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Fantasy Academy Of The Forest OCC

So umm.... Are all our characters late for class now? If maggie said she is late then the rest of us must be late too right? Should we send them off to class?
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Though there isn't any specific things for weaknesses/flaws in the cs, I think what SRUNewman SRUNewman was trying to say is that there seems to be no obvious limitations to your character's powers. The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Though you also didn't specifically mention flaws/weaknesses in the cs, you mentioned limits to your character's powers i.e. how she can only summon three undead and they only stay for 30 minutes or that she can be hurt/knocked out. The only thing I saw with The Fabulous Emerald's character is that after killing three forms (if you even survive that long) then the character is finally exhausted and knocked out. To me, it just seems like a lot as well as even simply hitting the character will damage the other person.
maybe, but bear in mind that happens when she dies - typically stuff like killing is taboo in RPs, is it not? in her normal form, she has great defence but virtually no offence
and, forgive me if I have a fairly unpopular opinion, but I personally prefer to work out weaknesses about a character and have people work out weaknesses of my character.
Hey everyone! I'm new to the site but not to roleplay! I've been rping for about eight years, and I thought (with some persuasion) I would try this out! I was hoping it would be fine if I could join!
So I was looking though the characters and noticed that more than one of you are demons or half demons. Do all of our demons come from the same realm or are there "different" hells or realms and such?
So I was looking though the characters and noticed that more than one of you are demons or half demons. Do all of our demons come from the same realm or are there "different" hells or realms and such?
Well, my character is a grim reaper and has an own realm, in case you counted me towards them. ;)

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