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Angel of Mine


Creator Of My Own Twisted World

[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]  A n g e l.  o f.  M i n e.   [/COLOR]


One day, on Lilith's way home, she came across Gabriel lying in the middle of the road.  He appeared hurt, but is unresponsive when Lilith tried to rouse him.  Not having a phone on her to call an ambulance, she carried him the short distance back to her home and tried to revive him.

After several minutes of rest, Gabriel awakened with the most excruciating scream of pain. He jolted up, and immediately start drawing sigils on the walls of Lilith’s home with his own blood. Terrified, she demanded that him stop and explain himself. He removes their shirt, revealing where his angel wings have been clipped and states they used to be part of God’s Army.  

Lilith has never been particularly religious, and needs plenty of convincing that Gabriel isn’t a lunatic.  He explained that he had been banished from Heaven and he needed to hole up with her because he has no where else to go and the world is unsafe for him. She reluctantly agrees to let Gabriel live with her, and over time, helps to teach him how to pass as a human.




Gabriel (not THE Gabriel) 


Over 3 centuries, (One looses count after 150 years or so)

Appearance: Like all Angels, Gabriel is tall, well built and handsome. With his dark hair and steely grey eyes he may look fierce, especially as he doesn't smile often, but when he does it lights his face. 

Personality: Gabriel has always loyal to the Holy Father and has dedicated his life to the Holy service. Fiercely loyal he will fight to protect what he believes in, and has spent over 3 centuries guarding over the Human realm, protecting it from rogue Angels and Demons.

Misc: Gabriel was a Protector, a higher rank than most Angels (Guardians) but not quite an Arch Angel. His role was to keep watch and guard the Human realm from evil. When he wasn't fighting evil, he enjoyed watching the coming and going of the Humans and watching the passing of time. Before his banishment he was a powerful being, able to summon a blade of light and control the air around him, forging it into a weapon if he wanted. He also had the gift of summoning and healing like most Angels. After a now rogue Angel betrayed him and forced him to reveal himself to a group of Humans, Gabriel was banished to the human world, with his Heavenly armour and wings taken from him and his powers muted.


[SIZE= 12px]Name: Lilith Amelia Delacroix[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Age: Twenty Four[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Appearance: Standing at an average height of 5’6, Lilith maintains her long wavy hazelnut brown hair down to her waist. She has a heart shape face and a tone figure due to years of martial arts and working out. Her eyes are blueish grey complimented by thick, long lashes and a double-eyelid. Blessed with rosy lips and a fair complexion, she is rather confident in her looks and is comfortable with her body. Her nose is tall and sharp and her eyebrows are sleek and dark. Lilith is mostly seen wearing pastel or lighter colored clothing to contrast her darker hair.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Personality: Lilith has a giving personality mainly due to her upbringing. She feeds strays in the streets and likes to strike up conversations with the less fortunate. However, she holds everyone at a distance because people leave all the time and she tries to not get attach to them. Her father died. Her mother died. She cannot take anymore death. However, that never stops her from trying to be compassionate person. She, however, is extremely distrustful and doubtful of many she meets, listening is one thing but believing is another.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Lilith is also easily persuaded and bribed if given the right incentive. She doesn’t think of everything in black or white and thus finds herself manipulated at times. However, the girl has a short temper and is blunt and coarse with her words. Most of the time, she’s easy going and wished she had more time to spend outdoors playing sports or going on vacations. However, Lilith can be seen as rather unproductive with her time, sometimes sleeping her day away afterwork or missing classes because she’s bored with them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Misc: Food was one thing Lilith enjoys the most during the day whether it’s bread or just a piece of candy. She loves to cook dearly, finding it to be a stress-reliever and mainly because she has to do it so it’s better to like it than not. While she enjoys most food, Lilith is not a fan of eating or drinking anything that is black which includes coffee, mushrooms, tea, etc. She also is rather messy and a bit of a absentminded in a way where she remembers where she puts it but it gets thrown everywhere. She doesn’t like to clean up after herself but does it eventually after a week or two. Whenever she gets nervous, Lilith stutters and always laughs off her mistake as if they’re nothing. She currently is a chef at the Cheesecake Factory.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Life Story: Born and raise in downtown Los Angeles, Lilith came from a rather poor family yet loving family. They had her way too young and her father overworked himself to support both of them thus passing away leaving her mother alone. Since five, Lilith has already been a thief, stealing things from others just because she herself couldn’t afford it. Let it be bread, water, or just toys. When her teachers caught her in the act, her mother would take her home and buy her bread because she knew her little girl barely had enough food for the day. At a certain point, she started realizing her situation doesn’t condone her actions. She needed to work for herself, to become a better person and right her wrongs. It was hard to get a college education after high school when she needed to take care of her mother. However, her mother soon passed away from leukemia once Lilith turned twenty two. It was then when she had no one else to rely on but herself. She turned her life around, working long hours to pay for her small apartment and a few classes in community college. Her ultimate dream is to become a nurse but Lilith lives day by day, making only enough to feed herself and provide a roof over her head.  [/SIZE]
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The first thing that Gabriel registered was the biting wind against his skin and a sinking feeling of falling, and twisting through the air. Legs and arms somersaulting over his head, unable to register which way was up. Instinct kicked in and he flared his wings out to catch him. Only they didn't catch him. A searing, mind numbing pain seared through his back, causing him to cry out in anguish only for the wind to whip the sound away. The realisation of his situation finally hit him, along with the realisation of what this meant. He had been banished. As he got closer and closer to the ground he wondered through bleakly which would hurt more, the betrayal or hitting the ground. 


