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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

Meredith sighs softly, "Well, umm, I was wondering if you would like to try something. It might help you get control of your powers." She blushed lightly as she said this. @metalcity
Inuk was going to say no again as he liked the surprise of it, but he started to change his mind so he can try and protect Meredith, knowing there feelings where true now. But he was a little surprised by her blushing "Oh, something to get my powers back is making you blush? Well, I have no other option than wonder what this is, care to elaborate?" He asked with interest in his voice as he jokingly poked her cheek.

Inuk started to blush more as she did. "I think it is some sort of ice magic..." He closed his eyes as he remembered back to the only time he used his powers "I remember the ice being dark, could be dark ice magic?" He said while continuing to think of what happened, he accidentally started to describe what happened from his mind. "I was being bullied, and was almost beaten to death....then as the rain gently fell it became heavy....I heard dying screams around me.....then when I looked up I saw some sort of black hail on the ground...." He opened his eyes as he thought of the dead bodies on the ground, in shock.

Meredith sighs softly, "I want you to try to summon a small ball of black ice in the center of your palm. Think back on the feeling that you experianced when your power activated." Her voice is low and soothing. Inuk could feel his body relaxing slightly. @metalcity
"I swear if I waited any longer in that room I would of gone insane and that damn teacher I mean I know I'm pansexual but you didn't have to put those thoughts in my head Jesus." Alex ranted as he stormed out of the hall and punched a wall creating a hole "Ok now I'm a bit pissed I need to punch something...to the gym I'm pretty sure there are training dummies I'll test how strong I am there."
Nylana said:
Meredith sighs softly, "I want you to try to summon a small ball of black ice in the center of your palm. Think back on the feeling that you experianced when your power activated." Her voice is low and soothing. Inuk could feel his body relaxing slightly. @metalcity
Inuk was confused for a few reasons, but he felt like he should do as she said instead of asking questions. He held out his palm and started to think back on the tragic memory's he held. He closed his eyes again as he did so and the visioned the memory's and feelings he had. He became angry, hateful. Yet full of sadness and despair, wanting help. As he felt like this the moisture in the air became cold, almost as if they where in a meat freezer. However Inuk didn't really feel the difference, he continued unaware of the feeling; He assumed it was part of the feelings as he felt cold inside as he was being beaten. small bits of ice started to flout around with the air in the room, it was like it was lightly snowing. Then the snow started to turn black, it looked like pure hatred was consuming something as pure and innocent. Then it started to float towards Inuk's hand, forming a perfect cube instead of a circle. As Inuk felt the object he opened his eyes to the room having a slight frost to each item and a shivering Meredith, he awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of his head "Sorry about that, I say we put the heating on." He said laughing slightly.

"Ok I'm in the gym I need to punch..." He spotted a dummie "Aha I haz found it." He stated as he placed the dummie in the centre of the gym "Ok now Alex concentrate really hard." He said as he strengthened out the muscles in his body to 1.5x normal strength and punched the dummie only pushing it over
Meredith fluttered her wings and Inuk could see that they were now glittering with a light shine of frost. "I am going to need a shower to thaw out. but, you did good. Now, I want you to let a feeling of peace sweep through you, in your mind, picture the cube in your hand melting slightly until it turns into a spherical shape." Meredith was shivering but her voice was still soothing and calm. @metalcity
Nylana said:
Meredith fluttered her wings and Inuk could see that they were now glittering with a light shine of frost. "I am going to need a shower to thaw out. but, you did good. Now, I want you to let a feeling of peace sweep through you, in your mind, picture the cube in your hand melting slightly until it turns into a spherical shape." Meredith was shivering but her voice was still soothing and calm. @metalcity
Inuk looked at the glistening shine of Meredith's wings "You are beautiful." He stated with a smile as he closed his eyes again. He started to imagine the the cube turn into a circle. It started to slowly change shape. Enki opened his eyes again to see it as a golf ball in his hand. He gave her another smile "That went better than expected...I was wondering" he quickly changed as he couldn't hold back his question anymore, a slight evil smile grow on his face. "Why were you blushing before?" He asked.

