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Fandom - and they were roommates (South Park | Stan x Butters)


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It's a little bit unnerving, having a house to himself. The emptiness feels more extreme like this - it made no sense, he'd been home alone a lot growing up, but there was something about knowing that no one else was going to show up that left Butters feeling almost hysterical. Every time he thought about it, he could feel a panic begin to well in his chest, and he'd have to immediately head out and find someone to talk to.

In his latest near-panic-attack, he had the bright idea to invite his pal to stay over with him. "Just for a while," he pleaded. "A few days, a few weeks- I dunno, wuh-whatever it takes to get me used to it. I'll buy the food and you don't haveta pay rent or anything!"

His blubbering finally gets results, and Butters offers to run out for snacks while his friend brings their stuff over. He hands over the spare key he'd been carrying with him and instructs that they let themselves in if he's not back after shopping.

He doesn't have a guest room, but he has a comfy futon that either he or his friend can stay on, and after getting the place cleaned and space cleared, he jots off to the store, grabbing just about every snack and comfort food he can think of.

Butters arrives home an hour later, hands gripping several bags of various treats and bottled drinks. There wasn't a fridge in his room, but he could always put the unopened containers in the kitchen for later. He happily stomps up the stairs, holding the bags high so they don't get crushed against the wall or railing, before body-checking the door to his room to peer inside. "Hey, you in yet?"
Stan was sure that Butters had only moved in recently, but after letting himself into the empty home and taking a quick peek around, he couldn't help but think that it was all so... him. Like he'd be able to guess who lived here even without knowing. He suddenly felt self-conscious standing in the empty home idly and set his things down before beginning to take off his jacket.

He picked at the strings of his frayed T-shirt, eyebrows pinched. Was it right for him to accept Butter's request so easily? Sure, they were sorta friends, but they didn't hang out one on one super often. Yet Butters had happily offered him free food and a rent-free stay anyways. Stan hadn't put up much of a fight to offer compensation, although he probably should have. Any good friend would.

He didn't have much more time to ponder the ethics of this situation before he heard the 'thunk' of the front door opening behind him. He turned an appraised the blond boy walking in with bags of treats. "Yeah. I'm here. Hey." Stan said, blinking a few times before belatedly realizing that he should help Butters with all those bags.

He reached forward and slid some of the plastic grocery bags into his own hands, awkwardly following Butters to the kitchen area. "Don't you think you went a little overboard with the snacks? We're only two people." He said with a confused smile as they set things down on the countertop. He had agreed to stay a week and see how Butters felt afterwards. The blond had insisted it was a big favor, but really Stan was just grateful for a reason to be out of his own house.
Of all the people Butters might've expected to accept, Stan was... well he wasn't that low on the list, but he wasn't particularly high either. The two of them got along well enough, for sure! But Butters never really thought Stan felt that close to him. All that was fine, though! And Butters is just glad to have someone to come home to; the emptiness of the house was practically tangible, like when you spoke in a big open area and could hear the echo even when you were being quiet.

But that would all change now that there's someone else sticking around, and the thought made Butters ecstatic! (Probably even a little hysterical, but he's not letting himself think about that.) He lights up when Stan answers, even more so when his friend silently helps with the bags (already they were working together like a well-oiled machine, this was great!), and Butters asks, eager to keep the quiet away, "You get everything moved in easy? N-need to swing by and pick anything else up?"

He starts grouping the food in little piles arranged by where they had to be put, lifting his shoulder with a self-conscious smile. "Yeah I know, I just got a li'l carried away. I'm real glad you're here, Stan! Means an awful lot to me," he laughs. "So, y'know, go ahead and help yourself! Wanted to give ya some options, and they'll last a while anyway if it's too much for the week."

He frowns to himself, thinking, before whirling on the other man, "Aw heck, I forgot to ask about actual groceries," he chides himself. "Ah-are there any dinners're anythin' else you specifically want? I got a tidy li'l sum saved away so I don't mind headin' back out!"
Stan could practically feel the excess energy radiating off of Butters in that moment, whether it was normal excitement or something else he wasn't sure. Most people, even his closest friends, were rarely 'excited' to see him. He could be a bit of a buzz-kill and didn't hide away from that fact. Looking at Butters' face again, he was probably just relieved to have someone in the house. Stan would kill to live alone, what made Butters so desperate for a temporary roommate?

"Nah, I got everything in already." He gestured towards his guitar case and backpack resting on the floor. Looking at his miniscule belongings suddenly made him a bit sheepish. "I uh, didn't really have much to bring." He chuckled, fingers itching at the overgrown hair hanging by the nape of his neck. There were still the remnants of the time he had bleached it on the tips of his hair, but by now it had almost all grown back out to his natural black hair.