As Gabriel lay bleeding and unconscious on the ground, he dreamt. Angels are not immortal, they can be killed, they are just much harder to kill, even the ones that have been banished. Images flashed through his mind, of when he protected the humans and would hunt down rogue banished angels, his heavenly sword strapped across his back in-between his wings. His entire life, over 300 years, had been dedicated to protecting, and now he was one of the banished Angels.


Waking up on the cold tarmac Gabriel opened his eyes, only go close them in a grimace as the pain in his back seared through him. Gabriel had experienced pain before, but nothing like this. He had sustained multiple other injuries and a broken arm during the fall, but he didn't notice, his whole attention on the wound at his back. Peering around he realised he was on a road side by what looked to be a large forest, completely alone save the animals scuttling around in the forest behind him. He realised at this point that he was only wearing a pair of plain leggings, his precious armour had been taken from him. Bracing himself he peered over his should to look at his wound. Only to see two bloody stumps where his once proud wings had been. A sharp pang of loss filled him before he fell into a blissful state of unconsciousness.
The darkness easily enveloped the babe as she just got out of work. The bags and dark circles under her eyes were indicative of long hours and pure exhaustion. All she wanted to do was to go home and sleep. Forever. But we can’t always have what we want in life, can we? The mockery of her situation has stopped astounding her years ago. Now, the girl just accepted her life with stride and pride. Lilith waved goodbye to her co-workers and started to walk home. After all, how can she afford a car with her abysmally small income? Trains and buses were her mean of transportation. Of course, she also counted her legs as well.

She hugged herself tightly against the wind as she began trekking home from work. Lilith took her usual road, armed with a pepper spray in one hand and a taser in the other, she was ready for the worst just in case. She didn’t like the empty grainy road filled with pebbles scattering all around. She hated being the only person walking home at one in the morning and rustling sounds from the forests makes her more angsty every time. This was the fastest way home, the shortcut she usually takes when her shift ends way too late. Walking as fast as she could without actually running, Lilith ended up not seeing the man before her. Her left foot met with his right foot, and with the loudest yelp she hadn’t heard in a long time, she ended up tumbling right on top of him. Her body slammed against his as Lilith used him to ease her fall. Luckily for her, she was wearing her usual black skinny denim jeans and a long sleeve grey peplum shirt so there were no major injuries from the fall. Her jeans ripped at the knee from being scraped roughly against the surface of the road. She felt pang on her palm that landed against each side of his shoulder. Lilith wasn’t sure what was happening or why there was a body on the side of the road.

Her heart raced from the sudden adrenaline, causing Lilith to roll over and away from him. She quickly stood up, her mind suddenly felt clearer than it ever has. The shuddered breaths came rather quickly when she realized that there was a body that wasn’t moving. She wasn’t sure what to think other than that someone killed him and laid the body there to be discovered. Bile started crawling its way up her throat and rather than screaming, she tried to exercising her breathing, squatting right beside him. ‘Maybe he isn’t dead, please god, don’t be dead,’ she prayed, lowering her shaking palm over his naked chest. His heart beat was slow but present. She breathed a sigh of relief. She just had to call an ambulance and go on her way. She’ll never have to see him again. Lilith dug her right hand into her right butt pocket before widening her eyes and realization struck her.

She left her phone on the kitchen counters of her work place. Goddammit all! Ugh! Should I just leave him? Maybe someone else will find him. This is too much work. She bit her lower lip, contemplating on ditching the already weakened looking man. However, her conscience wouldn’t allow her to do so and she was so close to home. Her apartment was only a block down from here.

“Hey,” she prodded his body with her index finger. It was still. Unresponsive. Her eyes squeeze shut as she debated on what to do. Take him back. You can’t let a man die because of you. He'll haunt you for the rest of your life. Her guilty conscience won the debate and Lilith heaved a long exasperated sigh. Checking for any signs of body damage, she could only notice the bruising and the blood (I'm assuming she can't see the bloody stumps? No idea here) trailing down from his back. Oddly enough, he was only wearing leggings. She wrapped his arm over her shoulder as she grabbed onto his waist tightly before somehow, with insane strength and adrenaline pumping through her, lifted both of them up from the ground. She dragged his body back to her apartment. With a free hand, she found her door key hanging on the lanyard around her neck. Opening her apartment door, she was able to move a few steps inside before finally giving up and letting him fall onto the ground unsophisticatedly. Should I give him CPR? She wasn't sure what to do at this moment and checked his pulse again to make sure he didn't die on their way back to her apartment.

