his flames so that even if they managed to touch his brother, they wouldn't do any serious damage. The worst Asaolle would get would be similar to a human sunburn.

"No more hiding" he said moving towards his brother and aiming a flurry of attacks towards the younger demon. The flames that covered his body made it hard to see where his attacks were coming from, making it even harder to dodge them as the flames added a larger attack range than normal.
Scout saw the flames come out of Malias. He took two pencils out of his pockets and used them to help him climb up. When he got up there, he watched the fight again, smiling while the two brothers duked it out.
Asaolle looked at the flames that were crawling up his legs and was about to shriek from the pain, but his body felt none. He was a little a shocked, but soon regained his awareness when his brother fist connected hard against his stomach. "Damn it" he squealed as he darted back. Asaolle couldn't do anything now that his brother lit up the area, but he did have a final option before he had his ass handed to him. Asaolle dashed over to the bow and the quiver of arrows that had fallen when he luanched himself at his brother.

Asaolle was incredibly annoyed he didn't attack with his original plan, but the fight was already finished and he would admit that he lost the fight, but he wouldn't give up yet. So when reached the bow and its arrows, he cocked it, pulled back on the string, and let it loose and because the shadows had already materalized into these forms they wouldn't be affected by the light of the flames. His brother would have had no clue his arrows wouldn't fade away because of the light. So with hope he wished his brother wouldn't try dodging as the arrow came close.
Malias followed his path as he ran around him and realized what he was heading for 'Why is he going after his bow and arrow, even if they are in the form of a weapon, the shadows will fall apart in the light of my fire' he watched as Asaolle picked up his weapon and aimed at him. When it was fired, Malias waited for the arrow to fall apart, when it didn't, his eyes widened "Shit!" he twisted as fast as he could but wasn't able to dodge in time as the arrow went through his arm.

He used the momentum to spin and propel himself forward. On his unwounded side, he formed his scythe and moved just passed his brother, the edge of the blade resting just before his neck. He chuckled "You really caught me off guard with that arrow" he said "And hiding in the shadows was brilliant" he really needed to work harder if his younger brother was already catching up to him.
"Well brother you see I was testing out a little hit and run technique, but I'm normally a little bit more agrresive" he gave a playful excuse before congratulating his brother on his victory "Good fight brother, but this fight shows me how tougher I have to train....I hope you don't mind asking you if we can do this again later, I'd like the experience." Then Asaolle began to walk off away from the scythe and it wielder. "If you need me I'll be making my way to the over world, I want to meet this angel sister spoke of...." With that the boy vanished into the shadows and at break neck speeds his shadow like form speed through the hallways of the castle and his way to the exit of hell.

The exit out of hell that he saw was cave like. Normally a wingless demon had to climb their way out of hell, but thankfully his form was equipped with a pair of raven black wings. So in a few seconds he was at the exit of the cave and then he found himself in one of the most beautiful places he remember from his old life. The outside was always a place of joy for him, even when he was abused. After admiring his surrounding, he lifted off to go look for the angel that was supposedly in the area but he went to look any ways even if this angel was a lie.

After 20 minutes of looking and a huge amount of luck he found a creature that cherubic features fitted that of an angel. So with silent speed he cruised down and perched himself in the trees cuaseing a small sound to be made. He body then slipped into the shadows of the leaves that were in the trees. When the demon creeped down to base of the tree he couldn't help but notice how pure the girl looked. Then he phased back into his full form, but his wings were not decorating his back. He looked up to the girl and made a simple lie to ask why she was here "M'am why are you trespassing in my property, I can have you arrested for being here, explain why your here or I'll call the police" he said as he gave the girl a smirk.

The Charmeine
After a nice breakfast, Genesis went off outside to get some fresh air -- with a bag strapped to her back filled with supplies -- while her siblings went their separate ways until Jeremiah came up to her,"

Hey Genny, you want to come with me to Earth to check on the mortals? I was just called to do my daily patrols and thought you would like to accompany me?

" He suggested since he was part of the Angel Army and knew of how happy Genesis would get when the topic involve with humans. Genesis' eyes looked as if they were twinkling stars when her brother offered the invitation and stared at her brother with pleading eyes begging to go along. Chuckling, Jeremiah could already tell that his sister was desperate to join and held out his hand for her to take,"

I'll take that as a yes.