He follows Butters' movements in arranging all the snack foods and drinks on the counter. He was overwhelmed by the sheer number of snacks, but he did look grateful for his favorites that were purchased. As well as cheesepuffs, he remembered eating so much of those when they all used to hang out at Cartman's place. So they were a pretty nostalgic snack. Maybe they should invite the gang over sometime this week to enjoy some of these snacks (If he could get a hold of all of them). It would certainly make Stan feel a little less awkward about spending so much alone time with Butters. Though Cartman would definitely find something rude to say.

"I can usually eat anything but- hey hold on." His eyebrows raised at Butters' insistence. "I'm not gonna make you run back to the grocery store after just getting back. How about we just go tomorrow or something? And tonight, for dinner I'll get us take-out." It was a pretty simple solution in his eyes, an alternative to making Butters run all frantically to get groceries, then cook something. Stan would rather they just chill out.
"That's no problem at all," he chirps, dismissing the worry with a wave of his hand as he starts carrying the Cabinet Foods to the cabinets. "You can go ahead and take 'em up to my- to the room if ya want! I dunno if you want the bed or the futon or anything so it's up to you." He starts stacking boxes and sliding bags into place, ducking around the open cabinet doors to find a place for everything - he really had gone pretty overboard.

Stan calls for his attention again, and Butters turns to him before shrugging. "I really don't mind, got a little carried away with the junk and totally forgot about actual food," he jokes. "I still got some stuff for meals but I won't argue if you wanna order out!" Once his latest armful of food is put away, Butters returns to the table and rests both hands on it for a moment, thinking.

"He-hey, Stan... Listen, I just wanted ta say thanks again. It's probably a li'l weird and all, I know, but I really appreciate it. It means a lot to me that you're stickin' around for a bit."
He nods, leaving the snacks to Butters as he moves to pick up his things. "I can take the futon. I'm pretty good at sleeping on the floor. And couches." he said bluntly. He listens to the response about dinner as he opens the door to the bedroom and finds an unobtrusive place to set down his stuff. Maybe he shouldn't have brought his guitar, he wanted to practice but it might bother his temporary roommate. He'd have to ask about that later. Yet another reason why Stan would love to live alone. However, he was positive living with a friend would already suit him better than still being stuck at his parent's stupid farm.

"I'll make a call to that Chinese food place nearby. Kenny says I can pretend to be him and get a worker's discount." He hums, that settles that. He wouldn't mind just using what they had in the house for now, until Butters was up to going to the store again. He'd even pretend to be a good roommate and come with. He notices a slight change in Butter's demeanor, becoming more thoughtful, so he listens carefully as he speaks.

"Oh? Yeah man, it's really no trouble at all. You don't have to say thank you so much." He looked awkward but smiled and gave a thumbs up anyway. Stan wasn't used to being thanked or appreciated so openly and earnestly, but this was Butters they were talking about so it came with the territory. "In a normal situation I'd be the one thanking you, for letting me crash here for a week. I'm actually benefiting from this, but I can't really see how you'd get anything out of me living with you." He said thoughtfully, not wanting the ask the obvious question he had in case it was personal but showing that he was curious as to why Butters really wanted him here.
Butters' smile turns a little wry - he might be pretty naive at times, but he can see the bait for what it is. "Yeah," he hedges, and Butters feels himself doing his usual nervous tic, knuckles brushing together and hands wringing over one another before he makes himself stop by grabbing the last of the snacks and drinks.

"I dunno. Just feels weird knowing no one's coming home, I guess. Makes me feel a-all antsy. Hard to relax." He shakes his head, more to clear his thoughts than anything, and toes open the fridge to put things away. "S-so are you wantin' yer own shelf, or would it be easier to do left side, right side?" He gestures to the open fridge and freezer with his elbow, clearly waiting for an answer before he can divvy up the goods between them.
Stan's eyes darted down subtly to where Butters' knuckles briefly brushed, humming softly to himself. That definitely brought him back. He remembered sitting in class, sometimes with his head resting on top of the desk and watching Butters do that movement with his hands over and over again. Man, it was nice knowing someone from so young, watching how they've changed and how they haven't. But that was just Stan's more wistful side speaking, probably.

"Hm. I guess I get it." He didn't really, but he understood the feeling of something small making you feel anxious. Clearly an empty home just bothered the other boy, he could see that. "I hope I can help." He murmured, unexpectedly genuine as Butters popped open the fridge.

He steps over to stand beside Butters, bending his tall form and peering into the icy cool fridge. "You can split it into left side right side if you want. But you bought all the food, so I really don't care if you end up eating something you intended to be 'mine'." he said with a lopsided smile, mostly meaning he thought they could share. He grabbed some of the drinks and reached over Butters to place them in their proper places.

"What's your Chinese food order by the way?" he hummed, able to feel a little bit more casual and relaxed about this situation now that he knew partially why Butters had asked for it.

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