"He's alive," she mumbled to herself, sitting right beside him. "He's still breathing so CPR wouldn't be too much help?" The girl started to talk to herself as she stood up and paced back and forth. Deciding to fix the bloody back, Lilith headed to her bedroom to grab the first aid kit with the tape bandages and disinfectant.
[I missed the part in the plot info where she doesn't notice his wound until later, so lets say he was wearing some sort of shirt, but the blood is becoming visible through it?]

The benefit of being unconscious is you are oblivious to the pain. For a few blissful seconds as Gabriel's mind fought it's way out of the dark fog of unconsciousness, he had no recollection of the events that had lead him to this moment. Unfortunately, that didn't last for long. Before he could even open his eyes to assess where he was, he was reminded with a blinding agony so strong that it took his breath away, causing him to arch his back, thrashing his arms, anything to stop the pain.

Once he could breathe again he opened his eyes, wincing at the light in the room, the throbbing of the two wounds on his back a reminder of what he had lost. He had been wounded in battle before, poisoned, bitten and tortured, but nothing was as painful as this. Realising he was not where he had been previously he pushed himself up onto all 4s, trying to stay as quiet as he could until he could assess he was safe. Moving had been a bad idea. The pain ripped through him once more, proving to be too much for him to continue his silence. Crying out in an almost animalistic sound full of agony and loss he sat back on his heels, wrapping his arms around him until the pain had lessened.

This was not right. Gabriel was part of God's army, he was a trusted soldier and had dedicated his whole life to protecting those who could not protect themselves. There had to be a way out of this. As denial coursed through him he found a new strength to get to his feel and stumble to the nearest wall. Bracing himself against the wall he reached under his shirt, taking a deep breath and pressed his fingers to the wound. Black spots flashed across his eyes as he fought against the pain. Seeing his fingers covered in blood he started to draw sigils on the walls. Speaking the Holy language as he continued to draw, large intricate sweeping signs as he desperately tried to use his Holy powers to return him to the realm of the Angels. Dropping to his knees from pain and blood loss, he felt the reality of his situation sink home, the spell wasn't working.
[Sure, let's go with that! c; ]

Lilith has been too busy navigating through her room, avoiding the clothes thrown practically everywhere. She didn’t hear him when he woke up and she certainly was too focused trying to figure out where she last put her first aid kit. Unfortunately, her memory failed her and her disorganized room was a maze. The sudden anguished painful cry caused her to stop in her track as she quickly spun around and bolted out of her room. She paused as she gaped at the sight before her. He was awake! Thank the lord! However, her relief didn’t last long the moment he started inching closer to her wall. She watched, almost mesmerized, as he started drawing random things on her clean wall in his own blood, no less! He started talking nonsense and she didn’t appreciate the graffiti. Didn’t he know how hard it is to remove blood stains? She wanted to berate him about vandalizing her walls but there was no time for that.

Speechless at what was happening, Lilith snapped from her daze. Clenching her hands in fury, Lilith moved to stop him only for the man to already drop on his knees looking as if his life has been destroyed. “Hey! Are you alright? It's going to be okay,” she called out to him. Lilith needed to get him out of here and she needed to do it fast. This was getting a little bit too much for her to handle. “We need to get you to the hospital,” her voice softened at the sight of his helplessness. She didn’t know what happened but at this point, it was probably better if she didn’t know anything. He could be in a gang and if she was questioned, she could deny any association to him.
“Can you stand?” Lilith  knelt next to him, worry creased her forehead as she started noticing the blood staining from his back. Her dominant hand hesitantly and gently touched his back and when she let go, the blood was visible on her fingers. Lilith began to hyperventilate at the sight, did someone stab him in the back? Her breathing quickened as she clutched her hand over her heart, trying to calm down and regulate her breathing. “Oh god, oh god, oh god,” she started to mentally freak out. “You’re bleeding profusely. W-we have to stop the blood flow. I-I need a phone. Do you happen to have a phone on you?” There was no time to ask who he was, they had to get him an ambulance before he dies on her and she’s charged for murder. How to stop the bleeding? What could she do? Her quick thinking allowed her to grab onto the white tablecloth lying on top of her coffee table. "Here, let me wrap this around you. We can slow down your bleeding and then the hospital," Lilith tried to reassure him with a shaky voice. Both of her hands shook as she held onto the tablecloth but she mentally assured herself that things were going to work out. He was going to be okay.
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Gabriel's head snapped up at the sound of the woman's voice, his dark eyes scanning the area for danger, his instincts guiding him. Keeping completely still as she came closer to him, his years of training screaming at him to defend himself. She didn't seem a threat, but he had learnt the hard way that looks could be deceiving. With a shock he realised she was a human, he shouldn't let her see him, it was against the rules. He shook his head in exasperation, it was too late for that, he was already banished. As she gently touched his back, he raised his eyes to her, watching unflinchingly. This was to be his punishment, he would see it through.