" He said when Genesis accepted the offer, intertwining their hands together as the two spread their wings for their departure towards the land of mortals. With a bright smile plastered on her face, Genesis couldn't help but burst out into songs to express her excitement.

Her singing was gentle with a voice greater than the bird's and traveled just like the soothing wind passing by the lands. Her song could even silent a wailing child to sleep peacefully in a world of sweet dreams. Jeremiah was almost put into a trance at her singing and smile softly at how lovely such a sister he had to be able to bring such sweet melody into his life. He thanked the Lord for giving him and his family a wonderful child as her and was blessed each day to be able to live another day with his family despite them being in a war.

The journey towards Earth wasn't long as Jeremiah used his teleportation ability to travel faster and flapping their wings, they came to a halt above a building staring down at the bustling city below,"

You know the drill, Genny.

" Jeremiah said and released his hand from hers,"

I trust you but be careful. Remember, if things get out of hand, use this to call me.

" He instructed pointing at the amulet she had wrapped around her neck on a thin thread. With a nod, Genesis gave her brother a reassuring smile and waved watching her brother go off to do his duty while she swooped down into a dark alleyway to change into her human form. Once she touched ground, she scanned the area for any presence nearby before she closed her eye and inhaled.


A light started to emit from below her feet and shrouded Genesis' figure until she finally was just a glowing silhouette in the darkness, unseen. The light began to morph into a wingless figure and soon the light extinguished leaving the alley to become back to its darkness. When the blinding light did vanish, what was left was a girl about 5'6" tall and her short hair was a light blonde -- unlike Genesis' sandy-brown tresses -- with a fluffy appearance to it. Her eyes were the same as Genesis and her appearance over all resembled Genesis' own though there were slight differences to her features. Her apparel was a white collared-blouse with ruffles at the end and along the buttons, a light green, floral-pattern skirt that reached just above her knees with beige oxford flats and a white knitted beret sat on top of her soft hair. On her back, the brown bag was still strapped on.

Walking out of the alleyway casually into the crowd to blend in among the humans, Genesis started her research on the mortal's activities and observe their actions. From what she learned so far, they had these tools called "technology" that are able to do many amazing things though not as great as heaven's own '


'. Noticing the rectangular devices called 'phones' being pulled out from many of the humans around her, Genesis started her observation and took out her notebook to take notes on everything she saw fascinating.

At a halt in front of a black pavement, Genesis watched a blinking light up ahead with the mortal counting system displayed as the crowd continued ahead with a quick pacing with huge machines stopping for them to cross. Following after the humans, she made it over to the other side just in time as the symbol changed to a hand and the vehicles which she knew as "automobiles" came to life and speed off towards their destinations.

Roving around the city with curious eyes, Genesis came to another stop as something caught her attention of a faint voice familiar to her. The voice wasn't loud enough for the humans to hear over the busy city but with Genesis' advanced senses, she was able to hear what sounded to be singing. Curiosity caught her attention to what could be the source of the voice, picking up her pace to follow it.

Coming to a clearing far from the city and more into a forest area, Genesis continued on her mission to find out who the mystery singer could be till she came to a herd of forest animals surrounding an angel. Genesis gasped in shock to set eyes on one of the royal princess in heaven. She didn't say a word and just stared in awe at how breath-taking the scenery was. Gorgeous white tresses flowing down towards the angel's shoulder, porcelain skin glowing bright under the sun and beautiful feathers untainted. The angel princess was, without a doubt, a true masterpiece, all of the royal family were. It was a gift that they all possessed. It would be a sinful lie if Genesis didn't feel any tad lingering of envy but at the same time, she knew that God created all his children to equally look beautiful in their own way.

Keeping a safe distance from the princess, Genesis hid behind a nearby tree within the shadows the trees provided, her subconscious was completely in a trance at the melody and she felt herself feeling strangely somnolent to even fall asleep on the spot. Her body soon was moving at its own accord and taking a step closer, her feet stepped on a twig that let out an audible '


' through the forest and waking her up from the clouds,"

Uh oh.

" She muttered softly.


The Douma
Through the cracks in the trees, light slipped through to make dots on the ground while the man strolled on the dirt paved path at a steady pace. The forest provided great shade and was a great place to spend time for himself as his eyes leveled on the path ahead admiring the beauty the forest had to offer. It never creased to amaze him at how the heavens was always the most magnificent with its creations always perfect. From the tips of mountains to the even the Earth, God creation was perfect.