"N no reason," the fae stuttered. "Now," she continued, "I want you to make a necklace out of your black ice. See it taking shape in your mind and concentrate." Her voice was smooth and low. It was a soothing noise that quickly faded into the background as he focused on the task that she had laid before him. @metalcity
Nylana said:
"N no reason," the fae stuttered. "Now," she continued, "I want you to make a necklace out of your black ice. See it taking shape in your mind and concentrate." Her voice was smooth and low. It was a soothing noise that quickly faded into the background as he focused on the task that she had laid before him. @metalcity
Inuk evilly grinned more "I'll make a necklace after you explain why you became a tomato." He said, interest and joy in his voice. He was not ready to continue until he had a answer.@Nylana
Nylana said:
Meredith groans softly, "please just forget it Inuk." She says this hopefully and while blushing lightly. @metalcity
Inuk giggled slightly as Meredith started to blush again "Your blushing again, my cute tomato." He sweetly said to her "I can't forget, that's not how it works. Come on tell me, that's what couples do right?" His interest got bigger as she seemed to be hiding something embarrassing.

Mr. Roland smiled at the young male student,"what can I do you for you young sir?" He leaned forward and inspected the young boy. 'Strong, decent aura, not to bad a specimen' he thought to himself.

Sir Leo walked up to the stage rubbing his temples. 'These fucking kids' he thought to hinself.
Jet walked out of the auditorium, he decided to walk back to his dorm, he locked the door behind him and sat on his bed.
[QUOTE="Maxis Leos]Mr. Roland smiled at the young male student,"what can I do you for you young sir?" He leaned forward and inspected the young boy. 'Strong, decent aura, not to bad a specimen' he thought to himself.
Sir Leo walked up to the stage rubbing his temples. 'These fucking kids' he thought to hinself.

"Sir"Gears said addressing the teacher. His head was starting too hurt so he needed to be quick "Did you cast a spell on the student body? Like...a love spell" he put one hand to his temple trying to ease the pain.

Simply sleeping in at a time like this was pretty much normal for one such as Lish, seeing as how Via was the side that was currently holding the reigns. Quite frankly a school assembly slipped her mind before she went to sleep last night, although even if she were to have remembered she would have probably just slapped the clock's alarm again anyway. The act of waking up early wasn't the problem that she hated, the cold nip that she would feel when she emerged from the covers was what she detested. With a light yawn and double blink light trickled through the nearby window and grazed her face, causing her to turn over and place the pillow over her head. She exclaimed aloud with a rather defeated tone, "Guess that means I slept in...I need a better alarm clock."

She hesitated a small bit before throwing the covers off of her, her exclaiming in annoyance with a slight twitch to her eye as the pillow is sat aside, "I hate this part..." With that said she throws the covers back and flinches ever so slightly, a slight shiver traveling up her spine, "Lame..." Her voice perpetuated a defeated tone one would hear from the loser in many a competition. With that said she went about getting ready for the day, her not quite sure what time it was at the moment seeing as how her alarm clock was...umm out of order on the floor.

As she makes her way down the halls she says aloud to herself, almost like an outer monologue, "Great...your first day after just arriving here last night and you sleep in." A light sigh escapes her mouth as she walks down the stairs to the entryway of the Female Dorms, "Maybe I should have let Vio take over...least he would have woken up..."

Then suddenly Vio speaks to her through her thoughts as she makes strides toward the exit of the dorms, 'I'm not really sure about that...Via... You're more suited for school.'
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Meredith sighed softly, "Inuk, truly its nothing. I promise." She smiles sweetly at him and kisses him suddenly in an effort to distract him. @metalcity
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Nylana said:
Meredith sighed softly, "Inuk, truly its nothing. I promise." She smiles sweetly at him and kisses him suddenly in an effort to distract him. @metalcity
Inuk kisses her back, doing so again until slightly breathless. His lips became colder due to the freezing touch of hers. He pulled back and pulled her closed, wrapping his arms around her to try warm her up, there body's touched and he looked down to her, bringing his arm around to lift her head up by the chin and he looked into her eyes. "If it's noting why are you trying to distract me with a kiss, as good as it was? You were blushing, I'm interested." He said softly, moving his head down to kiss her on the forehead.

Meredith scowls a little bit at Inuk, "Dang it! I thought that would work... Look, right now I need to know if you can control your powers without freezing my wings off, my darling. Please, can we talk about what I was thinking later on." She looks pleadingly at him and he can se that she is truly embarrased by whatever thought she had. @metalcity

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