Through his pain fogged brain he noticed that she was seemingly talking to herself, pacing around the room. He watched her for a couple of moments, realising she was panicking. He scanned the room. There was no danger that he could see, so he concluded that she must be injured, for why would she panic otherwise? Realising that she was addressing him with her words, he tried to pay attention. His features creased into a frown. He wasn't sure if it was the pain, but he couldn't understand what she was saying.

As she came towards him, Gabriel noticed the panic in her eyes. His gaze softened and he held out a hand towards her, his training and role as a Protector guiding his instincts. "You seem upset. Are you injured?" He asked, pain and concern lacing his voice. He may be banished, but he was still an Angel, his whole purpose was to protect and help. Through the pain, he didn't realise the irony of the situation. Having a person to focus on and help was stopping him from thinking about his own situation, keeping the despair at bay.

Realising she had a white piece of fabric in her hands he gave her a puzzled look, until he realised she was trying to wrap it around him. She was trying to help him. A Human helping a fallen Angel. He stifled a laugh. Removing his torn and bloodied shirt he winced as it pulled away from his wounds, gritting his teeth against the pain and leaning against the wall for support. "No hospital. They can't help me." He told her, understanding her words, and taking the sheet from her hands he started to tightly wrap it around his torso. Grunting in pain as he tightly wound the fabric he sat fully on the ground, his side leaning against the wall. "Why are you helping me?" He asked, the confusion clear to see on his face. Hands shaking he tired to tie a knot in the makeshift bandage, but his fingers wouldn't do as he asked. Giving up he leaned his head against the wall, grief and despair filling his soul.
“Am I injured?” Lilith echoed his words hysterically. Was I the one who was lying like roadkill near a forest? Was I the one screaming in pain? “No!" she exclaimed but when she remembered that he wasn't in his right mind, she spoke softer. "No," Lilith stated again, "I’m okay. Better yet, what happened to you?” She wanted to shake him silly. Fortunately for him, he seemed devastated enough that it was no time for her sarcastic remarks and he was injured enough that shaking him will probably end his life. However, his act of kindness was enough to calm her down. He looked more scared for her life than his life which made her want to laugh at the strange situation between them. Lilith clenched onto the white tablecloth harder when he started to remove his shirt. Yes, I can do this. I’ll wrap him up like a mummy if I have to, she gave herself a motivational speech. She was determined to fix him up and then get him to a hospital even if he seemed disillusioned by the idea. If the hospital can’t help him, then who will? Definitely not her, she had no medical background. She’s barely studying biology in class. It wasn’t until she looked a little bit closer when she noticed something sticking out from his back.

Was this an experiment gone wrong? What happened to him? She wasn’t able to question him as the man took the sheet from her and started stopping the blood flow on his own. At least he seemed to knew what he was doing so she released the sheet. While Lilith was trying to stay optimistic about this scenario, he was definitely not helping either of their case. She didn't know what was happening and he was most likely emotionally unstable. “Okay, okay, look here, you'll going to be alright,” she tried to ease both their minds. He should take a look at himself; leaning against the wall, looking as if his life was completely over. Since she was already kneeling beside him, Lilith decided to take advantage of the arrangement.

She lifted both of her hands up, enclosing them on both side of his cheeks. Her mother used to find the best ways to calm Lilith down and this seemed to be most effective so far. She detected the small details and it seemed less and less like he was in a gang and more as if he’s giving up all hope in life. “Hey you,” she leaned in, forehead to forehead. Her silver blue eyes eyes gazed into his steely grey. “I don’t know what happen to you but suicide is not the way to go,” her voice was still shaky but she stopped panicking the moment she realized that he wasn’t dying on her.

“And I couldn’t leave you dying on the road. It’s not safe here. Someone could have taken you and sell your organs.” The last bit was a little bit exaggerated. Lilith pulled away from him with a smile as she grasped onto the tablecloth slipping away. She tied a knot and patted it once, only to wince when she realized that he was still injured which reminded her of her earlier thoughts.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what happen to your back?” Her eyes shifted away from his countenance and onto the bloody protruding stumps. She couldn’t discern what they really are and it seemed like a surgery gone extremely wrong.
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Turning his head to look at the woman before him, he tilted his head in confusion, a small pain fogged smile crossing his lips. "You confuse me." He told her, wondering if all humans were this strange. His eyes widened as she came closer to him, and he went deadly still as she touched his cheeks, gazing into her eyes as she spoke to him. He could see the concern for him as clear as day. Closing his eyes he enjoyed the brief comforting contact, it had been a long time since someone had comforted him. 