Letting out a sigh, the man soon noticed a small form crouching over a patch of white flowers. The figure was covered with a brown cloak and was distracted by the flowers to even notice his presence. He felt suspicious of the cloaked figure and went over to investigate who could be this small stranger that look to be the size of a child. Maybe it was one of the kids since the figure had no wings meaning it was either hidden or the figure was a trespasser in heaven that could possibly be a demon spy up to no good. Whoever or whatever it was, he made sure to check it out, his movement silent to not blow his cover.

Once he was close enough by arm length, he used connected with the being through telepathy,"

Are you lost child?

" He asked, his voice echoing faintly in the mind of the child as he waited to see what may happen next.
Arable picked some of the white flowers, hoping to take it back to the castle with her so she can decorate her room with it. As she picked up the flower she heard a voice in her head, making her jumped. She stood up rather quickly, with flowers in her arms, then turned around to see an angel with white hair. She looked up at him, feeling like a tiny dwarf compare to the angel in front of her. This was her first time meeting someone with telepathy, the same ability as her. She gave him a bright innocent smile of a child and shook her head. She wasn't lost, at least she doesn't think so anyway.

She studied him carefully before replying through telepathy, "
No, I'm just...exploring"

She titled her head a little before asking a question out of curiosity but this time she asked it out loud, "
Who are you?" Ayrabelle had met many angels when she lived with her mother, but ever since she moved in with her father, the king, this is the first time in a while that she had met someone new. At the castle they all respected her on because she was the youngest princess, but now, outside the wall, no one knows her, which gives her the freedom to be normal, well, as normal as an angel with powers can get. She didn't expect to meet someone this quickly. She thought that she won't meet anyone till she reach the village on the other side of the forest. Ayrabelle had been to that village from time to time to play with the kids her age, but lately she had been too engrossed in reading that she didn't make time to go and visit them. She told herself that she should go, maybe soon, but not today. She have to wait for A'Merie and Light to come back from Earth before she can let her guard down. Ayrabelle kept the smile on her face and waited for him to reply.

With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


More and more little animals;rabbit's, birds, squirrel's, even a herd of little insects had come rushing in the direction of the sweet heavenly voice of the angelic princess. Soon she was not only petting the little blue birds head, but trying her best to give as much love and attention to all of the creatures that sought her out. A'Merie had been so lost in her blissful singing that she hadn't sensed another presence with her. Not until she was spoken to. "Oh!" she squeaked as she turned her head towards the direction of the voice she had heard. It was a boy. No no, that wasn't right..he was a demon. That much she could surely tell. But oddly that did not frighten her. If there was one thing that anyone should know about A'Merie, it was that she did not judge a book by its cover. By then all of the little creatures scurried away in fear, except for a little bunny rabbit she had been holding in her gentle grip. "Oh my..h-hello. I-im so sorry, I did not know that these lands where owned. Please forgive me." the little angel breathed softly as she quickly and gently placed the little bunny rabbit that had been resting on her lap down on the ground and stood, dusting off what grass and dirt may have gathered on her flowy white dress. A'Merie had only been to heaven once and that was when she was just a little girl. She had learned what little she could about this little planet from books and story's from people who had been there. Of course she hadn't known that the forest wasn't own by anyone. How could she?

Curiosity took over her. She wondered why and how this boy had owned these lands if he took residence in hell. Unless of course he was stationed on earth for some reason, allowing him to own land on earth. Just before she got a chance to let her curiosity take over, she heard another sound come from not to much of a distance from where she stood. Her head immediately snapped in that direction but she saw nothing, but she did sense another presence.
"H-hello? Is anyone there? Come out. Do not be afraid.". Her sweet voice, like milk and honey flowed with the wind in the direction of her new visitor.



ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


"Mmmm, you never sees to impress me Alec dear." Electra purred as she whipped the corner of her mouth with her thumb and sat back, relaxing on her ever so fluffy furrs and silks of her lavish California king bed. Her room was humongous, fit for a rock star. The theme of her decor was simple; dark, sexy and mysterious, which pretty much summed up her personality all wrapped up in a bow. Well, let's not forget evil. That's pretty important..

