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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

Meredith giggled, "Nah. Not this time. Although a teacher did flirt with me." She shuddered lightly at the thought. "Luckily, I am a very polite student who pointed out that a teacher shouldn't flirt with a student. And then I quickly snuck off." She runs a finger down his jaw with a small smile on her lips. @metalcity
Inuk laughed as she ran her finger down his jaw "Aww, guess I should care...oh well, bad girl you running away when being told off. I am ashamed." He joked, enjoying the feeling secretly. He gave her a smile.

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"Well, he left for some reason so I got of scot-free. I feel like sneaking off, want to come with?" Inuk asked as he looked around, seeing there was no teachers he looked back at Meredith.

Meredith giggles and then smiles mischievously, "We could go back to my dorm room and hang out there if you want." She blushes slightly and giggles as she realizes how that sounded. @metalcity
Inuk laughed as she blushed, wanting to embarrassed her more "Oh? hang out or 'hang out'?" he quickly grabbed her hand and ran himself and Meredith out of the hall. They ran out side quickly not being seen by anyone. He looked back "So, to your dorm." He smiled at her with a slight giggle.

(Sorry, I was finishing up a finals paper. Which, I am still not entirely done with x.x) Meredith giggled and led him to her dorm. She turned to look at him as she dragged him in. "So, I brought a small television and some movies from home if you want to curl up and watch some movies with me." The fae was blushing lightly at the fact that she had a boy in her dorm with nobody else around. @metalcity
Inuk grew a slightly evil smirk as he placed his hand on Meredith's head "Well you are small, be like cuddling with a plush doll." He lightly patted her head with a smile "What type of films? I would really watch anything but just as a spoiler." he asked and stated as he removed his hand from her.

@Nylana (just got home)
Meredith grinned slightly, "Well, I have anything from chick flicks to horror. That includes action, comedy and even some cartoon films. I enjoy movies." She hugs him suddenly and blushes even more. @metalcity (all good. I am at school typing up a very annoying literary analysis paper for college prep english
Inuk hummed jokingly as they hugged, he was trying to decide on a film. "I don't mind..." As he was thinking his mind started to trail off "hey, can I ask a question?" he asked, not sure how she would answer his question if he did ask. The room lost all sense of jokes and became more serious as he developed the question more and came to a conclusion of what to ask.


(ok, i just got confused earlier as I saw you online and I was waiting for a response and you kept jumping all over the place then not doing anything for ages xD , hope the 'test' goes good.)
(lol i kind of jumpe back and forth based off what chimed on my email. And finals week sucks alot lol) Meredith pulled away from him. "What would you like to ask me, Inuk?" She looked at him with her head tilted slightly to the side in a questioning way. @metalcity
Inuk gulped, "Well," He started to scratch the back of his head, a little embarrassed. Which was a shock for him as he thought he got rid of these feelings "I was wondering if you actually cared." He looked away a little "Did you actually want this relationship or was it to...well I'm not sure." he gave a small awkward smile.

Meredith blushed lightly, "I actually wanted to go out with you. You seemed uninterested so I thought maybe if I made it a bet than I could at least get the joy of dating you for a while. I hoped that if we dated you would end up liking me." Meredith looked down and blushed lightly. @metalcity
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Inuk grow a slight smile. "Ok, I'm glad. I've enjoyed today." He stated, continuing to look away slightly. He sighed again "It is nice having some one like you. It felt good. I guess I like you that way to." He said, scratching the back of his head a little bit more. Not sure how to continue this situation, he then smiled a bit more and looked at her "Do you want to watch a movie then? or continue our 'conversation' from earlier?" He asked, a little nervous. He didn't mind what they did.

Meredith kissed him gently on the lips. Compared to their earlier kiss, this one was sweet and gentle. Meredith was wondering when she had become so brave. @metalcity
Inuk continued the kiss, returning the favour by being gentle. Inuk wrapped his arms around her genitally, he blushed slightly. He didn't know how he was feeling but he knew he liked the kiss. The kiss lasted longer than before, about 23 seconds. He moved back slightly to take a breath, "H-how was it?" He asked while he got more of his breath back, ready to kiss her again.

@Nylana (thank you anime for helping me know how to kiss people. Coz I know nothing xD )
Inuk smiled "Thanks, quite strange for being my first lot." He said, blushing a little more. "You are good yourself." he waited a second for as he thought of something "Want to go again?" He asked softly, enjoying the moment.

@Nylana (I think we are the only two rp'ers left on this one xD )
(at least for the moment lol btw if you like nation building I am about to post a new one up) Meredith smiles sweetly as she kisses him once again. She didnt bother to answer him as she blushed lightly. @metalcity
Inuk thought happily as she kissed him again, finding it cute as she didn't answer. He sank into the kiss, he hugged her again lightly as they kissed, bringing them closer together as they enjoyed to moment. There lips became warm as the kiss went on.

Meredith giggled and pulled away with a small smile on her face. "Lets watch a movie, Inuk." She pulled out a small stack of about thirty different dvds. "Which oe do you want to watch?"
Inuk sighed "Awww, I was enjoying that." He said with smile, he walked over and looked at the stack of dvd's. He flicked through them "This one looks good." He said as he pulled out a move called 'men in purple'. He showed her the DvD.

((Damn time zones. P.S. I won't be able to reply until Friday. I have three concerts on consecutively, all finishing at 10pm. Despite them finishing at 10, they still expect me to go to school the next day...))

"You should just be able to go to the Principle office." He said to the girl. "That's how the others found out..." Then, Max had an idea. "I'll go with you. I am yet to speak to the big dog in charge. Plus, I have a few...things...to bring up. Things I do not approve of."

@Kanade Yuuki

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