At the word suicide his eyes snapped open, trying to decipher what she was saying. She didn't appear to be talking about herself. Realisation then dawned on him that she thought he was going to commit suicide. With a mixture of indignation and amusement he shook his head, glancing at her once more and smiling in gratitude as she tied the knot on his makeshift bandage. At her final questions his eyes dulled with grief and lowered to the ground, but he nodded, he owed her this much. It was obviously apparent that she had helped him a great deal, the least he could do was to tell her his story.

'You need not worry about suicide.' He told her, almost spitting the word out. 'Banishment is enough punishment for one lifetime, I don't fancy eternity in hell." He finished with a small smile, attempting to make a joke, however weak it was.

"My name is Gabriel. I was an Angel in Gods army, a Protector. I was betrayed by one I called friend, and I was banished as punishment." His voice laced with pain as he relived the event. He raised his eyes to meet her's, expecting to see disgust and fear as the fact she had a fallen angel became apparent. It never crossed his mind that she may not believe him, why would he lie about something like this, Angels didn't lie.

"The wound on my back is from where they ripped off my wings, before dropping me to the human world."
The first thing she thought of was that he talked weird. Not his language per say but the way he phrased things, he sounded like one of those wise old men from historical textbooks. His syntax was interesting, like old English but she didn’t make any remarks. At least, according to him, he wasn’t suicidal. That’s a plus in her book. Lilith returned his smile with her own as she maneuvered herself from kneeling to sitting down. She crossed her legs, folding her hands on top of them. It was intriguing to say at least. It felt like story time.

When he started speaking of angels and gods, it legitimately felt like story time. There was so much information thrown at her that she didn’t register much or anything at all. All she got was that he’s an Angel which is impossible. He sounded like he believed himself which was the sadder part. Maybe when he fell onto the ground, he really smacked his head and now he’s just confused, she convinced herself, feeling sudden pity for him. It didn't seem like he had amnesia and he doesn't seem to have family either. Just like her.. Lilith purse her lips in disbelief, wondering how traumatic the incident must have been for him. She tried to discern his statements carefully but still didn't believe a single word. Let’s just say if his friend did betray him, is that why he was homeless and lying in the middle of the street? He couldn’t pay for rent, got kicked out, and got mobbed in the middle of the street which gave him injuries. Now the story she was woving for him made a lot more sense than whatever nonsense he was saying about being an angel and what not.

At the mention of his wings, she tilted her head to examine the hidden but protruding stumps on his back. Now those did look like ripped wings but he can’t possibly be an angel. That’s inconceivable. “Okay Gabriel,” Lilith commented doubtfully. “Let’s say you’re really an angel and you really got banished, then do you have superpowers? You know like uh-telekinesis!" Lilith pointed at the coffee table a few feet away from them. "Can you try lifting that up?" Her questions weren't really to make her believe that she's an angel but rather, to make him believe that he's just really lost and confused at the moment. "And if you can't, it's okay," she added. "Humans aren't really suppose to have superpowers. Angels aren't real, Gabriel. They're just beings that humans have created to make themselves feel better in times of darkness and despair. I wish there were angels guarding over my mother's soul when she died," Lilith explained slowly. "But let's face it, there's no one to protect us but ourselves. And I know you're feeling scared, alone, and sad. Whatever happened to your back is definitely tragic, but if you go to the hospital, we can fix both your back." 

And your mind. But she didn't let the last three words be spoken. She rested her hand on his shoulder as a show of camaraderie.
Gabriel sat quietly through her speech, caught between amusement, frustration and pity. He had been told that modern humans didn't believe in the Angels anymore, but he hadn't believed the reports from the Guardians. Of course they would still believe, when there was so much beauty, magic and miracles in the world, how could you not believe in the Angels. Frowning, Gabriel thought of how he was to convince her that he was an Angel.

At the mention of her mother, Gabriel understood. He was going to mention that her mother did have a guardian Angel, all humans did, and that she would have been greeted lovingly and guided to internal happiness, but he felt like now was not the time to mention this. She would not appreciate him saying this whilst she still thought him mentally ill.

Mentally Ill, Ha! He was the Holy Lord's  sworn protector, and had been for over 300 years, he was not some mentally ill human. He pushed away his pride, she was trying to help him, and this world he spoke of was completely new to her. He felt pity for her that she didn't know the love of the Lord or the Angels.

'It must be a lonely life, believing you are alone.'

A bolt of pain flashed down his back, causing him to wince. Taking a deep breath he thought back to what she had said earlier. "Superpowers?" He asked, a little confused, these humans used such strange language. "You mean my heavenly powers?" He shook his head at the table, lifting objects with his mind was never one of his gifts. He paused for a moment, thinking what he could show her, doubting she would appreciate him summoning his blade of light in her living room.