"Now get out..all of you." her not so queenlieness commanded, and like that, the four dangerously handsome and muscular men who had also been lounging on her ever fluffy bed had quickly stood to there feet, bowed and said,"Yes your majesty!" in unison and shuffled out of her room, closing the door behind them. Electra sighed dramatically as she sat up on her bed and threw her legs over the edge,"Agh! What is taking that damn assassin so long! It should not be THAT hard to locate and capture a single pathetic angel!" she huffed and finally stood from her position on her bed and strode over to her Luxurious vanity; two cold yet seductive blue green eyes staring back at her in the mirror. 'Calm yourself Electra. You should have known better then to send that horrid excuse for an assassin. You know very well that to get something done right, you will have to do it yourself.' and with that thought, her face brightened up, though it wasn't exactly bright and cheery. I mean..she WAS a demon.

Before to long, Electra had vacated her room, had marched down the hall and stopped right in front of the castle stairs. Raising her fingers to her lips, she blew once and a loud eerie whistle screeched loud into the air. It took mere seconds but soon a figure was spotted flapping in the distance. It roared a mighty and horrific roar. It was a dragon. A horrifically beautiful looking crecher with purple scales all along its body and discolored white spikes protruding from its neck and down its back to it's tail. It landed directly in front of Electra with a loud 'whoosh'. Without a moment to spare, Electra had leaped into the air and had mounted the beast,
"Good girl Nitiri. Now, let's go." and without a second to spare, they where launched into the air and soared through the dark "sky's" of hell. The portal to hell was normally a tunnel located in the castle, but as always, Electra had to have her own personal way of doing things. Her dragon, Nitiri, had the special gift of being a living breathing taxi/portal. Only through riding her would anyone be able to cross between realms.

It took no time at all to break through the barrier between heaven and hell, especially when riding atop a powerful ancient dragon; so it was no surprise that they had made it to earth and had even tracked down the surprisingly, not ONE angelic presence, but three, which made Electra grin with delight.
"Ohhh this is ganna be funn..."

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Asaolle stared at the small petite figure that stood in front of him. A creature that had sweetness drooling from her lips. He smiled when the girl had comforted the figure that hid itself from a Demon and Angel. "So this is an angel" he muttered to himself in a monotone voice. 'Well then may as well have some fun before my sister takes her', but then he noticed the ghastly presence of a demon that he could only recognize as his brutal sister. So in the terms of his own safty he grabbed onto the unaware angel and sprouted his wings. The boy blasted off of the ground, and looked around for the devilish princess. Then whispering into the girls ear "Do you mind playing along for a moment....I'd rather not go through excrutionary pain...so hush hush" Then the boy yelled out to his older brutal sister "Hey I did the assassins job for him....." The boy continued to gaze around the air around him as he searched for the monster that could make him feel pain ten times worse then a knife going in and out of a open wound.
He chuckled "I always enjoy a good spar" Malias said as his fire died down around him "Anytime you need to test your skills, just ask" he watched as his brother left before letting his scythe vanish and checking his arm "Damn, that was a good shot" he mumbled as he snapped the end of the arrow easily. The second it was snapped, it burst into smoke like shadow, leaving the hole it had created.

Demon's healed faster than humans, the hole would be gone in about half an hour. He could barely move his hand, though the pain was manageable. His personal servant arrived holding bandages. She was a young girl, probably from a low class demon family that needed the money that came from giving their child to serve the royal family. She was around fifteen or so and pretty enough to be an angel.

"Elicia" he started before she gave him a look that would have gotten a week of torture from Electra "One of the other servants told me that you were training out here and sparring with Asaolle" she said looking at his arm "I didn't think your brother would shoot you in the arm" she sighed and walked towards him, taking his arm and beginning to wrap it up "One day you are going to get hurt enough that you won't be able to heal fast enough, then where will we all be? Trapped under your sister's little finger"

He chuckled "Come on, I won't die that quickly you know"

She frowned and jabbed her thumb into his wound making him yelp "Ow, come on, I'm hurt here" he said, though he didn't stop smiling.

