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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

Inuk sighed as he was pulled to sit down, he looked at the two teachers "Well, looks like dumb and dumber are taking the stage." He stated mockingly. Then Inuk's belly rumbled "Wish we went out to dinner." He continued jokingly pouting.

Mr. Ione entered the Auditorium with a sigh he had been woken up by the announcement and looked more messed up then usual. walking up to the other teachers he didint bother to straiten up his cloths "whats going on?" he mumbled to Mr.Roland ignoring Sir leo.
Meredith giggled softly and muttered a quick spell under her breath. Suddenly, she was holding a small plate of Inuks favorite food in her hands. "Here you go," she smiles as she hands him the plate."
Inuk smiled slightly "Got to love poison." He joked as he took the plate from Meredith "Thanks." He muttered with a slight smiled. On top of the plate was a lovely bacon sandwich, Inuk was glad, the bacon was the perfect crispness. He took a bite, "This is really good." He stated before taking another bite, then looking at Meredith "Sadly though that was a lie. As this was made by you so it tastes really bad." he mocked with a slight smile, with crumbs around his mouth.

Meredith shook her head at Inuks joking. She was watching the teachers with a frown. They semes very worried about something. From what she could hear it had something to do with the barrier and the missing head master. She was so confused and hoped that they would elaborate soon.
Inuk was confused by the sound of a barrier "What's this about a barrier? there was a barrier?" he asked confused, he then took another bite out of his sandwich. He didn't really care about the headteacher.

After MR Roland finished talking Gears was over come with a wierd set of emotions. He shook his head a couple times trying to drive out his less then clean thoughts. He began tugging at his shirt. He finally noticed Lin sitting next to him. He almost had a panic attack "Hey uh...Lin?" He said still pulling on his collar

"Is it just me or is it rather warm in here?"

@Srion Receno
Blacknife said:
After MR Roland finished talking Gears was over come with a wierd set of emotions. He shook his head a couple times trying to drive out his less then clean thoughts. He began tugging at his shirt. He finally noticed Lin sitting next to him. He almost had a panic attack "Hey uh...Lin?" He said still pulling on his collar
"Is it just me or is it rather warm in here?"

@Srion Receno
Lin looked over at him confused " no actually its a bit chilly" she said rubbing her arm "are you alright?" she put her hand on his head "your not running a fever" . the magic had little affect on her but Mr. Roland s wink gave her the chills like he was hitting on all the students.
Gears was managing quiet well to hold it together, after all, he wasn't the lustful kind of student, but when Lin placed her hand on his head he kicked of from the floor trying away from her, and crashed to the ground backwards. He quickly got back up and set his chair straight "Hey Lin. Your a witch. Is there anything like...Love magic?" He asked trying to keep his distance.

@Srion Receno
Lin pulled her hand back at his sudden retreat as he fell to the ground she turned away from him and faced foreword with her head down. "yes" she said quietly seeing him move away from her she figured he just didint want her touching him "who would your a witch" she thought sadly putting her hands in her lap.

Eira was bored of sitting and doing nothing and she was pretty sure one of the teachers was trying to hit on her. She decided to look around for someone to mess with. After a quick scan of the room she saw a boy eating a sandwich He looks like fun She thought as she stood up, the throne cracking and splitting into small shards of ice behind her.

Eria walked over to the boy with a air of confidence surrounding her
"And who might you be?" She asked as she ran a hand down the boys face seductively, ignoring the girl near him.

@metalcity @Nylana
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As the girls hand touched his face, a small smile grow on his face. "I would be Inuk. Have a sandwich." He said slightly joyful as he shoved the semi hot bacon sandwich into her mouth. "Tastes good doesn't it, my lovely girlfriend here made it for me." He said as he continued to force the rest of his sandwich into her mouth.

@GingerBread @Nylana
Eira took a bite out of the sandwich before taking it out of her mouth "So feisty, Just how i like them" She commented, gently biting her lip in a seductive manner "Shame you have a girlfriend, though that's never stopped me before. If someone gets in my way, they normally end up missing, sometimes they get found, most times they don't" Eria said as her lips contorted into a sinister yet seductive smile "The sandwich was good, but i'm sure you taste better, why don't you let me have a taste?" .

@metalcity @Nylana
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Inuk wasn't sure what to do, so he stuck with his usual defence. "Well, to know my taste that will be $230 monthly. Well to join my fan club, then there is a fee of $500 monthly to get kissing rights, however that is just for a day. After you get to kiss my feet. So wanna join?" He asked as he continued to shove the sandwich in her face.

@GingerBread @Nylana
"Ah Miss Tsukuyoma! Always a pleasure to see you!" Mr. Roland said as he kissed her hand. "The smell of freshly brewed potions always lingers on your skin like a lovers perfume," He added seductively. "Roland, I swear even at times like this you cant control yourself," Sir Leo said shaking his head. "We have a situation. The barrier has been activated, and we have no idea why. Have either of you two seen the other teachers, or the Headmaster? Surely someone knows what is going on," Sir Leo added.
Eira grabbed the sandwich before freezing and and shattering it "Oh i'm sure once you get a taste of me, you won't want me to pay" She said as she trailed her fingers down his chest "And i can guarantee you i'm better than the little girl you have now"

@metalcity @Nylana
Inuk grabbed the girls wrist "I'm sure we can carry on this discussion after our week of dating. But currently, I have a girlfriend. And it would be most appreciated if you left." he stated as he throw the girls wrist aside.

@GingerBread @Nylana
Eira stumbles back a bit before regaining her balance "Oh, i get it. Your not the one wearing the pants in his relationship are you Inuk? But i'm not one to give up easily" She said, looking at the girl "So Little girl do you want to end up 'missing' like everyone else who got in the way of something i wanted?" Eira asked, a sharp edge was present in her voice.

@metalcity @Nylana
[QUOTE="Maxis Leos]"Ah Miss Tsukuyoma! Always a pleasure to see you!" Mr. Roland said as he kissed her hand. "The smell of freshly brewed potions always lingers on your skin like a lovers perfume," He added seductively. "Roland, I swear even at times like this you cant control yourself," Sir Leo said shaking his head. "We have a situation. The barrier has been activated, and we have no idea why. Have either of you two seen the other teachers, or the Headmaster? Surely someone knows what is going on," Sir Leo added.

Mr. Ione shook his head "haven't seen him since this morning". Then seeing Mr. Roland kiss miss potions hand he told his eyes.
Inuk sighed "Why must every female fight over me..." he stood up in-between the two "I don't want anyone missing. This relationship will be over in a week then you can come back and then we can swap spit. So for now wait." He said looking into the mysterious girls eyes.

@Ami the breadling
"We've already established that you don't wear the pants in the relationship, So it's the little girls choice whether she wants to go 'missing' or if she'll admit that i'm better for you" Eira said, once again running her fingers down his torso in a flirtatious manner as she moved herself closer to him "Anyway you know you want me more" She whispered in his ear seductively.

@metalcity @Nylana
Meredith was very angry at this point. But, she quietly sat down and took a deep breath. Inuk sees that his Fae girlfriends wings are a bright crimson color instead of the normal black. She sighs and tries to calm down but her wings remain the same shade as red. "Well, you heard him, we are together for a week. Untilthan back the hell off." Meredith growled . @Ami the breadling @GingerBread
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