"I can not lift things with my mind, but I do have a little power over the air." He told her, hoping that the banishment had not taken too much of his powers from him. Closing his eyes he concentrated on the bond between himself and the air around him. Holding out his palm he focused, and was rewarded with the feeling of a breeze around them. A wind had appeared, and was circling around them, gently blowing at their hair and clothes. Opening his eyes, he smiled, before wincing once more at the pain building up in his back. This was much harder than it ever was before, and draining him very quickly. The wind stopped as his power ebbed. Exhausted he leaned back against the wall, completely drained.

"If I went to the hospital and they saw my back, they would never let me leave. Besides, I heal quickly, the bleeding will stop soon." He glanced over at her, trying to gauge her reaction, his eyes glowing slightly from his use of power. Smiling sleepily he looked at his rescuer once more.

"You would have made a wonderful Guardian Angel."
It didn’t matter that he didn’t seem to believe her that he’s human since all she could see was the pain causing him to wince. She flinched at the thought of losing blood and having a stranger brought her home instead of to the hospital. When he seemed to found his voice again, she nodded at his words. “Sure, heavenly powers or magical powers work too.” Unfortunately, he shook his head at her telekinesis idea. That’s a bummer, would be super cool to see if you were really an Angel.

He soon explained that he doesn’t have mind lifting powers but instead, he could control air. “Really?” she asked him skeptically. He seemed pretty confident which made her confidence wavered a little bit. She watched as he closed his eyes and well, she wasn’t sure what she was looking at other than the closing of his eyes. But suddenly, out of nowhere, a breeze flew pass her, causing her hair to flow back and forth. Her eyes widen at the unforeseen current of air flowing in her room and the fact that he could maybe really be an Angel. But they quickly narrowed, still distrustful and immediately scanned for the nearest windows. She must have forgotten to close it.

Yet it was closed.

“Okay, this. Is. Weird,” Lilith stated since the wind was not subsiding. Her eyes darted to the door, maybe she has left that one open. But it was closed. Damn. However, she had to admit, there was something majestic about him. Maybe it was the way he spoke or the pride in his voice whenever he talks about his occupation or how pleased he was to show her that he is really an Angel. Lilith wasn't sure what to think, she was taught that angels didn't exist and if they did, they were pretty useless. However, her thoughts were interrupted when the wind subsided and he looked mentally and physically exhausted. She was about to mention the hospital again but as if he read her thoughts, Gabriel discarded that idea. Lilith sighed, feeling overwhelmed by all the crazy thing that happened today. Lilith rubbed her temple with her thumbs, closing her eyes, and allowing the information to seep in. Don't freak out, don't freak out. He could just be an alien. But his next words brought a smile to her face as she opened her eyes and looked into his.

They were glowing. And mesmerizing.

"Thank you, I'm flattered but don't curse me so early, I can't die yet. I have sixty more years to go," Lilith tsked him. She wasn't sure how Angels were produced and quickly assumed it was from dead souls who did good in their lifetime. She decided to forgo telling him that she used to steal when she was younger. The less he knew, the better it would be for both of them. She played with her hazelnut hair as she contemplated her next move. If he really is an angel, she was still somewhat skeptical but let's just assume he is since he convinced her pretty well, how was he going to go home?

"So you were banished. How are you going to go back to heaven then?" It didn't occur to her at all that he may not be able to go back. "Maybe you grovel enough, the god will let you back in," she joked with a grin. "And the better question is, what are you going to do if you can't fly anymore? Can you get your wings back?"
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Wincing at the mention of his wings, Gabriel pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind whilst he thought through the other things she had said, his mind a whirl of thoughts. At her mention that she had sixty more years to live Gabriel lifted his head from the spot on the wall where he was resting it, staring intently into her eyes as if he was concentrating on something very hard.

"Hmm, you have more like sixty five years to be precise. If all goes to plan." He told her with a comforting smile, not realising that this conversation might be inappropriate, genuinely believing that he was being helpful.

Gabriel had discovered that he quite enjoyed spending time with this human, her reactions amused him and he would forget for a few seconds that he had been banished. Unfortunately those times didn't last long. Her questions were not meant to hurt, but he couldn't hide the despair in his eyes at her line of questioning.

"I will not be welcome in the Lords realm again." He told her, the tone of his voice enough to hear that there was no going back. Reaching over his shoulder he gently touched one of the protruding stumps on his back, ignoring the pain. He couldn't imagine never flying again. Other than serving The Lord, which had been his greatest pleasure, flying had been a close second. Being an Angel could be a lonely profession, and in these times he would glide invisibly over the human realm, watching the comings and goings of their lives.

"My wings will not grow back, I am maimed for life." He told her flatly, indicating that he was done with this topic of conversation, but the hurt was clear on his face. Not only had he lost his whole purpose of life, but one of the only things that brought him joy. Trying to lighten the mood he plastered a tired smile on his face, glancing around the room. "The way you speak is amusing, I believe we shall get on. I think I shall enjoy living here with you."
Lilith was joking when she said she wanted to live for sixty more years but she wanted to ask him what he meant by ‘if all goes according to plan.’ What if something doesn’t go according to plan? How do you not go according to plan? She thought all plans were perfect. But what did she die of? Did she have kids? Who’s her husband? She had so many questions but he looked like the life was zapped out of him so she kept quiet while he told her the raw honest truth.