"You are my master and my friend, I'm pretty much screwed if something bad happens to you, my parents don't care much about me and I'm not bound to get much love in this palace either" she tightened the bandages "And what was with all that fire? You could have done some serious damage to the area and made a horrible mess, just like a Prince to not worry about the messes us Servants have to clean up"

"How many times have I offered to help with your duties only to be told 'The King and Queen wouldn't like that, you might lose your standing as Eldest Prince'" he said doing a poor impression of her.

She jabbed his wound again "Hey, don't talk smack, I still stand by that, if you stop being Prince, I get either tossed aside or given to someone else"

"Ow! Hey, I may be injured, but I'll still hold you in a head lock" he said grabbing at her, only to be dodged.

She smirked "I've spent much more time with you than anyone else, with you injured I can easily dodge your movements" she then took off as he chased her. They both paused seeing the Dragon arrive.

"Looks like she's decided to go after that angel herself" Malias said softly before frowning "That can't be good"

"Angel?" Elicia asked curiously "What is this about an angel?"

"Apparently there is an angel on Earth and Electra wants to bring them back here, probably to torture or play around with them" he shook his head before noticing Elicia looking at him before shaking his head "Oh no, I really can't"

She nodded "You can't let your sister get access to an angel, they are one of this universes most beautiful things, letting her torture one would go against everything you claim you want to change about the demon world" she gave him a hard look that said she wouldn't budge on the subject.

Sighing, he nodded "Alright, but I can't beat that Dragon"

"Ahead of you already" she said taking his hand and leading him inside and finding a closet. Once there, she closed her eyes and focused. In front of her opened a small portal showing trees and grass.

Malias could see the pain in her face and quickly jumped through the portal with a soft thank you before it shut behind him.

Elicia sighed and slumped to the floor of the closet "I hate doing that, but if it is for one of those beautiful angels" she grinned.

On Earth, Malias looked around "It has been such a long time since I was last here" he said softly before looking around "Alright, which way should I go?" he wondered before sensing his sister's energy "Damn that was fast" he said and from his back sprouted powerful black wings before he took off into the air and shot towards the nearest Angel signature.
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


A'Merie was just about to walk towards the unknown presence that hid from them when suddenly, she felt something grab her arm, lifting her into the air. "Ohhh dearrr!" She cried, as if she where afraid of heights. Ridiculous, yes. It turned out the the boy that she had been talking to before had lifted her into the air with him, and before she had time to protest or, very gently ask him to put her down, the boy had asked her to "play along". 'Play along...? What ever could he mean' she thought to herself, but she did not argue or complain. Instead, she simply nodded in response. She did however, listen closely to what the boy was yelling out to seemingly nothing. But that's when it hit her. This intense suffocating presence. She felt it hit her like a football to the chest. What in heaven's name was that? For the first time ever, A'Merie felt a twing of fear in her heart. Whatever it was they where going towards, she hoped that it was friendly.


She felt it, it was cold, two presences, each originating from the underworld that would deem her an enemy. And they were converging on a location, "A'Merie!?" She slammed her wings hard against the ground, sending herself into the sky as she soared towards where the two hostiles were. Her lance was tight in her hand, a sharp grip as she closed in ever quicker. She flapped hard, the wind beating against her face as she broke sound, passing like a shooting star among the twilight that had befallen earth.

Wait, a third!? Another presence, no... Not good, whatever danger A'Merie is in, she needs to get out of. I recognize the one... It can't be, can it? Electra... She clenched her fists tight, kicking her leg as she grew far quicker, blasting into the airspace that was occupied by the two demons and one currently captured A'Merie. Her body caught up with her as her wings flapped slowly, keeping her powerful yet slim form however at level with the others. Her eyes scanned over the two,"My, my..." She extended her grip on her lance as she glared at the younger boy, "You may not understand who you're carrying... But I am not too certain you'd want to carry her much longer." Her icy gaze pierced the orange sky.

With a slow advancement, she kept her lance up, aimed tight at the boy, she knew her princess was not dead, and whatever nonsense he had sprouted before was simply some sort of lie.
"You've heard me haven't you demon? Let her go, now..."

The Charmeine

Genesis glanced up at the princess as she called out to her and was distracted to even realize that there was another being, an evil entity, with the princess. Before she could even make a move to block the demon from placing a finger on the princess, she was ripped out of her reach and taken away into the air. Genesis gasped and light soon emitted from her body in a flash before she was transformed into her angelic form, her untainted wings spread and flew after the demon who had kidnapped the princess towards a another demon who rode on a gigantic beast. Genesis' eyes dilated in shock at how the demons were being so ruthless with their decisions on the mortal world that could cause harm to the humans and even the princess who was held hostage by that man,"

W-wait! Princess!

