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Fantasy All Out War: An Apocalyptic Roleplay

Lance walked around in a abondoned small town with a General store. It was close to a almost travled road. He broke open a windoe in the store with the stovk of his m16. He worried for the sound to atract the Zombies but suprisingly none wjere in there. Lwnce looked arounf and saw a knife dull but useful so he grabbed it. He smiled with a slight caough of the dust in the room. He walked out to the road and waited for any potential stealings. (Btw im on the road thats by the RV and convoy) 
Name: Riley James

Age: 25



Under the mask he has long brown greasy split ended hair, His eyes are a combination of hazel and green. a different colour for each eye. he has a fairly spender build and a rather slim face


Riley is a joker when there is no threat to himself to anyone within a team he happens to be with. In battle he is fairly focused and will not speak much unless spoken directly too. he is a friendly soul to those that remain living.


Before the apocalypse Riley  played guitar and he sung to complement it, He carrying that guitar in a case and in the vehicles he has.


Riley likes guitar ,  blue eyes, friendlyness, heavier 90s music and he is a fan of the female species.


He dislikes overly macho dudes, gym junkies and wankers. stuck up people bug him and he dislikes overly helpless people too.


He carries two skorpion smgs on his sides and a desert eagle in the back of his pants. an m9 bayonet is always in his boot and is heavily trained in long range sniping.
[SIZE= 12px]     Trix nodded in understanding getting down onto one knee, placing the knife at her side she pulled Mary  from her shoulder gripping it between her arms.' [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]  She seemed pretty stuck in concetration,  the only movements made were  a few inches while she was  pulling down her bandana." Could it be another group?" She whispered peeking at the lens strapped to her rifle,  [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]I only have 8 bullets left, crap. She thought to herself.[/SIZE]
Jacob pulled the slide back on his handgun, the rabbits on either side of him pulling guns themselves.  Seeing silhouettes move about the complex, the three rabbits took aim.  He spoke in a calmed voice to his men, "You boys ready to die fighting?"  The other two rabbits seemed nervous.  Jacob had drawn a calm smile, resting his finger on the handgun's trigger.
The man to the left of Jacob went sprawling back.  He lay on the ground just seconds later, dead.  Jacob burst into a fit of laughter, opening fire blindly at the van.  "Did you see him!"  He yelled to his remaining compatriot.  "He just went flying!"  He dropped the clip out the bottom of his handgun, cleanly reloading it in the matter of a second.
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Lance sat on the asphalt eating a old chocolate bar. It tasted like carboard but he still ate it. The sound of gunshots of laughter made him chuckle and say. "Well that's a party if I dont say so myself"lance started to walked towards the sound with his chocolate bar in hand. 
"One." Luxxie murmurs, the man falling to the ground. "Two." He says, his rifle bouncing up, of the ground. The bullet flies true, hitting the second man in his abdomen. A second shot quickly follows, correcting his mistake and hitting the man again, in the chest, bursting his lungs as his chest collapses.


(Not your character, Of course.)
Jacob looked over at the dead man next to him, his second clip clattering to the ground.  He drew a smile, loading in his final magazine.  He took aim, adrenaline flying through him.  "It's a beautiful day for the apocalypse!"  He fired off his first shot.
Lance kept walking to the sounds. He has already eaten his chocolate bar so he is ready. He saw the fire fight and smiled as he put on a face of fake surrender as he slowly walked close to the action. Lance was already thinking o a way to steal everything. 
  Trix's eyes widened at the shots and she gritted her teeth lowering her gun,`` I can't fire with all this commotion.. I'm going to get closer, cover me.`` She scowled placing down Mary and slipping down the RV top silently.They can only see Joe, I can take out quite a few with a blow to the neck. She armed herself with her pocket knife and placing it in between her lips as she crouched away finding a dry bush. She tracked her steps from each bush to the other heading closer to the attackers with a silent rage. She then removed the knife from her lips watching a man on the right who was spread out from the group, she felt her lips curl into a smirk before she lunged forward grabbing the man. She slit his throat dragging his limp body into the nearest bush without a notice of the other attackers.
Jacob, now out of companions, began to stumble backwards.  His third and final clip thudding against the ground.  He yelped, the gun finding its place against the dirt as well.  Gathering himself, he gave a little chuckle, Moving his knife from its place with his right hand and moving back towards the camp.
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        I'm not letting you go! Trix rolled from the body pushing up qnd standing with her final push, she stretched her arms feeling a satisfying crack at her elbow and she lunged for the remaining attacker (@11254man)." You can't get away so easily!" She stopped getting down into a crouch and swinging her leg over under in his in a successful trip. She got straight up cracking her knuckles, she smirked getting into a ready stance for the next move. 
"Four." He murmurs, the rifle bouncing up one last time. The bullet grazes the last mans hand, slapping the blade away in a flurry; He quickly packs up his rifle, now in 3 pieces, and moves closer in the shadows, crawling into underbrush to avoid being seen by the man atop the RV ( @LoneSniper87, @The White Rabbit, and @11254man)
He slips his gut knife into his sleeve, slipping under the RV and climbing into a small, but large enough compartment underneath. He then Uses bungee cords to Tie his bag to the RV, slipping his legs through his bag straps and uses one last bungee cord to tie his upper body up to the RV, suspending him off the ground. (Hi, there.)
Jacob moved with the trip, rolling to his feet and wheeling around to face his would-be-assailant.  He chuckled, his hand still gripping his stomach.  Blood seemed to stain the bottom of his white shirt.  He took a few steps back, half running-half stumbling off.  

(Sorry I haven't posted since last year.  Also for that joke)
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       Trix gritted her teeth, her hair whipping in the wind she had underestimated her enemy, this would not faze her though. She gave a satisfied glare watching her opponent step approximately a few feet back. 

    Her mind was locked on either ending him in a final blow, or sparing him with an awful memory of their failed attack. She spun her knife in her palm readying herself on one foot  as if she was a pitcher, then sending her knife in a gust of wind past his side most likely  a few inches off his body. ( @11254man, @LoneSniper87, @Luxx`Noir~ )
He did not falter, stumbling by the dagger.  "I wish you well!" He yelled to no one in particular.  He burst out laughing, continuing on towards camp.
Riley James

He heard the commotion from miles away. First the glaring ahots coming from what appeared to be assault rifles and then the shouting and screaming of the individuals. He made his way to a nearby building, his gasmask made his breathing sound heavier than it already was. He checked his guns and braced himself if the conflict came his way. He peeked through a window approximately 200m from the two fighting.

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