Gabriel was to be homeless.


The girl allowed a squeak of surprise to escape her throat as her eyes widened in realization. He looked so dispirited as if nothing could ever cheer him up again. She assumed losing his wings would be the same if she lost her legs. She couldn’t imagine never walking again. “I’m so sorry Gabriel,” was all Lilith could say. His words indicated that they were to move on from the topic and Lilith was happy to oblige. Well, she was happy for a moment or two.
Her foreheads wrinkled as she tried to absorb his words. I just met you! I don't even know you. There will be no getting it on, she thought sharply. But Lilith wasn’t even sure he knew what he said as he immediately inserted his life into hers.


There was a long pause of silence. Lilith was waiting for Gabriel to laugh or said he was just screwing with her. But all he gave her was that exhausting smile on his face. Maybe Angels didn't joke around, she wouldn't know. Lilith swallowed at his words. Her mouth feeling dry as her brain whirred to figure out what he just did. “W-what! Are you serious? W-w-wait, wait, let’s hold on for a second,” she pressed both hands up against the air. “Let’s rethink this. I'm not even married yet.” She didn’t have enough room for both of them. “I only have one bed. Where will you sleep?” she asked. And she couldn’t have him sleep on the floor because he’s injured. She couldn’t drop him off at a homeless shelter (even if she thought of it) because who knows what would happen to him. What if someone extorted him? Her conscience wouldn’t let her. Goddammit for having a good conscience.

Lilith took a deep breath, interlocking her hands together as she fell into deep thoughts. “And I don’t make enough money to feed both of us. I mean…do angels eat? Do you sleep?” She would have to work longer hours just to take care of him. Lilith released her hands, rubbing her temples once more with her thumb. But suddenly an idea struck her. “I mean, wait you could work too. Can you hide your protruding…uh wings? You can work with me at the Cheesecake Factory.” Luckily for both of them, tomorrow was her day off and if it wasn't, she would have to call in sick because she wasn't sure she could leave this clueless Angel home alone. But it seemed like he would be needing a lot of recuperation before he could be her steady source of income.
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Humans are funny creatures, Gabriel thought to himself as he watched his human savoir mulling over what he had said, almost able to read her thoughts as her questions were so clear on her face. Looking around what was to be his new home, he listened to her musings.

"I have never needed to sleep before, but I do not know how being banished will change things. I have also never needed to eat either, but I have been told that The Banished need the food to sustain them." He told her, wondering how all this would affect him. He had never tasted food before, so he was unsure what to expect.

Some of her comments brought up some very real questions, the reality of his situation hitting home once more. He had no idea how to be a human. He knew that they coveted something called money, the Guardians had tried to explain it to him once, some form of paper which they swapped for goods. The woman before him appeared to be worried about this money, and that she would have to provide for him. Frowning Gabriel bristled at the idea she would think she had to support him.

"I do not wish to cause you trouble, nor do I expect you to provide for me." He thought over the rest of her words, his confusion and concentration clear on his face. Moving away from his position next to the wall, he tried to hide the wince of pain as he glanced over his shoulder at his wounds. He could bind the stumps, the swelling would go down after a day or two. It would be painful initially, but he could do it. Nodding to himself he looked back at the woman before him.

"I shall work with you at this Factory of Cheeses and provide for you this paper money, then I shall leave you be."
Well, she wasn’t sure how being banished will change him either so Lilith decided to assume the worst. He’s going to be a regular human with a few particularities of an Angel. Who was she kidding? This was going to be hard. But lucky for him, Lilith considered herself an amazing chef and caretaker. She has been living by herself all this time so she learned how to take care of herself and her mom when she was still alive. He seemed to want to be independent and while Lilith was all for that, she knew that was impossible. The world was a lot harder than it looks and she was touched that he didn’t want to cause her trouble.

Well too late. He already has.

Lilith bit her inner cheeks to stop herself from laughing when Gabriel told her he was going to provide for her. Oh dear, he was so sweet and silly and so wrong. She didn’t want to ruin the innocence he apparently had around him. It was funny that he kept insisting that he could help her out since it was definitely the other way around. She giggled at his way of messing up names, the Cheesecake Factory has now become the Factory of Cheeses. “It’s just money, Gabriel,” Lilith reassured him. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s just take this one day at a time, yeah? Also, it’s interesting that you don’t have a halo,” she randomly mentioned the tidbit that was lingering on her mind for a while now. “Do you angels usually come with one?”