" She called in shock but was paralyzed to try to do anything at the sight of the beast.


The Douma
He stared down at the puny child and smiled seeing that she meant no harm to the heavens though he was surprised to see that she was able to use telepathy. It was even weirder that she did not know about him as most would instantly address him as his title but it may be so that this child was new to this place,"

I'm sorry for scaring you child. My name is Douma. May I know your name?

" He asked with a gentle smile trying not to scare the girl.

OOC Note: Genesis will stay out of this as I'll be sleeping now.
"Shit" Asoalle muttered to himself, as he saw the girl in front of him. "Sorry M'am, but I can't give you her back.....my sister would torture me for hours might even die...." He said with fear spilling out of his voice. He could have really used Samuel for this but he had him playing some classical music for some punk servant. Then he noticed his older brothers prescence and now his eyes could clearly see his beast of his sister. 'Ok my brother seems to be the safer choice in this situation' he thought to himself as he blasted toward his brothers unique presence.

Eventually flew past his brother with a grin and simply turned around to talk with his brother. "Sister....Angel Knight.....And some important angel in my hands....help" He breathed out between words due to fear and paranoia. Then his face looked down at the girl in his arms, his bangs had fallen in his eyes and he asked the angel a question he deemed important "Who the hell are you?" Asoalle had fear in his eyes as he looked back at his brother. "I know you've been training to battle sister, can you handle her as I hide her...I'd rather hide her then hand her over to our sister, so thank god you showed up" The demon prince spoke desperately.


ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


She had only been on earth for a few minutes and there where already so many presences coming towards her. "Hmm, how sweet..". Nitiri had found a place to land, but just before she had the chance to, and angel all but charged into the clearing. Her dragon hovered as the little angel(at least little to her)made her speech, all the while her brother had brought the angel that she had been seeking to her. 'This day just keeps getting better and better' "My my little brother. You brought me a present? How sweet. Such a good boy. You shall be rewarded for your actions." the demon goddess announced, taking a good look at the angel he clung to. Electra's eyes widened. This was no ordinary angel. This one..she was different. This one...she was...royalty. Ohh if this didn't please her nothing would. This was a glorious day indeed. Turning her attention to the chattering monkey(light)in the clearing, Electra pushed off of her dragon, leaping into the air and allowing her own raven wings to rip from her back. She floated elegantly until her feet touched the soft green grace. "Now, take her home and lock her in the dungeon." she commanded her little brother, not even bothering to face him. 'I'll take out the trash'. "Oh, and Asaolle? Don't let her out of your site." she concluded, and slowly began strutting forward towards light.

Electra positioned herself between Light and her brother who was holding the princess, daring her to make a move.
"Do you really want to do this...uh..i'm sorry, i didn't catch your name.." the demoness said sarcastically as Nitiri made a loud roar, signifying that she was laughing at her masters comment. The dragon then landed harshly, causing the earth to quake and crumble beneath her claws. It had been a little to long since Electra's last battle. Everyone feared her, so she never truly had to lift a finger. But then there where angel's, and this particular species just didn't know when to give up. Which, Electra was thankful for. It would be so dull if she was just handed everything; which she was because she was so feared.

Malias looked at Asaolle and the angel he had with him when they arrived "Damn it Asaolle, she is clearly royalty, she's bound to have guards around her" he frowned as he looked at the angel. Everything about her radiated royalty "Now I really can't allow Electra to get her, if word got out that the Eldest Daughter of the Demon King kidnapped an Angel Princess, we'd have the worst kind of trouble on our hands"

He sighed "Seriously, of all the angels you had to try and pick up, it had to be a princess" his eyes glowed "Go on, I'll deal with Electra, she has a harder time using her eyes on me" with his ability to create ties to other people, he could cause a feedback loop that would rack both their bodies with pain should she try it on him. He really hoped he didn't have to fight Electra at this moment though, a full on fight between them would cause a lot of commotion with the humans and probably end with one of them dead.

He took off towards Electra and the other angel that was there 'A warrior' he thought 'Just great' what he was most afraid of was a full scale war between the Angels and Demons. They had a relatively uneasy peace with the angels at the moment and it was Malias' goal to keep it that way.

