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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

"You are disobeying school policies and we are under emergency lock down. At this time you have no say in anything. Which also means when I speak you listen. " Sir Leo said to Inuk. "Until then sit down and don't move! Do not make me use force, he said through clenched teeth as he forced him into a chair.
Jet was checking the time. ' HIT THE BRICKS TEACHER. WHEN I DONT CARE I DONT LISTEN. ' He shouted, obviously trying to anger the teacher.
"Being intimate with other students. It's called PDA in the outside world if I do remember correctly," He said his eyes narrowed. Then he heard the student named Jet comment. Suddenly, he was in front of the student as if materialized out of the air. He leaned in close and said quietly, "watch your tongue for I can do far more things then just physical disapline," his words were almost like venom.

Mr. Roland smiled at the young student with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes."Hello young miss. It is my pleasure to be in the presence of such a beautiful creature. What is your name," He asked the young student kindly.
Akame laughed softly, "I was wondering where I could find out which was my dorm room, but I think we have to head to the auditorium now."

(Sorry for this being late xD I fell asleep) @Ethan Hart
Mr. Ione over heard Roland talk to one of the girls and roles how 's eyes agen "freaking pervert" he mumbled then went and took a seat close it the door. Leaning back he put his legs up on another chair pushing his glasses up with his middle finger he looked at the ceiling.
"I guess everyone at this school are idiots, even the teachers" Eira muttered to herself, loud enough that the teacher could hear "I don't like having to repeat myself. But i'll make an exception for you, i didn't use my magic aggressively, unless you are so much of an idiot that you think making a chair is aggressive" Eria said, quickly growing bored of the conversation "And i think you'll find the little girl was more aggressive, she even pushed me" Eria said, sounding like she was hurt just by remembering that she had been pushed "But of course you take her word over mine, Now why is that i wonder?"

Miss Tdukuyoma looked at the girl. "You used magic aggressively or Sir Leo would not have sent you to me." With that, Eira found herself being forced to watch a video on the proper use of magic.

Meredith made her way to Inuk and tried hard not to be caught by Sir Leo. @metalcity @Maxis Leos @GingerBread
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Eira payed no attention to the video Proper use of magic my arse, magic is meant to be used to get whatever i want She thought as she looked around the room for anything more interesting that might be happening. Eira saw the little girl from earlier walking to Inuk in a manner that implied that she didn't want to be seen Oh well we can't have you disobeying the rules now can we She thought as she began to make ice grow over the girls feet.

The ice instantly melted away from Merediths feet as Miss Tsukuyoma glared at Eira. "If I must, I will make I to where your magic doesnt work on any individual person. Though, I wouldn't have to if you did as you were told."

Meredith sits behind Inuk and runs a finger down his neck in a teasing way. @Maxis Leo @metalciry @GingerBread
"Okay, seeing as i'm getting accused of things i haven't even done. I'm going to leave" Eria said as she got up and began to walk off before leaving a middle finger made of ice directed at the teacher. Eira noticed that the little girl was with Inuk again Don't worry this isn't over, sooner or later you won't have these teachers or anyone else to protect you.

Lin pulled her hand back at his sudden retreat as he fell to the ground she turned away from him and faced foreword with her head down. "yes" she said quietly seeing him move away from her she figured he just didint want her touching him "who would your a witch" she thought sadly putting her hands in her lap.

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As he felt a finger run down the back of neck he recognised the warmth from when they held hands. He tilted his head back and looked into her eyes. "So, how was the trip? Did you bring any gifts?" He asked.

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Gears saw Lin's sudden retreat and almost jumped her "No!No its not you! Well...maybe it is you...I cant tell...Look i dont feel good" Gears leaned forwads to show he wasn't trying to get away from her but his heart was racing "Is there such a thing as love magic and do you think our Mr Roland used it on the student body? I mean look around..." Most of the students where getting a little bit too 'comfy with each other. Some girls close to Gears even started eyeing him off "What do you think?"

@Srion Receno
"i..i dont know...its possible for who he is.." saying this she didint believe him or even know what to think about what he was saying. she kept looking down as she started to play with her hair. "but I know there is different types of love magic" she doubted it was magic Mr. Roland was using but she wasint sure.

Gears shook his head leaning in closer. He was inches from her face now. His expresion was still semi serious but there was clear embarrassment in it "How can we be sure?"

@Srion Receno
"go up to him and ask" she shrugged turning to hide her face in her hood. "im sure he will be honest with you" she twirled her hair around her finger "or maybe ask the others.. I dont know"

Gears paused for a second, not realizing how close he was "Am i ....Uh....annoying you?" He lent back a little. A little voice in his head went "You made a new friend and you've already scared em! Good going! Dumb ass..."

@Srion Receno
she shook her head "no...your..ok" he didint want to be touched by her now he is worried that he is annoying her he made no sense, maybe it was something to do with what Mr. Roland said. "i...think you should go ask.. the students how they are feeling" she turned back to him slightly.

Gears looked at her for a second before dropping his head and walking over to Mr Roland. On his way there a girl stood up and grabbed him by the arm. Gears turned to see who grabbed him. The small girl looked up at him with a bubbly smile "Hm...your kinda cute arnt you? Tough guy.." She giggled a little before letting go of Gears. Gears turned around and b-lined for Mr Roland. When he got to where he was standing he coughed before saying "Sir? Can i ask you something?"

@Srion Receno

@Maxis Leos

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