Lilith finally got up, it was time for both of them to get some rest. She was going to have to take him to a department store tomorrow. They had to get him some clothes and she needed to buy groceries. “Before I forget again, I’m Lilith,” she held out a hand to shake his. She offered him her hand to help him up before leading the way into the bathroom. She bend down to open the cabinet under the sink to snatch up a packet of toothbrushes she bought on sale. She yanked one out of its wrapper and showed it to him. “Gabriel, this is a toothbrush that you brush your teeth with,” she said as she squeezed toothpaste onto it. “And this is toothpaste to clean your mouth.” She handed him the toothbrush and grabbed hers before squeezing on the toothpaste.

“Now just follow my motion, mmkays?” She slowly swiped the toothbrush left right, up and down in circular motions. It wasn’t a hard task and she wasn’t sure if the Angels from above knew how to brush their teeth. Spitting it out in the sink, she washed her mouth and her face before putting on moisturizer. Allowing him to do the same, Lilith waited until he was done. She then led him into the bedroom and pointed at her twin size bed.

“Since you’re injured, you can sleep on here. I’ll just sleep outside. Now, do you have any questions for me?”
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Gabriel watched this funny human as she smiled at him, occasionally looking as if she was trying not to laugh at what he was saying. He wondered what he was saying wrong, he would have to learn if he was to fit in. Deciding that the quicker he learnt, the quicker he could repay Lilith for her actions with the paper money.

Lilith had decided that Gabriel needed managing, and was directing him into a small room that he was aware humans called bathrooms. Gabriel tiredly followed her, smiling at her comment about halos. "The halo is just a silly legend. You don't believe that Vampires are really afraid of garlic too? who would be afraid of garlic?! Other than the wings and armour we look no different to humans." He joked with a small laugh, running his hands through his hair, leaning against the bathroom wall for support.

He watched Lilith brush her teeth with fascination. He had no idea why she was doing it, but she seemed to want him to do it too. He did not eat, so there was no need for him to clean them. Besides, he was an angel, angels didn't get dirty. That wouldn't change with him being banished, would it? Picking up the brush, he put it in his mouth, his eyes opening wide at the taste in his mouth, he had never tasted anything like it. Scratch that, he had never tasted anything. He started to brush his teeth, enjoying the minty taste, until it started to tingle his mouth. Spitting it out he threw the toothbrush into the sink, wiping at his mouth frantically.

"It burns! I do not like this burning mouth paste!" He told her firmly, vowing not to put it in his mouth again. Walking into her bedroom he shook his head adamantly. "I will not take your sleeping chamber, I shall not put you out further. I shall sleep on the long chair in the other room, I insist." He told her, before stepping out the room, smiling slightly, putting his hands together in a prayer like position, and gently bowing at the waist, wincing slightly at the movement. "Rest well Lilith."
Well, it appeared that her new angel was a lot different than what a stereotypical angel was suppose to be like based on the earthly teachings. She was almost afraid to ask if Vampires are real because now that angels are real, what are the chances? Possibly pretty high and being attacked by a bloodsucker isn’t on her bucket list. Not now. Not ever. But damn, at least now she knows that if Vampires are real, they aren’t afraid of garlic. Maybe crosses would still work.
Nevertheless, she waited for him to brush his teeth. Since he knew vampire lores from human watching, she assumed he would pick up on using a toothbrush. Alas, she was wrong. Earlier, she ended up laughing hysterically when his eyes widened as the toothpaste was spit back in the sink, Lilith held her stomach to reduce the pain of laughter. She wiped tears from her eyes and shook her head. “You’re such a child. I’ll buy strawberry toothpaste just for you,” she told him. “I guess mouthwash is a no then.”
Lilith watched him go leave her room and she felt bad that he wasn’t taking the bed but the female was too tired to go back and forth. “Alright, if that’s what you want. Maybe we can buy another mattress when I get my next paycheck,” she bit her lower lip. How much more hours would she have to put in for that? But he couldn’t be sleeping on the couch forever. She wished him good night and crawled under her comforter. That night she dreamt that her mother send Gabriel to her as a guardian angel. He wasn’t injured but for some reason, she could see him even when others couldn’t.

The next morning, Lilith stirred from the alarm blasting on her phone. She grabbed her phone, sighing in her half asleep stupor. It was only five in the morning but she had to rise up early to make breakfast for both of them. Then it would be shopping. Meandering out of her room, the babe went to the living room noticing the sound asleep angel on the couch. “Rise and shine Gabriel. Good morning!” she shouted out chirpily, tying the curtains together so that they would get some sunlight in the living room. “We have a long day ahead of us. There’s going to be a lot of busing and walking. How are you feeling?” she rambled as she started heading to the kitchen.

With her hair tied up, Lilith opened the fridge and took out some eggs and sausages. She toasted the toast on the pan since there’s no way she had enough money to buy herself a toaster. Buttered both toasts, she placed it on a plate and started frying the eggs and sausages. Once she was done, the two plates had a two scrambled eggs, two pieces of toast, and two sausages. It had always been a habit that she did everything in two.

“Gabriel?” Lilith called out as she put the food on a small circular table that was suppose to be the dining table. It only had two chairs just in case she had any guests.


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