The guardian stood, rather firmly as her boots meshed firmly on the ground. She stared at the jeering demonic princess.
"I have no care for your kind, all I desire is to get princess back." She began to walk forward, "However, I assume you won't let me by as easy as that? No... You wouldn't I can see it in your eyes, you demon." Her icy gaze pierced that of Electra's, she had no fear of the woman, and should a fight be the only thing holding her back from saving the princess, then so be it.

She seems far stronger than I... Her mind was quickly shaken of doubt as the chinking of her lance indicated her readiness, "I will offer you this one time, move out of the way, please."


ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


Electra let the Angelic warrior get her threats out of her system. They meant nothing to her. And when she spat out the word 'demon' she simply curtseyed as one of royal standard would know how to do all to well. When the angel offered her one last chance to let her retrieve her precious princess, Electra couldn't help but to throw her head back and laugh hysterically. Surly this little angel was joking. She? Giving HER one last chance. Why, that was simply the laugh of the day. However, her laughter came to an abrupt halt as she straitened her face to give Light a brutally cold stare. "An angelic warrior that can not keep track of her master does not deserve to threaten me." she spat icely. But then something remarkable happened that hadn't happened in ages it seemed. The angel looked her in the eyes, which gave her the window to show this angelic bitch whin charge. She began her compulsion that should drive the angel mad with pain. It never failed. No one..and I o's mean NO ONE had the power to completely avoid her power. Maybe they could dim it down some how, but never completely untouched. Electra prided herself in that. This being one of her favorite and most well known powers.

Suddenly, she felt another presence. 'Agh..what the hell is he doing here...' she thought to herself in disgust. It was her "older brother". The one she disliked the most. Surely he was here to stop her which pissed her off all the more.
"Malias,what a pleasant surprise. Have you come to stop me in the name of peace and tranquility..?" she said sounding rather nice and sisterly like, all the while keeping her eyes glued to the angel in front of her Of course, she meant this in the utmost disrespect. Malias always got in her way and it just made her blood boil. Not only did that anger her, but what angered her the most was that he was next in line to the thrown; though her father somewhat favored her a bit more. To her, Malias was the least fit to bare the crown. He was a half bread demon with a kind heart(to her). I mean...who ever heard of a kind hearted demon!? It was sickening! As far as she was concerned, he would never ascend to the thrown. Hell, even her little brother would most certainly do a better job of ruling there great kingdom! Anyone but him.

She raised her lance as the pain manipulated its way into her body, however, after years of proper training and horrifying mental installments, she grew rather immune to this dominance that was seeming to excrete itself through her body. "I don't know what you're trying to pull! But I am no tool for a simple or demon to just toss around." She had been crafted from an ancient power, whatever this self-proclaimed princess seemed to obtain as power, had no affect on her. "Raise your blade in fight me! Or would you rather I let this slide? After all, if you just get out of my way, and let me reacquire my young mistress, then I will happily let you live."

Her tone was cynical and her eyes were ice blue, piercing back with equal strength of that that the demonic royalty could muster. Then there was the acknowledgement to her brother rather than the opponent right in front of her,
"Both of you, stand down, NOW!" Her voice was commanding, but no where near as dominant as that of Electra's. "And, by the way, oh high and mighty princess of the underworld, before you die, the angel that will slay you goes by the name of Light."

"Of course Dear Sister" he said with surprising and equal kindness as she "You are my little sister, it is my job to protect you and my future Kingdom and your actions here are putting both in very grave danger, if you were to capture that princess and do whatever you plan to do to her, it would bring the wrath of the Angels onto the Demons and you'd start another War" he never worried about her causing him pain. She could do whatever she wanted to him and he'd still do the exact same thing given the chance.

Electra was family, no matter what she did, so it was also his duty to prevent her from causing herself damage.

Despite his feelings on demons, he was a Demon Prince, in line to become King. It was his duty to think of his people, those he would one day rule over. He couldn't let his sister, who only cared for herself and her needs, do whatever she wanted as ruler of the Demon World. Letting her rule would be like letting everything become her toy. Then he thought about the humans, humans like his mother, the things she would do to them for her own amusement.

His eyes snapped to the Angel as she raised her voice, then he did something he rarely did, he acted like a Demon Prince. His eyes glowed with blue fire "Angel" he said softly, never raising his voice but commanding all the same "I suggest you leave, I will deal with my sister, you take care of your Princess, my brother will give her up peacefully, after all I'm sure your Princess wouldn't like the bloodshed you are calling for" he was making a simple guess, assuming that an Angel Princess would be kinder than her warriors.

Turning his eyes back to his sister, his body language made it very clear that he was not going to change his mind on the subject.
Lavina's heart skipped a beat. "She's where!?" Her voice echoed throughout the dining hall. It felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest. Why would she go to Earth? She knows that place is forbidden. I hope she's not in trouble! She bolted out of the door and into the gardens where she saw nothing. The wide pasture was completely empty, no angel in sight. Knowing that she couldn't find a way to Earth, Lavina went to a shading tree and sat down. Staring out into the forest, she began to think. Hopefully she's not hurt. That would be devastating for everyone. Someone must've followed her. Who's that angel that always watches over her? Light, I think. She probably followed Merie. If she did, everything will be fine.

Lavina allowed the warm breeze to cradle her to sleep. When she thought about Earth and the princess, a weird feeling passed over her. She could sense that something was happening. But she had no way to get to Earth. The feeling was short-lived, however, and she fell asleep under the shaded tree.
"Douma," She repeated the name to herself quietly, "it's nice to meet you!"

Ayrabelle wondered if she should tell him her real name or not. She didn't want people to treat her because of her family name, she dislike it when people from outside of the wall do that. After some thinking, she decided on the name that she'd tell Douma. "I'm Ayra," she told him then pick a white flower out of a bouquet of flowers in her arms and extended the flower towards Douma, "Do you come to the forest often?"

After she had asked the question, a weird feeling fell upon her. It was a sickening feeling that something bad might be happening. She looked down at her bracelet that her father had given her then thought of A'Merie. She's not in trouble is she? Ayrabelle thought as her face became a frown, I just hope that Light found her. She shook her head and told herself that her older sister was fine, as long as she have Light with her, so she smiled then look at Douma, shaking the weird feeling out of her.



ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


After all of this ruckus, Electra had enough. Her eyes left the angel before her and focused on it's new target. Malias. "Stay out of my way, filthy half breed." Electra hissed through her teeth. She had come so close to capturing the angel. She would NOT let her idiot brother stand in her way. "Nitiri! Capture the girl, and take her back to hell with you. Keep her in your guard. Do you understand me!?". Her voice was cold, but her iceieness was not geared towards her pet. The dragon roared in response and let it's wings stretch wide, shooting at a incredible speed into the sky and after her little brother and the angel. Nitiri may just be a dragon, but she was ancient. Much older then even Electra herself. She was strong, and Electra knew that she could take care of herself.

"Now.." the demoness growled as she slowly crouched down to touch the soft grass. It almost looked like she had completely forgotten about the two standing before her. Until...Electra began to whisper something. An incantation in a tong not known to man. She let her hand graze and caress the earth and soon it began to rumble and smoke around her. The smoke engulfed her and soon it became difficult to see her. Suddenly, skeleton's,ten's, hundreds had began to break through the layer of earth and crawl out, standing to their boney feet, and when the smoke slowly began to clear, it was not Electra standing before them, but Aion; Electra's little brother. She had shifted. A risky decision, but one she felt was necessary. A small army of skeleton's seemed a bit much just to take on a angel and her idiot brother, but Electra was no fool. She knew of her brother's ability's. Knew that he was a formidable opponent. Sure he claimed that he was stronger then her, which she would let him think. Though, yes, she would admit that her half blooded brother was quite strong, it was rather curious that he could get the notion that he, a half breed was stronger then her, a pure blooded demon princess whom was technically much older then he was. Malias may be strong. But she was smart. And she would NOT lose against him.

Nitiri made her way towards where Asoalle was running to. She would do as her master commanded. It was strange to many how a powerful dragon like her would submit to a bratty demon princess like Electra, but that was a bond that no one would understand. Nitiri respected Electra. She understood her. To Nitiri, Electra was the spitting image of her when she was a young dragon, ruling over her own kind. Now there where only a few of her kind left, thanks to some humans and even a few angels. This mission was personal. She would capture the angel if it was the last thing she did.


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